....... " -. 1 a; Tonight and feaai4ay, fb!V ( 1 Warmer Tonight, - i t . ' ? LA GRAND E Nol ut bound 0:10 oft tin . No f Wst :10 on time " ' $ '. ; T VOLUME 111 LA GRANDE. OREGON, FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 27 1904 NUMBER 177 EVEN NO j, AN AUCEL MAN GIVES HIS REASONS Came to La Grande, Saw the Work Being Done on the New Building and Went Home Convinced. aliosl, May 26th. Editor Observer Then baa been do email change id tb attitude of many of our heaviest Ui payen Id this vicinity regardio? the county teat question. The sub ject of Disking a change baa been one that we taxpayers have- looked upon with despair for a number of years. We rerlited tbat if at any time during the put ten years, the people of (bit county erer gut a chance to vote upon the question owing to the faot that La Grande wat the natural location for the county seat, it would be voted there. We also knew that that meant the oouuty indebtedness would be swelled anywhere from $10 000 to $60 000 which added to the present large debt would result la a Irgh tax for a number of years. For tbnt rea ' son many of us in tbis section oppos ed the change. Now things are dif ferent, decidedly. It seems that the old adage " every t hing oomes to him who waita'' U applicable in tbis in stance. . . - Last year we thought we were op agalntt it wbi n the enabling aot was secured, but . tbe supreme ooun came to our rescue and decided that Union county ouuld not go in debt for any more buildings until ber debt was reduced below the constitutional limit, which is $5 OtIU Now La Qrande was op against two propositions, one was either to I irever bold ber peaoe about the county teat or provide suitable buildings. There was no alternative. She knew that if the people voted the change without providing suitable and commodious buildings, there would be an injunc tion tiled and the records and offices could not be moved. Consequently La Grande at her last city election submitted to her voters the question of issuing bonds to the mount of $25,000 for 'be ostensible purpose of erecting a city ball and tbe result was the bonds were voted unanimously aud since that time they have been issued and sold, a eite haa deen purchased aad a con Our Saturday's special sales have become Popular with our patrons, and we have pledged ourselves to imka them even more popular if High Class Goods at Extraordinary Prices, and Honest Advertising will make thtm so. In this as well as all our ether advertising we give NO FICTITIOUS PRICES TO GIVE THE APPEARANCE OF A GREAT REDUCTION SALE. Further, we guarantee our regular prices quoted to be as low a the lowest and when you see 'SPECIAL PRICE' in our ad it means a substantial saving to you. Lock for Sa'urdsd specials: (2 50 to $3 00 Shirt Waists, Saturday only tl 98 2 00 to 2 25 ' 1 69 1 25 to 1 50 ." " " " 98 New Belts 35c tract baa been let for tbe construction of the foundation and basement story aod while in your oity lh other day I visited tbe eite in company with one of your prominent bnsineaa man, and saw many teams scraping, excavating , and hauling stone, alto that tbe city waa extending their water pipe to fur nish the contractor water for the pur pose of mixing bit mortar aud to be used later in tbe building. ' Now Mr. Editor I visited La Grande to ascertain for my own tatisfaotion in regard to tbe rumored things that La Grande was going to do and I talk ed with not a few of ycur business men and prominent oitizons whom I bate done busineet with for yeara and exo iusiveiy you might say includ ding Island Oity for tbe oast twenty five years These men convinced me that La Grande was going to do just what sbe says she will do. In fact af ter thinking the matter all over oare- .'ully I oan see and ' so oan - anyone that in order to secure tba county-seat lie is oomeplled to do juat what abe is doing, with the