La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 30, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    WWWl i II ( I ,.I,J,I, .I..M I11""
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VfiAT - Cl,
Tonlgbt n4 Toiy , fair 1 .
warmer jtjoiu -' "
i ... mas' i . "'
THb'TRAIitf " .X
I tit boond t:w A tlto
The Japs Pay Dearly
For Their Victory.
The Sons of the New Nation Care Nothing Fori
I heir Lives and Even Less for the Lives Of i
the Russians.
'Tokio, Mao 30 The Japaneae casu
alties at Nan Sban are now r uu'. 'fd
13600. The number ol Iin - an t.""
captured sxoM 70.
While Jnpn piid heavily fur h r
victory abe frctrrd a sweepintf and
valuable victori nver ibe Kua.iana in
capturing 67 turn, clearing out the
way to Port Arthur and infliotiog loi
ea on ti e Rueaiana which Id the end
are expected to total 2000 men. ;
II is doubtful if the Ruaeian will
stand agiin north of Port Arthur.
Tbey retired from the field beaten and
they failed to rally at Nan Quan Ling
where it waa anticipated a aeeond
aland would be made.
The del perate onalaugbta ol the Jap
aneaeonthe height! of Nan Bhen
were telling for the Russians left 800
dead in the tranche there A oom
plete uarch of thia field i expected to
how a greater narsbor of dead.
Nan Quan Ling waa occupied yeaterday
morning by a force of infantry, artillery
no engineers nnuder the command of
General Nakamore. The malh Japan
eae force epent VHlay night t.llet d in
the vlllase. an nl Nau Sban. . Th
soldiers wrrr gr ly . fatigued aa a
result of the oonaU it fighting bat tbey
e itirei with much .pirit upon the new
A force of Rumi ma held Ban Ohl L
Pa atation,wbic ie i.ortbwest of Dalny,
but the diovu them out. The
Rotiani abaniloued and buried the
elation and retired lu Hie direction of
Port Arthur '. ? ; .,-
fteautlfui Bloaaoroa ToUay. Naaloa
Ladlee Quartet Mtaaee Maggie and
Litiie Noble, Mme Rafstoo and Forrest
Recitation. . ....... ..Settln' the Flag
Miaa Naomi Williamson ; ;
" Songri. . - '
Bring Sweet Flower. ......".. .Brlatow
Mia. MarjTait
Recitation I i . . :;. ...... V. ..... . .Relected
.) -' Mia Daisy Whitlow ) 1 '
Sleep Comrades Sleep .
. . .Jones
Mesars Oiiy, BendrioKp- Balaton, Rev
Silk, ;;;;,?: 4. ... - .; .
Bong 8tar8pangled Banner
Pantomimed i i-
Keel tat Ion...... An Incident of the War
',. Mis Stella Chtndler
Long Line of March to Cerneteries-"Business
' Z-RouseTall Clos e--;Tiuhcff eds Attend 1 .
The Exercises. - ? ;
Decoration day was fittingly oberav
rd in this city today. At ten o'clock
the line of matob started from GAR.
ball beaded by the band in the follow
ing formation, Urand Army veterans,
Spanish war veteran", Militia, Wo
men's Beleif Corps, a Jong line of
school ohildren followed by citizens on
foot and in carriages, proceeding to tbe
masonic cemetery where the usual
ritual ceremony of the O. A. R. was
otrrieb out and from here many .visit-
td tbe different cemeieriea of tbe city
arid decorated hundreds of graves with
llowara. Upjn returning to tbe ball
a bounteous dinner was in waiting
which continued until lime to rassenv
ble for tbe afternoon ceremonies.
The Presbyterian ol uroh could in
nowise bold all wh. desired to attend:
Those however who did obtain teats or
stsndlug room were well repaid, jj
listening to tbe following program. Aa
will be noted Earl Kilpatrck delivered
i he memorial address, an honor - sel
dom extended to a youth ol It yaara
hut he waa rqual to the ocoaaioa and
every word of bis eloquent address waa
listened to with tnarkad and eager att
ention. ' La Urando is proud , of er
voung orator and she has reason to bi
Decoration day is always observed
Tbe U f. LibJ ofBoe, poatimV, tbe
banks aod ull bua neaa . houaes. wrn
all olosed as usual. . , - .'
Process ional II mn
God Gnard Uolumliia......V.r:....Ne n
Invocation. .(.... ......Rev.O H Kiig
Reading- of Ordera . -i ,
GAR Post Kxervisea. . -
Lincoln's Address at Quttysburg
F. 8. Newsome.-
' Musiri ' '
Slowly down the Valley. ..Nelson
The Choir"
Onr Heroes Little Ohildren
Keel talton Memorial Day
Mia Jessie Pnscott Nelson
v - Musio i
Flag Drill ......i....By Children
Memorial Address. . .,?.Earl Kllpatriok
Tribute to "The Unknown Daad"
Music. . .Cover them ivar with beauti
ful Flowers... ,By Children'
Song . . . . Aaaerioa
.' 'By the jfsoileooe J'"1 : - i
Benediction.-. ;M .'.....Rev John Oliver
i -. - , - ' .... ..
