''fat':- 1 CREAM WANTED Farmers, bring your cream to us and we will pay the very highest market price for it. At the present price of Sutter it will pay you far better to sell the cream than to churn it. We are qgents for the famous DE LAVEL separator. The beet made. COVE CREAMERY COMPANY, E. O. Harper, Mgr. Headquarters at Hill & Allen's, La Grande. We want your Hay and Grain AND WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE We will take all you have, no matter whether it is only a few tons or if it is several hundred tons. We want all the hay in the valley and then some. . V. OLIVER WHOLESALE and RETAIL HAY and GRAIN DEALER BR4DLEY Plows, Harrows & Discs The only PRACTICAL ORCHARD DISC on the market REVERSABLE & EXTENSI BLE. Our HIGH LIFT X RAYS SULKY and GANG PLOWS take the cake. BRAD ' LEY DISC PLOW8 are the STRONGEST MOST DURABLE on the market and are GUARANTEED to stand any reasonable test. EMPIRE CREAM SEPARATOR ALL SIZES AND CAPACITIES. W pay casn for oil kinds of feed and grain. Agents for the well known Aultuian Tuylor threshers, engines und saw mil's. GRANDE RONDE CASH CO. 1316 JEFFERSON AVENUE, Lngmnde Ore. LOCKLAND ROB. Island City, Oregon Breeders of BERKSHIRE, and POLANDCHINA SWINE. Young stock always on hand, and always glad to have yon call and see our hogs, as we brerd them for the Farmor, and ask you to compare our paices before buying some where else. We have now two fine young Ucrkshiro boars on hand, July pigs ready for use only $20. For short time only. WHITE ROSE FLOUR a a Js milled with the idoa of plmisiug'evory dealer's high, f class trado-customers who appreciate quality. The 9k name of the Pioneer Flouring Mill Co. guarantees re B liability and highest grade in every sack of flour H bearing the White Rose brand. P;oneer Flourina MilLCo. tt ' J Abso'utely new throughout The Blue Mountain House L. RAYBURN, Propritor The Best and Cleanest Beds in the City When vou come to town five for Luck I Electric Lights this house a call once - " Lodge Directory. KAGLK& La Grind. Atrie iFO! meets rery ?nir night la K of f bill it I p Vblllng brelnern invited to attend, C O Uockweu, W P. AN sUjTllle, W tea, rOREWraK OP AMBKlCA-UMfl Mild Marlon, Ma U luccls each Tueedsr In Uk't hjdL fJrulbera ere Invited to attend. .11 Heianer Cnlei BsDicr. C i Veadarpool, Kwbms. IOO F I Grande Lodge, Ho 16 meets In their ball everrela'ordeyDuhl. Vlaltini num ber cordially Invited to attend. (J J Vanderpool, N 0. I R 8oook, see. FOR RENT 3 room honse (or house) koepliig apply to lira 6 0 Znber. 6 11 tf -SCAVENGER- I am now prepared to do all kinds of scavenger work that is generally done by a scavenger, and will call at your place at any time. Call me op on phone No. 1841 or address box 692. H N Mason SB Delightful Route, Daylight Ridt, Dizzy Crags, Deep Canons. A Golden Opportunity See nature In all her glorious beauty, and then the acme ol man's handiwork. The first is found along th line of the Denver & Rio Grande Railroad and thn latter at iho St. Louis World's Fair. Your irip will be one of plensure iniiko the most of it. For information and illue trated literature write W. C. McBRIDE, Gen.Agt. Portland, Oregon Best AJMJD Easiest Way to reach Wallowa county is to patronize the TENDERFOOT TRANSPOR TATION COMPANY. Coaches leave Elgin and arrive at Elgin daily GOOD SERVICE FAST TIME COURTEOUS TREATMENT Special rates to Parties Livery Stable Accommoda tions. Proprietors own stables at Joseph and Lostine. Elgin office at City Hotel STALLION NOTICE A great opportunity for you to breed to one of the beat at a very low price. I will make this season with my imported fmaous llockney stallion STUNTNEY T1SS0 With return privilege $3 pay able in advance. No other terms. Can give geod referen ces as to his colts. Wm.O Hansr Change of Management. Tlio undorsignrxl has purchased the busin se kuowu us the Harris Cash Meat Market aud will here after conduct the siimn. We wish to inform the public tli ut wo are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry ut the very lowest prices c naisiaiit with lirt-chis articles We have our own delivery ii ml make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest mnrkot price