1, SK31 JAMI8QW W BTULL ELY A JAMISON " We will call for it and bring it home when promised. ,J& Wa goumatM wtbfketion and only ask for a trial order to damonitrata to ybtf that we un : -;' dentand the laundry business. You ean stop - oor wagon at any time or phone the Laundry yow work will be called for at onoe. " We '' make a specialty of family washing, and cab v ; d joar washing better and cheaper than 700, A trial order solicited. ' PHONE 1981. U.............. COAL M WOOD TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Wood, Clear Creek and . Castle Gate CoaJ Hlftnd ltmp ootL IUd fir, tunwsok. and yellow pine wood Phone No 1611 G. E- FOWLER, MLO, Grout and City Coal Co. All phone orders erive 1 1 Our prompt Attention. FOX tAtT Lumber aad shingles for . aslet Weeks north ear shops bjr FB 11J7 Try, the Observer TO THE PEESON PAYING KENT! La Grande Investment Company. J a' a a D O a a o a 1 , a a n Steam Laundry 742 FIB STREET. . FOB SALE 400 eordo, 18 Inch, yellow pine and fir wood at a bargain. For particulars see 8 B Baworth, ' 4-27U Pres La Grande Storrge Co. for Job Work- Do yon always intend to toil for jour landlords? If yon have ambitions to own your own home,"hat we have to say in this advertisement will command your attention. We are placing Home Investment Addition on the maiket. Eaoh lot is about one aore in siie and eaoh lot has a water right in one of the very best Water Ditches in this valley. The soil is the very best, and every let is level. Home Investment Addition is only ten minutes wslk from the depot. You can buy these lots on the in stallment plan, making a small payment down and 5 00 a month until paid for. When paid for you get a good warranty deed and an abstract of title. You will want to see this property and we want to show it to you. We can build you a house and let yon pay (or the property Just like you were paying rent. L Grande Evening Observer CUBBET UB08., Editors AProps. Entered at tha Pott Office at La Grande, Oregon, as Second Clou Mall Hatter. , Published daily exceptt8undey One year in advance $6 50 Bix months in advance. . . .8 60 Per month. . .'. , . : ..... ... .65c Single copy 6c MONDAY EVENING JUNE 6 1904 , TO SQUEEZE THE U. S. " The " bounties whioh the French government pays to the Ocean going shipB had such an eneot in lowering sea going ships freight rates that the ship owners of England and Ger many have formulated a plan to offset the French bounty at the expense of American exports to accomplish this they have taken the French ship owners into the scheme by an arrangment whereby ... they can get their bounty and - freight cargoes without the lowering of freight rates. ; ' ' The plan that was agreed up on by a recent meeting in Lou aon at wnion eignty ne per cent of the ship owners of Eng land, Germany and France were represented an agreement was made and signed that all out going rates from England, France and Germany should be left untouched by the combine, or in other words, that owners could accept whatever ra'es tbey pleased from - Europe to any American, African or Au'trali ui ports. But it was also agreed that ' a fixed minimum rate should be made for all home ward voyages and the ownera bound themselves not to accept less than this fixed rate, but to lay their vessels off if the fixed minimum could not be obtain ed. The magnitude of this huge ship combine and its probable effect may be realized when it is remembered that the mer- cbant marine of the world ii 1908 consisted of 82,008,208 tons of which the English flag floats over 16,006,374 tons. The French Bag floats over 1.622,0)6 tons, the German flag floats over 3,283,274 tons. This make the combined tonage of Eng land, France and Germany foot up 20,911,664 long or nearly two thirds of the worlds ocean going shipping. The obvious effect of this combination of two thirds of the worlds shipping will be felt more by the exporters and pro ducers of things for export in tne United States than elsewhere became of our large export trade which in 1903 amounted to $1,420,141,679 worth of stufis, the bulk of it went to Europe, and 90.9 per cent of it was carried in foreign ships. The farmers of the United States will find the operation of this European combine or trust, when its gets in operation, will deminish his income in a very noticeable degree and his con dition will be without remedy so long