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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1904)
. . . -,v " WEATHER fZ'ZZKSJ J'. OU,JW wia ucvnf. - v 'Copier tonlnut wltfi light frost, ' ' LA GRANDE M farmer Saturday ' THE TRAINS No 2 Kait bound 8:10 on - V , VOLUME III LA GRANDE, OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, JUNE 3 I9H : . 4 : ; NUABER 4 -'6 EVEN NO OBSERVER1. UNION WORKERS DISREGARD TRUTH "Justice" Calls Attention to a Few Misstate ments that Are Being , Circulated. - To tbe Editor: I bave jut read a circular which has been aaut over the county by "The Union ConntySeat Committee" with the intent of mislead ing the voters next Monday, , It re hashes the usual stale stuff that haa been talked at Union for years, and which has been shown repeatedly to he untrue. Bnt it takes an entirely new position on one point. It has been repeatedly stated in the Observer that a decision of the Supreme Court in the case of Eaton V. Mimnaugb, whleh w'll be found reported In vol 78 ot the Pacific Reporter, beginning at page 754 thereol, settled the point that Union county canuot go In debt to build a courthouse. We again assert 1Mb to be t ue. Union has all along claimed this and Eaton and others brougli' r.v , nt referred to above to have tin- .-1, i.-e Conrt hold th" 'pedal act ol i o leg -lature provid! ' for buildll.: u rt I honse, inciis t people should iUe at the special edition provide I I r by said- act for a reniutiil of i!ie c. urt house, to be uncoi.etituiion .1, ills as the gist of that case and the Hup ' reme court to decided. The decision of ihe court in that ine is too long to print in this lwter. 1 ut the following utmet from the i.p m.n of the court, Miveicd by ju lg L'ean. eliows that the iomt held just what the Observer has ta;j all along the the courtdecided in that 'aa (quote ' w page 767 of tha vol. ro erred i ) ;. " ,Vc are cleat, therefore, tb it unJer the con etltution and facts of this vase Union county cannot legally create an iiu'ebt edness for the building of a new court house." The foregoing extract is tr.k"u literary from thn decision of the Sup- reme Court in the cue taken to th Supreme Court by Mr Eaton an.l others . We ask any voter who is not satisfied to hunt up this decision and read It. It settles the proposition that the county cannot go In debt to build a new court ' house. We assert that the people of Union are now making a deliberate at tempt to deceive tbe voters by asserting in the circular, referred to that tbe County can go in debt to build a conrt houre. They have claimed all along until now that the connty cannot build a courthouse because the constitution prohibits the county from crating a -At Special Prices- Etc through the entire depaitment We a?snre you that and there are many choice pattern hats to select from debt in excess of $5,000.00 and that the Connty is already in debt mora than one hundred thousand dollars. They have a suit now pending in which they make the same claim, on the eve of the eleotion, they think that they may be able to deceive some people on this point by asserting that the county can do the very thing that Jadge Bean and the Supreme Court say it canuot do. Be not deceived by any such statements. The decision of the Rupremecourt refutes their claim The Oountv cannot build a ronrt house until it gets out of debt and gets the none; on band The Union people are also trying to create'tbe belief that the people of La Grande cannot build a city ball and lease it to the County for a nominal rent. The people of La Grande are now building 'thelty hall The bonds to raise the money have been legally voted and sold and this act is in strict accordance with the Charter of the City. Theeity at pre sent will need for its own use only a iall part of the city hall, and hense t!u city will lease it to tbe county at a This cir nlar pretends that the city cavuot legtlly issue Ihe bonds referred to But there is nothing in t! is C"ntn tion. They will put forth every sort of false claim now that the election is at baod, hoping to deceive some oue into voting for Union. The circular referred to is a tissue of false