La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 31, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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73 -
"To Furnish a Commodious Court House , tor
Period of Fifteen Years Free
of Charge.
Xigia On. May 80
' TJalon bate lu opposition to remov
I oi the county seat npon the ground
of inoressed expenses involved by audi
a change and the further coat to be
imposed u pi in the taxpayers by the
construction o a new court bouse.
Huuh U Uaiou'a sole defense against
removal ol tiu oouuty iet to La
The taxpayers of Union county will
hardly be hoodwinked by eneh a plea.
The oitiieos of La Grande Dave pledg
ed their honor that for a period of tif
teen yeara the taxpayors of Union
county will be furnished a com inodious
oourt bouse, a structure fully adequate
to the demands upon it, pmrt'cmly
free of oosb. The oounly op;1 huc-i
era have pledged theojselvo itmt in
event of La Gi. nde being n tcml as
the county net', ihe cost ol re living
the county archives etc., shall not ex
oeed 1200 and all additional oust for
snob purpose eiil be met b the ei'i
leni of La Grande The pledges mad
by Ibeae people of La Grande are n
to be lightly considered. The chand
ler, honorable standing, and hu.-m
probity of tb rutin standing lit-li.uii
these given hifgs oannot be ubsttilro
but be taken in gior1 fuh. I'M pe i
ot Union knew this to be true im i' -milling
it tbey wouM a e tbtM.uw lm
pillar of their support cruuil.
aal certain d-fiut ooufront th'tn.
The question of removal oi " vnV
omoty Seat rus'i .upm. the. vot js- oi
those living in Union county outsid
the towns ol La Grande or Union
Tin taxpayers of Elgin, Ialaad City,
nd Gove will settle the question next
Mondaand in casting their votes the
greatest good to tbe greatest number
should strongly influenoe eaoh and
every oue of them. ' Toe farmers
throughout the country should con
sider where their market is for all the
surnlus Drodote they havs for
dieposal. Does not La Grande, with
ts ever growing demands furniah to
tbia claw of our citiseus a convenient,
constant market for everything that
tbe farmer, halt grower and mulmen
h ve for sale.
With La Grande as the oounty seat,
these men bringing their products to
market can also tiansaut such businee
as demands their attention at tbe
court, bouse and - return home tbe
same day in nearly every instanoe.
Mow is it nowt A citizen ol Union
county living in or abcot Elgin hav
ing to go to the county seat is. com
pelled to give up three or four days of
his time in order to transact bis nec
essary business, an d ren then suffer
more or less on account of (ho lax ac
commodations to be hid iu Union.
La Grande's endeavor to secure tbe
coauty seat is not the eelhsb tffort
of a few promoters. ' It ia is a move in
the best intenst of all in Union
... -... v' '
Report a Very Success
ful Meeting of State
Grange Growing!
T..e delegates from this oonnty lo
the State Grange returned home Son
day norniog delighted with the hos
pitality extended to the Grangers by
tbe city of Gorvallle and tbe faculty of
theoollege - - '; r
Tbe meeting was held in tbe agri
cultural ball and was attended by al
most three hundred delegates and
visitors. This order now. comprises
ninety granves with a membership of
over five thousand in this state.
Reports of deputies show genetal
prosperity throughout the state among
tbe grange '
Oa Tuesday eveuirg a reception
waa held In tbeebaffi oi tt ecAW
for the graogst foUujrel by a banquet
In lb armory ball J
On Theraday evening .4 ; of
eighty were InUted In the lib degree
and a etas of one bbrdred and. . thir
teen ia tbe sixth, tpe followed a baa
qaet by tbs members oi tbe.ft.otoo
oounty grange. . I A'.i
The aezl meetinf oi Oregon Stats
Grange will be held a Iforest Grove.
Tbe National Graaxe will meet Id
rortlaod Oregoa in Xovembet 1904
when all who have 1 Uken tbe slxtfc
degree eaa take the seventh or Na
tional Ugm. . !;. .
Find Out that When
the County Seat Ques
tion is Settled Their
Town Will Prosper.' '
To the Editor;- : vM- . ';, ' ;
- Mr TH Crawford has pobllehed a
le.ter ia the Scoot on tbe anbtaet of
tbe reloealioa of the eooaty-eeat .Tbe
lette 4aW)d specimen of "linked
sweatoeetToaa drawn out." He see eaa
very sensitive because I . referred to
him as thelaader ol the apposition lo
the removal W the oounty teat, but: be
fore he eadebis letter be ab'iws that he
Tbe people of L Grande, very na
turally desire ihi hioatioa . of tlie
nounty seat ia their midst. . - .
