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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1904)
v Tonight sbowce Friday ,'i LA GRANDE "rJ Pf-lrV (mlr. , ...J . TV o THE TRAJN3 Est bound SilO ootiuM Wott ' -lOoa Urn VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 2 1904 NUMJER 133 ... EVEN NO OBSERVER.- THE DEMOCRATIC STATE CONVENTION Nebraska Democrats Reaffirm the Platform of 1900 Hearst 'Tumid Down in " " Michigan. ;' ' :f: Omaha, June I The Nebraska democratic stat convention today . unanimously selected Wm J Bryan to bead lb Nebraska delegation to the national convention at St Louis, and adopted a platform wbiob re-affirm lb Kansaa City platforms of 1900. There was uo oppoaition to tbe ad option oi the platform as read al tuongh one delegate attempted to se cure the adoption of an additional plank pit dging tbe Nebraska demo- eraoy to support tbe nominee! of tbe St Louis convention "regardless of whom tboy might be. He was roled oat oi order, however , after reading bis resolution There were but a handful oi delegates who bad not been pledged to support tbe re-affirmation of tbe Kansas City platform and they oauie from Lancaster, Bryan's : own oouuty. Tbey did not, however, at tempt to secure reocgnition. HOLDS THE RECORD Woman Walked 2 CO Miles in 15 Days, Car rying Her 7-Months Old Baby. Mrs Elsie Htfgh-s, w m pieaed through Long u ejk on I u .1 stage from Monument, unci)ui.,il j holds tbe record of i) "mi and probably of the entire Wv.i lo. long distance walking say the Long Oretk Light. Oo last Sunday even ing abe arrived in Monument, having walked tbe entire dietanoe ftom The Dalles to that plaos a distanoe of about 200 miles in 15 days; and oar ried ber Tmontbt-old baby in ner arms Mrs Hughes, who was living near TUe Dalles, was recently deserted by bar husband, and oonoluded to retain . to ber parents borne near Whitney, in Baker county. Having no money with wbioh to travel by rail, she set out afoot ato -ping at night at ranoh houses aloog the way. Woen ahe arrived at Mon ument she wis almost ill from over exertion, and good people of that lit tle town made up money enough . to end ber the remainder of ber journey on tbe stage ". YOUNG MAN IN TROLL LE Helena, Mont., June 8 Ba'pb Pu' i tier, eon of the editor of tbe New Y irk World, wa arreeoed thii after mvio by Qame Warddo Boolt oo a ciurge of having killed an antelope in Fergus oounty about a year ago. Pol. itsea oame to Montana a few days ago to answer to tbe oharge of illegil game killing in Teton county a ' year ago Full Fledged Mr. Wm. O Hoi am is now a loll j fledged oontrao'or end will be p'eased j to furnisb estimate' o i all kind of j atone and brick work, Mr. Hansen; has ben mident f this city for tbe past four yean and during that lima bas been engaged Upon ranch oi th -p-lnoipal work to this o:ty. Hit ad appears in Ibis issue of tbe Observer. Be sure to read it. Mr. King of La Grand held eer- atrvioee at 3 o oloek P. M. Sunday Will lecture Thursday n ght. Mr. K. B. Wait is fasl leoovtrmg froaa bar Ulna. Several of our village ladies attend ed tbe mimoriel Mivioa in La Grande May 30th. . Mr. G. W. Phslp. arrived in Hil- gaid Baoday to visit with hit family Mr. Phelps accompanied him to Pendleton to visit ker friends week or mora . , Our village baa bad speaking several limes recently by differeot ooea who expect to reach lb lop oi the ladder in ike coming election. They ware muob appreciated, as we bear s little in Ibat line, no one seaming to bave election on th brain in this pines. It is all lumber and noma plao to sleep Postponed. The tea which bas been annonnced to be given by the ladiea of the M. E ohurcb on Friday hat bean postponed on til a late day. HIS DOOM SEALED Norman Williams to be Executed on July 28 for the Mu der of Al ma Nesbitt. Th Dalle, Or gon, June S In tbe circuit oonrt thi afternoon Judge Be. dvhtw prono inoed senteno on Neman Williams for tbe murder ol Alma Nesbitt, Axing July tt aa the day of exeoution. William' counsel aaked for forty days in wbioh to file a bill of exceptions for an appeal to th Supreme Ouutt. The oourl room was crowded wnii M-oti' r, a tar.e maj irity of whom w.