'i::Smmimmm'imms' ' " " " lr ' n ' - MUUOt,0 CO. , . ( ' - 1 I . J v I I L II Jl -J ' It yw are titing1' to buy ' aJtunirner ' ' -suit yon" may at " '. well buy it while, '. our stock is coin- . .. . plate. ; Unequalled -variety at minister- able priots. , Made t of things suitable for Jupe ww, right', fit .right and f ; prided right, 3 . t n m '''tit . ' , :t;,'j: Specials in Shirt Waist Suits Hot weather peeking around the corner nothing so cool or stylish as a pretty shirt waist. Here's a chapce to buy one at a surprisingly low price. We are showing these in Taffetas, Foulard, Mohair and Crash suitings. , PRICES FROM $1.50 to $32.00. '; - UP AGAINST the petticoat problem? You'll be sur priped to find the latest shades, ot the prices. Much ' better than you'd suppose for twice the price 98o to 22.00. , . . . A ;,,.:. Men's Fine Shoes We have them in patent calf, Ealeut kid, black vici kid and welt, ;.' all the . newest lasts in both button andlace. Prices ?.50 to 5.00 , , We an agents for W h Douglass aid ; and Preston B Keith world1 i'1 ; renowned shoes, ".; V'V i r. : ..' 7r n "". , . .' ... , ' SHIRTS. . Jbe iellest line . of soft summer shirts that ever crossed the Rockys just received, regu1 ' lar price. : MEN'S HATS. 'All the new 1 shape ' for sum ner wear. Panamas' $10 to 914 "V 7 ..; - vvk istja liitiaJSrttt: Shirt Waists We bars just received the swellest Hue of shirt waists ever brought to La Grande. Come in and look them over before the sizes are broken. GREAT CORSET VALUES New straight front, dip bip, Be Un to corsets for summer wear. R and W latest model, color white and drub 18 30, U 00 We are not surge ns bnt we can givo you a better form pro vided you buy ope of these co'6flt, and you won't got the best fit in cor. s t unless you come here. All the lew shapes. 81.00 to $5.00 3 iTYLE 571 Ladies Summer Underwear It's timo to think of ilgtit woight underwear. . You'll find the best styles and bualitlos hero if you boy this week. Tba saving means considerable. . Unusual Wash Goods : Values New Wash Goods the leading styles ' at remark ably low prices this week hot weather material at a" saving every woman roust appreojaU..? r,,We will place '" on sale for one week our entire line of wash goods. ,l . have 1,000 yards of' Baaistes and Lawns, in a variety of colors and ; patternr, regular 16o for He' " 25 and 30o Voiles and. EtarnineBr;..th,i; season's', most stylish materials on ale this week at ... 22ic. , , AM oor. ' 50o and t'5o fauoy white waiatings, altraotive styles in big variety, all thic week at low pnoe ot 45:-.' " ' " 1 ' SPECIAL, ATTENJlQlNf Values that Win Men's Hearts; arid touch their Purse String. JO'NDER GARNEXT8 Men's fine, combed Egyptian shirt and' drawers, beat 75o HOSIERY BARGAINS. Jx . M.... r..t M..V mwA ...1... half-hoso,' the famous "Shaw l-'f sliirt and. d knit" make, .25 to 1.25. ' values "ju the ju the pity. , f J ' ' . Trunks', Itaveling bags, suit cases and traveling necessi'ies of every description, Trunk of exery size and(style, drees trunks," , skirt tracks, wardrobe trunks, stsamer truuks, telescopes, etc. , Largest and most complete line iii the eit'yV v" '. '' ' - GIVEN TO MAIL ORDERS.. THE Gmm . ..... ...... i, , .... .... - sn '. ..... .... ... DO YOU WANT A CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so s can locate you on some fine claims in Wallowa County M'Daniel &, M'Donald WALLOWA, - - OREGON; WIOMHIWaiPBpiBJi KaaBBrqroBmTOSSB5laiBlSBaaiBHBaa8B! Fresh Chocolates Fresh Bon Bona Fresh Nougact Fresh Carmels . 