.V , T WEATHER FORECAST " - J Tonight and Satctdey, fair X a -J Cooler tonight with light . , LA GRANDE EVENING SERVER.! 1 THE TRAINS No 2 East bound 8:10 on time A Jo 0 West a-'o oo (in X l VOLUME III LAGRANDE. OREGON. FRIDAY EVENING, HAY 20 1904 NUMBER 170 RUSSIAN'S TURN NOW TWO OF JAPAN'S WAR SHIPS ARE SUNK BY A RUSSIAN MINE. MORE SOLDIERS TO AID PORT ARTHUR Russians Admit They Have to Contend Against Fearful Odds, But Remain Hopeful. Special to the Observer London, May 20 The ftandard's .correspondent of Tien Eiin wires that while the Japaneee licet was cove-inn the landing of troops near Kairlinn on Mondav, a fierce enimguiuct.t oinired t Hsien Te Cheng Two thousand Rus Btuna were kilted or wounded The Russians returned. The 'upa kh' oj cupied both Kaiplng and Kaichao. . London, May 10 The correnpandent of the Daily News cibles from Tien Tiin as follows under dale of May 10: "It is reported 'that 70,000 Russians are marching to the relief of Port Ar thur and the Japanese consequently are- h istening offensive operations. "Korty-tive thouHnt troous already have been landed at Klnchaa and Talien Wan, thus entirely Investing Fort Ar thur. The Japanese advanced linea are seven miles from the Russia. i batteries. Skirmishes occured yesterday along the railroad. ; ' "It ia lelleved that the Japanese in tend to attaek Port Arthur with their entire force, when It namberea 50.000 men. They are mounting six Inch naval guns on steel wheels with the ohject o rilencing tno Russian batteries. The Manchurian railway "sooth of Harbin la constantly broken by Chinese marauders and the Russians threaten reprisals, "The Russians admit that they have lo ronlentend with terrible diffleulties along the whole line Their men, how ever are behaviug apleneidly and they are very confident." :'- London, May 20-Ail official dispatch received here this afternoon through Tokio snya that the Japanese have sus tained the loss ol two of their flnet warchtus on" Port Arthur, being their first eeeious loss since the w r opened Tim J.ipi n-s linttlethlp Hatanw, a A Strange Journey : A Peanut Frolic New Y-,rk. May id A pi.-c ' "i peuoil, 2 i. eh' h n u aid .i n , i rf tu it needle point, Imh hi(:ii r-i-"C'i from ibe tibht hhik' R-.i p K I, ke a 9-yeai-old Bn.uki '. u -choot g r , mih penoil bad been working ii way aiwui the child's body since Jan urn y last, when she swallowed it while at play Efforts to remove it from her stomach then proved of no avail, aud (or sev eral weeks Bhe has complained oi pains in the side and shoulder. Fi nally the object moved down through ber arm and caused the hand to swell. The docl ir" were greatly aetonishid upan spp'ying the lui.oel and eii coim'ering '.tie har.f piece of pencil They say tlieVo is no r-.c ird of so large a BuhsUuon pais-ntr. through the bn ni ii body in iMimhir manner. Fifty couple p-trticipiiejl in tl:e pinnut froho at. rVot Simp.'on Dmo iug academy last -vfiii g On next Tuurs.iiy ev-'nriij v c i mist elahor-ue party giveo by Pr ' tod Mrs Sunpt'in this eeano--. Toe carni val of nations. Ia vitat'.ons have been issued tj the pttrocs of the aoademy cash prizes will be given for the best representation of nations. . l"h" den'M.Hi 1 was one coun'i'S pioneer woman Died Ott In Summerville Wednesday Miy 18, 1901, Mrs Margarett Otl, ared seventy-five years. The funeral services will lake place in this oily at the Cath die church S.ituid.iy May 21, at 11 :3U o'olouk. The enter men t will take place at the Catholic cemtery if Union aud find bn re-l le if of Snmmarvilis for a nuinhir of tears ' She leaves besides hBr niish - "I, Q gH ) i, eight child ren fill"';- fie ol SlimmO--Vllie, .1 (. i i'. i ii, Krnik and Fiitsof vVlio', Andrew ol S I raska, Mrs John MNaele.y of La Grande. Hor m I lao leatl waa uo surprise as the larnily were well aware that her end was near. Toe family have tbe sympathy of a host of friends at this time of their bereavmeut. Silver Medal Contest Wednesday evenii g M iy 25 there will be a silver medal o .ntist held in fie Christain ohuroli under tbe aus pioesofihi WO T U The entire Drogran will he published later. st " ..ruui & TOMORROW IS AN IMPORTANT DAY At nur store. Satui day, in fact, is always an in tetesiing day with us; but tomorrow is of more than ordinary impoi innce lo you. irii? TI-IK LAST DAY OP OUR BIG PRICE SMASHING SALE OF MEN'S SUITS.