La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 23, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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A. A
fooigot ana xosenay, nir.
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No East bound 8:10 as tin
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He Tells About the Fruit, the Flowers And
Climate and Pins For the
Children. -
; . . Lot Angeles, 0'.,
May 16, 1904
Sdltor Eveoiog Observer:
Wo resuiasd t 11:30 this
neorning Ironi a two day trip through
flowor land. We left Lot Angeles at
7 m Hie 14th with two train ol
Wren can each and 1100 of the jol
liett railroad people that ever rode on
railroad train.
Our route was over the Santa Fe on
.' their kite ah aped track. At Bed lands
' we stopped two hours to feast on
oranre and ride through the flower
gardens Our Brat introduction waa
to the OLty Hall, where we found
flowers and fruit', t lat the oitiieos
had oolleoted especially for ui It is
needles to say we enjoyed it.
; . We then visited the orange psoking
; house, where the fruit ia first taken ae
it oomes fiom the fields.
' ""'bed, dried, and then placed
'. mltbe polishing and grading maohine
Each orange passes over revolving
brushes that thoroughly clean and
polish them.
Tbey are then oarried along by the
: same machine until eaoh imeonmes to
bolt juat la'ge enough fur it m drop
The Urgent one" am the I lit In tit.
. Each aiie rolls down a trough or on'
Vi into a box where they nr pirlc 1 up
by deft fingnrd girln, who wro ilium
in tissue papur, lor which they are
pa d the magnilioBi t mm of 2$ cenit
Co. L. will give a social dance in
tb Armory
Vmonday night
Thomas Orchestra furnishes tbe
mueio. The best of order maintained
Good time assured to all.
Obtained at tbe J. .or.
Ladies' Shirt Waist Suits
Have more than established their hold upon
the popubir iancv tbis season We own a ojood
assortment of these and have placed the rn on
sale at prices within reach of all
Summer Shirts.
For yourself and daughter in ,1"cV
Uills, iiumns, and the rI'ul'r hill-
f 1 23 to $6 00.
f -
lit - n
per ho j, containing an average ot 140
oranges. Borne of tbe girls wrap loo
boxes io 10 hours, but the average it
about 100. " 4
The orange are thro carried to tbe
man that nails the tope on robber
stamp. ,
This oi.e bouse when Tunning full
foroe packs 3800 per day. Boston is
tbeir best market,, where they f bip
2000 oars every season .
We were shown tbe tnaonine tbat is
used io making tbe orange boxes.
Sixteen nails are driven at one atroke,
and tbey average a box a minute.1
There are 5500 eorea of bearing
treei a'. Bedlandn, and tbey get only
one orop eaoh year, but lemons grow
and ripen continuously.
We then took carriages and were
driven up Smiley Heights, where the
air is ladened with the fragranoe of
sweet scented fl iwers and the date
palm grows as profusely as the pine
in Oregon. One can not help admir
ing the grandeur and beauty of the
plaoa. There are shrubs of all kinds,
vines in profusion, flowering trees,
aud other flowers set out so ihey
-U"W tbe national colors, rr-d, wIim.
tod blue. Toe drive way w.n.i.
nr iuod ztg zig here aud U-m uliiog
lie crci.'t u! ndgx m i it ,t
(he pt.imrait 165'? fnet ab ve bra levi-l .
Here we looked down ovor tbonsunt's
of acres of orange and lemon trees.
ve laceu mout ana looked down in
to deep charms and gulches where i
stone started to rolling will go jump'
log likn a rubber ball for thousands of
feet before it stop, in the beautiful
little valley below.
Tbe streets leading from the - city
to tbe Heignts are shaded with palms,
blossoming trees, and studded with
ever blooming rosea aud the walks are
fringed with beautiful fli wera ontil
the whole present a beautiful panor
ama that only nature oan paint io her
own riob colors. s
So sublime ia the scenery and fra
grant the air that if tbe streets were
only paved gold and tbe trees
filled witb singing birds the traveler
More Than 250
Mdde up iu all tbe popular
stylos, iu all wanted materials,
from tbe sheerest of sheer stuffs
to the" ever popular mercerized
and ehautung waistiegs on dis
play tbis week. It is well worth
your while to look them over, as
the newest of the ntiw is here
at prices altogether reasonable
50c to $7-50
eould imagine himself in Paradise.
My only regret u tbal 1 oould not
have every school ehild la tbe oily of
La Grande witb me to enjoy tbe
beauty, loveliness and grandeur of
this plaoa, and if- I bad a 'much
money as some of, tbe wealthy men
tbat have quarter ol a millian dollar
hornet I would run an excursion for
their special benefit . '
s Henry Henson.