-re 'imu ..k Hilgard Items The Charles Show Company oame the 29th and showed Sunday evenipg and Monday evening : Had a good crowd Monday evening and all report a good langh. City Council Th oity ecuouil m last nog with all th man b r pretool, A ter the usual number of bill w.u rt d and allowed an ordinandi ; was read and passed to tbe second reading plac ing tbe north half of block 116 in tbe fire limit, this ia that seotion of tbe oity generally known a tbHBrdlight District," Au ordian wi alto pul ed am horiaing the mayor and record- Stock Collars and Tit s FREE . With noy ehirt waist bought at our store this week. This offer holds good with any waist selected from our extensive line of summer waists, ranging ia pries from 50 cents to $7 50. It is a beautiful lot of collars and ties, priced from 25c to $1 25 Silk Coats . Warm weather is sure to come and these elegant, wraps will be ab solutely necessary. See our win dow diapluy Better stiil come in .i d iii'pe't lliem. They are beau ' ies $5 00 UP Boys wash suits 65 cents up. In all tbe new and nobby styles, in'-luding Russian bio u e, sailor suits with full length troiseri, and manv others. 65C UP Mm r.kl.. .Vll 9 WILL INVEST PORT ARTHUR As Soon As Talien Wan Bay Shall Hac Made Safe, the Japanese Will (jtly Invest the Port it;'. . Been London, June S Th Time oorrea- pondent at Ob Foo eableat Daring interval of thirty boars be tween th Bussiao evaouatioa cl Di ny and the Japan oooupation an arcby prevailed. Tb local Obion offlolals allowed tb prison to be 'oraed with tb result that about 200 cut throat had In inn of th town. There is no infoim ttion ai ytt as to tb fat ol lb Buiaian gnoboat and four transports which were in Talien Wan Bay during th battl of Kin Obon. It ia possibl tb boat slipped i mi . away during tbe night 61 May 16. ImafdiateJy artafTaliaov Wan Bay shall have bero aaA .jilh Japas m al train wlbaMd, wbw pi snmably tR t3aj(itr orpa will quleily Invest rorvrtar , London, JutM tAfn Moscow est lespondaot of the Time learns that Harbin I IS) b fortlaVd epaadtly against ill oonlinncy o leg. Htavy ieg gnns kar left 84. rVteis bnrg alraaJy and others will be saot. IT and is, Tp N B 43 W M, all of Club!.',' uo ifit wboa1 anaploM lb oaaurveyad 0 ' on of townbi 3 this organiiatiou appears, la worthy- ol .-. IlMI W Mt all of tonahipi8 87 support bf every oltsiaan out IWH nnsorvayed portbn of town-' elTi ulmt to proaanw Iti wal ship S H B 60 B; all of Tp S , B! J f f vW Pa 00 ', 'poiiitlona and Tp S N, B 60K W kl bav been ' v?,traW ot," ,f"u th," wf nrry wiU b fiUd in tbia office on Saturday, lb lotuday ol July, 19 t. al t a m. On and alter tbat ' d it thi offis will receive apnipalioiif ')r er to give a deed of thaa block of . land whieh was on time given to th oity by th Bilrod company with the understanding ibat tb oity would us the sm for a city park. Tbe petition of J H Lisbman and others atklug tor a atdawalk on aiitb street was reported I' voVable by tbe street committee and the on asking tbat tbe street at Second and F street be improveu was raferrd to th street oommittee. The Beoarder . w I' truoted to arive ttse for bids for l it new pipe line. The advertisamant ap- near tlaew here. "': Hearst Loses Michigan Detroit, Jau 2 Tb anli-Hearat element in the Mi n democracy beaded by Daniel J. CJaoipau of D G A R Encampment The coamltte- on arraugmeate of theUA B Ensaupment which will meat ner prior to tb Fohrth of July will hold It