'Fresh Taffey Fresh Baited Peanu's Fresh Salted Almouds Frebli Popcorn Fresh Fruit PHILIP LOY lo icttlc itrike (Special to the Ob-erver) HungingRiok.Ohi.), June 3 Ther. was do disturbance of any kind up lo a late bour tonight. ' Nraotiailor e for tbe settlement ol tbe strike bave been begun, John Mitchell and Thom as 1, Eidd as vioe-preildenU of 4hr Amsricso Federation of labor repre senting tbe men. At Andersonville Ga. Oor. 31." of Michigan is now ' tn Andersonville, Georgia, by, authority ol that state, superintending tbe erec tion ol a 15,000 ' monument to oom memorata tbe uufff ring ot tba Michi gan's quoto the 12.926 Union soldier, wbodird in that a mfedeiat priaoq from Feb 15. 1504 to (he last of April 1885 out of a tola' of 49,926 reoeived. BOSS MEAT MARKET Stellwell & Vaurlermuelen, Proprietors. WHOLESALE - AND RETAIL BUTCHEPS. Highest market price p.id for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens & poultry. A. APPEAL OFFICERS: B. Burn President J. M. Bsbbt Vice President J. M. Chuscii Cashier F.L.Marv.ai Awt.Chicr DIRECTORS I i. M. Merry, J. M. Church i. B. Conlev, R. Smith J UL. C. tiUnley 3655 La Grande National B nk ; La Graode, Cickoo CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $7?,ooo.oo TraaaaeU a general banking business. Bays and sells exchange oa all parts if the world. Collections s specialty. A Letter toO. H. King CbicsgOj Msy 7, 1904 Mr O H Ktoy, tt .., (Xa Urande, Ore. ;.'' X My dear Brother King; Miss Buckingham is one of the b:at young readers of her ag that I kmw of. I shall prepare bar trot ram for the summer myself, and tMafc you will be entirely sa'e in nsing her. She is deserving, ambitious and wili please your people. - ; . Very sinosiaW yours, Enward Amherst OU President Olt Bohools of Expression Advertised Letters ; The following letters remain un claimed lor at the IrlanJ City post offloe ' , M Ffank AyersMits Nora Burton air J m a E trnest Mrs O Harrison Mr G Monmotb. Persons calling (or the above will please say aovrtised June S. Fannia Brown, P M Notice To Water Consumers . Oridanca No 58 provides that The water rates shall bs due payable in advance at the offlss of Oity Recordrr on the first day of esch month (except for nieteis, which are paynble on the 1 first day of the sncreeding mon'b), I A It . . . ., ... . aitu 11 uu, I'mu hhuiii 1 iiv unv leu UBIB Ibe watr aill bi shut off the premires. and not turned oj nntll payment ia nude of ammnt doe with one doll in aiMition for the expense of turnlOK wa'ar off and on. This ruin shall be strlittfy enforced beginning with tbe 23id. of this mouth. -HO Olluiso. Water ttaot. TO . THE ypTEHS In yesterdays ': mail we received a poster, stating a few reasons aby I10 cal Option snoulu he dsfeated.: It. aaya of the votea, "if be la progressiva ha he aill vote for the lusiitutiuu whkh will keep thi most money in circular Hon," .Will local option atop the coin age of money? Or Is the. roan, who bays a drink to con tribute to. the,, run ning expense of the state going to hoard thstnlcKla Will he not spend., it . to contribute to the running expense of his family?