pretenses. They go back on the decision of tbe Supreme court aud all that they have claimed for years, but the people of tbe cou ity will spurn their su lden change of frontand vote for La Grande. The poop e of Union will find that thoy at the end of the campaign go back on what they hive been claiming for almost a generation and get any one to believe them. The voters will nail every campaign lie that may be put out and will vote by a goo i majority for La Grande. To us a little slang:- It is now "up to" the voters 1 1 vote inteligently on the question of the County Seat . The county now has no sufficient court house It needs a new one, but canuot build one because the 8 preme Court. has decided that it can not go in debt to do so. La Grande offers a good one free for fifteen years. SATURDAYS SPECIALS All Millinery at Reduced Prices for Saturday This includes all our Ladies' Hats and. all Misses and Children's Hat, in fact every thing In our Millinery Department $5 OO HATS 2 so HATS this it an excellent offer and the people will accept it and vote to move the County Beat to La Grand. La tiraudn does tie fair thing, and it acting Id good faith. This the people know. No amount of denials and false reports on the part of the oommlttee at Union will defeat the will ol the people. Union haa do substan tial eltlms in her behalf to urge. Hsoos, she tries to deceive the people as to what La Grande Is doing.. Union ask the people to vol to retain the county seit there notwithstanding the fact that La Grand is much mora convenient place and La Grand wi I urnlsh the court bons for fifteen years lorn nominal rent. - The building is being rapidly constructed.' It any on doubtatbia lot him com and Investi gate, and bt satisfied. The people will not be misled by false circulars or statements pot forth by the Union Committee. , Jus'.ic. Killed In A WrecK Norwl"-, Ohhi I -ie3 Six parsers war killed soil a sen injured this afternoon as th ri-u t ol a oollisoia on the Lake Elvira e'.eotrto . railway between a east bo-od faat electiio passenger ear and a irfht bound 'Pack age freight" or at Well Corners a few miles east of this olty. All of thos i kllle t war io the smoking e'mptriment a' th passen ger ear. ' Hum By A Mob. (Special to h Ohrvr) 8p?kane, June S A pe-il lo 1 8pikesn)ao Review 'roin Or-ngevi''' , Idaho, says: 1 T M Meyers wh ) killed Geo Brown ies and wounded Wallace Janett near Crook's corral three week ago was taken from a party ol officers when nsar White Bird this morning ard Itnohad, The 'yoohers wer masked and outnumbered th offloers thre o one lb officers rode on to Orang -ville. The method of death is not known. Meyer was being taken to th county jail when the lynching oc curred. ' s $3 98 1 98 the assorlrueut will plt.ase yon TRY TO WIN ON K MISREPRBENTATION Ciaculars Scattered Disputing Record Evidenc A Total Disregard of Actual Facts--. Anything to Deceive Cniou is circulating all kind of false statement printed and verbal. At North Powder tbey.cffered prtiet 1100 if by any means they could in duce La Grande ' to put up a btud binding La Grande in an official ' way to provide a court b use for a term oi Allien yearafree or tor even a uomin I rent. They bowl because I Grand does not bind itself, Wbyt Because they want to use this bond after they have lost on the vote to take it to tbe 'uprema court and bar tb eUctloo made void on ihe ob rge of bribery . La Grande is loo well posted on th law to fall into their posslbl trap, W say possible, becaus tbe slate ol Indiana, Ohio and others have deeid- , ed that eouotie bad "a right to provide buildings and glv them to tbe oounty lor a turn of years practically free but som3 other state through their supreme court base decided that this waa brlbiry. So it left the matter in doubt what our supreme court would do. As a result La Graddr after muoh consultation with various attorneye thought it saf er not to enter into such a bond. Had here been no question a to th Uga li y of giving surb a bond La Grand would have given such a bond from the atait and would hve bean glad to bave done so. It wai thought at one time that our indiv.dotl leading pro perty