mttlnga in lh Proebsat- rl grov. AU arrangmeBU for thi maetlng have been maUe and It If th general w'ah of tba veteraaa tbat tbe meeting be held thei " . -Married ROGES-BftSS E..U tbareldeucof Rev J W Oliver in I tirand on Wd- nstday vlng, Jan 1 19M at 9 o'clock Mr Mlohall Rogaa and Mian Anni J Braaee, both of Hummervi! v, re no. lted in tsarriaga, Rev Ollvor oBclatl i , COOLICOB 0HBI8TOFFKBSOM whieh they certainly deserve Re member tbe date, Frnlay vilng, Juo ; 3r.!, 1004 KU on sal at Van Burcna..' . -if xibui artoiwasc lb Miry f labd in aahl 'towu-hli, t "!' - ' , K.W Oavit,BegUtr ' ?yoo aeen themf They arrived s 4.A.Bjbrt.Bsciver l P74 u? Rainbow Stor tb latarf in oroah : ' ' - .: ' - t-t'" f. hmthar'belbl, blbotesatai hr In on Coniiratiilations. pomippa' dip ; oqwb... ih aiu J beauty atray luck co 'ib, ribbon and v Mr John H Oullom, ' Editor of the 'laoe romnauta. TiieVe fine and ara 1 Garland, Ten, News, ha, written a selling fast, at the ribt prlca.. W : lattar of congratulation to the manu- have special sales the Deat Hi fartoiw of Chamberlain's Couith Be- of sammer dresa jg.iod "trlinmlnnn, utedy, aa follows: "Sixteen years ago ribbons, tnlllinety, alio? ate It will when oar Brat child was a, bay b waa-. b money In your pocket to go and w mbjaot to eroupy spells and we would them and get our orlrea 'Our Jewler be vary uneasy about him. We bean . hna a email steam engine that be hna iuvui.muri.iu . .uu nom-xty in , jnaae. ' rail and aee lt. He can make 1887, and finding it aooh a relUUIe '.re medy fornoldaandcrupwe baveoever bean without In th hons si me that time. We have flvs children and have given It toall of them with good to- sults," For aala by all' drugglsia. ' Notice to Contrattors Sealed bids will b received until ,S o'clock p m Saturday, Juie litis 1904 for tb ,oonatrnctlin of a fram school hooss .. for units voonty Oregon acoordlug plans and specinniticns which may b seen at th residence of O B Thornton Architect, I. Urande Oregon."" - " - Th building to b completed and oa anything and repair evo jtlilng . in tbe jewelery line j . m 4 FOB SALE Two acre block with now rocin liotiso, barn, out luuae, ell linprovel $1600, lime given on pert. j Tbia will bar; Investigation situated ' on N Cherry and N street . -4-2 tf ' Fred waring. Mcaspring Party. aooordliig' to i- ' J J A mrasiuiug parly is glvrn to you 'Tie ome hlug novel a well as r.ew; -Ftoant for very-foot yru'r tall. Mnnau'e your, elf o-. door i wall nady to oecnpy by tb 1Mb of Augnat An xtru cent fpcrwh Innbj give Tbe directors reaerv th right to An'f hnwjhertby how l.igrij you Hvo . reject any and all bid.' " ' ' ' , With MnnViug : a i g leci'atlon and WLTnckar I plea utn .. Chairman Board Dim to s. We " m'otono sif.1 1f D Jnn 10.. . ,J At our-paxty..ot mpaurA. r- .. Exceptional Talent The concert to be ' given by the musical enterteinmsnt which a; L Oranda audience has aver bad " the I w, Blsbtp A B Q dd, s i ffiolailng, Mr troit, nat'ooal nommitteemaa from Cheater Coolldce and Mia Dora Chrl . inia tar, tnumpriea over ins nsam tonarson. ingroimi on ni t."pu,nro ol listening to. ..This . com.. urKirter a' every slug in the demo- Grande : entergeiio onns t nl..a p4ny ia one of th strongest travelling eraio ooovetition held here today to man and tb brld ' U liom El-no a t iday, and anyone who does iml pro- s leot ileltgates to the uatiooal cun- Utah wbtr tbe is 0 of lb ltdr ventlon and an nninstruotad delega- o' in young social t. - Th yo iog ti m will be sent to tbe cunveotii n.' people will mid brf, Mr Oojlidge Vhlla there ai si mi Hrarat men mong tbe dittriot delegates to 01. fiuis, th delegation waa inttracted to vote as a unit, :h Oregon Pioneers ' Th 3Zod Annual Reunion of lb Oregon Plone3r Association will be held In Portland Oregon on June ' Si, 194 - All persona who