Metfelley, In this oity Saturday
May 81 Patrick McNalley, aged fifty,
seven years. Cause of death was eon
sumption. Tbe deceased has been t
resident of this valley for the past
twenty-five year. He bat been in
ill health for some time and bis friend
were well aware of tbe fact thai death
waa near for some tin e. Tbe funeral
took place this morning at the Ceiho
lio ohurcb tbt Bev Father Wbyte of-
fir atiog. ;
Wlrob will be produced in tbe
Opera bouse tomorrow by some of the
beet talent in tbe oity is opera oomi-
q'ie and fairy exttvtgas eombin-J
a large ohorus of ohildreu take a pr
minent part and have their pirts per
fect. In tbe transformation scene.
Cinderella is lifted into a real . ooacb
drawn by a real pony in full view of
tbe audianoe. One of the strongest
features of the production is the
moonlight soene between the first rod
oecond acts, tbe moon rises and lets
during the fairy dance.
Hulse Near Me Emily on Satur
day May 21, 1901 to Mrand Mrs Jhbw
Hulse a 10 pound daughter. ' . 1 ;
OR & N
Improvements all Alon
the Llne-400 Men
Between La Grande
The O B 4 N is preparing to in
augurate some important improve
ment work on its lines in Eastern
$w$p UqiEfWeau .
For mil, II and large iu all the wanted
kinds at tlie loneat of low prices.
Lfrdies and Misses lOotofiOo
Mph's 30c to 1 76
Oregon tbis summer, aooordtog to tbe
announcement made here. & - num
ber of wooden bridge are to be rt
plaoed by steel structure, several new
depot to be erected, extenuv wcik
will be deno on the roadbed, torn
new stockyards will be given a . thor
ough over hauling. These improve
ment will eait in the neighborhood
of 80,00O. , ; v
; A new wireboute will be construct
ed at La Onode, the atruoture to be
40 by 100 feet and cost about 1x900.
A steel bridge 125 feet long will be
built across Ueacbao Creek to re
place tbe wood a structure tbat' now
serve there Tbe steel bridge will
cost about 23,000.
Ten mile east of tbt above bridge
i another wooden struct ore tbat i
tbe highest bridge on tbt line 60 feet
above tbe watar. It will be replaced
by steel, the struoture coating $40,000
Tb bridge across Squaw Greek w II
be rebuilt and another bridge nearby
will be overhauled. . The bridge near
Bingham will be rebuilt at a cost of
about 19000.
New, standard water tanks aid bt
built at a number of point along tbt
line. At Huron tod Pleasant Valley J
ni w aepots win oe erecteo.
. About 400 men will be given em
ployment during the summer improv
ing tbe roadbed between La Grande
and Huntington.
Prune Crop Short
Walla Walla Wash. May 23 For
some inexoliosble reason a large por
tion of tbe prune orop in tome part
of the valley is falling oil", and wbat
promised to le a luxuriant orop '
nnfc ha nvnr half A vinlft. Thn nmnA
blosom was i agnifioent. Now wlb
the Iruit slightly formed the ground 1
covered wit'.i liny tteoimena .
'A pv.,- h'hi ns ore his not been
aMt-rrittiii'" by lore -ie pie baa ap
peired in-wo or three oroh rda tribu
tary to Vnila Walla, one a short dis
tance south e8t of i lie city being e-
peoially afl'ooted. lh1 symptoms ol
thi trouble show themelves in the
leaves while tbe leal seal . of the
scourge is judged to be in the root'.
Committee at Work to
Secure Funds to Keep
the Masonic Cemetery
in Order.
An effort is being made and is meet
ing with the approbation if nearly all
those inteiested, who have been seen,
for tbe purpose of beantlfyinn tbe
Masonic cemetery, by keeplug an at
tendent In tbe oemet rv for the neat
few months. To meet this expense
those interested at listened a (mall'
sum each month. A committee lias been
at work for the past two weeks and the
onl) difficulty tbey are meeting with
ia in their Inability to 6nd many who
nodoubt would be only too glad to
assist if tbey knew of the work in con
templation. Io case this artloU s read by friends
whom the committee have not been able
to Interview if tbey will pleaae vail
upon Mrs David Bay they will make
il possibly fr this work lobe carried
on during tbis summer and when once
inaugurated the results will be so ap
pi eclated by those having graves there,
that It will become a permanent feature
This Is a worthy undertaking and it is
to be hoped it will meet with snlflilent
encouragement to carry it out.
Contractor Already has
Larg Force Busy at
Sight and at the
Those who know contractor J L InVs
and who is there Io this city that dot'
not know blm to be a rustler? And tbe
way b 1 rushing tbe work on the new
oily ball contract ia chjracUrlatie of
him. An Observer representative visit
ed the llt this forenoon and fooud a
large torn of team scraping and ex-
eavatlng and another string of team
hauling rocks from . tbt qnary. Mr
Martha ordered a phone immediately
to be erected at the alt to save time In
running back and fo tb.