Tbey feel that they ire instly en
titled to. La Grande i- rapidly grow
ing. Its borineaa ia nn-uthly expand
ing aod its oloee relatima with tbr
large com neroul interests of tbe stau
mska it a place of mere than ordi
nary importance. '.. .
with tbe eou-jty seat now located
ia an isolated part of tbe county,' tin
oes of time involved in- going tbe'r
and returning ia the transaction ol
necessary business, the lople. of L
Grande Qnd good cause to (ramble.
Tbey believe that ilbe oounty eea
should be located in La Grande,
Not only La Grande will prr fl'. I y
it With the chang- m da evry f t -tion
of tb' ooud y wou d scum rel i
thai tbe removal of the County seat t
La Grande was a moe in the rlgb
direction. Even dh people of Cnim
would find (bat otioe tbe oonnty. seat
qut-stion was definitely settled tbeii
town would prosper. Uounty seat
acitation baa been more tbe oause o
Union losing prestige than all else.
Its growth has brten vetarded, bus'
ness venlnres havcp keenfeji.anil''
Who (ought inmp,, tinkle,
0 It attOU 10 '004tt-U- ydders foil,
Wiif ti the shadows of neighing,
wire oontinua'ly apparhaltere pull
But La Grande Invite M Visitors To Make
1 horbugh InvesUgatfenMiiny ' : c -Have
Already. - ? ;
refsrsaw to population, and really ' has
not oee substantial lain) to retain tbe
eoanty seat, ,
JfjC pote forth lb stale pretense
that, if the eeualy seat t moved, the
eoanty will be pat lo a vast expense by
having to build a court boa as at ' I.a
Grand, and he designates the aromtaeu
of tbe people of La Grande to luriitah a
eotirt ben e free of expense to tbe
is entitled ,o that designation. He oounty as ''but alir" and "jgold brick."
Plaada for falraesa to this maitter and He praolically admits that tbe vounty
so do we i hot when did be be la to be lo Its present eoaditlaa ' cannot incur
(air? Onl y , a few days ago . he , we expense ol building a coart 'bTeae,
attempted to get iladge Kakia to pre-
veut a vote tia this question I
In fact, he toads to uttempts, be
fore giving op and bscuiulng an advo
jate of falraesa. He Brat filed a com
plaint and presented It to Jade Kakln
and asked hiui to grant a tempoiary
Injunction ""'Wtralnlng the - County
clerk from having tbe question of the
reloiaiion of tba eoanty eeat printed
on the ballots and from procuring tbe
necessary stationery tor a vote on that
question. Judge Kakln refused to
rant tne Icjunciiou and told Mr 0
mat to graut such an injunulion at that
time would ' be a high banded act.
Chen Mr CT and fait eccocletes made
an other effjrt ol toe aamesort. Tbey
presented a pollliju to Judge Eakln
fur a review of tbe order of tbe county
jourthwdKiu Ajiril iaaiffitttlng to a
vote of the people tue question of tbe
county seat, and atl tne same time prw-
jontjd to him an fWder already vrlttaa
jut aujins all' proUcdiK under that
oeder-.A-'Tbe sfjtaWl..jfti"-rder- ufdeeetverev
U-xl ft at Mukden, and the
ruovementof tbe Rassiaq vaageard
beinw WafengTien has ' given riee
to rumors that Kuropatkio baa yield- '
ed to tbe wishes of the Alrzieff party
and is atttmplinj to relive Port ax
thar. ' 'i
... AcoordlDg to yaoorle at Japaneaa .
I. ,1... -I..- ., f I SO M ki-a
Arc Hard Fighters and mportroa dwioH
Recklbst Riders, 'and K? s bu the rasa
. . ...., ObeFo-, May 31 Frba afaocbu-
inejr uereat causes
1 Sensation.
rian msrobsnt it has b en learned
that tbe Japanese have occupied tbe
Mae Tien Ling mountain one . hun
dred mjles norltvp,! fs$ Cheng and
directly east of Liao Yang, There ia
only one paae through tbe range.