exception abe might have built a oheaper building than sbe is now erecting. Mr Editor you will please fxciisf me for taking up so much of your -pace but I have been interested very much in this question for many yeara and have always opposed a change, but now I would like for every tax payer to visit La Grande and tea what thev are aotually doing, talk with tbe business men aod property owners and they will aurely return borne tbe same aa I did, thoroughly convinoed that La Grande it aoting in good faith and that tbe ia building a oity ball tbat ia large enough for all county purposes and that they will aa soon aa the vote is decided in favor of La Grande lease this building to tbe county for a term of fifteen yeara for tbe small sum of 1$ per year. Now fellow taxpayer! here ia tbe oportunity of our Uvea. Here ia a chance that made possible only through the decission of tbe supreme Saturday SPECIAL ! bfhC JHUTj onart L dreod bad todo it . bi:i nevertheless she will do it and we gel the benefit of it Every leaident north of La Grande should vote 'or La Grande. Tbe change would not only be great personal ooo veuicnce, but the actual aavlng would daring Urn next fifteen yemn be suffi cient to build a court bouse. Fifteen yeara it a long time. Note the change tbat tbe past fifteen yeara baa made and who la there bat bslievet tbe next fifteen yeara will see ttill greater changes and improvement. LaOteude ia and always will be the oommerical, financial and educational neater of thin valley. Tbia meant alto the lie t mar ket for whatever produce we raise. There are many reasons why we ahould vote for La Grande end none whatever for nut doing to. . Tbia it onr opportunity and the chancea we will never have inch another. We are all, re member bow Onion loat her opportun ity when the fa' led to make terms with the railroad company and let the main line pats her by. Bhe aeea It now but it Is too late. . It It our Interact . ow to vote for La Grande and let ut vote for oar interests before itis too late. , ' A Cll Ahokd Taxpatk ' HELD UP BANK Robber Pushes Cashier Aside and Takes off the Gold. (Special to the Observer) V Auburn, Cal May 27 A man wear ing a false beard entered the Placer County bank today and presented a written demand for all the cash on band. A piatol gave emphasis to the demand. Assistant Cnahier McFay- den, who waa alone trlid to temporize hoping tome perso i would enter. - The atrauger tprang over tbe counter and fired a thot at McFaydeu but tbe ballet went wild. Tbe robber seized all of the gold In the mnney tray, emptied it into a canvass tuck, arid started to de part. At the door be encountered Cashier Smith. He waived him, aside with the revolver, sprang into a cart and escaped. ' The bank officials decline to tUte how much gold wat taken. The Ticket In order that oar readers may know who are in tbe field for office we , pub lish tbe variout ticket!. Tbe Repub Combs 35c heaa ticket will be found at the ol tbe Editorial page. V ' SOOIA.M8T NOMINEES 1 Representative John T Blob, Union; Commissioner, W T G rider, Island City; Clerk, Bird F L-we. La Grands; Sheriff, Charles H Bvitell, La Grande; Attestor. Peter Kuhn, Union i Recorder, A. N Mayvtll, La Greeds; Treasurer, E CI Davis, La. Grande; Juitice of the Piace, V Ed wards, La GraAde;Coatabtt, E Wet land , Le Grande ( i:: ; UBUOOkaVriC NOMINEES Joint Senator, Union end Wallow W G Hooter, Island City; Joint Be pretentettve, Byron Miller, Wallow oounty; Representative, L L MoKra- noo, Alicel ; Commissioner, M J Duf frey, Cove; Clerk, J H Mtmaangh Ferry; Sheriff, 0 O Pennington, Alice Beooider, J T. Bollae, Union James Morton, Elgin, PRECINOr OFFICERS Juttioe, O F Goodall, Constable I J H Lacblen, Surveyor, Arthur Cnrti Coroner, Or A L Richardson. High Five The Lad lee of the High Five were entertained yesterday' afternoon by Mrs Tom Ormond and Mrs