Mm ii '; r it a Viarload of a NWall Paper. Wl ifcivi ost rtcctvM half a car load of the newest M latot wall paper. Hair a carload means 20,000 JOfc ThbU mora paper than any dne firm-ever thsaght of bringing Into this county in a single season, Atop Is all for tale and moat be sold tnls eeason. We troaeHtwo antlM paper hangar direct from Chicago. lot dotbt the moat skillful . workmen In Eastern w " daes paper hangen already In oar em. twta ntm worungroos in the Inland Empire. ' : Stackland & McLachlen I PAINTS. 6IUS ANDIEGLASS TURKESTAN ALFALFA II The DryLnd;Airalfa grows without irrigation. BROME GRASS Red Clover. Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Baity, Oat Etc V The only Seed House inUnion County, V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 tOCAtlTEMSOF v -INTEREST Concerning People Who Come And go and Other Items ' of Local Interest The Opherons Opera Company will be heard at the Opera House tonight, The rain wu a welcome suest ..'bill- side, brightening everything and add ing a ton or so to the bar crop. Owing to the numerous County TonignC Remember, tonight is .the nlgbt when the OrpHeiii Conoart Co will be in this oily. Do not allow anything to keep you away. Tbera Is no doubt but that this is tbe best company of Ua kind to visit tbis eity this season. Tou will hare a most enjoyable tm log and also assist the Gomtnrreil olubby attending. Secure your tick ets early. ' D.' ' Ir A.CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 IIHIMIMIItKMHMmMUIttMtmttffPttHtf" Notice ol Lost Note. To whom It may concern, notice Is hereby given that a certain note o f 400 dated 11a) 19 1902 payable nn nr fS''t' "I ,te.'e,! HyrumMonson and Cecilia and tbe Sommer house arrival, was j . . . . left om t nin mad Pyble Emll Haase, has LOOK HERE We buy and sell all kinds of second hand goods, pay eoah and sell cheap. Bote.. $2 50 ', Bed Lounge......... 100 Extension table .. .3 50 Bed room suite .12 60 New camp stoves. 2 35 New 16X20 pioture frames 160 ; Si wagon 15 00 ' 2 wagon 5 00 . Single harness 3 50 Bedsteads 1 00 Money loaned on collateral security. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams ' STJ" SiLr "d 'S" """ 'Phone 1581 ; al Second Hand GoodM jt j jt Mrs M Bosenbaum leave, tonight to attend tbe annual meeting of the If - M I A which meet, in Salt Lake City. s ' . Mr. M Andross and Mrs Wm Erlcson entertained tbe ladies ol tbe Whist club at the former, home yesterday after noon. Mrs Cavana won first prize and Mrs Erlcson second, Contractor Mara Is getting out an especlaly fine corner .tone for the city ball. The council bare not yet decided upon an Inscription. Mrs Hooker who formerly a resident of this olty, but now of Portland, arrived In thi. city this morning and will remain here a few week, visitlug friends. Mrs K I Bloke's and her friend Mrs McKeeban of Taooma Wash with Miss Madge mid Thomasoo,, been the guests, for a few days, of Mr and Mr. Fred King at Wildwood fruit farm. " Mr and Mr. Jake Clark returned on Monday from a visit with ber people in Elgin. They were aooompanled by two of ber sisters who will visit them a short time. The La Grande Modern Woodmen of the World and Circle women of Woodoraft will go to Pendleton Sunday to join the oamp there in their unveil ing and memorial services. Fred Geibel returned this morning from Spokane where he went on busi nes. connected with - the Fair store. Mr Geibel purchased a large quantity of goods for the store and say. the people of this county will soon see what he was doing while he was away. POSITION- WANTED Experienced cook who has had experience in camps and on ranches and hotels wants position. The best of references furnished. Inquire at this offlae. 6.2-12 .. Water superintendent H O Oilman ha. just completed cleaning tbe city well and reservoir. He scraped both out, white washed the bottoms and sides and put two barrels of lime in each. Today he is flushing the city hydrants and then the water supply will be in first class condition. Mr Oilman did hia work thoroughly. John Gardner, proprietor of the brick building occupied by druggist A T Hill having a concrete walk constructed in front of hi. building. It will not be long until all the walks on Adams Avenue will be constructed In this manner and Mr Gardner is setting a pattern for othen to follow. Jay Van Bureu ha. received a large iron lathe which he has Installed in his repair shop- This lathe Is driven by a four hourse power gasoline engine and is complote with all the attachments which go to make a first class machine. When you are in his neighborhood call in and ask him to show you thi. new machine. been lost. And all person, are hereby warned against buying or selling: said note a. it ha. been fully paid and satisfied. Dated La Grande, Oregon, June 1 190-1. Emll Haase. d-w t SttMMMSMMS SSSSSSSSSS. ! 10 PER CENT j REDUCTION I ON ALL SPRING SUITS. 