paid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and en re Cm I attention. Harris meat market across the track. Thone lfiOl. TURNER & WAL1EK Classified Ads FOR REST Hon Belt eeplng rooms at Mn Sheerer. FLANTB FOR HALE Parti wishing vegetable plants or pansy plant will do trail to call upon Mrs a If TaaJ She has all kinds of plant (or sale at moderate) price Parties desiring to plant (lower upon the grave of their friends and relative will find exactly what they want at her horn. Mr j M Taal, La Grande Oregon. Reward 35 reward to spy person who shall give evidence which shall convict any one of unlawfully driving or taking stock from the pastor of the Williams estate known as the Grand View, rang Apply to 1:01 B 8t Old Town, fnon ire May ieti POSITION WANTED Experienced cook who ha had experience In camp and on ranches and hotel want position. The best of refeience famished. Inquire at this otBae. 6-3-12 FOR SALE Two acre block with new S room boose, barn, out bouses, wall improve! 1600, time given on part. This will bear Investigation situated on N Cherry and 5 street. 4-2 tf Fred waring. No ttey Company L will give a social dance usual on Monday night Joue 6th. Reserved Seats. You may secure reserved seats (or the Elocutionary Entertainment by seeing 0 H King. Come to the eburcb office between 11 a in and 3 pm. Notice. To all persons who It may concern that thim of my eons ; Walter, Guy and Albeit have leit home, against my consent. I will In no wis be responsible for anv debt tbey may contract. Dated at Summerville the 27 day of May 11)04. J. T. Woodell. Agents Wanted 150 and up per month to energetic representatives in ereiy city and town in Oration, Washington and Idaho, Dignified, honorable, permanent and immensely profitable emyloyment at home or on the road ; something new, send stamp or call an office (or detail. 8QUARE .DEAL BROKERAGE COMPANY, UK, 7th St Portland, Or. A registered black Cercberon Stallion for Hale. A good and Share foal getter, can show 75 percent of colts last I year. Is 17 bands high. Weigh about 2000 lbs. lea first elasa borte every way iu U years old. 1 have sold my mares and now offer the hoaae for 1500 for particular write to T B Sams. Cambridge Idaho. All Kinds of Work Wesley Davie does' all kind of scar. anger work, such as cleaning wells, cess polls, etc. Ulve him a call. 4 24 tf Will Exchange Singer sewing machines for good driving horses. Machines sold upon easy terms. Repairs for all kinns of machines. A. H. STONE. Office in Jaa. R. Smith's Jewelry Store. CI Recorder Oregon. tie Oty of FOR SALE Two room house for three hundred doll 1 2 3 4 ft 6 7 Block 3 Sunnv tion tn La tirande. Addres Konde Loiulier Com pal Oregon. June Notice I Beginning with June 1st ni ! be allowed the use of citv Irrigating; purpose except to hours of and 7.:lo P M 11 ' liili W Early Risi p TIB IAM0US LITTtB ri I Per e,lc relief from Bill. I Soa Heedeche. Torpid Urei I dice, Otulness. end all trowS NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. 'I would rough nenrly all niaht lonu," writes Mrs Chns Apidensie, of Alex andria, Ind., "and rould hardly get any sleep, t had consumption so bad that if I walked a blovk I would couch 1 frightfully and spit blood, but wben all other medicines failed, three II 00 bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery wholly cured me and I gained M pounds " It's aloliitely guaranteed to cure ( ougba, folds. La Grippe, Bronchitis and all Throat and Lnng trouble Price SOc and 11.00. Trial tellies Ires at .Nsnlin Drug Co. Congratulations. Mr John H gallon, Editor of the Garland, Texae, News,, ha written a latter of congratulations to tb manu factor of Chamberlain' Cough Rev udy, a follows: "Sixteen year ago whan onr first ohild was a baby be was subject to oroopy tpells and we would be very an easy about him. We began using Chamberlain' Congh Remedy in I8S7, and finding it such a reliable re medy (or cold and croup we have nsver been without in the bone since that Urn. We have five children and have gives it to all of them wltb good re sults." For sale by all druggist. CONTEST XOTIC& On! tod Slate Landofllos, J Grande, Ortvoo, Msy it. 1904 A eTOfflcient oovtMt ail davit