f It: i' J. x.' Kga JAMIflOS W B8TULL ELY A JAMISON We will call for it and bring it f m home when promised. W gauMta latiafaotion and only ask for a ' trial order to demonstrate to 70a that we un . dontand the laundry business. Yon can stop our wagon at any tima or phone the Laundry ' and yoar work will be called for at once. We . make a apeeialty of family waahing, aud can da ytrnr waahing better and cheaper than - you. ' A trial order tolicited. Union Steam Laundry B a o a a a a a a a a Li Grande Evening Observer CORBET BROS., Edliora iProes. Entered at tba Poet Offloa at La Utanda, Oregon, aa Second Class MaU Matter. Published daily except Sunday One year in advance. . . . Six mouths 10 advance. Per month Single copy. PHONE 1961. 742 FIB STREET.I COAL- and WOOD TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Wood, Clear Creekand Castle Gate Coa) . : 1 Net and Unp seal. Bad Br, tamarack, and fallow pine wood Phone No 1611 g. e. fowler, anaaaar a la, 0. Grout and City Coal Co. All phone orders erivn Our prompt Attention. .6 50 ..3 6ii ,..65(- ....5c FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 10. 1904 La Grande iinpoits twelvt ton of dried fruit every mo Hi Tbinkof this and consider our vast orcha'ds and the vast quantity of fruit which is allow ed to perish here every year A fruit dryer would be a paying investment 'or the owuers and also furnish a market for other wise unmarketable fruit and also a market for labor. VOTE OF CONFIDENCE The record of the republican party, since its accession t pnwer in I860, appealed so forceably to the goodseuce and patriotism of the voters of Oregon on last Monday thut every county in Oregon lines up in a solid columns for the doctrins, and policies the re publican party. When the condition of home life, the com forts that in 1904 gather around the firesides of the sixteen mill ions of homes in the United States are compared with the comforts enjoyed around the American firesides in 1860 aud prior thereto during the reign of democracy, it is not to be wondered that the vote on last Monday was au emphatic dec laration of approval of republi can principles. rOBtALC-Laaber aad hloalas lor aalatatoelu north ear ebope by F 8 1117 .. I The people of Union county 1 can rest assured that tbey wit ! he able to see a Founh of July ! celebration this year at La Grande which wi'l put eveiy- thing else in the line of celebra ! tions in the bade. La Grande j is beginning in time to have a icelehrutinn in every sence of the 'word. The committee is meel- jing with fi.ttteiing sucese in FOR8ALE-400,rdo. 10 Inch yellow 8pcun fund, aI11 very OI10 particulars tee 8 R Hawortb, 4-27U Free La Grande Btorrge Co. Try tl e Observer for Job Work- will assist in making this the banner celebration within the history of the county. A wonderful record. Every county in the sta'e Republican. TO THE PEKSON PAYING RENT! Do yon always intend to toil for your landlords? If you have ambitions to own your own home, hat we have to say in this advertisement will command your attention. We are planing Home Investment Addition on the maiket. Eiich lot is about one aore in size anil eaoh lot has a water right in one of tho very best Water Ditohes in this valley. The soil is tbe very best, and every let is level. Home Investment Addition is only ten minutes we Ik from the depot. You can buy these lots on the in stallment plnii, making a small payment down and $5 00 a month until paid for. When paid for you got a good warranty deed and an abstract of title. You will want to see this property and we .want to show it to you. We can build yau a house mid let you pay for the property just like you were p.iying rent. After months of i-iieculatiou the demncrates seem io havp made little progress towards uniting upon any pre-idf nti .1 candidate We fail to cee my leusou for all tins fuss us u is a pateut fact that the noiiiinaiion can only result in a mniutmtary honor. WEAjii- i u Jaidquak tkks Foi'IvodaU end Kothik Supplier A complete .t.