La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 24, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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We will call for it and bring it
" home when promised.
'r . Wt gunatM satisfaction and only atk for a
. . trial ordar to dsmonstraU to you that wo ua
..j, dontand the laundry business. You oan stop
i wagon at any time or phone the Laundry . : .. .
w . and your work will bo called for at once. We
make a peeialty of family washing, and oan
do your washing better and cheaper than '
yow. A trial order solioited.
OURREY BROS., Editors Prop.
Entered at the Post Office at La
Urande, Oregon, aa Second Class
Mall Matter. .
Published daily except.Sunday
One year in advanoe. . . . . .$6 60
six months in advance. . . .8 60
rer month. ;;. . r. . i .66c
single oopy ,.,5q
Union Steam Laundry
New Wall Paper.
; t- Wc havt hat rtcdvtd half a car load of the newest (
and latest wn paper. ; ;J1alf a carload means 20,000
."rolls. This Is mora paper; '. than any : one firm ever
thought of bringing into this county in a single season.
. !-.TsJa papa ball for eale and mnat be aoldtiita aeason. We
have fafoajgat too Beat slaae paper hangers direct from Chloano.
koatravttbetaVaiM tnamoit akliltnl workmen In Eastern ' V
be with the tra prat elaaa paper hangera already in our em. (
ftst, atrae ju the beat working foroa in the Inland Empire. )
: Stackland & McLachlen I
J PAIrfrS. 0ll2v ANDiEGLASS 5
k ft am
My Lady'-s Jewels
f Certainly add to her attractiveness
'(, The poet who wrote that "Beaujy un-i
y,l adorned is aaor nea me most" proDamy
?i bu noaeuars. lie certaioiv snowed
tittle saose. And if his lady love hail
t Men mjr aiapisy oi
Dainty Broaches
She wonld not have believed him
For a woman naturallv loves to adorn
herself. No one oan blame her after
; things at so moderate a coat were never!
in before, i nere are tmnge lor men
Jaet come in and see how much
ire I could bave said about tbam.
J. It Fcare, the Jeweler
City Property For Sale
' MeawaaMeaBWaeeaMNaTasaMea
Finely Located,- Well Improved 5-Room House For
I Sale. Also Other City Property, At ,
. 1 it - -
rTbaa) yoa" order grooarlaa In n ! i j i t
1 to bave themjJenverea on lime;
When yoa order groceries from ns you are sure to
' got the Torr?eat to be had. We keep only.the best
The next time you are at our store
ask to tee oar speoial.line of
Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. P
A ;Two Light Electrolier
:; ' Bfflpire style complete with etched glass
I ' shades Sand all attachments potjup In
I yoBrreaidenceforfoo
sampiesfin our winaow.
See 1
La Grande Light & Power Co
La Grande Evening; Observer! foreign goods and carried from
American ports, in American
ships 8)930,938 tons of stuff ta
foreign countries, making a
total of 7,818,474 tons oarried
that year in American ships. -"
In 1903 there were unloaded
from foreign ships at American
wharfs 24,697,692 t"ns of foreign
stuff for useaud consumption in
the United States. In the same
year foreign ships carried from
our ports to foreign countries
24,823,164 tons of stuff for sa!u
.'in foreign land . making a total
of 49 626,866 tons carried under
foreign flags. Of this amount
26,046.873 tons were carried iu
British ships, a little more than
onehaif. .
Expressed in dollars, in 1903
American ships oarried from
fireiKU lands . to the United
Slates a .d from the United State
t foreign na ions . over seas
214,695,032 worth of stuff In
the same year our imports from
acor exports to foreigu lands
nndar fo eign fliigs parsed for
the fir t time in histo y the two
billion mark, and stands at
12,026,801,420 worth of stuff.
It is not because snips cannot
be made in the United States as
good and cheaply as else where
that we are so dependent upon
foreign ship owners, for in 1903
we had 623,602 tonage of steam
Ocean going ships of American
build in our foreigu trade, ' and
896,264, tons of home built sail
ing vessels.
in JUU3 there were, built in
American ship yards 470 sailing
vessels with an aggreate gross
tonage of 89,979 tons, and in the
same year 661 steam vessels weie
constructed there with a total
tonage of 276,781 tons. ' "
In 1876 . there were 28,060
sailing vessels' with a tonage of
8,686,064 tons, and 4.236 steam
vessels with a total of 1,168,668
tons in our merchrnt Marine
Iu 1903 our. merchant. Marine
consisted of 16,371 sailing vessels
with a total tonage of 2,679,267
tons, 8,064 steam vessels with
an aggregate tonage of 3,408,-
689 tons.
The fact that the U. S, govern
ment has built at home, one
among the largest and most
complete in the world,
demonstrates that ships, as bTg
as any body builds, have keen
built in the U. S. gives addi
tional emphasis to the query
Why do we not own enough
ships to do our own business
with? ,
State '
Supreme Judjc F A Moore v -
rTOdsmT DalryConuruHiontr,
' ? JW Bailey
Presidential EleetorZ" James A Pee,
, J N Hart, G B Demkk, A C Hough
' Second District 4
Congressman J N Williamson.