London, stay 30 The attack oi
(tpeolal to the OtMtrtar) '
It Fetertbork, Uay 81 The report-'
- A J . ( . -. .L n t . . 1
an oetesi os tne vseeaoaa as 41 xaog o'ihw i
Ting Ken waa the only newssooV al-, norrefpondenDtelegraphi ts tiptoed
most tbe only topic of conversation Mo teglp abouJnne 15 . The aorra.
in St fetersbnrg last night. Toe Cos-jspondenta will leave for there., just
eaeka are esteemed a the hardest. In time to see tbe oapture, prohal ly
riders and most reoklees fighters ' in ! about June SO.' The - correspondent
We agree with bint that the eoanty
cannot now baild a coart bouse ; Tbe
tax nayerai. are perfectly aale on this
point. . Now, everybody, eioaptlng Mr.
0., knows or amy sMcertala by little
effort, that tbe people of La brand are
acting la, the good faith, and
that the court baoee ia now in process
of erection.. ' The people of tbe town
voted authority o the city lo issue and
call t;5,000.00 In bonds to obtain araoey
with wbleb to build a oily hsU. Three have been fciM, end the contract
tor bnlkliog tbe foandatlea and base
went ol tne bblM ng lev n let and
tbe coat rac or la au Idlng it, oa- a fine
algbtly block ren-wly porchaaedby tbe
city ior tbat qa-pessv The Work la be
ing pushed a any oak caa see, and tbe
oontreet for the remainder of he bolld-
lug will b I t s wn. The buildlnK Is to
be large and np-te date,, sad tbe city
wUJ need for city purpose! only a very
small part t it .for sheaf , Matey. . tne
peoble of La Gride are aojtjare,,,,
the traae-balkal army, Any disaster
them would have fleeter sensation
al affeot than the reverse at Kin Ohou.
London, Hay SI Tbe reports piib
also sayt teq . thouiacdBnssiaaa have
been 'sent tip-Liso iver in junks to
Li Lung. . The Post's. Shanghai .ir- '
respondent wires that several Japaneea
ie rule. . J
it end fancy
1 come true,
ilways, ' i 'i
' id brew,
, . . ' ' ' 1 ' " ' oeing,
Our shirt (took is complete in e0 but nigh
respeot. Perfect fitliDg, it'v7 and Lji"?''
peiidubie colorings, and bed rock; prjh.rrow .
are three poiDU we insist on in buyt.
shirts. Therefore we show nothing but
tbe tie-1 ehirie that expert workmen
can turn out.
Golf Shirts, 60c, 75", 85b, and II 50
Neulegie Shirts, 45c to 13 00
presented would (nave prevented - ah
preparation ol the rUou for a vote on
Hut question, unlvaa subsequently set
itide. Judge .lutkm saw ht tbe
ere afterward stiux. out all tnat par.
of the order staying proceedlag' No
all tbeae piocedin were ' atlempteu
JNE, and tbey war. Instituted so laU
tbat there would bvo been ao reined)
to overcome tbeui before election If Mr
0 could have found Judge thai woulu
be a party to bis e.eme Judge Kakin
,aw the ''nigger inj tne feuce" and re
run through to tr j
change of cars, mak' bave been d
principal points ouiKakiu calls to miuo
these excursions will 'leave.
iu.e..'i nra.l?1tH -.V.Kevll a saint
raw iiuui a.MB uinuuo - -'l
T jtnio nnrl Mkt-.irti . -. KlYtnral
ing Ala tbe Denver & Rio Urtevil a taint
the privilege ol jeturuing oi
ent route. This is the musi m-
way, bb wen as ms uium. . n --u-.
route to cross the oontlnl no ever.
stops arranged give an ot l.e can oui
of viBlting in and about Knq
If you wish to accompany or ,,ion .
Bride, 124 Third street, Port (! "
Sleeping oar reservations, e block, anu
mi monotali.
Ha no
I unninef
! uaruir
Pror Hendricks tne rena n,i
llahed in fr-itcho dlaoord in heip-( transprlrtasre landing troops in north-
nroew oeiweeo Kuropatkio and ern uorea.,
in ewv w .a reaper. f
Ladiis Silk Coats
In black, li.n aud Champaign colore, with and without liningsin box-coat,
also the ever popular ttten ana mouse iroui, emcw, m npprcuiaie ice eimpimuai
ues vou must see them. -
From 85.00 to
She cJkiur.
riff fi Ti isiliatlisssasjsin rsaarmmaaaaslssanea m
Inner, Is fully prepared tdorl matx
l?2i'iL,i."n2.'.n'l--0"i'lUI'fi'aude fai
surpasses It. There ia plenty of good
mountain water in Unloo county mil
Joes not run ihrougu Union. In fai'i
all the streams aie mountain stream'
ttr C probihly knjws that a compan)
lias for a year been eagqtel 1 1 pre
paring a great resolvoir about three
miles from La oranda at Morgan Lake
and in connecting it with mountain
streams with a view of lornlihlun
abundance of mountain water to L
arande and power to ran a large
mount of enterprises, nnd tbat this re
servoir ia about twelve hundred fee'
above La arande. There la no doubt
of the success of this large enterprise.