Bohnea- kampatthe latterc home. Tbe first prlee waa won bv Mrs J H Aikine, and the second by Mm M L Causey. .,. Be sides the regular members of tbe dab there were present Meadataee McDonald, of Allele, Mr George Hanson, Mrs T Lundagulnn of Nadraaka who It in the city visiting ber alitor Mra J J Coyle. Track Meet V The eilvert-np tbat has beta offered by the Eastern Oregonian to the team from Eastern Oregon that wine it three time in auc cation will be on exhibition at Bewitt'a this afternoon and tomor row. Bakee City haa woo it twice and will put foitb ber best effort tomorrow to make It a permanent possets ion. Tbe fair grounds are being placed in condition and everything will be In readiness tomorrow. , tj Some of the contest, nta are alreadv here and othara will arrive tomorrow. First Home Run Mr Btnbblefleld, the new hoe man who ia now opening a shoe stock In tbe room next to J M Berry la a regular base bill fan and In order to show the boy that hit heart lain the right place he oft'era $3,60 pair of shoe to tbe members of the home team who flrtt makes a home run in the game Sunday with tbe Pendleton team. Go to m boys and put the ball out of tbe lot end get thethoet. ; NEXT YEAR HERE District Convention of The Rathbone Sisters Met in Baker City Last Night Tbe first district convention of - trint No 6 Batbhon 8istera waa 1 in Baker City last nigbl. Thlt diatriot tnolnde Elgin, Union, h Qrande. Baker Oity, Ontario, aod Richland. Vivt temple ware re presented. Th afternoon nation was devoted to business and torial work with Mr Hyde of Baker Oity praahHac. Tb election ol offioers resulted in th election of Mre Hyde a presides aod Miss Sloonm, of TJuion as Seoretaty. Under tha order of business select ing their next annual meeting, Mr E Androsa, of La Qrande an tended them a oordial Invitation to atest next year in tbit oity, which wat ac cepted aad omttime th latter par of May decided upon. Th evening session was devotes! an exemplification of th floor work which wat most beautifully eraowtad Two eandidate being initiated. Fol lowing earn tb tumpton baaejnei and then the eonvention visited office of tbe Morning Democrat When- they wre royalty entertained by night lores By tbat time th delegate who retorded on tb west bound tram bid tbr sisters all good by aod pro mised them if possible an rqoatfy (.Spatial to lb Observer) j Delia, Text, May ST la aa inter view today, W J Byra Mated that there wat no middle ground on whleb the opposing factions of tba democra tic party can oomproeaiaa. Hi em phasis ad the sis lament t . - ' They eaa not go together." Asked aa to whether he would abide by the retaUelSt Lout aeeaidt "Tblag have no developed f enough to tall. No one oan caterer tateh qotetioa until the platform aad candidates are koowa. ' He alto criticised Jndge Parker eUeno - . y ,: (Baeotel to lb Observer) Belt Lake, May IT Hugh Alfred , civil ttttrlasev. A Jetton, bi assistant war eoeteeutally killed by electrocu tion at Bingham, It alia frota here, today. To etuveyor chain which they were carrying eaa ia contact with a live win of the Tellnride Pow er eomptoy aad lb malting thoek instantly waa fatal to both. . PROHIBITION NOMINEES Repreaantaiive, A E Eaton, Union; Clerk, W A Worttell, L Graad; Sheriff, H A Thomas, Elgin : Attestor B U Bbaw, North Powder; Recorder, H O Tbamaaoo, La GraadiTreator ir W L Laadruaa. Union; Comraiaslonsr EF Roberta, Oove; ftaboat Sapt. blank Rarveyos . bleak. Coroner, 8 L , Corp, Oove. LA GRANDE PRECINCT OFFICER Jnttic of Pease, W 8 Win, La Grande. OS-TE OP-A-THY Osteopathic traatmeat aids nature's p roc tenet to oonbal dlteass and baa given abundant proof of ita ability. ' ; , Had dlgeatioB leads to nervontneet, aleepleetnett, Irritability, : braln-fsff. ill-temper. Osteopathy core tick atomacba aad perfect ataimilation which makta pare, rich blood and strong nerve. "". Sneeial to Ibe