-k .f- paper. Plates at wbohjlo prices Mailorders answered promptly. l.a CranuV Du o ("0 and Red "Cross Drug Co I We I o Not Claim ! Th ,t pi US The lust election resulted in many surprises. Judge Boise who for years has been on the bench iu the Willamette Vslley was defeated, likewise Judge Clifford, Col., Raley of Pend leton, for prosecuting attorney, likewise Capt Sam White. WE i . CLAIM Thai our plant has been in. irifthe sh ne management for nearly TEN YEARS iraimhav ;)een to" please as sj'iod ork i.nd courteous treat o please ' i if you will favor I : P ' -h ! II of the time, hut The vote throughout the county on the county seat ques tion, outside of La Grande and Union was thiee to one in favor of La Grande. This refutes all idea of selfishness on our part. Tbe people voted for tbe change by an overwhelming majority. Ifyoukuowof any manufac turing enterprise which could be secured for La Grande make it known to the Commercial Club. Lu Grande is open for engagements Union county is republican by at least 400 on nat onal is sues, and Roosevelt will carry the county by 600 in Novem ber Remember this latter figure. There will be plonty of time between now end the next elec tion for us all to make ourselves acquainted with the new direct primary law. NO PITY SHOWN. "For yeare fate wan after me continu ously" writes F A Qulleilge, Verliena, Ala. "I had a terrible case of Piles causing 24 tumors, When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Salve cured me. Equally good (or barns and all ac lies and pains. Only 26c at Newlin Drug Company, Call for bids for Construction of City Hall. To whom It may concern, Notice is hereby iciveu, thut the underpinned,. Recorder of the City of Ia tirande. Union County, Oregon, will receive se.iled bids hi his otttice in the City of La Grande, Oregon, up to five o'clock P M on tne 22ml dav of June A D lttOI. for the construction, of tho City Hall of La (irnude, Oregon,(not Including Inumiaiion, the contract lor which haa already been lot :) said City Hall to he constructed lu accordance with plans and specifications, 1101' on file with .1 L Slater, architect. That each bid shall be accompanied by a certified check for the sum of 1.V,K) dcllars That the City of Iaorande, hereby, reserves the the right to reject any and all bir'a, Dnted at La uraude, Oregon, the 3'd day or June A I) liHM, Cheater I Newlin. Recorder of tlie City of La Grande, Oregon. FOR PALE Two room houaeand 7 lots (or three hundred dol'ara. Lots 1 2 3 4 3 0 7 Block 3 Suunv side addi- tlon to La drande. Address Grande Konde Lainlwr Company. Perry, Oregon. June 4-12 Notice Beginning with June lat no one ahull be allowed the use of city water fur Irrigating purposes except between the hours ot i W and 7.W V M. II c Uilinan. Wat9r Snpt, La Grande Investment Company. Early Risers Per ealcli relief from BlHewnesa, Sok H.ad.che. Torpid Uver. Jaun dice. Dluiness. and all troubles arla Int from an Inactive or sluggish Hver, OeWin'e Utile Early Risers are as e.ualle. They sol promptly snd never frtpe. They are es aaimy thai II Is e pleasure to take teem. One to twe aet aa a nUM leaaOve : twe or lour eel aa a pleasant aad alfectlve cathartle. They are pure vef.table and abeerutery Thsy tonlo the aver. e That during tliis t e near y all, at all time- e That we will do our e us with your patroua J That Packages left i A viewon A Myers or Kirtley's I barber shops will recen same pi .'inpt attention that e they would if leftjal'tln- laundry. jABC LAUNDRY PHoNE i85i WALL PAPER II yon are thinkin r of i per should not fail to in -ct our t wall paper a good in y yi .rs, say we have never b u ah to 1 Ins si-nson, you Vc have sold r ill ln'ii' s! y r audi linlv ait'.Mie desigus at such an entrem- 'y low price as we an- now showing. We have a force : rie . decorators aud gun tiite i t onr new arrivals. N-w , i rr v ug tvery week. kit hU'crs and 1. 1. Call ami see Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Doors and Sash 0. P. CU0UDGE Adams Avenue. LA GRANDE, OREGON IflBllllllllllllBSeBII Farmers' trind Traders' National Bank. LAGRANDE, CmtCGON Capital Stock fully paid . 