La arande will not only have plenty of
good mountain water, lut will have
plenty oi power to propel a great e
mount of machinery. Mr Hunter aud
others are Invesiiog a large aioou fit of
money in this enterprise. It Is not
"hot air."
La Grande has much better railroad
facilities than Unljo has, and it is
admitted by Union people thai, since
tbe Hsnhandle was cut off of Cnion
Monty, La O ramie Is a much more
convenient place to a lirge majorliy of
ths ejple of the oounty than Union.
How, this beiog the admitted fact, wb)
ia it not the conttoling fact? Why
should a large majority of the people
be in 'onvenieuced and put to an extra
expense in money end lime by s re'e
tlon of tbe eoiiitv seat at Union? Win
tbe Pan hand e aa a part of the count
Union would" have a much better claiix
f ir the county seat, but tbat large
territory has been aided to Baker
eoanty. Union la a small place with
p-..r hotel ani other accommodUtiona
In-Hot r'v or
'ItoldTjrtckf a MrWsauM to teaa.
ate. ' Tbe people of La -Grande Invite
all the voter ol the i ouuty lo liivevll -i;ate
this matter fully. 1 Many have
already dose so and are sattted and
will vote for La Grande. The people of
La Grande cennot afford lo deceive eny
one In this matter,, and tbey will not.
We Invite all to investigate.' Come and
iamnotmncb sorprlaed that Mr 0
Is a little eensatlve ia this matte. The
people of Unloo last fall paid him a fee
of I2,0I0 in tbe oonnty eeat ease tbat
Was taken to tbe supreme coart with
tbe belief that tbe reloiation question
had been thoroaghiy botttee op by Mr
0. Bat now, tbey find themselves oat
the (2,003 and thai they are face to face
with the relocation question and tbat It
It to be voted on. Permit me to ora me
of Mr. Crawford' figures and say hit
otlenU may feel a It: the had pal l
12,000 for a "gold brlok,",' 1
that Mr O can see the point.
A plain question Is submitted to the
people and all can nn leralnod It:- La
(Jrande people In good faith intend to
'Ornish the court boose free of wSt ti
Jin county, a good comraodioos build.
tug, and much will be saved In money
nd time to the oounty anu ths tax
payers by returning tlie oi nty seal In
1 Grande. It Is a one sided question.
, Dlomedo
Wt have fust received half a car load of the i newett
. artd lafett wall paper, vHalf a;carJoaji gyant 20,000 .
roll. This Is more paper than any one firin ever )
thought o' bringing into this county in "a single season. d
y. . 1 ' 1 1 r i.l . y if
(d) ' Tait paper ia all for sale and must be sold this season. We ff) :
jaj have brought two Bret elaas paper hangers dlroqt. torn 'f blcago, ga) '
v who are wltbont doubt the moat, ski If ul ; workmen Isf Eastern (A
V who, with the flv flrst elasa peper hangers already In onr em.
W ( pkr, sdvee ns tbe best wwUng toco
StacklalidMcLafcillen- I
Mr and Mrs J O Ohristaiaaen f
-ummerville were in tht oity yester
day. . v ' i
. ... TRANSFER AllD.Dj:LLyRX .
Wood, Clear Creek and
Castle Gale. Coal
Nut and lumpeos!, Red fir, tariarAok, and yirrhiw pine wood
Phono iVoj;i311 .
Successor to L. 0, Grout and City Coh) Co. , " t" ;
phono orders riv i ,,'
Our prompt A-tterition
II II Ml I tetTt ! Mt 4T'H 1 1 1 1 1 14
II you neglect your teeth you know it; and -everybody
else knows it, because the teeth are so
prominently locased that any lack of cure is
quickly visible. Good tooth brushes cost but
little here. We have some tbat we guaranteo :
never to abed a bristle. We also have the latest)
and best tooth preparations; tboje tbat polish,,
whiten and preserve the teeth and cannot barin
Cau supply a tooth-saving outfit for very little ;
money. .,. ... p
and la not centrally located With