A visit to the ground will surprise
not t few of our cltltens to not tbe
sitrt of the betiding to be erected. Thtrt
were several pretrat.thls morning and
alTooald not help being Irr pressed with
the tightly location. Tbla edifice will
be t credit to the entire county, and it
will show off far out into U.t valley
and in light nf the passing trains.
Special to the Obierverl '
Baker City May -The Baker Oity I
H. raid U again In trouble This time !
tbe former editor WO BUI ha taken
possesaion oy ngnt 01 a Dili 01 aaie irom .
Blake Mo"ll Co of Portland, and tbe j
White Swan Mining Co ha a man who '
claims to be in oharge, and Linotype Go ;
has also plal a man In control. There
seem to be t generaiy mix ;up all
around and as a result there will bt no
paper issued tbis afternoon. Juat who
willin la itlll a matter of speculation.
All n-pf la nlalm tn ttk the rlahtfnt own-
eraand all sav thev will soon be In
possee Ion and that the paper wilt soon
be on it. feet again. V -
m m . . .- - -- v .,
I .V. ' : .. I . ..v.- ' ..." inL. V S fl -:.. V' .
I lm. VatV. . .lMrli .-M aT fkl jTaV T11 I I .aw '. K TWi'iHI .' -il;;
1 : TUSK X V.W ' : I ;; VIQJJ v KL V -- "Xt&S&OW' i 'V-:-X-tfft
I t 1 II Tk. n-lnu. .I.nuin k na arA nffflrerl chief! V for I
I. . I . -ailfl kJrw,, ,.iwn D.iui... ... " -. I ' .. ,V , -. '. '
IX I .. . r..l.l. ...ltU. t annuo. nlanna t '. '
It : . . . . v " ' ... I : .! l.i. i lf I :L--'
I . il n r-i mm M .tin ivi-oarav nnmniin. di. narLiumsr . n ' t . A w
II " II: . m. i Jnniinla In lham that wa an esmmf - a -
IT II - WOU1CU . WW WSOU w vmUD.i w - n. -- . o - i . v ,,, . .
It . . . . .. a. ' ''1 r ...mJI. h- Z ,
ii i Ka. Ar m..ntiniiiia aninn oraiin nv frrnni. nuanbv ur iiuaiibv is a - ..:'.' -.....'
X unanrDaised in th city. You are invited to lnBpect our goods. ' " ' ' - r I f: WiW?
l ' ' ,ii..-,,!-i-i!!.-'!,,:;rMrli.f1i' tfT
I ST n am : ' - e m - -
I '-aTaW-' m - aslam II Cm. M II "W taV aTawVlalafY. Ai- m 3J)v '.y ' .
i tiiiiiiisiiniiiinii 4v4at 1 1 tt it it iii lllllttli4llltllll if
It ia difficult to judge the purity of toilet soaps. it
and too often an agreeable odor determines the 'C
i hoice. I f all soaps were as innoeent as their ti ' V
fragi-tnoe ii pleasing, there would be more ,. . rr
. emoothe skins and clear complexions and less ? . .
roughness, pimples and blotches. ., .. ;.,:&&: r :-;::'
We can make you safe iu your soap buyiug. .
Tbe toilet soapi e handle are those made by '"..-'''.',.
reputable firms. We have pure and safe soaps h), '.
at whatever price you wish to pay. ' L
Voters Assured That if They Vote! 16 Change
be Practically
Union, Oregon, May 9 1804,
To tbt Tax Payer aud Voter of
Cnion Co., Oregoa : '
In answer to tbe questions asked in
relation tothe Question ol removing the
coaaty seat from Union to La Grandt,
respectfully say that should the
question ot changing the county teat
be voted, at the next election, in favor
f La Grande, we will not favor, maklne
the change if the change will cost tbt
taxpayer of tbis county io excess of 110
par annum for rent lor at least- flltnen
jean, of toitablt building tor all rourt
Ground wa broke' Saturday for the ,
new City Hall this mornluu a for..
began tha excavation for I he found-
l.tion. ' ;
. to.; 3
purpose and county ofllces and county
jail, and if the cost of tranaferint the
office and ' records from Union to La
Grande will coat the taxpayer !
of aO0, itnd we .hereby publicly an
noun w that we will oppose the change
when voutd In favor ol t,a'Oranilt," un
less the interest of the tat payer 'are
'nmtjwrMt apalnnt nnv Avn naa. ...
fthan herein titteeV!'"' 'r '
Vonm Bespect(ully;-""l;J; i
j-; M M HARBISON, County Jodie.
mitslonor. r. : it.-;.- - h.i
Mr M,a Pre8 te?i". e't,. th;'
" want wn la ar.u other
"""'I'"" i . poiuA.wnero Mr Lewis
h bu,,Mf,-i-' MW -to-'k
ru sumo tuiee or.iour aeeas.
i ,... -
'St '
ii. .
iSi' ! '