f T ' (I c) 3 Half tfCSMot Wall Paper, 2 , . t km htt Method! hall a eer Imrl of K. nvivr.t m W1 mean 20,000 O r. Pr than . any one firm ever - S fur-! f I ili i i i ii i . . WJ j - 7" r CWIMy w ln5'c waton. ) y -"".V y . fPt bumi direct , Chicago. ' T-l H-MkTi-Tll , "ortaum in Eastern : Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. 0I12S ANEMGLASS 5 TURKESTAN law It. IM up tan,, rMd. ln oar ( orktaaloro. to the In land Empire. LOCAL ITEMS OF INTEREST Concernlne- People Who Come ; And go and Other Items -y - of Local Interest Tba Drrl4md;Alfalfa grows without irri ffttion. ..'-. BROME GRASS - Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Gsrdtn Seed fn bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Ikrity. Oats, Etc' The only Seed House inUnion County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. , Phone 1571 f LOOK HERE : We buy and aell all kinds of second hand goods, pay aah and aell cheap. Sofa.... 2 60 --'v.Bftd Lounge. ..V. . 1 00 Bstonelon Uble..... .....3 60. Bed room iniU'....... ............... 12 60 Hew camp stoves. ...... ... ..". . .. . . . .2 85 ' Mew 10X30 pietnre frames. .1 60 - 8i wagon................ .....15 00 , 2t wagon............................ 6 00 V- Single harness........... ......850 ..-.. Bedsteads..... .....1 00 Money loaned on collateral security. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams fiZJSJZ," 3" 'Phone 1581 George H Carrey left- this woroing for the Core where he spent the day Id the Interest of toe Obaerver. The Union Ban tall teaio will play the Pendleton Wonder." t Pendleton next Sundey. HinJndltb Bnodgrne returned from two week, rl.lt with her liater in Colfax, Waah. , . 1- Mr and Hie Fred Waffle are Tieltlog frlenda and mlatlvea in Walla Walla, Portland and other points weat for a few week...: .. ... .. ' - A apectal exoar.lon will be rnn from Elgin, and return Sunday for the ban ball game between La Grande and Klgia In this city. Miss Dells Chllders Is expected to arrire hom Elgin toriight to take up the night work at the telephone office ml Grande. . J M Btnbblefleld, who has opened a shoe store on Depot street, has the only exclusive boot and shoe, store lu the city where ladles fine shoes are handled. Harvey Bay who at present is acting as stenographer for M 3 Buckley, returned from Hood River yeeterday, where he has been on busineas for the past week. :, " :., '.:. Don't make a mf.take in marking your ballot Monday, or yon will low your vote. Remember yon mnstmake an X between the number ' and the name you vote for.- - ;, Mrs'F E Moore left this morning for Kansas City, Mo,, in company with her friend Mlis Carlotte Palmer, who has been in La Orande the past few weeks. Mrs Moore expects to be East until about the flr.tof Auguitv Fred. Jacobs yeaterdxy sold a lot on North Fir Street to O Clements, consideration (100. Mr Clements will erect a neat residence there on this summer. Work . will begen at once as plans are now prepared. Don't run a line through the candi date yon want to vote against. That means that the entire ballot will be thrown out. Mark an X between the number and the name yon denire to Tote for. , ' w The La Grande Lodge A O U W No. 133 will meet, temorrow evening and elect representatives to the grand lodge. A full attendance is desired; Mrs Ed Bnssey f and Mr Ougnt Mueilenburg arrived in the city last evening from San Jose, California where Mrs Bnssey ' has been ' visiting her brother. r foUejLast NoU. - To'wbom it may.'coneern.Sootios is hereby given that a certain note o' tj400 dated May 19 19P2 payable on or before two years alter date, sigaed by .Hyrdm Monson and Cecilia Monson, sod made payable to Emll Haaes, has bens lot. And all persons are hereby warned against buying or selling said note as it has been fully paid and satisfled. Dated I Grande, Oregon June 11901. .Emll Haass, d-w t tr. I'iA CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON," Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 136 1 eestsessssseee.Mss.s.... ..... 