owcers could give this boud bnt her again tbe bribery question was u n fronted a it made no d'ff'ienw whether this bond we, given I y tbe ot) e unoil or individual cuixens. it Naith Powder tbey verbally cir culated tbe report that, tbe business men of Elgia bad held a meeting and had decided to support Union I This is absolutely false. The burin man uf Elgin are not In lavor oi Union neither are tbe people ol that vicinity La Grande it assured of over 660 vole BAKER CITY HAS Row in a Restaurant Results in One Man Go ing to Jail and Another to thelVogue, " ':';' J (Hpeolal to Ol server.1 Baker City, June 8 Last night s bonl nine o'clock Lewellen Legg shot and killed Jack Hals tead Tbe tacts as brought out at the coroners inquest are a follow. Tbey were in a restu rant kept by Mrs Laira Lsybes when sheandLegg beg to quarreling and Halstead must have taken th w i man's part. Legg waa flntlly ejected fn Da tbe room and sia lel up the street. Halstead followed him aoti when within about forty feet ol Legg be tnrned end fired. Tb bullet struck Hahtsad just under tb bean and caused' almost instant deal I Scared to Death. Pendleton, Sate 8 Mra-AltiMc Kensie, aged 51 )ears, waa frightened to d -ath while driving to Athena wilt- her bn-hand today. Tr bore fright eoed at some post boles, jumped eud denly to one elde throwing Mr Mc Kensie out of the buggy. . nn he areas shs wss desd. Sumnurviile Sittings We btd fine rein Isst night. Mr. Hei'es and son of Joseph arih guest- of Mr. and Mrs Oswald. Mr N wblll and family bave move t Mm McKinniie saw mill. T i Dec iratioo supper given May W 1 a ve y w ill attended. Mi - Annls Brssee mad a butln- trip to La Urands Tuesday. Mis Carrie Geiman ol Ksmala wa vial tin ; Irienas and relatires Sunday from that tb twe Xlgln preeiaot : Another tales report circulated by Union representative ia Elg'a that the contractor on lb new city hall wai under no bond. Tbls ia abwluie ly 'alss as hi bond 1 now on file with th olty recorder. Tbe editor ol tbe Observer visited lb reoordeis offiee and saw 10 bond which contains atide from in asual wording of good and legal bond that th work moat bt oomplatid withm 40 day and from tbe way h i poshing lb - wcik he will hav several day to spar. : ' Another falet sUlemtat made ' by Union people ia that tbe bond hav. not bean sold and what work I at iv' now being doae an th oily ball tV paid for by private subscription.' Tbls like their other statement can be r luted by record evideno. To records ol tb olty r,oo der ol - L U reads bow that tb amonol so lar paid osntractcr Mar bave Man by ; city warrant I atcb i the only way tbe city can pay lor anything by narranl likwis the noni d awar on thr city ball fund Mr li trs takes lhe warrants lo tb city treason and gets lb ease. Tb entire amount reslis 4 Irom lb sal ol th bonds is placed in be oily hall land and caanul be used for any other purpose whatever.. ' Hce is anotner wranoiM state. mens whloh tbey hay printed ' and oiroulated all over, tb oounty. Had their position been correct Union nuld hav long looa Muring (hi campaign ecure.i so oitis -n In L drand to bars tied an iuj iiiction against tbe inioano and salsol the, botMt and not hav trailed aotll tbe list day U lb camoalga and atlaot d tb validity of thai bonds through a oiroular. Tb Mtnpsg ul lb issue and ssl ol th bond would havt been fatal lo La QttuAi. and Union would hv ttksn th ntomary legal A MURDER CASE Lgg la Ih man who gained ooosld arable notoriety along In . the winter through a supposed poisoning ess at Pleasant Vail' y. Balstead I pi rietorot a saloo i la Baker City an was to bave married 14 Lt vbes woman. M44 TELL TALE TEETH- . . If you neglect your teeth you know it; and .. . ' , everybody else known it, became the teeth are eo . prominently .'oeftsed that any lack of care is v. quickly visible. Good tooth brushes cost but , . little here. We have some that wa guarantee ., . -:SaeEi never to shed a bristle. We alto have the luteat i. ' and best tooth preparations; those that polish, , t ' wbitea and preserve the teeth and cannot harm. Oau supply a tooth-saving outfit for very little ' money. ,'' NEWLIN DRUG. CO., lo haw