Obseivir Cape Haytlsn, Hay 17 A, erimia battle waa foogbt today batwtea tbe Dominican troop and tbe revolutioa lit at Eeperaesa, on the toad from afoot Cariati to Santiago near Mao The re volution it tt were victor ion. Many were killed and wounded on both tide. General Baoal Cabrera, minister of war, who commanded tbe government troop waa killed. . Tb revolutionist are before HavaretU, where another battle will be foogbt. Th govern ment troop are waiting for reinforce ment Tb United State cruller Detroit and tb gunboat Newport are off Monte Obritti. (Spsoltlto lbObeerverr Ijoodon, MaytT TbeShanhaikwaB correspondent of tba Dally Ohromel ends a report received from If io 'hwang that on May IS tolnking tbat he Japan had retired from Ceng VangObeog, lt),000 Suasiaos fronr Hal Cheng aod Man Yang marched toward Feng Wang Cheng. They were surprised by V 000 Japanese in Tatnng pat. Tbe Rnsin euualtlet war 4,000 and over 1,0U0 Butiians surrendered Th report doss not ita' tbe Japanese loss s. ivMHMHI TRUST OUR SOAPS ? .1 li It is difficult ix judge the purity of toilut soapsi ft and too often an agreeable odor detormines the ' . ?. ohoioe. If all eoape were as innoceut as their ; . fragrance ia pleasing, there would be ' more 4? moot he skins and clear complexions and loss .. -1 ; w roughness, pimples and blotches. , We can make you safe in your soap buying. 1 The toilet soaps we handle are those made by 4 reputable firms. Wo have pure and safe soaps 5 at whatever price you wish to pay. t & u NEWLIN DRUG CO. . to tbe tbe as GORMAN LEADS ;: STATE CONVENTION - . ....,. X, , r j And Has Things Very Much. His With lhe Maryland : v Democrats. - - ' ''. f --' .' i -'. . a t ' W ' (Special to tbe Observer) 1 Baltimore, May S7 Tbe demoora tiettat convention of Maryland met in this city today, ' adopted platform and aleoted delegates to the 81 Louis eonvention.. w'-:... v'". . ' Senator Gorman Was the delegate from Howard county, and tbeplatlorm adopted by the eonvention admittedly embodies bia opinion ol wbal the national platform ahould be. It it eoefintd to national issuea and prao tloally endorsee tbe .in of action fol lowed by the democratic committee during tbe lata session- I oongrest. It eallt for a moderate tariff revision, 9 U ff . 1 nau a wanoaa 01 New ' , W hav just received half arrd latest wall Piper.. .Half rJ rolls. - 'This Is more paper thought of.bringing into this I Tbia papsr 1 all (or sal and l. ... . m . .1 ' wbo are without doubt tbe most ski Ifnl workmen in Eastern, .. :?' " Who, with the Ave Oret clee paper bangers already In our- em- I? . Piny girt oathe best working foroe la the Inland Empire. . , ..V Stackland Sc PAINTS, 0I12S TRANSFER AND DELIVERY Wood, Clear Creek and Castle Gate Coal . Not and lamp aoat, Bed Or, tamarack, and yellow pins f wood . Phone No 1011 gKe. fowlerS Suoeeasor to L. 0. Grout and City Coal Co., A.W phone orders civ-i i ;jS Our prompt Attention. Way m: Own: -!- !v ';' f'- -.': 5s i"iv "y; 'rfjjliv iodependenoe for tbe Filipinos', , ecou omy in expenditures and lull inveattVsw gatlon of all alleged orookedoeaa in ' the potloffios anJ other government departments and severely orittci '' tbe present administration. .It ooo demut tbe method under ' whieh tb Panami can'il t rritory was acquired . and the disregard of law and treaty ? obligation toward our slater repub ia . " While the delegate! to St Louis are' -not inttrnoted except to vote aa a unit ; it it admitted tbis oourte waa followed v by tb request q' Senator Qormea th k convention being plainly in tbe but ; mor to tnttruqt for bldi,- : .r. v i r Wall Paper: a car load of the . newest a carload means 20,009. than any", one -firm ever -? county in a single season. .. . mast: be sold this senson. W , , j) i. . . .11 . u I -r McLaciilen: AND ! GLAbS, i . enjoyable time nest year in L Grand teSMIIMMIIIIIIIIIHIMIIIIIIIIIIMIUH i