10 PER CENT REDUCTION ON ALL SPRING SUITS. W6 SniU for 22 60 , 30soiUfor 127 00 ' -- $32 suiU for $28 80 $86 suits for $81 50 $40 suits for $36 00 This for 20 days " EOSS & ANDEEWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. A' Two Light Electrolier A'- - Empire atyle complete with etched glass " aludc Saad all attachments pntjap iu year reaidence for 5.00 8ee Mmple8lo oar. window. it: Iat Grande Light & Power Co Osteopathy In Spinal Injuries " The Osteopathia physloiaa , in his treatmnot of disease, frequently finds cases not understood bv physicians of of other schools that result entirely from Injury ss, for instanoo, a pa tient who had injured his head and the neck portion oi bis spinal column by diving from a springing board into a liver, striking his head on tbe bot tom, displacing, in the manner des cribed as a ''sub-luxation ," the entire set oi bones in tbe neck, causing in jury to the whole system. Examina tion by tbe Osteopathic method show ed not only the derangement ot the vertebrae, bnt . also that all parts o the neck were greatly con gested, and swollen and tender and that the shoulder bad become appar ently ankylosed . ' Skillful manipulation by an Osteo path ol this neok and shoulder and adjacent portion of the body and spine bad tbe effeot of reduoing the oooges tlon and breaking up the adhesions; and it was done, too, in a very gentle msnnor, and caused but slight suffer ing at each treatment, until recovery at length was fully establishsd. Oases like this prove the contention of the Osteopath) physician , that the vertebrae when Injured by violence are always sadly efllioted, and entirely derange tbe Nervous System, and that tbe Osteopath by bis method ol ex amlnation and tieatment promptly discovers and, in a teaswnable time, removes tbe disease resulting from mob injuries, producing radical oures In many oases otherwise incurable by surgery or tnedioine. Osteopabic Healtht Dr. Moore, Sonnmer Bldg. La Grande, Oregon, IOO F La Onnd. lAdge, Wo Is dmIi In their ball every Saturday night. VUlting mem ben cordiaiiy Invited to attend. OJ Vanuerpool. N G. I B Snook, sen. NO PITY SHOWN. "Pni vmtr. fata wan after me continu ously" writes V A Gulledge, Verbena, Hi. "I had a terrible rase of Piles causing 84 tumors, When all failed Bucklen's Arnica Halve cored me. Pnna 11 nd for burns and all aches and pains. Only Sfio at Newlin Drng Company. . - Notice. Putting your foot in the ftrong thing generally causes lots of trouble. - How much suffering has been occasioned by putting a foot in the wrong shoel -; Foot was all right; shoe was all wrong. . We do not offer a line of goods that will- make it neces sary to fit your feet to the shoes.": ;V.. The kind of shoes we offer are the kind that i.t the feet. , . Shoes are made to order, feet are not , . . , V-;;. Fitting feet with our shoes is a pleasure. . If you want shoes that fit, that feel comfortable, that give good service, that have the stylebuy our Green-Wheeler Shoe, for which we are sole agents. T M Stubblefield La Orande, Oregon. Lodge Directory. EAGLES La Orande AM. .u FOR num. every Friday night fn K of V hall at 8 p m Vultliigbreuiern invited to attend. ' C O Bookw.ll, W S. - AN afayvill., V Sea. iiiiiintti 1 1 1 hi usaisassssMeseeteMM - City Property For Sale Finely Located, Well Improved 5-Room House For I Sale. Also Other City Property, At . GRANT & HEKKUiNb MSMtstteeessenttssassttttiitttft Our Coffee Man U sn expert. His coffee always that delioiiius fragrance and rich flavor that denote perfection. Taken In tbe morning' snob ootfee is a piepaiation lor the days work. Xhen - AT LUNCH It ill A fnillft tr,m mtnJ A Taken at night it is a Biting Bnish to - kwu umuer, Ana conee isu-c tne only good thing we have. Our bill of fare ill reveal many equally as ap petizing, y . - . MOD fcl; " RESTAURANT -, J. A. ARBU0KLS, Prop. , : OPES DAY AND NIGHT . We eelUeekly Ideal -..A Tickets, Cash...... $4-50 . If these J. HI. Tilt shoes aren't all right I will make them right or reiund price! : FORESTERS OF AMERICA Court Maid Marion, No a meet, each Tuosday in Elk's halL Brathen an invited to attend. ... . Al Beliner Colel Banner. - O J Vandarpoel, keo Sto. , .. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, DEPOT STREET Spokane Cafe - This well known Cafe : is now under new manage ment and the publio.ia as sured fall value for- "their 'money. . Special prices to holders - of meal tickets. In order to give the pub lie an opportunity to know just what a good place we have, we have reduced the price cf meal tickets from ' $5 to (4 60. This is a spot cash proposition. Try our Sunday Chicken Dinner. SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johnson Depot St La Grande.Or. Second Hand SALE Dresser, 17 B0 saddle, t7 GO Commode, 1 60 - rifle, 4 60 Baby baggy 1 00 revolver 1 25 Harness S 60 stone oraoks 16o up Childs oak folding bed only (5 03: Manns green bone mill only 4 60; Best brooms in town 10c to 35o ,! new cook stoves 6 60 to 112 50, 6; gallon oil cans 76o, syrup 80o kit,; copper bottom wash boilers f 1, gal-: vaniied sprinkling pots 66c. All my crookery, glassware, lamps: wash bowls and pitchers, toilet sets, ' eto, I will sell at wholesale cost to: me. Highest price paid for second: hand goods. Delivery free. F D Haisten, At 0 & M Noble's old stand 1415 Adams Ave. ALWAYS ) ; ON TIME Wiuo yon order groceries Ixn urjto are suie to have tbem delivered on time ANOTHER THING Wh' n yon order groceries from us you are sure to get tbe verv.best to.be hud. We keep onlyjtbe best . Tbe next time you are at our store ask to See our special line of ' BREAKFAST BACON & POTTED MEATS : CliRALSTON NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sta. , t .. . How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN . ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY JIUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people "' There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Involeed. . There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL. YOU A. T. Prescription Druggist HILL, La Grande, Ore -r-,4l0 E. P. Staples E. E. Romis; ; ROMIG & STAPLES GROCERIES- A full and comp.ete line of staple and fancy gro ceries. Fancy canned and lunch goods; Tinware, graniteware and wooden ware. Frails and vegetables in season. Bakery prodnots always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 H i I I I 14 H tWHr.tWW To all persons who it may concern that thina of my sons ; Walter, Guy and Albert bave.leit home, against' my consent. I will ln no- wiie oe responsible for anv debts they may contract. Dated at SummerviUe tbe 71 day of May 1904. J. T. Woodoll. WANTED Tbe Boss Meat Market will pay (be highest cash price for obiokens and poultry in any quan tise. ' - CLOTHING We liave recently added, to our stock AN ENTIRE NEW LINE 'Of these goods in men's youths' and boys' suits and are now prepared to offer some very exceptional values in these lines. The goods were purchased direct from manufacturers who make 'a specialty of medium priced clothing suitable for geueral wear and good service. Men's WjoI Caseimere suits, $5 00 to $10 00 Men's Fine Worked Suits, $8 60 to $12 00 Men's Clay Worsted Suits, $6 50 to $12 00 Youths' Uassitneres and Worsted Suits, $4 25 to $6 00 Boys Cassimere and Worsted Suits, $1 50 to $3 75 Boys WsbIi Suits, GO cents to $1 25 Also a large line of mens and boys pants. THE PxOLDEN RULE CO- 1308, 1310 and 1312 Adams Avenue, LaGrande --. - - - Oregon. i r : a ' : ' - He u . m : 9 m - s . - s s 3 ssess V nil " i 1 1 1 nit iimiiTTj- mt F 'T" 1 . ...... ir.v,.jtif.Ms$;Ji- ,