II 1 Henb ane Suits '.. If . yog are going Hta TIM I NMoteeea. sera to . buy a summer suit yon nuy as well buy " It ; while our stock is com plete. Unequalled varietjf at uouiatcb-. able prices. Made right, fit right aud prided right,' v of things suitable for June wfcar , 9 m m t Specials in Shirt Waist Suits Hot weather peeking around the oorner nothing so cool or stylish as a pretty ebirt waist. Here's a chance to buy one at a surprisingly low price.' . We are showing these in Tuffetas, Foulard, Mohair and Crash suitings. PRICES FROM 11.50 to 132.00 UP AGAINST the petttooat problem? You'll, be aur-, prieed to find the latest shades, ot the prices. Much better than you'd suppose for twice the price 98o to $22.00. Men's Fine Shoes We have them in patent calf, . patent kid,'- black vioi kid hand welt, all the newest lasts in both button andlaee . Prices $3.60 to $5.00 We an agenU for W L Douglass ai d and Pretton B Keith world . ; renowned shore. SHIRTS. . The swellest line of soft summer shirts that ever crossed the Rockys just received, regu lar prices. MEN'S HATS. All the newfctbapi for summer v wear. Panamas. $10 to $14 mmm m m 5tyu 571 Ladies Summer Underwear It's tune to think of light weight underwoar. the best stylos and bualitlos hero if you bay this saving uiejiue considerable. Unusual Wash Goods Values, New Wash Goods the leading styles at remark- ably low prices this week hot weather, material at a saving every woman roust appreciate. - We will place , on sale for one week our entire line of wash goods.. ,. , . We have 1,000 yards of Basistes and Lawns, in a variety of colors and pattern, regular 15c for lid. -25 and 30o Voiles and Etamines,. this season's, uioht' stylish materials on sale this week at 220. A!l our,, 50c and 65c fancy white waistings, attractive styles in . big variety, all this week at low price ol 45e. Values that W Men's Heaib HOSIERY; BARGAINS. :Men's fsst blacSfi and seamless half-hoso, the famous "Shaw knit" make, .25 to 1.25. !oa:3SiB!5JW.l!SW.Elffil3TSfflSB8BV DO YOU WANT CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? lTT: rut . ,, 'a ? ' ' t ml ".'j 'i-.'i: 'J '11:-!- in;... cinrf. p-s .. inn ana TOUCH, inwr rurw ,. jum3-. r UNDER GARNEVTS jj Men's fine combed !l&gjrpllan t shirt; and drawers', .besfc-TSo ';,f ' values m the city." ' 4 l n , '' ' H-x ; Trunks, traveling bags, suit coses and traveling .necesiiies of I I every desonptipn. ,' Trunks of 4 eiery size and style., dress trunks, I I g.j ', sain irunas, . warurooe truuaa, swamer iruino. -TOmouu,,, , . isui i : ' " ' Lareest and most complete line in. the oily:: f)$ : f ' r ''11111 MsMWMWMS'eeewMW"'e'iwM''''lll'"'"w,,wa - " 11 TSWJL' 1 , '-'.., " .. .. , . ..' :. ,, v. : , - - . I ' , .... . ' ' . ' , .. i l! w ' Special Excursion to the World s NnTir i ..n un .k i iwiiwiutrB a. ij i i if i ' : I Mr Shirtwaists We have just received tbe swellest line of shirt waists ever brought to La Grande. Come In and look them over before the sizes are broken. GREAT CORSET VALUES ' New straight front, dip hip, Bntis te uoisuts for summer near. R aud W latest mode, color white and drub 18 30, (1.00 We are not - surge ns but we can give you a better form pro vided you buy one of thfse co'setp, :ind you won't gut tbe beet St in cor H 't nnlPHH you come here. All the new sbupea. $1. 00 to 83 00 ' If eo we can locate you ou some fine claims in Wallowa County M'Daniel 6c M' Don aid WAJjLOWA, - 1 OREGON Fresh Checolai es Freali Bon Bous " FreBh Nougact FreshjCarmels Fresh Taffey Fresh Saited Pennu's Fresh Salted Almonds Frebh Popcorn v Fresh,, Fruit PHILIP LOY There will be a muss meeting ol the oiemens ol La Hrande Monday even ing at tbe Commeroial Club, Those interested in cue welfare ol our oily are Qrged to be present. Trout for Catheriie Fied Davis and Al Oar doer Viiday received 7,01)0 Rainbow tiout fry Iron) the OUckaniua hatnhery, add plaoed tbe same in upper. Catherine creek. Kainbow trout will grow to 6 to ? pounds in sm), sometimes larger, but are not as "gatney" as the ordinary brook trout V ii o Hepublioan. BOSS Meat Market Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprir tors. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BUTCHEKS. Highest market price paid for all kinds of butchers' stock Hides, pelts and furs. Also chickens A poultry. OFFICERS: R.8IHTH President J. M. Behhy Vice President J. M. Chubch Cashier F. L. Metkrs Asit. CaBhier IOtUSItSSSC(ll a DIKKCTORfi". J M Itxrrv. J. M. (11,ur,.h I A. B Conlev, R. Smith t L. 0. Stanley INSANE MAN'S AWFUL TRAGEDY deranlon, Fa May 80 Stephen Hanger ly, aged 25, t is luutning in a fit ol insanity, attacked bis lamily with an axe, fraoturing the skulU ol his Meter, Bridget, aged 23 aod bis brother, aged H. ebopped the oollar bono in two of his sisters, Wmilred ay I'd 18, and badly injured his brothel Anlbocy. The lalner aud two biotbers were hurt in a dtaili grapple witu (he maman. Thn Dnnvar and Rio Grande. In con nection with the Missouri i Pacific,, will run a series of pertonally con ducted excursions to the World's fair during June. These exoursioua will run through to St. Louis without ohange of cars, making abort stops at prlnoipal points enroute. Tbe first of these excursions will leave. Portland: June 7, and the second June 17. Tbe' rate from ua uranae 'in iw mi to hi.. LouIb and return . Excursionists go ing Ala tbe Denver ft Kto nrande hat the Drivilese of returning by differ ent route. This is the most pleasant way, as well as the most delightful! route to cross -the continent, lb stops arranged give' an opportunity ot visiting in and about Kansas ;lty.. If you wiab to accompany one of tbesv excuraions write at once to W O Mar Bride, 124 Third street, Portland,, for Sleeping car reservations To mil person woe It na oooero that thing ol my sons I , Waller.' Oay and Albeit have lert home, agalnrt my cement. I will lafpo i wti oe rngpanalbla for anvWgty "f miJ nftract. Dated at 8ammsrvil1a tbe JET flay of May 1WM. J. I. Woodell. Piano Tunning Prof Hendricks the reliable PlanI tnner, is fully prepared to care for. yaur Piano, and solicits your patronage. in his Una. Give him a trial Phone 470 r-iWi&Oi! V -OBALB-To amtieiat, Miolnlng lUiOraada, 6 room etif S barns, 'hen hewse, with wlrat'easloaad park, 00 jQlilQkeai, over 100 UMpt Irolt trees, 80U oaakerriea S00'strberries, M abada traei lawn. , Oardan (tuff ready ' for nee, 1 wells, fiiumps, tkn shares ol water rights Iasurauce paid for three yean. Easy .terms, ' Apply to , thla office laameitiftei: v , , , ! We are sole agents for, the ICE KINO, galvanised , ; ind porcelain enamel linedj-will ot Sreak, srjratch, or1 corrode. Last a life time, always'stoiet andtclean. Z v . r'f i.ihiWm i iiUMiinv-it ;?.' A Misical Treat The Orpheus Concert Com piny is now makiug its seouud season's tour headed by several new and brilliant concert stars, secured at a large aalary whose aunt ic reputation ia a safe voucher for Hie very best standaids in musio, and clean, moral aod retiii.d entertainment, I'D ay stand at tbe haad ol their choien work, aud their successes have been aonleved before tbe very beat and highest aodienoes ol Amenoa, Austalia, Europe and the Orient, whose press aod people have bean un animous in their praise. Stewards Opera bouse June 3, uoder the u. p:ccs of the La Giande Commercial Club. 3655 LaOrande Nation a u B nk La Granrle, Oregon , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.60 Transacts a general banking business. Bays and sells exchange aa all parte of the world, uonecuons a specially. FOR SALE Lumber and shingles for sale 2 blocks north car shops by F 8 Kewiome. (V 13 27 Change of Management Tbo undersigned bas purchase!! the busin sa known as the Harris Cash Meat Market und will here j after conduct the same. ; . We wish to inform tbe poMiei that we are prepared to furweb all kinds of meats, game aard poultry at the very lowest prices ficmsistaut with fin-t-olun articles We have our own delivery and make two trips doily to the Old Town. - Highest market priee paid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share ol your patronage and guarantee tbe very boat satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. Harris meal market across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER GecJdes Bros., Why aw Uadde Eros. . kept to bneyT' Why de tftay sell the beat roods at the love prices . .Preferred Bt'k Toaiatoea t for (Wo Pre (erred StoclcCorn 3 for SOo Preferred Stock-Halroon 3forC0o Praferrvd Otodkv'Peaa 8 lot Sue Preferred Stock IBeaol ' ,8. for 60s Don't pay other urneers 20 eeata a eu for any of thee goods. Standard tomaSDaa, eorn,' beans peae, etn., a Jor 3 .eeata. ; Tbey have thai beet Jntter made In the vallev, and tkair creamery batter haw ne eqaal i beta. Try - Itand am. ... . Dill picklre, HelnaetS - mince oeat, Swlft'n pkikl lg feet, premium heme, loaw olives. ' Everything tasty, alee ami cheap TelamboB 4I Noted As-An lee Sayer j - '."i.. .. , , ... -. i ... j,:v , . n '.' .' -- J',.-,:.ii!,- ' Ornamental as well as useful s ! 1 ( All eiaes and prices Residence Phone 367 Underkeb .aljd Embalmto. HOUSB FURNISHINGS 1202 Adtims Ave ; 2 r NoWis trie TIME Gcddcs Bros. ( " O.I Prevents Bright' s Disease and Diabetes A. T. .HILL Druggist To Fix Up Your Pfaces. We can supply yu witn tue 8tuff for fen0s ani sidewalks. x r All kinds of lumber and buildimg inatorial STODDARD IILUMBER t0 aaasaa'eeaaf sMv FULL, MEAtSUKli &, Cliala wood toy tlie Corfl 128 oubio feet to the cord.. 16-inch drychain wood $3 per cord. This is cheaper than I y the load. "You pay Tor what you get and get what you pay: fur. e