Union and Wallowa, : .
Joint Senator peter McDonald.
Joint Representative J H Dobbin
Eighth Judicial District.
Prosecuting Att'y. Leroy Lomax
J 4 Union County. ' :""
Representative N O MoLeod, .
Olerk-Jsa B Gilham
Sherd" J W Waldoo.m
Assessor Ben Brown...
Reoorder D H Prootor
Treasurer John Frawley
Commissioner J M Selders
School Sopt. R A Wilkerson
Surveyor TR Berry
Coroner J O Henry, .. . C
La Grande Precinct.
Justice Peace J E Hough
Constable J W Praser
There is probably not a
citizen in the United States,
when he reads that of our
immence foreign trade carried
on by sea voiges, only
9.1 percent thereof is oarried in
American ships but wishes . in
his heart 'ha', something oiuld
be done that Amerioan commerce
be carried in American ships.
It is believed that both
Democrats and republicans join
in this wish, and differ only in
the methods of accomplishing
the desired end. v
Logically the democrats who
adhere to' ''the time , honored
principles" of their party, can
find no autbority ; or power
granted specifically by the U. S
constitution, to the ' nations
government to do much or any
thing in the way cf incouragiug
the - shipping interest of the
country, and while they deeply
regret the situation see no way
for the nation to change it for
the better.
The Republican are unhamper
ed by any such constitutional
scruples, but so far have been
unable to agree upon any plan
to place our Dag over a fleet of
ships sufficiently large to carrj
the things we sell to and purchase
from foreign countries and
bring home what we buy.
The result oi the combined
operation of the Democratic
dogma of "strict construction of
the constitution," and the
inability of enough Republican
to agree upon apian, to out vote
the Democrats and dissenting
Republicans, has been and yet
is that not national aid has
been given to incourage Ameri
can ships, and we have to
depend upon foreign ships
to .carry 90.9 percent of our
foreign commerce; paying to
foreign ship owners for their
sorvico $200,000 annually, aud
taking the chnnue of a general
war cutting off oar commerce
In 1903 there were unloaded
Read the county seat articles
in this issue and every other
issue of the Obsesver until elec
tion day. You wont to know
all about this question so you
will vote right. There is only
one way to vote and vote right
and that is to vote foi La Grande,
The county seat should be in
La Grande if we wish to cut down
the county debt. The removal
of the county seat does not mean
an increase of debt, but the
reverse, the decrease ofthe debt
Valuable Book
The Observer received Monday morn
ing or mail the latest report of the U
S geological survey entitled "Mineral
Resources of the Cuited States for the
year 1002." It contains 1,038 pages
filled wl h data Concerning our mineral
products which in 1902 were greater
than in any previous year, and measur
ed bv dollars amounted to S3 200,6:1!),
416 worth. It gives our void product
for 1M-2 at $H0,OO0,0O0. This Is the
largeat amouut of gold that has ever
been dug out by the American miners
In a single year.
The silver mines are also yielding
more in coin value than ever before,
the yield In 1902 being 71,757, 675
worth. The total amount of col Dalle
metal, gold and silver unearthed by
onr miners in 1902 was snfBcient to
make 1(1,768,000 bright new dollars.
Wool Goes Down
Pendleton. May 4 At the first sales
today at Pendleton this year under the
auspices of the Wool Urawers As,
sooiation. 200,000 pounds nere sold, the
prices being 10 1-8 14 1-8 cents, a fell
ing off in both prico any quantity, from
the flaet sales day last year. The grow
ers were well satisfied, however.
Arrangements Completed
St. Louis, May J4 The sub-committee
of the demooralio national
committee met here today. It prac
tically completed arrangements for
tba democratic national convention
ships 8,881,036 torn i of 'nd adjourned to rn agio Jons 15.
For Kodak and Kodak Supplies
A complete sto k of professional paper. Plates at wholesale prices. Mail orders
auswered promptly.
La Grande Drug Co. and Red Cross Drug Co,
A Column of Figners
How many times have you bothered your head over
a long string of figures? We have had considerable
experience with figures but more especially with fig
ures which can be seen in our
Up-to-Date Wall Paper
. We certainly iuva the very boat and most thorough
ly up to date stock of wall paper ever brought to this
city. Do not take our word for this but call at our
store and allow us to demonstrate to you that this
statemeul is true. No old left over slock to dispose of
but an extra large stock of this seasons desigua for you
to select from. You will certainly be disappointed if
you do not call.
Paints, Oils and Glass. All kinds of building ma
terials. 0. . COOLiDOE
j We Do Not Claim
S That wo can please all of the people all of Ihn time, but
That our plant bus been under -he same managenieut for
X nearly TEN YEAR8;
That during this time our aiii has been to please as
nearly all, at all t raes as good work and courteous treat
Will Exchange
Singer sewing roach nes
fr good driving horses.
