...... , . , ; ... . . ' V '"; x.-rihU liiiUj'w - II - i i i i 1 11 " I . ... it vou.rioff .. ::s::- y ' . , ' ' l boy : summer ....... 1 , . . - ,-fv;' - . ' -o'.r " ' ; . . ' ' uu' ye fflj I ' I I f '" l - -';-',,--' : - wall-buy ' it while rrt-. fetfff rr-ZcVJ I n, J - itablefor Tune wear at. WU J shirts." "' p& ari i 7 ... r;;; Jjyv';, The i sliest line ifif 1 3 ''''fZy-'y-X ihirtB that ever vV: '- V-jy i'i ,.,:!,' ,'f ;,'Ui crossed the Rockys- i. r---TvlW4V&(i"cl ' MNU ju. received, regu-U'.iAMM3 l-ce. X , ' - i W J A M ' si : Jt MtN'S HATS. . trw WAVI I'r' ' II ii lUfOTW-LDongfar. d - '- AH the new thane ' o.vlf hl" ' III ami PhmUhi B Rvith wo.H.1 -.. , i u . AJbKrl til - 'I II fl ' ' W 22.00. " roo.oed , "W" .or summer wear. "'VK-M W Specials in Shirt Waist Sui . Hot weather peeking around the corner nothing cool or stylish as a pretty shirt waist. Here 8 a cnal to buy one at a snrnrisinelv low price. We are show these in Taffetas, Foulard, Mohair and Crash suitin . PRICES FROM 1.60 to f.32.00 UP AGAINST the nettiooat ntohlem? You'll be priped to find the latest shndes, ot the prices better than you'd suppose for twice the price-122.00. Much -dSo to We are agenta for W L Donglau a d and Preun B Rvitli wo'i'i renowned sliota. Shirt Waists We have just received the swellost line of nil i it waists ever brongbt to La Grande. Come in and look them over before the sizes are broken. Ji GREAT CORSET VALUES y Now stmicliL front, dip hip, Bntia.' tuNio sts fur autumn.- woar. U and W !ittu..t iiihiIhI, color whito and drill) 18 ),XXM We are not surge ns but we vtiu give you" a better form pro vided you buy one of tbnse co setp, nd you won't got the best lit in eor x t uulesa you come here. All the w sluipea. to 5 00 foWKTta. Style 571 Ladies Summer Underwear It's time to think of light weight underwear. . Yon the boat styles and bualities bore it you boy this week saving means considerable. Unusual Wash Goods Values New Wash Goods the leading styles at remark ably low prices this week hot weather material at a savi' g every woman must appreciate , ' W will place on side for one week our entire line of wash goods. : , W'e have 2,000 vnida of Baaistes and Lawns', in a variety of colors a-.d, pattern, regular 15o for llo. 25 and 30o Voilrs acid Btumiues,- tliis seasou's lunnt ; stylis.li materialman 'sale this week at.2'2c. All out 50c and 65e faucy white wuislio js, attractive styles iu -big variety, all thi? wt-tk at low price of 45p. - SPECIAL ATTENTION Values' thai Win Meh'v Hearts ' arid ' touch' their Purse String. HOSIERY BARGAINS.' ' tint T&mti)' UNDER GARNENTS Men's fast black and seamless a len'u fine combed Egyptian ' ;" half-hosn, the famous "Shaw t'.'Bhirt knd 'drapers, ?bosi 75c knit" make, .25 to 1.25. values jn the'eity. " ii-L Trunk8;liaveling bags, suit eases and-raveling.uecessi's of : ' every descnplion. - Trunk of .exery size and, Style, dress trtifiks, skirt trunks',' wardrobe trnhkM,tsaine'r (runkii, telescipf8,etc. : Largest and most complete line. In-the rtty, j 'J j f; u GIVEN TO .MAIL ORDES DO YOU WANT A . CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? ii- i. r""T,r" i .... i--- n yv l t- '. . I .. .... ., Thc ; H.l( the. Wor,d'V I (Sotice. , -v r l iok 'ak If so e can locate you on some fine claims in Wallowa County 1 M'Daniel &, M'Donald I WALLOWA, - - OREGON Fresh Obeolo e-i Fres i Bim Bons Freh Nougact Fre9h Carmels Fresh Taffey Fresh Salted Peunu's Fre?h Salted Almonds Frei-li Popcorn Fresh PHILIP LOY Fruit ?. f I f-BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Yaudermelen, Propr't lora. WH0I.ESALU - AND RETAIL BUTCJ1EPS. Highest raarkpt price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hi'lc, pi'lts '"' tl'- Al9 cli''kens & poultry. We who live upon tbe Have a joyous linonv Rinng early in the moil Working till the Cu.fJ Shall I tell yon one dajl In a ramltlinir hifc of n Earlv mnrnlntf! tirlrl ilnklA tottscomt home, with udders fall, Horses in their stalls tire neighing. Stamp thrir feet, their halters pull Milk and feed aud hsrfesee horses All to breakfast, then the rule. , ZZZ Busy liuose wife, balling, sweeping, . ' Workiim in the garden, too Has her day ilirams bright end fancy Wishing that tlioy could come true, So her lot woul l u ,t be always, ' . , One in n hid. 1 1 liaka and brew, I'hrilty farm r, piii g, hoeing, Weedit.iat mat h ive grown last nigh Well we kno.v that he would never, Leave his li-ld in audi a plight ; tort- plow, snl ao.v, mi I harrow . , Ar to him agruiit delight. iIUlHi'le no, lovely mvedy, With the rows, wild, an.l red, Vhile UieWierry ehakes its bios oms, From the branch above yo ir head Ami the stream from inouuUi.i sources Rlppla o'er it pebbly hed. see tin valley as n pi.