having bteo Bled la thUofloe by Kred K Holltko, oonu uat, ftgilast H(mUd entry No 0715, made Jan 7, 1901, for EJ4J SRJ4 (tec w and SWHWJtf 8m 3i Tp 4 8, B is k W M by Kmery B Jonea, Con tcitM, in Which it u alleged that laid Emery E alone haa wholly abandoned aaid homestead Diry for tnor than six month lut past and further that be haa never eetabliahed retldenoe on aaia wot or Quae any tmorove rants at any time; and thai eald al leged abaesce from eald land was not due to btetunploymantin the Army, Nary or Marine Corps of the United Btatea aa a private aoldler, eaman or marine, daring the war with Spain or during a&y other war In liltili ti.0 United Btatea may be engaged. Bald parilea are hereby notlfed to appet r, respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at it) o'clock a m. on Jane !. N04 before the Register and Receiver at the United Mates Land offioc to La Grande, Oregoa. This aid contestant having Is a proper affi davit. fllMi afk 1-rth ItW. aat forth facta which bow that after dot) diligence p&nonal seric ofj 01 wtia notice can not 00 maat; it ia uereoy or der d and directed that such notice be fives by doe and peeper publication. K. W. Davis Register. A. A. BoberU Receiver. J. T. Williamson Attorney and agent lor Oon testes. A CROWN 1 A CROWN ! A CROWN ! a piano 01 many tones ana 11 of them appeal to tbe oulti- -t.J V l AL. vavou midvd. x uu aietvw trio piano tone, the harp, guitar, banjo, mandolin, zither, auto- ham Alln anrl manv ntnar tones at your command when you have a CROWN PIANO The handsomest of these ins truments, make an impression upon every one who sera them, and the price is very moderate. Write ua for catalogue EILERS PIANO HOUSE 319 361, and 353 Washington St. Portland, Oregon. The place where instrument are finest and in greatest var iety, prices lowest, terms of pay ment moderate, and treatment fair and most courteous. Piano Tunning Prof Hendrioks .M.tltle .Piano toner, is (ally prepared to care for yoor Piano, and solicit your patronage in hi line. Give blm a trial Phone 476 SilOTlilNI Union Pacific DM-ABT Tim. ehedal I LA aXAHDB. NO. I Nrv , s;&0 p. m. Sell Lake, Denver rt. . t Mil a Worth, Omaha, Kanaaa " -areV. m. till. St. LoaU. Chloam NO 6 Portlaaa, Dallee. Pea ni letOD, Walla Walla, n , "V- D.7IOD, PomeroT; B0 1 . .th via Hpo kaae. Portland, Dallee, Pen i NOS dlolon Umatilla Wei- vn as Inla. l.fwHton.Colraj Moscow, Wallaoe War a-xiam tMSpm dner, Mpokaoe and D-aw"aBI other polnta east and . north vis Hpokane. 'NecrDally '.land cSty, Alleei, i eioedt imbier, and Kliln hi Bundar leonneotlons at Klf In S30 p m f:ls a ml with alaae forpolnu ! I In Wallowa oonntr Oeean Steamers between Portland and Ban FraaelKO every five day E. C. MOORE, Agent Notice "om Jnne 11 1S04 Water rent must be paid In advance between Ut and 10th of each month at the office of the City Recorder tietween t he hour of 9 and UJO A U and 1 and 3PM From Jnne 1st 1904 Water rent Chester P Newlin City Recorder, Special Excursion to the World's Fair. Tbe Denver ant. Rio Grande, In con. neotion with tbe Missouri Paciflc, will run a series of personally con ducted excursions to tbe World's fair during June. These exourslous will run through to St, Louis without change of cars making short stops at principal points euroute. The first of these eioorslona will leave Tortland June 7, and the second June 17. Tbe rate from La Grande iU be to St. Louis and return. Bzcuraioolsts go ing Ala tbe Denver k Rio Grande have the privilege of returning br a differ ent route. This Is tbe most plea sunt way, aa well as tbe most delightful route to cross the continent. 