resided in Old Oregon, wbiob comprised tba p eseot state ol Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and portions of Wyoming and Mont ana on or belor Feb 14, 1869 or were born in tb territory prior to tbat da are eligible to membership. Tbe en tire population of tb atates and part of state named above was in 1869 5Z.466. In 1900 lo the esme area not counting those in Wyoming and Moo tana there were 1,093,411 people. II tbeie are auy cf tbe old pioneers or their descendant hereabout who with to attend th Portland meet, It is given out tbat th O B & N Oo will mak raduoed rates. isiotertsVsd with bit fatner ia lb wholes! and retail jtipw basin) anJ bat eompti ebarg pi tus ' dco rating department ol tb basinet. Bid for Dtalilj. Bid will b reoslvsd by tb oity o La Grand op to and melodlng th 10th of Jan for digging 10,000 feet (more or lea of ditch for water main, aid ditch to be 2 test Wide and X feet deepaodtob completed by Jnlr 1st Cheater P Sawllo . . ; City Ree..n'er Coming. Miss Fioienee Buckingham from Otl's School of Orators will give an entertainment in Oeutral Church, June 7 at 8:30 sharp Local talent will fmrnisb muaie Mies B. ojraes highly oommeudad. Admission baa been placed at thirty' five lor general admission. Class 10 whiob pledgid 91W on tb building will handle thi entertainment. En gage your tickets now. Notice of filing Plato Department of the Interior, '' Onitad Stat Lodme, La Grande Oregon, May 18,1904. Rotlo it hereby given: Tbat the approved plat of th .urvyt of sec tions 19. 80, 81, Sec XO, W Sec nd VtJSteJt rpl8fR,38 EW M; ll of tb nntnrvejod portion of township SB 8,44 8 W M, all of Ihe uotnrveyed portion of Xp 4 S B 37 E W M; fractional Seot 13, 14. 16, 18, A Quiet Wedding Mr John B Bobertum add Johanna Adskin bub of Perry war quietly united in marriage at I o'olock today at the M E Parsonage by Rev J C Wlker. NIGHT WAS HER TERROR. I wonld cough nearly all night long, writes Mr Clias Applegal, of Alex andria, Ind., "and oould hardly gat any aleep, I had conanmptinn so bad tbat If I walked a block 1 wonld ooogb frightfully and spit blood, bat wlir all other medicines tailed, three II 00 bottles of Dr. King's Mew Discovery aholly cored ma and I gained A8 pounds." It' absolutely guaranteed to cure Couhs, Colds, La Orippo, Bnuichltla and all Throat and Lnnc troubles. Pric 60s and 1 00. Trial I botUs fra at Newlln Drag Co. lit by this opportunity to hur 1'iem, will certainly regret It, aa La (irnile may not bt visited by suoh artltts for long time to oome, Th Com men l i I . On Fruiuy wxl i li D S hill The1 Y; L. M. OA will give a MpiVurirjgB'aU,"l!5 A t 8 '()(icksiirp-yoiv partners A mt, Ji , Ooirte to nur parly; iinil enjoy a IJ104 Stewarts Orchestra sf Refreshmeuts. Wm. Miller & Bio Are preparing to move thoir office to No. 1107 Adams Avenue Foley-Roesoh Building,-, ground . floor -where they will have tbe finest and tuort modern suite of o( flces ia the oity. ; 1, ; They will be better prepared tlnn ever, lo tuke' -cate of everything in the line of i 5 ' , " - ' - -;- ' ' ::- Real Kstate lVEoxtg;age "Loans llllMIIMimillllllltlIIIIUHUIIIIIHtlllHHIlTIIHltat TELL TALE TEETH;: ; i ' v. - , , : ;j '( w , -. .- ' ' . -i! .. r ,., , , . ' .' I ' If you negleot your teeth yU know it; and J '4 everybody else knows it, because the teeth ure bo ' ' ! prominently loeased that any lack of cure is i f' , quickly visible. Qoo3 tooth brushes cost but ' little here. We have some that we guarantee -rrj: ; 1 SiiS i ' never to shed a bristle. We also bave the latest and best tooth preparations; thoie that, polish, n 7 " T whiten and preserve the teeth and cannot harm. $ . - Can supply a tooth-saving outfit for very little .' j moury. K "' J ' ' ' : :- -. i . I J 1 1 IT . ' . , . , . NEWLIN DRUG CO IIMIMIMMilMIMIMMMII IMMllMIMIMtU "v. i