126 Suits for $22 60 $89 suits (or 127 00 32 suits for $28 80 $36 suits for $31 50 $40 suits for $36 00 Tbis for 20 dajs BOSS & ANDKEWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. e Lodge Directory. EAGLES U Grande Airia aw P O E macta every Friday aight la K of P lull at S p m ViilUngtmUiern Invited, C O Bodw.u, W t AN ll.Yvllle, W Sec FORESTKBS OP AMERICA Joart Maid Marian, Ho meet, eoh Tuesday Id Elk's hall. Broth ara are Invited to attend. Al Helaner Cblel Ranger. O J Vaaderpool, lteo See. IOO F La Grande Lodge, No 16 meets to their hall every Bat urday night, VUltlng mem bers eordialljr Invited to attend. OJ Vanderpool, N Q. Z B Snook, Sao. Spokane Cafe This well known Cafe is now under new manage ment and the public is as sured full value for their money. Special prices to holders of meal tickets. In order to give the pub lie an opportunity to know just what a good place we nave, we have reduced the prioe cf meal tickets from $5 to $4 60. This is a spot cash proposition. Try our Sunday Chicken Dinner. SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johnson Depot St La Grande.Or. City Property For Sale Finely Located, Well Improved s-Room House For Sale. Also Other City Property, At CRANT & HERR0NS $1 Our Coffee Man Is an expert. His coffee always that delioious fragrance and rich flavor that denote perfection. Taken In the morning such coffee is a preparation for tbe days work. Then AT LUNCH it is a tonie for mind and body. Taken at night it iu a fitting finish to a good dinner. And coffee isn't the only good thing we have. Our bill of fare ill reveal many equally an appetizing. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN.DAY AND NIOHT We sell weekly Meal . . Tickets, CaBh $4-60 If" these J. E. Tilt shoes aren't all norht I will make them riht or reiuna pricei C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, DEPOT STREET Second Hand Sale All Invited. - I extend an invitation to all ladies to call and see my line o! shoes whioh I have juat opened. No trouble to show goods. We ask you in, whether you buy or not. X M Btubblofield A Man's Standing. A man's standing depends on his feet. Wear Weber Bro $3.50 Union made. T M Btubblefield. Up to date footwear. Vine Shoe Repairing A Two; Light Electrolier Botpire style complete with etched glass shades land all attachments put up lu year residence for $;.oo See samplesin our window. La Grande Light & Power Co NEW ARRIVALS. Hare you seen tboniT They arrived yostorday and are dlsplnyod at tbe Rainbow Store tbe latest in crush leather bolts, blouse sets, three in one pomdapour dip comb. The little beauty stray look comb, ribbon and laoe remnants. They are One and are selling fast, at the right prices. We have apocial sales nn the finest line of summer dross goods trimmings, ribbons, millinery, shofS etc It will be money in your pocket to go and ace them and got our nrices Uur jewier has a small Btoam engine that he has made, call and see it. He can mnko you anything end repair everything iu the jowelery line. OS-TE-OP-A-THY Not friends but enemies advise that treatment is severe harsh and indeli cate. The faot is, skiiiiui o.woi.-. adapt the treatment to all conditions of uubealth Iroro Infancy to Infirm age To those who have defeotiv. throats a soreness an itohing hoarsenea. ul cerated tonsils- or quinsy osteopathy appeal, as a sura and sale remedy; it is tba treatment par-axoellence for all Rambler Bicycle, $15 Double Harness, 3 60 Saddle, 7 50 Winchenter Center table 76c New Trunk, 2 15 Dining Table, 2 00 Oak & brass rack .75 Moquet capet, nearly new $14 00 Portiers and eheneile curtains, 1 00 to 3 00 Parlor Lamp 75c to 1 90 Four styles churns, 50o to 3 00; Lounges, really good ones, 2 00 to 7 00; baby buggy, 100; Kitchen Traasuie, 2 50; 10 gallon milk can, 150: guaranteed sewing machine, 6 50; Menu's Qreen bone mill, 4 50. Selling out at wholesale cost all my crockery, glass ware, lamps, wash bowles and pitohers, etc. I will pay highest prices for second hand goods. Free delivery. F. D. Haisten, Formerly C & M Noble's Store. ALWAYS ON TIME Whan you order groceries inn i r are sure to have tliem delivered on time ANOTHER THING When you order groceries from ub you are sure to get tbe vervbest tojbe had. We keep onlyjthe best ( The next time you are at our store ask to see our special line of BREAKFAST BACON & POTTED MEATS C.'lRALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir aud Jefferson Sis. ' How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore E. P. Staple E. E. Romfg ROMIO & STAPLES -GROCERIES- and fancy gro goods; Tinware, A full and comp.ete line of staple ceries. Fancy canned and lunch graniteware and wooden are. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery products always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 ITTTf f f TTTTTTT1 l''H-4'-''lW M CLOTHING We have recently a.clcLecL to our stock AN ENTIRE NEW LJNE Of these goods in men's youths' and boys' suits and are now prepared to offer some very excepional values in these lines. The goods were purchased direct from manufacturers who make a specialty of medium priced clothing suitable for general wear and good service. Men's W)ol Cassimere suits, $5 00 to 10 00 Men's Fine Worsted Suits, $S 50 to $12 00 Men's Clay Worsted Suits, $6 50 to $12 00 Youths' Cassimere aud Worsted Suits, $4 23 to $6 00 Boys Cassimere aud Worsted Suits, $1 50 to $3 75 Boys Wash Suits, CO cents to $1 25 Also a large line of mens and boys pants. THE OOLDEN RULE PP. 1303, 1310 and 1312 Adams Avenue, La Grande Oregon. r m a : : r a a 1 t i t .1 oirculatory disturbances M IIIIMIIIMMM II 1 iin . :'jr, 7"f ' "