1 be stops arranged give an opportunity of visiting lu and about Kansas itv. If yon wish to accompany one of tbVee excursions write at once to W C Mo Bride, 1M Third street, Portland, for Bleeping oar ra6iraUoat - Umatilla County ; Following are tbe Umatilla county officials and their majorities sod plaralitlesaocordiDg to tbe unofficial oouot this evening: Join! Representative Dr W O Cole 400 majority. District Attorney O W Phelps 100 majority. Representatives Wm Blakeley 150 majority W O Chamberlain 100 ma jority County Judge H J Bean 20 major ity Sheriff T D Taylor 1200 plurality Clerk Frank Baling 260 plurality Recorder Wm Fulsom 260 plurality Treasurer i Sommerville 1000 majority. Assessor 0 P Strain 800 majority Superintendent F K Welles COO aji rity Surveyor J W Kimbrell 300 ma jority Coroner Dr A W Botkin OOmijor ity Commissioner Horace Walker 450 majority. Cabbage Plants EZ Caebine, of Fruitdale, has a large number of cabbsne plants for ale. Phone 1937. tf Bids for Digging. Bids will be received by the oily o La Grande op to and eucluding the 10th of June for diggirjg 10,000 feet (more or less I of ditch for water main, said ditch to be 2 leet wide and S'i feet deep and to be completed by July 1st Chester P Newlin City Recorder Fair Rates TheJO R dr. N Co will; toll round trip tickets to St Louis and return from thin city, with stop over-privilege both way for StiO.TIekets only will be on sale three days of each month only as fol low, May 11, 12 and 13, June 16, 17 and 18, July 1, 2 and 3, Anfrust 8, 9 and 10, Bept 5, 6 and 7, Oct 3, 4 and 6. Notice to Contractors Sealed bids will be received until 2 o'clock p in Saturday, Juae 11th 19n4 for tbe construction of a one story frame school house for District No 3 Unltn County Oregon according to plans and specifications which may be seen at tbe residence of C R Thornton Architect, La tirande Oregon. Tbe building to be completed and ready to occupy by the 15th of August The directors reserve the right to reject any and all bids. W L Tucker Chairman Board Directors D June 10 LA GRANDE, FRIDAY, JUNE 17 Performances ut 2 and S p m THE PRIDE OF THE WEST NORMS The (treat Tented Amusemtnt Enterprise that Fulfills Every Promise CIRCUS MENAGERIE WUSEUM HIPPODROME 2 -RINGS elsetvaacteed RINGS-O A NEW CIRCUS THROUGHOUT mm A Multitude of New Festurea ISevrr llclore Presenkd In riH " 5-MARVELOUS BELFORDS-5 ! 4 - TLYING LA VAIM5.A The ,l,..,1.JLAcrh.,a i Th, Meet LZ.,,, Jm' , MF1 NflTTP. lAN'OIP MCI vnTTc 1 - D d . J, "u " . ,t.,:""5 "" n"c 6 - GRACEFUL GROTHS - 6 movi aowum uDnnmuu tttinll me t-orcmatt I rkk Ccllu S ROYAL OKA JAPANESE TROUPE 8 JRAINED ANIMAL EXHIBITION" :.Y.Z.K"lp"Aa"V' Ll".n' Tiger,. Mycnss. Taping. Llama." u"',"J'"ri.'". tlk, Ue,.r,l,.nCJ, U...H.H snu Monkey 20JOLLY JESTING CLOW ,S 20 HERBERT RL'MLEV'S SCHOOL OP EDLCATPD ;pi 7 HERR (IEISLER SCHOOL OP C 0 MF ( ) V H IE P H A T a QUARTETTE OP CAKB WALKI1SU I JoKstS ENCHANTINQ PONY BALLET ,luKi,LS ONE MUNDREDSTARTMMfi ACTS Koy.i Koman N, ppodromc Million Dollar New Meoaeerle Olvmn.. i , Vaiv"y Natural History S Olympic 3tad,un, Mammoth Arrial Enclave GRAND GOLD GLITTERING ST RETAOAne MulU, 50c. Childr.o, 25c. Oo. Ticket Admiu V ou U EvUtln,. FIGHJ One Killed tf; Posse Think They Have The Other One Now Sur rounded Special to tbe Observar New Caatle.Colorado, June posse of ranchman and cowt oys living in the neighborhood of Gaifleld west of this place came upon three men r,n-i? miDnosed to be the Denver and Rio '! Grande train robbers who dynamited tbe express car rear Paiachute, Colo rado Tuesdav niaht. A battle follow ed aud one ol the pursued was killed. The other two escaped into Gaifleld canvon and at laut accounts were completely eurrounded. It is though! escape is impossible. rJmer Cnatt man, a oowbny, received a slight flesh wound. The dead man was brought to this place toDight and uleutifk'd as one of tbe three men who worked several days last eek on tbe U A It U sec tion r.eai Parachute under the name of J U Kns, Nothing is known of hit history here. Resigns Portland, Juae 10 Postmaster Ban croft thin eveuing telegraphed his re s gnation to Senator Mitchell at Wash ington. Kor some time paat tbire has been much diftaeuiion in local f istnllice affairs and several weeks apo it was reported that Bancroft would be aeki'd to resign. The request for his resignation came today and was immediately complied with. Sum Wliile is nn more. l.ocul option wins in the otato hy 3C00. ll is possible for the county seat to work an injury instead of an advantage by owners placing ficticious values on property they hnve en the market. It will require cool h .' ids in Colorado or there will be not a few lives sacrifi ed. 3 S 6 GARDNER FAMIIV. '6 hco. i the iHh . " 3 - MCDONALD BROS. If c-' a l .H i 10-A ItZM ST