as there are American ships enough to carry only 9.1 per cent of the produce they ship abroad. The object of the combine is to squeeze out of the American exporters and those who pro duce things be exported enough so that the offset of the French bounty to French ships will be neutralized so far as it gives French ships an advan tage over German and English ships or in other words, that European combine boldly pro- po-.es to take tiiivu iInci of our Ihi K (.1 (jliippmg hi.u lortr n 10 pay a bounty to English m d German ships equal to thai paid by France to her ships. This forced bounty will be largely collected from the farmers of America beoause they produce 62.73 per cent of the value of the export from the United States. The total ex ports from the United States in 1903 being $1,392,231,302 of whioh (873,322,882 worth was agricultural products. The formation of this Euro pean trust is of far more im portance to the farmers of Union county than the war in the east. Notice From June lit 1904 Water rents must be paid in advance between 1st and 10th of each month at the office ol the City Becorder between the hours ot 9 and 11.30 A M and 1 and 3PM Chester P Newlin City Recorder, Notice Beginning with June let no one shall be allowed the nee of city water for irrigating parpoaes except between the hours ol 5.80 and 7.30 P M. H C Oilman. Water Supt. CONTEST HOTICE. Dotted St ates Land office, La Grande. Ores-on, May 18, 1904. A sufficient ooutest affidavit having been filed In thii office by Fred E Holltke, come tant, against Hnme'tcad entry No 9713. made Jan 7, raoi. for EH SKH Bee 11 and SH HW Sea 25TP48, III; B W M by Emery B Jones, Con testes, in Which It is alleged that laid Emery E Jones bas wholly abandoned said homestead entry for more than six months lost past and further thai he has never established residence on said traot or made any imdrove menu at any time: and that said at tend absence from s.ltl land was not due to hia employment in tne Army, Navy or Marine Corps of the United Htates as a private soldier, adman or marine, during the war with Hpaln or duringauy other war in which the United States may be enRuged. Said parties are hereby notiffed to appear, respond and offer evidence touching snin allegation at 10 o'clock a. lu. on Juno 2,, 1904 before the Register and Receiver at the United Stotos Land office in La Qrande, Oregon. This said contestant having in proper affi davit, fllod May 17th, l&o,, set forth facts which show tbat after due diligence personal seivice of of this notice can not be made; it is hereby or der d and directed tbat sueh notice be given by due and proper publication. . , , E. W. Davis Register. A. A. Hoberts Receiver. J. T. Williamson Attorney and agent for Contestant FOR BALK Two room houseand 7 lots for three hundred dol'ara. Lots 12 3 4 5 6 7 Block 3 Bunny title addi tion to I Urande. Address Qrande Ronde Lamber Company. Perry, Oregon. Jane 4-12 Early Risers B mm sjamnvvtw kii i mmww relief from aeh Headache, Torpid Liver, Jatsav si toss, Business, end ill trembles arte leaf Item an Inactive or sluggish leer, DeWM'e Utile Early Rlaare era as tumlliff. They act promptly and never gripe. They ere ea dainty that It la a pleasare te kike tkem. One to tve sot ae a ssitt laJtiUve: twe or four eel aa a pleaaael aad effective eathartle. They are twee t rotable and abwhner They tonlo the liver. sassaste esn-v av B. O. SaWUt a Co., OtalexaglM W re arm HEADQUARTERS Jor Kodak and Kodak Supplies ; 4 A complete stick ' of 'pWemlewil ; nan-. Plates 'at wholesale prices V Mail olera La Grande Drua Co. and Red Cross .Urug Co j V T We Do S That wo can l-.'asc nil flhu I WE DO Tbat our plant has been uaderfthe same management for nearly TEN YEARS That during this time our aim has been to please as nearly all, at all timed as good work aad courteous treat ' Tbat we will do our best to please you if you will favor us with your patronage That Packages left at Anderson & Myers or Kirtley's ! barber shops will receive tbe same prompt attention that they would if left at'tbe laundry. A B C LAUNDRY PHONE i85i WALL PAPER If you are thinking of papering, this senson, you should not fail to inspect our .stock. Wo have sold wall paper h good many years, but we can honestly sity we litvn fever l-eeu able to ofTer such truly artistic !t-jii.i s ut rUfh an extieni' ly.lo v price c are mow sliowiuy:. s . We have a force of experienced paper hangers and decorator and guarantee satisfaction. Gall and see onr new urrivals. ' New paper arriving every week. Paints, Oils, Glass, Lime, Doors and Sash 0. P. C00L1DGE Adams Avenue. LA GRANDE, OREGON m Farmers' and Traders' n m National Bank. J O LAGRANDE, - - OREGON a " Capital Stock fully paid $ 60,000 Surplus fund - - - 13.000 Liability of Shareholders - 60,000 B Responsibility . - 133,000 H O We do a general banking and exchange business. B Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign banks, fl JE JOSEPH PALMER, President B J J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier aBBnaaaaBBaeiiBBHiiig.1 The World's Fair Route -3 Those anticipating an Eastern trip, 'or a'.viBit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot alTord to overlook the advantages oft'ered by the Misaorai Pactrio Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gated ways, haB been appropriately names 'The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take the Mis.iiDBi"pAciric trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains daily from Denver and Pueblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all classes ot modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains between Kansas City and St Louis. Write, or call on W. O. McBrlde, General Agent, 124 Third et, Portland for detailed Information and illustrated literature. tf. J. M, I- care, Not Claim .5 people all of tli liiue, out J CLAIM I o spices, n COFFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER. FLAV0RIN0 EXTRACTS AtNolutePuriry, Rnesffl&vor, OrtaUsI Slrenjth, feasowbkfVicei CLOSSET ft DIVERS ' POHTLANO, OREGON. My Lady's Jewels Certainly add to her attractiveness The poet who wro'e that "iieanjy un adorned Ih adorned the most" nrohnhlv had no dollars. lie certainly showed little sense. And if hie lady love had my mini y or Dainty Broaches She would not have believed him. r'nr a . man naturallv loves to ndnrJ lerpelf. So one can blame her after vii' niy store. Cuch benntlfiil' una at so moderate a cost were never l l rt. 1 here ar things for men . Jn-t oiiip in and er how ranch .11 re 1 i-mild have said aoont them. the Jeweler N r 1 I That the way to reach a man's heart . is through his stomach.' ''Try it by using Geddes. Bros' canned lruits, delicious beraies, lettuce, on ions, and radishes, 'just fresh from the garden. We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything We always have the fresh est eggs, butter, etc. Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. MEAT CLI1 MS a Iirg p1a--e in tho ford cjUHPtion. It ie er8jiiti il therefor th t the meat be ifo. Tonh, prit-tly at' ak, nr djy, jniceleBs roajtH will Bpuil any mvui, SllpJiOSO you CotlBl'lt Ufl on THE MEAT QUK8TION V'e know and buv th best kind Yoa can rely on our knowledge und our do sire t't hoi your trade to g?t you the fliiett niett you evr dosed your teotb on. As fur price?, well wo are not so foolish aa to have tuein high. Bock & Thomas De, CWtttttra. aaaHta took tar srlssa M Kin to b Wltak MasaTlsln, . .win's WHoa Haul Batve Is taa 1 tkat la snads tnsa M saiSaaiisiil Witch-Hazel AUatsMrsaw nlaifslls Wsslssl tottiins, atvaaa. anst srortklsas svaa eaatsnoi. DaWttt'sWaeh HsaslSart ts s spsdflc for Ptlssi BUad, BMInf, hohlnt sjl Protrudlnf rilaa, AlsoCnta, Duma, Bruises, Spraina, Ucarattoaa, Cantystooa, Bella, CartssscUs. taams. Tettsr.Sali Ptkataa, asaaHetaar JjaV Dtsosssa, SALVE muraaaa ar E.C. DWi(tttCo.,Calcae For Sale by all Druggists O Q Like a Comet This In the sky comes the star of heaitn famous remedv to the weak and does for the stom ach that which it weary despon dent dyspepuo. Is unable to ds for curing ant Itself, even If but ilomaoR' slightly disordered troubles ant or overburdened oisoreatas Kodol supplies the natural juices oi digestion and does Ihs work of the stomach, relaxing the narvnna l.n.lnn B.t.11 the Inflamed muscle.! and membranes of that organ are allowed to rest and heal. It cures Indigestion, flatulence, palpitation of the heart, nervous dyspepsia and all stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying and strengthening the glands, membranes of the stom ach and digestive organs. Eodol DjspqsiaCuiq Tsar Desist Caa Indr Tsa. Wntlaass. S 1 .00 Bias ssSsttaff tM easas tiss tal staa. srthiea asas tar iea. SoM By All Druggists I -1. : "" i. s Jt :