I- 'i. i fine Suits-'1 i .; ..; (;. f'-nr . .Wyfiu,areK ji(!, .- ,. W buy , a summer . , suit i yoo may j as ; - wU buy it wbil ,;l dhr .stock ' is. com-,','..,'; plete. , Uuf qiulli i ;-,( r variety at uiiriiHtil- . able ipricfcs Made h n "right, lit right hi . I Uli prided right. ' tfQ fen tIV jp i"j Er3 of things suitable for Tune wear : mm s Specials in Shirt Waist Suits Hot weather peeking around the corner nothing bo cool or stylish aa a pretty shirt woit. Here's a c'anoe to buy one at a surprisingly low prlue. We are sho ving theoe in Taffetas, Foulard, Mohair and Crash suit uge,, PRICES FROM $1.50 to 132.00 UP AGAINST the petticoat problem? You'll be sur prised to find the latest shades, ot the prices. Much better than you'd suppose for twice the price 9. to $22.00. ' Men's Fine Shoes We have them iu patent calf, Eateut kid, black . vici kid and welt, all jibe' newest lasts in both button; andlace. Prices $2.50 to 5.00 : - We an agents for W L Douglass ar.d iid Preeton B Keith world reuowned shoes. i I'W.-iV Shirt Waists We have just received the ewelleat line of shirt waists ever brought La Grande. Come in and look them ovor before the sizes are broken. GREAT CORSET VALUES New straight front, dip hip, Batis te corsets for summer wear. K and W latest model, color white and drab 18 - '.tO, $1 01) Wo are not surgeons bnt cuii give you a better form pro. vided juu buy one of tbeso corsets, .nd you won't get the best tit iu cor-s-t unless you cjidd here. Ail the low shapes. SI 00 to 75.00 to 1T I t I'"' 1 Style 571 Ladies Sumoier Underwear It's time to think of light weight underwear. Tou'Il find the best styles and bniilitiea here if you : n.i this week. The saving meaus considerable. Unusual Wash Goods Values To.. urok finnAa the, eAn(r atv.pii &t remark V! , 11 ODU wvriw iV ,.m.9... , o ' ' " ably low prices this week hot weather material at saving every woman must appreciate. We wil! pla'ue on sale for one week our entire iine'tif wash gooda. , We have 1,000 yards of Hasistes .anl Luwna, in a variety of colors and piiiternr, regular 45o for lie. 25 and 30o Voiles uml Etamines, this' season's inobt i stylish' materials on sale this week ,.,ai 22c', , AM our , 60c and 65o fancy white waisiiutfs, attractive styles in.; ' big variety, oil this week at low price of 45?. i i .7fV - SHIRTS. line ""r- "' Tbe'iwellest : of soft summer shirts that ever,, crossed t RooVyt. : just received, regu lar prlfcM..-tw. 1W MEN'S,, HATS., All lie nrw bhaper for. sum iier.-wear.. PanatnaB tlO to 114 A l 'ii,ri "f-; ir7f nr ' Va'm that Win Men'i Hurt and touch 1 their Purse Strirgs. -HOSIERY BARGAINS;- - ' UNDER-QARNE Meu's fvak black and BeamlesaiiVs Menfyjinfll ioiji,hrEgyptian half-hosn, the lauuiUB ."Shaw ahirt.oud drawer best 75c knit" make, 25 to 1.25. - lvalues lit the jjity Tt Trunks, tiaveling bags, suit caseB and trayelir-g riacessijfes of every deacnptiqji, . ..Trunks of, exery size auil style, dress trunk, skirl trunks, wardrobe uiiks, stsamor ;trunlC8, telescopes, ietc. l.araat Atiri iriAat pnmn HtA linA in thn mt.v. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN - TO; MAIL ORDERS: vvl f- .V'IH ' ll ! K.... rA). ' i iti mmmm RE , :';;s f-.i ,-.-7- :'! , ii,:.i !(! i:ia DO YOU WANT A CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so e can locate you ou some fine claims in Wallowa County M'Daniel &, M'Donald WALLOWA, - OREGON Fresh Chseolatej Fresh Bon Bous Fresh Nougact FreshCarmelB Fresh Taffey Fresh Saited Peanuts Fresh Salted Almonds Frebh Popcora Fresh Fruit PHILIP LOY Nine Killed Kns (Jily, June ti Nine persons art. reported to be bnen killed and as mtay injured in n eollission of ps aenger trains on the Missouri Psoific railroad near Mas tin Oily, 15 miles souvli ol Kansas City. The trains which met liend on, Here the west bound Colorado limited aad eas bound accomodation t aina. For The Army Posb iVasliington, June 6 Secretary, Talt. todt; approved the allotments made by quartermaster for funds lor the barracks and quarters at lbs tar iou- arm; posts and lorta to be ex pended during the ).' yaar begin ning July 1st. The following amounts Wer.- tllotted to the l irt; ?n the Pari, fio : Fort Worden, Warh.Dgtoo, tl30 000; Fort Casey, Washington, 53KW enlarging the pott in A'-ika, 160,000; Boirrf Barrarka, Idaho, US,1W), Vau eouvxr Barracks, Washi itoo, $39, 000; Fort bowtna, WasL ngton, f 19, 950; Kort Walla Walla, Washington, 90,M0; Knrt Wright, Oi igon, $14,000 I BOSS I MEAT MARKET Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Propr.etors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - BUTCHERS. Highest market price paid for all kind, of butchers' Stock-Hides, pelts and furs. Also chicken. & poultry. Much Gold H'-Httle, .Tune 0 A Dr.wron sp olal to the Post Intelligencer ay: 8;noe aliiiHing h-gan in i lie Klon dike M iy 3, a nyalty bon paid on 5J763 oii'ices o! gold or nearly two