- -i . .
Crawford Indignant
Mr Crawford seem quite indignant I
over the aotion of : the oounty court
siveral mtntba ago fa not grant ing
him an exolnsiva ; Iraqobise over ; Ihs
roads of this oounty fdr the supposed
purpose of an elee'tie railroad to start
from Union and to take in the Hot
Lake, Cove, Snmmeiviile,' Elgin and
various other seottooeC Mr. Crawford
now tries to make iti Out that ' thia
road would now be u;der way !ad the
court only granted this little reqasat
Such proposition at ooutemplaled
by Mr Crawford would mean the iu-
veatmeut of leveral hundred thousand
d illara and Mr Crawford or anyone
ae who would pnaeiit a booifie pro
p wition for the use of- ihs : oounty
roada would secure a ri!oniee. Snob
parties who might desire to Invest in
ucb au enterprise woald on out
set .eoure their site aird develop their
od the they weu'.d Ikave bad 10!
- TnibJe whatever In esoariug tbsir
I aoonise . it was simply a ouainti a
proposition foi the oounty oourl to
oonsider and they acted in a holiness
tanner. . Wbea Mr Crawford or any
other person desiring Important
matter u a blanket franchise ' on all
tbe roads of Ibis oonatf ean show that
snob a fraoohta woaWI be used, be i r
tbey will receive ' consideration. Mo
one knows tbls better tbaa Mr Craw
ford. Hs waa oaly playing for a lit
cheap OHinly seat railroad talk. ' f
he bad or has aoy soon finanoial back
ing to build snob saggesled elrctrio
road, he is eersainly not taking slops
that moat buslnesa ansa weul take.
On tbs faoe of it, it looks very muck
like Mr Ciawfurd waa simply noting
in tho capacity of a promoter ad de
sired to apt eolate upon tbe franchise
he didn't get, and should not' have
bad. Tbe noort acted wisely. "Hot
air" aod franoblst do not bnitd rail
roada, even lu oounty eat fights, , ,
SHOT PUT i !. u-r.-.-Baker
1st, Snd,. and 8rd, DlsUnoe
STft-ttia ,. . r, v ; " .( ,,.
lbs result of the tcoie gave Baker
St, Pendleton 31 and Union 7 po'u'ts'
also giving Baker City the silver 'cup
permanently having successfully n d.
it for three snoceeeiv years, X -w
under tbe rules Baker will put op '
cop and tb various scboola will av-
a new start and all hope to b .win
ners. ; " . . Ai t ' ; j) ; ;'!
; KinAain.
. Attornf y Will R. King wat op front
Ontario V iday on legal business
J Mr. King la not taking aa '. active
part in pont es as tn former, years,
but does not besilate to tell sju) frsbsids
thai he is aa ardent supporter of Qer.
E. Dav's, the Rtpublloao v nominee
'or Circuit Jude at against. Judge
Clifford. Mr. King says be Is still a
Democrat, but Mlisvee the Judge's o
lice to bava no pnlitios in It, and that
he will support Mr-; Davis (or the rea-j
son that D.vls is the best qualified
fur the ;laoe. Tn faot he says Judge
Ol fford hs h-l.t ' the hfftio . - sons,
ii o igh. Mslhtur Ors ite
The Oratorical Cohtest
: The casern.' hoiw' w4lie oaaate ii qf'
attiaotion in tbe evening to witness
the oratorical oontesr,: The firai b
ing Mwa Obloe Caofield of Pendleton
awbjatjt, ''no Maa Fable"
Howard Chandler of Baker City
ehooe for his subjwt "One Mao, one
Ooastitutlon, oae Distioy " Miss Ola
Tottle, of Union tbe winner bad for
her subject "Auroras. 'Bail Kll at-
riok Of La Grands "Man Wanted."
Prof, Hookao berry Wat so well pleat'
wj with all of the' orations delivered
that sf'er the sxercisee he presented
aside from tbe mesial; o Wtaa fplUe,
a handsome of possss to
tbeotbors.",,,, sf,
w These education.! and athlstia .
meets are worthy of careful atteati
and eooonragemsnt from loo patron
of onr pubilo talioott as was evident
from tbelntereo taken by the eobolsrs .
t aoheraan'r lends, ,
. r-
investment o' at leaat 1100,0(0
Taen they would be in a poai o to
g i before the county oourt and (ay
g ntlei. t we will ioa short time be
in a position to ask for a fra-ohiee for
I ie joiot uae of the ojunty roads in
sertalo specified roada in tbe oounty
Great Change
i There is a graat change of satl
ment all over the conaty "rsgardltK ll.t
change of th county seat to U-i Graude
What tbe property owners wanted to
kmw, was,', whether or. not .' suoba
ci nge woald in-an Increased taxation
t them. Tola pjint they now folly
understand wit i the expense elimtnated
t La. Crande1, anrelv-' went some,
wentv one to five' war1 stassufnir not
to slow The new grouhdt were giveu
good start, and the boyf'tJ Jnst the
onea to keep the work going. ' v.:
! e waa "time along "nbnnt the
fifth Inning wheu things dWt not look
to bright, but soon tlw flre.wprka be
gan aud there-was a lit t la something
i srlh'g right : along on ha t Grande -tide
or th ledger-ontil tbe: ac-onot
stood as above stated twenty one to five
- T vliltors did the best .they could
but tbey simply lacked the know how.