-tn e, lie's telow jou, cloth .! in green -A'lth lit Hin'ly in the ilieiancu, And La UiHiiile leluw i- oenn, factory and dwelling, o ilrkirt. Hiislini-a bio ki ltd in between. "Vhat is this to t ;irlty l.rui i? And his busy wife a well? Birdie, and blors'inm, tiny lugects, Uave each one their tale to tell, From the whirr of mountain squirrel lo the ' oynte's "illeilg yell, thl thede Ja fulliiiir, .Vow the time for eveidne mat. lliisie, liooks, and the observer, Olvlng to the day a lent. And we wonder what is better Then this life In the for west. M-.HW LIieneKing. B. Smith. OFFICERS: President J. M. BEBRT.i....VicB President J. H.Chl'bcii manner F t Meters Asit. Cashier DIRECTORS: J. M. Rerry, J. M. Church A. B Oonlev, R. 8mltb U C. Stanley 3655 llrande, In ooh- bBOurl facino, fcrl'onally con World's fair wnrocnrslous will run through to St," ljouls without ohange of cars, making short stops at principal points enroate. The Bret of these excursions will 'leave Portland June 7, and the second June 17. The rate from a urantie -III oe wj u at. Loais and return, Exonrstomsti go ing Ala tbe Denver ft Klo Grande have tbe privilege ot .returning by a differ ent route. This Is the muBt pleasant way. as well as the most 'delightful route to cross the continent. 1 be stops arranged give an opportunity of visiting in and about Kansas City. If you wish to accompany one 01 tbese excursions write at once to W O Mo Bride. 124 Third street. Portland, for Sleeping oar reservations. ' To all persons who it mat concern that tlilnu of my sons; Walter, Guy and Albeit have lett home,1 against my consent.! I will ta no kIw be responsible for an v debts they mar contract. Dated at Summervllle tbe 87 day of May 1(104. J. T. Woodall. i "v Piano lunnin " Prof Hendricks the reliable Piano tuner, is ' fully prepared to care ' for your Piano, and solicits your patronage in his line. Give him a trial Phone 470 ' - 1-OR SALE-Two acre tract adjoliilng " L Urande, 8' roorrrrottase, 2 barn, hen house, with wire aifclo'ed pa-, W chickens, over 100 bearing fnifr f" ' 800 rasberrles 500 strawberrlen", 2 shade trees lawn. Osrdeu stuff read) . for use, 3 wells, 2 pumps, ten shar. of water right. . Insurance paid." fur three years. , Essy' terms. Apply to this office Immediately. -- : AV . , :, . -j-i: jou iiJi : 4 :V,:.vv 5; and ''or corrdde FOR SALE Two aura block with new 5 room house, barn, nut houses, elt Improve 1 (1600, time given on part. This will lar investigation situated on N Cheny and K alreot. 4-3 tf Fred waring. r T O .... La Granrle, Oiegen , f CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00 a Transacts s general banking bnslness. Boys and sells exchange en . . I .... T .1 nnllnMinna A rut .1 1 V FOR SALE Lumber and shingles for sals 3 blocki north car eh: pa by t S Aewsome. 6 13 27 Change of Management. The undersigned has purchased the busin So known as I he Harris Cash Meat Market uud will here after couduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish nil kinds of meats, game- and Milt rv at 'he very lowest prices cousitnuut with lirrt-olur. articles We huve our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price paid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and caref'il attention. Harris meal market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER - WALTER That the way to reach a inan's heart is through his stomach. Try it by using Geddes Bros' canned Iruits, delU'iou teraies, lettuce, on ions, and radish s, just fresh from the garden; j We are the first store the farmers call on and of course we get the choice of everything, r' We always have the fr sh est eggs, butter, e'c. ; Special attention given to phone orders. Geddes Bros. We are sole ageujs. forthjs JCE KING, gaWaoiaed porcelain mainel lined; .will not break, scratch, orrode. Last alife time, Alwaysiweet and clean. Noted As An, ieeJ3aver J 'i 11 V ff;. '-. '-n'S" ""- '' :"'' i Ornamental as well as useful A All sizes and prices'", i -S E" A MTiP OCC Phone 91 . tViUlSJ3a Residence Phone 367 UridertaHeri and EmbalnHers HOUSE FURNISHINGS 1202 Adams Ave i No W is tHie 1 i. TIME To Fix Up Your "Places. We can supply you with the stuff for -.fences and side walks., .,....,,, . ' 5 : t M . ir;,i.i AH kinds of lumber and buildiiug material. STODDARD LUMBER f CO SirilLirsffllM(W "Will Cur Any Case of KIDNEY or BLADDER DISEASE ; Not Beyond the Reach of Medicine ,.; FULL, MEASUKE f Chain Wood by the Cord - '.:' " ' ..... 128 cubic feet to the cord." t 10-inch diy chain wood $'! per cord. ' This U eheaper than ly the load. You pay for what you get ot.d get what y,u pay fi r. Phone 57i -':-i. 1 1. - Hi YUNIBlEY atl pSrW Ol w-.ii.i. A. T. HILL Druggist