Midlines sold upon easy
terms. Repairs for all kinns
'of mnchioes.
Olli 'o in Ja-f. R. Smith's
Jewelry Store.
La Grande School of
Opposite. Honimer honse.
One ol the beat musioal institutions
in the state. Four roo na used for
muaical inctruction, 15 gtades of
music taught. Department 1, 2 rooms
udei lor the 3 first grades. Children .
at the age of A and older como one
hour every day. Department 2, 2
rooms fur grades 4 to 15 for pupils of
all ages. The latest oouree best prac
tical muaical instruction. Musical
oonte-ita for niedala every few. wetkr. .-
E. Porter Day, Prinipal. ,
Mrs. Day, Assistant
That we will do our best to please you if you will favor
tie with your patr nage
That Packages 1 ft at Anderson dcMyers or Kirtley's
barber shops will eceive the same prompt attention that
they would if left .it the laundry.
PHONE j i85i
a a
o Farmers' and Traders' n
S National Bank. ?
; Capital Stock fully paid . 60,000
B , Surplus fund ... 13.000
Liability of Shareholders 60,000
Responsibility - . . 133,000
B We do a general banking and exchange business.
Drafts bought and gold on earteru and foreign banks.
? JOSEPH PALMER, President
? J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipating an Kaet"rn trip, or
a visit to the Louisiana l'un.hase expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to
overlook the advantages often by the
MieeooBi Pacific Railway, which, on
account of its various routes and vated
ways, has been appropriately names
'The World's Fair Routn."
Pasaengera from the Northwest take
the MissooBi?Mcmc traius from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice of either
going direct through the Kansas City,
via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two trains dally from Denver and
Pueblo to 8t. LouiB without change,
carrying all classes ol modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
daily trains between Kansas City and
St Lonls.
Write, or call on W C. Mclirlde.
General Agent, 124 Thinl st, Portland
for detailed Information and HluHt.raie'l
literature. tl.
I manulactnre every atvip on any
mounting and carry a couplets stock
of Pads, Inks, Racks, Damr, Rubber
Type, etc. Seals, Btencila, Trade
Check', Door Plates, Posul Scales.
Write me what you rnt. I can
please you by return ti ail. Eveiy
stamp requirement supplant.
- '. i
If -J k., few
I AtrsoIurePjrity, fines! Flavor,
; Cmtt si Sr re'j , vcavmib!! Prices'
; CL0$. 7 3i DEYER5
Ca eful an I prompt attention given
to ail work Intrusted to my enro.
Phone 1724. alio leave order .it C.
Rolfltoos (irocery. Trunks and boxes
to 1 he old town 2T cte. V'our natron.
age solicited.
Elmer Smith, Driver.
-Try the Observer for Job Work-
Four of a kind is a prctt7 good hand
at earls. But at the buteher'a ils the
kind that counts, not the four. We keep
only one kind of meat, the kind that's
fresh, healthy, tender and luicy.
Buy your steakl ant chops here, and
they'll always be right. Our stook ia
well-fed and properly cared for. Conse
quently our meat baa a delioious flavor.
Bock & Thomas
f" bu WHck Hial Strn.
DaWitra Witt Hiul Utm Is the
C.Vltt'.l, th. onlr WlloS Huai Btrn
Uut Ii and from tk Mdarlantii
AH OlblTl v CrjQaUrfrlt-faM tat
fctloni. chup tnd worth leu
dantaraui. DcWltt iWltch HaMlSafr
la specific for Plloa; Blind, BlMdlnf,
MchineandPiWudlnf Pllti, AlaoCull,
pimt, Bniltei. Sprain, UccratlCAsV
ContUllona. Botla (VkiwU atm.M
Tetter. SaJt Rbwm, tod ftM otttw Akte
ruijim ar
Fur Snle by ail Druggists
In tho sky comet
mo star ol health
to the weak and
weary despon
dent dyspeptic
... v I n M .11
l troubles and
. disorders.
1 iiis
famous remedy
aoesior me stom
ach that which It
Is unable to do for
Itsell, even II but
Blishlly disordered
or overburdenad.
iinnlla k . t
lulceaofdipestionanH V "
drift lht iu- If ' 1 laV
Stomach, rrlailr-tr th urn,
nervous teniAn u,htu
the lnfUm1 Ji. lU'.h1
ouiurancsoi mat
orpan are allowed to
rest and heal. It cures '
maipestion. flatulence,
DalDitatlAn nt th.
r .
nervaii) HirunB4- i
-(a,, wtm i
all atomarh irmiKi.. i...
cleansing, purifylny and '
"iigineninp the glands,
msmhrsn. t
-- v ulo turn-
cb tnddlgeatlva organa.
ttssaw. S I .SO Sim aaMhw tH shm
For 8 f U Droggiiti