- The attett'lance natgood and ibe ooja
feel flue and dandy order their victory
m Half a Carloai o t , ! t U
New Wall Papr.
We have just received half a car load of 'the ,.newet
and latest wall paper. Half a carload means 20,000
rolls. This is more paper - than any one - Ih-m
thought o' bringing irtto this, county in a single season.
mtA ant Ml. Kl(mlnasH Km
nvtea poer, w ' iob jKbld f mitn ewlwductluu to aig-iffwt
Grande many wbiweiH op o -d irv
now aorking for saeb ' rvinoval.
The memorial tervioe 8nn lav at tbe
Presbyterian church were well attended
and tb - eat vice ibrougboat were very
impressing and approf.rlaie.
E ...
1 Eadits Silk
Our shirt etook ia complete ia every
respect. Perfect fitlmp, new and de
pendable colorings, aod bed rook prices
ere three poiots we insist on iu buying
shirts. Therefore we show nothing but
the beet thirta that" expert w rk men'
can turu out.
Qolf Shirts, 60c, 75, 85c, and ' 1 60
Keglegoe SbirU, 45o to $3 00
In black, Inn and Champaign colors, witli and without linings in nox-coat, and
also the ever popular Eton and blouse front effects. To appreciate the exceptional val
ues vou must see them.
From 5.00 to
Most Successful Meeting of the Eastern Oregon
High Schools Ever: Held Baker
j Keeps the Cup.
M JMI- 1-J.M.F. .J.X' il lJ-, l.l II- I
l i IT Tear siTlti iiiiair "iisesalAwaiifsfil ill t
The Eastern Oregon Oratorical aud
Field Sports wbicb took place in tbi
city Saturday, representing Ibe Higl
schools were a decided success Iron.
every standpoint, attendance, enthu
siaum and the results of tbe vaii iu
Ia the field conteats Biker City won
ten firsts out of a poasiSle thirteen
Peudleton two and Union onr. Ii
tbe Held sports La Grande was no'
represented. .A a will be noted lb
rinoida made were above tbe average
Biker l't , Pendleton I A Baker
3rd Time 10 4-5
Baker la'., Pendleton 2nd. and 3rd
Diatano- 1 '-2'j
88'1-VARn HUN
Bakor 1st, Pendleton S.d, Bakei
3rd, Time 2.08 3-5
Union 1st, Pendleton tod, Baker
3rd Heigbi 9ft-6in.
Baker 1st, Pendleton 2nd, Baker 3rd
Time 224 5
Baker 1st, Pendleton 2nd, aud 3rd
D tanoe 0fi-Sm
Pendleton 1", Baker 2ad and 8rd
Tl ,- 18 1-5
Baker lc, 2nd, 3rd, Time 61 4 6
Baker 1st, Pendleton 2nd, Union
3rd High) 6U-5Jln
Pendlntoo 1st, Baker 2nd, aod 3rd
rime 28
Baker 1st, Pendle on Sod,
rd Distance 88't-Bin
0 . This paper U all for tale and mast he told this aeanuu. 1 "We
aa have bronght two Brat olaaa paper hanger diroc! .from l;hicaio. :,
i Wito are withont donbt tbe most ski Ifol,, workmen iu. Eastern jf
V who, with the five first olase paper hangers slrMrdyln jnr ajin- (
. ploy, give aa the best working force in tbe inland Empire.. : )
" . i. ' '.. Jiinitia -i.i. ' " 'ii i , 'ia-Vi.iiw'ii'' ,. (g)
S ; StacklahH&cLkcti leh -
:Mk s
Wood, Clear Creek and
Castle Gate Coal j
" ' -,-'' ' ' :-.-''' ' - ' " f
Nut and lump ooal. v Red fir, tamarapk, and, yellow pine lirood
Phone No lOll i
Soocessor to L.
Gront and City Coal Co.j
r.or ii
A.11 phone orders a:iypi i j
Our prompt .Aitentioii
4MIMItl ttttettttltM4ltllfltMlltt4ttlT
If you neglect your teeth you know it; and
everybody else know it, because tbe teeth are bo
prominently locuaed that any lack . of enre ia
quickly visible. Oood tooth brushes rout but
little here. We have some that we guaranteo '
never to sbed a bristle. We alio have the latest
and best tooth preparations; those . that .( polish,
whiten and preserve the teeth and cannot harm.
Cau supply a tooth-saving outfit for very little
money. ' '