60,)i)0 Surplus fuud ... 13.(Mi0 Liability of Shareholders . ti0,(i(0 Responsibility ... 13:5, MINI We do a general hanking and exchange business. Drafts bought and sold on earteru and foreign hanks. JOSEPH PALMER, President m J. W. SCKIBER, Cashier a B B B S3 B B B B H Jl B B B B B The World's Fair Route -I se anticiuating au Kastern trn a'vislt to the Louisiana jl'uri lm' . sition at St, Ixiuis, cannot all'"-! to overlook the advantages oll'ered I'V t-.e M it so c hi Pacific Railway, whi :i, nn actrouni of iU various routes aud jrml wavs, has been anpropriately n i tier The World's Fair Koute." Pajetigerri from the Northwe' take the Mib.hocri"pacikic trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of -it her roing direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pienaant Hill. Two l rain? daily from Penvr und Pueblo to St. I -on i uithont rhantie. carryiiiK nil classes of modern ci nip men t, including electric lighted .bH-'r-vation parlor cafe dining cars Ten daily train a between Kansas City au- St Louis. Write, or call on W. C. MrHrld (General Aeut, 124 Third st, Prtlan ' for detailed information and illu-trate-i literature. K. O SPICES, 0 COFFEEJEA, BAKING POWDER, FLAVCJNO EXTRACTS Absolute Purify. Fines! Flavor, CLOSSET & DEYERS PORTLAND. OREGON. My Lady's Jewels CV" nlv .. t .r altraftirpm-ni T m i' - ' hn wrii'H ilnii "lu..,.. .... ' :..l,iniM, tli:i,o-t" probaliiyj i i ii.l irs. II.. itrtainlv ?,m,,.,i I tlr no . A111I .1 hi. 1...K- I...- 1. ..I (n II. dl-.l i uf Dainty Broaches X he on. n. ,t l.,ue lVtiil ,i, nnu naturally Icivt-n to a...rn re,t. ime r: n li!me der illt-r1 n -y .: 'iiy st..rB. j-.nli tie.-iuiiliiij l UK It MK.llTHt.. ,-,i.t ,.rt. nt.v.r -i-ii .. 1 rr. 1 n. rp an- tlmm f,,r ,wll "mi-in ami m In mmi, nure 1 iwj have said about them. That the way to rcxh a man's heart is through his stomach. Try it hv using Ged.k'S Bros' canned fruits, delicious heraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, just fresh from the gatden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything. ' We always have the fresh est cogs, butter, etc. Special atiention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. hi,, I CLAIM r . . . t 1 1 I. II M a Inry la e 111 ihe fnd (ii--tion It iriets ullil therefor h t ihd meat bi y-nod, Toiikft', yrit-tly st ale, or djv( juifelepe iea-tf will spoil any meal, Suppose ynu const It ur on THE MEAT QUESTION v"e know and buv the best kind. 7na 'mi roly on our knowledge und our dn mre 1 1 hold your trade tu g?t you the Hllet rnpitt you ever elosed your teeth on. Aw fur'prcen, well we are not so fo( lieli hh to huve them high. Bock & Thomas DWIRIath aanwailaekkrvtMa M rm to k) tnr Wllca Huai Sarra. fv e wiica nazal sane ta ise crlrlnal aaa mlj ftfaane. la hat DtWlR'ali Ih. only yVltaa Ml Sarf Witch-Hazel All ol ban ars aoanlart alts Was kat. tatlona. eheaa and vorthlaaa araa aancarna. DaWln a Witch Haial Salve la a ipaelflc lor Pllaa: Blind. BlMdlnf, llchlnsandPrrmdlncPllaa. AlaoCuta, Buma. Brvlaaa. Spralna, Lacaratloaa, ConMalona, Bolla. Cartwielaa. Ecaaraa, Tallar. Salt Rliaiaa. and all otaar Sk PI aaa aaa. SALVE rRaTTABKD MT E.C. DeWlttc5Co.,CWea. Kor .SI' by all L) unnisis 1 Tl a 1 Mm the sky comas w . tne tiar ot health j famous remedy 10 ,he l ach that wich It V,il"yPepUe, curing an 1 1 o m a o b troubles and digestive disorder,. Vi 1 it U4 .A 1 1 ' 1 A 1 si ft 111 la unabia lo do for Itsell. even l( but Sllrhllv iltarii'rr-i or overburdened. Kodol supplies the natural lulcea cl n. does Ihe work ol the stomach, reuli g the nervous le:uion. hlle me tntismed musclei and mombrane nl tv.., orean are allowed to rai ana Deal. It cures Ind're.atlon ri.,..: Palpilalion of lh h..' irervoua ayspepaia and ail llarrarh .n..k' l.. cleans) n j. purlfytr.g and strengthening ihe t'ands. membranes ot tha slom-a-yi and dlgaarlve orgaoa. KodoIBjspepsiadud ersMRtD eLT v K. C DeWtt Si Co.. Clataael J, 11. ar , the Jeweler TwlMiaaCaau-t.. W1 By All Druggists W m mi eeVJaV 71 Dngfiiif 1 1 .