knocked II oot had there keen any cbaaoa. Sec 1S1 ot th La.1 Grand olty ehartar is a follows "Tbe oily eootoil eball have power lo bond tb olty for any sum not exceed Ing 910,000 provided that al any rsgular sUetioa or at a special eleolioa called by ihe council lor tb porpot a ma j wity ol tb legal voter- o' , tb city may salborise tie oounoil to issue I soy greater amount ot nioa Dond(, r - .... . . i Our charter makee no limit on tbe amount ol tbe bond I Indebtedness that can b flu ted provided inch au thority I given tbe council by a ma jority of th voters ol tblieity. Union ha n tfe its entire campaign from Mart to finish on misrepresenta tion. ;, , - :; '-' s .-? -- Union first tried to prevent ' the people from voting 'on the question, failing In that ihe I now busy circulat ing th report, that no matter bow the vote goe Lt Crande will never get the oounty seat. She has ni respect for h wish of tbe majority of the peop'e of tli county, her only drlr at this time I to: m'srapres 'ot through false state meats, that In nearly, every Instant- can -be refuted by the official records of th supreme oo irt, and the olty reecirja In La Grande, which are open to public Inspection st all times. 1 Exciting Time On ot th most exciting affair ih at ever took place ia the history of 8terky took pttoi tJ T : Aldenl ranch ol that plac on Monday ' It was tb big tin ' riding ' wi'd horses, followed by riding eight b g wild slesra. This was witnessed by almost vry man, woman and child ol lb pi so beside several Irom L Grande and Perry and at least a dos- ea from Umatilla oeooly, old and young lby all smad to enjoy it. There were "buokarooe" from various plaoss and naarly sll took pari. It was bought that Alden's French man would never be any nearer ' hea ven than he ws when lie rode a wel known out law horse called, Indian, but be earn down in tb saddle ?' a I right but a law strings from th aad dl was pulled off, hut nooneoired ti rid Ih steers for tear they wnold get their elotba soiled. y But Ol'.rt Ileal- land a wel known ; Btarkey ' Ituck aruu" rode die slrs lo the sat'ulaa- tl-in of tbe or wd and no harm w dim but tbe born of his saddle badly crooked Win. Miller & Bro Are preparing to move thoir ofiicu to No, 1107. Aduins AvrnueFoley-Eoesch Building, ground floor whefe they will have the finest and most modem suite of ol fioes in the city. v They will be better prepared than ever lo : take care of everything in the line 0' ' ' i - R,eal E2state 'INIJRAISJ"CE . Mortgage Ioans tmtMIIIMIIMIIIItlllllt'ttllllllieillttHIMt.Tt 'Tb booking oortaia'jr would hav been io teres tiog to Buffalo Bill. - During the dsy'lo eream and eak wa served and 1 think a littla blttera was uisd to mak thi boy ride good All bad an interesting time. - , . - Loud oo, Janj 8 Telegrams front different points isem to ooaflrm lb re porta that Genera'. Kuropotkiu la attempting diverdon in th direc tion of Port Arthur , ol Buseian re inforcements, aopordiog to ditpatshi lrou'TIn Tsio, ia moving aouthnt d from Kai Ping toward :Wafaig Tien under General dlalkani v Tbey aggre- gau 12,000 men. Another brigade i following, th InUntlod being t en gage tbe Japanese now at Port Arthur lb tneir rear. .: RoaaiAlcs PRBrABmo L ndon, Junt 8 Th Lou on. Tim- steam r Haymund, returned to Oh Voo June II Irom a orulss In Kin Ohoo bay. Five damaged war ahtp moored at Port Arthur jetty, th Time correspondent learns, bave been denuded ol everything movable. Gen eral Rtoetset retains a large number ol j,iokr in the roadstead , the ohjtot of this meeture can only be conjec tured. ; I Measuring Party. A measuring party is given to yon "fls something novel as well as tew; Five cents for every foot you'r tall. -Measure yourrelf on door or wall An extra cent for each Inoh give An I show thereby how high you live With dauclog, song renitation and pleasure ' ' 'T i We ll meet one aud alii Atour party.olraeasuro.. On Friduy net io L D S hall The Y. L.M.;. A.-will give a Metsuring Ball At 8 o'clock sharp your partner meet, . " Dome to our party and enjoy a " rr tret. """ '- ' JUNEf 3, 1901 Stewarts Orcheutra Refieshments. tfiMtwllMlilllllllttllttUIltl(Ul5 . .., V i a-