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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1904)
3 S Spcond Hand Wheels I tmCffM maud hand wtvccb u good u new, at a Hkt Can and examine them. I have also IrtMntod a iifea few rf hammocks tt prices from $100 17 UMb M patterns. If you sea them you will kny ana. ' Call and examine the goods. r. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shorels, Spades, Hardware LOCAL ITEMS OF 'INTEREST . ... - ' wncerulng People Who Come And go and Other Items of Local Interest. Lodge : Directory.! Dr. 1' A CHARLTON EAQI.ES la Qranda Alri. iIOS DMtl .tmt FricUr niaM in KnfrbiUitipi VUtlaa braUurn Invltad to atlaud. C 0 Hooawali, W r. AH MJTVlua, W Sao. FORESTERS OF AM ERICA Oonrt Maid Marion, No a lnaU aacb Tuaaday In Klk'i balk' Broths, nr. Invited to attend. ' 4.1 Halaner Chief Ranger.. 0 J Vandorpusl, lln ate." TURKESTAN ALFALFA ci ... if m - . . . ; The DryfLaiidAlfalfa grows without irri- gtton. DROME GRASS . Red Clover. Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Gsrden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled ferity. Oatv Etc.' K ,t The only Seed House iaTJnlon County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 Dishes t '.: i t - - . . . . . ...... . -. ... ,. . . - .;.,::..,., ... ., We still have some of the Ormond stock which we will sell out at 60 CENTS ON THE $100 ' While it lasta. The yery latest patterns in dishes. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Comer Fir and Adams . 'Phone 1581 Rsaacebe w eiB Iwy and all elf( kind. . ai tecoad Hand flood j j jt Sexl flood Elt-lo and nnlu. play ball iQ this city. Tbere will b en excursion train from Elgin In the morning letuming la lbs evening. Miss Bessie Worstell bit tbi morn. log to spend a portion of ber vacation with ber alitor, Mr. W E Lewis ol Wallowa. Adna Roger., and 8 W Grow base dissolved iheir partnership lo the de livery business and are doing business individually. In tbe tbs tut lssnes of the Sooat and Republican, of Union ! a lengtbly article by .. Mr. Crawford coTerlng several colnma la answer to a recent communication In tbe Observer on the "Onoonstitatlonal" view of the county seat question aa taken by Tjnion by "Dlomede." Tbere will be an answer to Mr Crawford In oar tomorrows paper, don't fall to look for it. Mass meeting tofL night at Commercial Club. Buisness of im portance. Be on hand at 8 o'clock. . I O O F i Grand Lode Wo M meet, in tiitlr hall erery HaJurdfty niitm Vlaltlni mam- bera oordially Lavtted to attend. OJ Vanderpoot, NO. IB Snook, 8a& - Congratulations. VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store La Grande, Oregon Phone 136 1 I Our Coffee Man a an expert. Hia coffee always that lelioifins fragrance and rich flavor bat denote Perfection. Taken in lbs morniop snob ooffee is a preparation or ioe days work. Then .. ... AT LUNCH it is a tonio for mind and bod v. Taken it night it is a Siting flnisb to i guoa a inner Ana crnee isn't the nly Rood thinir we bare. Onr bill ol 'ate oill reveal mnnv eonallv a. ad. petlzlng. vllilgard Items On Saturday evening May SI aooial was given for tbe benefit of Ibe Sunday Sobool, after a abort program of moaioand reoltations; ioe oream, oake, ooffee and eandwitobea were served, $10.50 was cleared. All pre sent aeemed to enjoy themselves. , . The mills are running and, lumber is being shipped daily to points, in Oregon, Idaho, Utah, Nevada, Wyo mine, Ool. and Neb. sometimes even as far as Milwaukee, Wis. Mrs E E Waite bad a slight stroke of paralysis but is recovering. ' Mrs G W Phelps and Iwo ebildren of Heppner are viBiting ber patents Tbe nights are still cold , Wednes day night iieesing ioe neatly i of an iuonV - Sobool is progressing nicely and the children anxiously awaiting the last day when an interesting pro gram will be rendered. Spokane Cafe This well known Cafe is now under . new manage ment and the publio is as sured fall value for their money. Special prices to holders of meal tickets. ' . In order to give the pub lie an opportunity to know just what a good place we have, we have reduced the price cf meal tickets from $5 to 4 50. This is a spot cash proposition. M Try oar Sunday Chicken Dinnar. -. SPOKANE CAFE , J. F. Johnson . Depot St La Grande,Or eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee GENUINE PAN AN A HATS $8.00 BOSS & ANDBEWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. Surprise Party A number ol friends of the well known pioneer fleo Aoktes gave him a ooroplete surprise last evening. Tbe occasion being in commemoration of hia 72nd birthday anniversary. As Mr Ackles expreaaed it that this was the first birthday party that had ever been given in his honor, be appreciat ed the kindneaa of the friends, some of whom he bad known in this val'ey 39 years. Several nice presents . were presented. Belresbments were pro vided by tbe party and an evening long to be remembered by all. Those pretent were : Mr and Mrs J W Scri- ber, Mr and Mrs Joseph Palmer, Mr and Mrs H O Montgomery, Mr and Mrs J M Price, Mr end Mrs W F Gekeler and daughter, Mr and Mrs J M MoOall, Mrs Kirk, and Mr and Mrs Neri Ackles. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT We sell weekly Meal , Tickets, Cash. '$4.50 If these J. IE. Tilt shoes aren't all. risrht I will make them" risrht or reiund price A Twol Light Electrolier t . ! Eavplre style complete with etched glass ' - shads $rad ' all attachments putjup iu ' ;";tfaileBce for f $.00 . ; samplesfin our' window. t. . . ' . La Grande Light & Power Co C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialbt, DEPOT STREET Mayor Suicides (Special to tbe Observer) Baltimore, May 80 Mayor Robert MoLane of this oity, shot and killed himself this afternoon in hit bedroom atbia reaidence, 29 Weil Preaton atreet. Hie bride of less than two weeks was at tbe time of the tragedy aaleep in tbe adjoining room and waa awakened by the discharge of tbe re volver, which MoLane evidently fired while atanding before the mirror of the dressing oaae. Special Notice Parties who have not registered or may know of anyone who haa not re gistered will please report to William Miller. ' Ballots Delivered . Sheriff Pennington and deputy Tom Johnson were in the city today deliv ering the official ballots tor the La Grande preoioota and making tbe necessary arrangements for tbe elec tion next Monday. Second Hand SALE Dresser, 17 60 " aaddle, 7 50 ; Commode, 1 60 rifle, a 50 I Baby buggy 1 00 revolver 1 25 Harness 0 50 stone oraoks 15o up: QS-TECP-A-THY Osteopathy ii natures best helper. To obey nature's laws is to preserve health. "Our youthful excesses are drafts on our Old age; some pay ab'e twenty, aotie thirty, some fifty years henoe." The power of oar bodies to resiot and . recover from disease is being daily demonstrated by skillful Osteopathia. Chllda oak folding bed only to 00; Manna graen bone mill only 4 50 " Best broums In town 10c to 35o, ;new cook atoves SS 50 to S12 50, 6 gallon oil cans 75o, syrup 80o kit, 'oopper bottom wash boilers tl, gal-; vaniied sprinkling pots 55c. All my crockery, glassware, lamps wash bowls and pitchers, toilet aets, etc, I will sell at whj'esale cost to me. Highest ' price paid for second hand goods. Delivery free. - F D Haisten, At C & M Noble's old stand 1415 Adams Ave. City Property For Sale ., Finely Located, Well Improved 5-Room House For Sale. Also Other City Property, At ' CRANT & HERR0NS . ' t ALWAYS I - ON TIME I ' Whin you order groceries Ixs tijil Q W are sure to bave them delivered on time jp I ANOTHER THING 9 - ,. Wh' n you order groceries from us you are sure to . 9 get the verybest to be had. We keep onlyjthe best . The next time you are , at our store A ask to see our special line of Q I BREAKFAST BACON J I & POTTED MEATS I ' CKRALSTON' I NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE W : Cor. Fi'f and Jeffe'rsun Sis. 9 How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT ' HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY, HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it: and . at the same time Assist the Stomach and Diges ' tive Organs in Digesting . and Assimulating Sufficient Food to .Rebuild tbe Tissues Support . ing the Organs Involeed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come iu and ' . WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore"- ,tt.tMtfttftf E. P. Staples E. E. Romlg aj ROMIG & STAPLES -GROCERIES- A full and corap.ete line of staple and fancy gro-f ceriea. Fancy cinned and lunch goods; TiDware, graniteware aud wooden warn. Fruits and vegetables in season. Bakery prodncts always fresh. Good service and quick delivery. Phone 431 NEW ARRIVALS. thnmf Thev arrived LttlU J"- - yesterday and are dieplayed at the Rainbow Store the latest in cruah leather belts, blouse sets, three in one pomdapour dip oomb. The little beauty stray look comb, ribbon and laoe remnants. They are fine aud are selliDg fast, at the right prices. We k.. .no-iai aaliw nn the flneat line of summer dress goods trimmings, Z ribbons, millinery, shoes etc win be money in your pocket to go and see them and got our nrlces. Onr Jewler has a small stoam eDglne that he haa ma.ln ntll I unit .00 it. He can make you anything and repair everything in the Jewelery line. KOB BALE W0 oonlo, 16 inch, yellow pine and flr wood at a Bargain. rOT pe-iiculers see SB Haworth, 4-37tf Pres La Grande Btorrgs.Oo. CLOTHING We have recently acLded. to onr stock AN ENTIRE NEW LINE Of these goods in men's youths' and boys' suits and are now prepared to offer some very excep'ional values in these lines. The goods were purchased direct from manufacturers who make a specialty of medium priced clothing suitable for general wear aud good service. Men's W)ol Cassimere suits, 5 00 to $10 00 Men's Fine Worsted Suits, 18 60 to $12 00 ' Men's Clay Worsted Suits, $6 60 to $1 2 00 Youths' Cassimeres aud Worsted Suits, f 4 25 to $6 00 Boys Cassimere and Worsted Suits, $1 50 to $3 75 Boys Wash Suits, CO cents to $1 25 Also a large line of mens and boys pants. Tp nOLDEN RULE CO- i 120S, 1310 and 1312 Adams Avenue, Ci aGrande WtMI 4iMIIIII Oregon wsna I to m .