ton". This is the largest imoiint ever produced. Up t" June 1 in this dia- triot last yeai only llOOu ounces were taken out in a similar period. l or The Boys. Have you boya thai are bard on hoes? Of course yon have, Well I have a line of Boy's Sboea thai an built to wear Come and see, and be convinced. It costs you nothing to see the goods, All lips repaired Iree ol ebarge on anything I sell. T M Stubblffield. , Piano Tunning V . Prof Hendricks the tellable .Piano tuner, is fully prepared to care . for your Piano, and loliciti your patronage in his line. Give him a trial Pnone 47 - NIGHT WAS HCR ItW0 I would cough nelyaUlgut long, writes MraChas Applegal. of Alea andrla, Idd., "and could hardly g any Imp. 1' bad consumption, i ao dm uh If I walked block I would cough frightfully and tpit blood, bat wuon .ii k.. .xlli.ina falld.5'three II 00 bottles of .Rrj King's., flew Dlicovery wholly ..ourert ..meana, (igaini poonds," , It's,.abolHtayJ guarantetd to cure Coughs, Colds,. I Orlpps, Bronchitis and alt Throat and Lnng troub ea Price SOo and $1 00. Trial bottles fret at Newliu Drug Co. Hard Times. .....jooeotocoodC) OFFICERS: K. aaiTit J. M. Bebkt.. J. M.Cbcbch... F. L, Mktkrs... . president .Vice frefi-lent Cahir A"t. I'acb-er DIRKCTORR: J. M. Horry, J. M. Churcli fi. ii. i.oniev, H. Sinitb j l C. Stanley 3655 LA Grande National B nk I. a Orange, Oiceon CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 Transacts a general banking busln-e'!. B.ivs and -oll exchange on all parts of the world. Collections a specialty. O'd men kiuw and history terefiet their n.coiory that bard times, soup booses, low wages, and general stagnation of hosinrss liai ever follow-' ed Democratic victories at tba polls. Tbe h-.nl times that followed Cleve-1 land' ai;rnd election and demooialic maojri.y in Oongresi are well remem bed by he y.ung II you desire a repetition of snob times, vote the Democratic ticket Monday, it not vote tbe I'.f publican ticket. Change of Mahagcmcht. Tbo undersigned has 'purchased tbe busio ta known as tbe Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct ttie same. .,, We wish to inform tbe public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at tbe very IowsbI prices conaistaut with first-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to' the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, bogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and raref'il attention. Hanis meal market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER - Notice to Contractors...... !WlaJ blda will be recalled until i o'clock p'm Saturday, Jut 11th 1904 for the ' construction-' ol W one story frame School boose for District'. No? Unit .County' Oregon according to plana and specirlcatlcna which may be an at toe residence of O B Thornton Architect,, U tlrande Oregon, Th hnildlna to. bt cooiDleted and ready to occupy by tb ltli of Auguat The dlractors re serve the right to reject any and all bids.,. W L Tucker I " Chairman Board Directors D Jane 10- .. . Ire frigerat 3 rs I Wc are sole agents for the ICE; KING, galvanized J and porcelaiu enainel lined; will not break, i jscratch, Si or corrode. Last a life, time, alw"ayS sweet arid clean. ; I , - , . -.. r i . . I ' ' Noted As ' An lee Saver . . : 1 Ornamental as well as useful . . All sizes and prices it R'ANDROSS rnone y-i;. Residence Phone 367 Undertakers and Embalmers ci ;: a HOUSE FURNISHINGS t- 1202 Adams Ave I Congratulations. Mr Jobii lI(Unloin,. Edlt.rol the tiarlan l, Texar, News, has written a letter of oongraturitloi.s to the manu facture of. Cbaintwrla.u's Uough Re medy, as follows:. ..r'alxtaen years ago when our drat obi Id was a baiy he was subject to croupy spells and, we would be very uneasy about hliu. We began ueingCbatnberlaiq's Cough Remedy in 1887, and iinding it such a reiUbla re medy for coldaandcr. up wa have never been without in tba bouse, aim e that time. We bavs five children and have given it to all of them with good re suits." For sale by all druggista. NoW is the TIME ! Mrs. VanSerbilt. ('p-cial to Ob- tver.l 1 K;nci0'i, Ji 4 Mrs, K. V f rtni' .Ii , cc. ri g to tbe Call, h. -i-i rt cwd bfr I agents to tell hi nl rotate in (. .lornia. The p j "rty. wliioh wi'l I offered In sep ar e pirces, ia valiie-J t several mil liou dollars, ' STONE AND BRICK WORK Of All Kinds Done AT REASONABLE PRICES WM C HANSEN Phoup, Main 1021 ,1... n I'-il I To Fix Up Your Places. We can supply you with the stuff for - fences and sidewalks. , All kinds of lumber and buildiing material. STODDARD LUMBER CO FTULL MEASURE . 4 W A. " 1 " l n ain wooa uy v.uru 128 cubic feet to the cord. 16-inch . dry chain wood 13 per cord. This is cheaper than by the load. X -. - i . i i p l w xou pay lor wnat you get i.u gei. wuuv you pnjj mi, j Phone 571 S- W NIBLE V f: ' ' ' - - .. .'.-;.f . - . . tt .',;, jw-fH'';iATrt,,iTr-sr t---&-frfwtw.vv--i''rtyri? rrM'',t'