- Wilt not Ibe shoe imaker, the grocer and. the dry goods merchant be benefited, there by? Jn speaking ol tbe great revenue from the liquor and tobacco ttaffie would it not be well to consider . whether, we would need so much revenue if we had no these prog res We Institutions la our midst. Would It not lessen tba number of Inmates in tbe Asylums tbe Orphaas homes and the per bouses If tt wen not for the liquor traffic we won Id have less need of their boasted charity, Ia not local option truly Amerclao It meana that tbe majority, shall rule, and what fair thinking mao can 'deny us and himself that right.. There are mauy slavea to the drink liaoit who if tbe temptation was not forced , upon them would be free men and bappy prosperous citizens supporting their families, In this respect are we not our brothers keener? Think of the sorrow, the sin, the crime snd shame brought about by the influence of this great evil. What mother would not rather weep tears of sorrow over the graves of their loved ones ratbnr than (ears of shame over their : live, t The liquor traffic is the greatest irsue be fore the people today. " J Nest Mo.nlay will s-ttle the' local option question for a tiins at least, bnt a Question is uever settled nntll it la 'settl d light. We may bs subdued but uotconpie' d 'n,irii;ilef awJ think andl bope ltl alii; atrongtheii the prohibition , pait ;! as nothing 1 couiil. f .;.;,r' " . i ! ' the liquor Iramo ka'atonie to tfce froni wim their tho44uqoa thu; anilaof dollars andhWbaTe great need (or their biieldhsa intare.t Is shall an! 'Thev.mav Durebaarw press ana ;r efriger;atqrs Sond put their llturaturl t they send out no .speakers.' Onihejatlter baud If is a pies' foru that prntajtsjin' of oar homes,' our society, aWdSw .boslness lnter: tt I t ope eT:'o 'u coa rider this question t6 itfi .true light. Shall the majirlty nfleW'V " ! ' Mrs Thiinkl'Wsiie; !';- ,:''' sWn'45 ri'T ' '.' $ J OMfon i: Gourt!$ SUtement.( . , , Union, Orron, My 190. To. the' Tax. Pavers 'au.t Voters of tnliin Co., Oregon : " 1 J I In seswar to the Questions asked in relation to the question ol removing th county teat from Union to tia Grao.ie, we reepsctfully say that should the question of obangidg tbeieOuaty seat be voted, at the next' election, In lavor of La Grande; aewlll not favor maklug the change If the changa will coat the taxpayer bl this eonhty In etcass of f 10 perannam for rerrt lor kt (past Stteen years, of soluble buildings for all court purposes and routity offices and Bounty Jail, and If the ' cost ot trankft ring the o (Tides and records Irom Onion o La Oraofle will cost ths taxpayers la excess of 1200, and we hereby publicly an- nounsa that we will op.iose (be change when voted In favor of im Grande, un less tbe Interests of tba tax payers are protected against an j expease greater than herein stited. H '1"1 ' Vonrs Retpett.'ully,'-. . -... MA HABBlr OR, Oonnty Judge. ' ROBEBT HLDMEH8TE1N, Com- mtssloaor. a I . 1 ' r" ;,t . . ie are 80le agents for- the' ICE KING, giCvaoized ;' and porcelaiu enamel lined; will not break, scratch, S - or corrode;-' Last a life time, always sweet and clean. Noted A8 An lee Saver ' ' " ' Ornamental as well as useful S ' AH'siees and "prices ; 4 e .M. i. .11.. I I M f.lil..l) ... D..iW..1.. '.' t.' "... J e STONE AND BRICK WORK t ' ' ; Of All Kiuds Dpne ! ' . AT REASON WM C HANSEN Pboue, Maiu 1621 E'ANDROS" Phoned Residence Phone 367 j UndertaKcrs and Embalmers FURNISHINGS " ' 1202 Admns Ave No W is , the TIME i To Fix Up Y0ur?PIaccs.i We can supply you with tbe stuff for feui ea aud ' side walks. -a r - v ' 'i All kinds of lumber aud buildiing material. STODDARD . LUMBER CO :s-.iJt - ' FULL MEASURE ' 'i Chain wood by the Cord , , . . i i . .., 128 cubic feet tu the cord. 16-iucb dry chain wood $3 per cord. This is rheapef tb.au ty th load. You pay for what yon get at.d e1 what you pny f,,r. hi TiisisiiiiuiiiiiiiiiMiMaTntiTfitiatmataaii i 7