- If you lmve nut already selected your suit, do so at mice. You can buy it today and tomorrow at prices vcr' much i educed. Tut lines of men's tuits which w9 guarantee equal to any $12.00 suit on the market. Your choice $8.95 See them en our counters. Big SHk Specials Satnrday. Wore is an exception ,1 opportunity for thosB or our Lly frionds who have admired th!a"m" "ilk.ui. r..tf i ueh. You can buy them tomorrow at a great saving 5H Shirt wnis'- mitfl:'. iSc on - '' " " 75,0 . 1 00 Sf.o Colortd Taffeta, 69c II 05 Silk waist patterns, 1 75 Foil' yerds in the pattern and no Iwo nlike. 1 Stic Jgm lli 15,000 ton vassal of 19 knots speed and one of the 8 nest in tbe Japanese navy, was sent to the bottom while cruising off Port Arthur. Two different esti matos of the Iota of life fdven, one of which states that 610 m D were drown ed, while anu. ber Bays that but 400 men went dawn .. Etill another report rays approximate ly 300 men were saved, making no mention of the death loss. , JAPS GET A BLOW Nin Chwerjg May 80 It ia reported here from a reliable source that the Japanese army from the Yalu river baa received a heavy blow abd baa been driven back to Kong Wang Cheng. CRUISER GROUNDED Paris, May 20 The correspondent at St Petersburg of Echo De Paris says : The Ruassian cruiser Pogatyr groun del during a fog on the rocks near tbe entrance to Vladivostock. Her position ia critical. Her crew waa aaved. BRITISH INTEREST Wei Hal Wei, May 20 The British sloop'of war Esplegle haa tUrted for Nut Chwaug to protect British Interests there. 350,000 Contracts Big hauled, level beaded, John eiitcuell, labor leader ia of the opin ion that tbe labor problem will be solved by Ibe employer and tbe em ployed, as oh having an equal right in prloing labor; that ia by esoh agreeing to and aigniog a contract specifying all tbal either (arty to the oontract- er Bode himself to do acd perfoiai. He said reoently mat there were 360,000 juoh oontraeta now enforced io Ibe United States and be bopee for many more aoob during tbe year. Fifty Years Old Tbe Republican party ia fifty years old, tbe first Republican convention waa held tu Ohio in 1864, it oarried tbe first national elroiioo in I860 and eleoled Lincoln president, ainoe then it baa been in control of the govern ment excepting tbe short term of Andrew Jackson, and the two terms of Oleveland. - Citliens will do well to refresh their memories as to the condition of Ibe country while under Democratic and Republican rule. PLEASANT TIME "House Warminsf at W. H. Bohnenkamps Under the Auspices of Eastern Star. : New Phones 1844, W A Blunders res 1843. Bon H Louis " 863, Cliaa W Bakers " 1717. Mr, Etta Wines " 371, Earnest Riealsiid " . 697, J If Baker Sr. 1221, J no H Prenoiit t " 674, Frnk L avnt " 141), Norma (inn " loll, (I E fnwW Olfloe Ball Game On Saturday Hay S3 the Pendleton Wonders will play tbe La Grande ball team in this oity. RUSSIA IS AFTER GERMANY'S SUPPORT Negotiations are Going on. With the Object of Forming a Jripple, Alliance. Paris, Hay TO The St. Petersburg correspondent of Bono Da Paris says : "It la persistently rumored that ne gotiations are going on with Germany with the objeol to effect a reapproaoh menl and triple alliance whereby Rus sia would obtain Oremany'a diploma tic support io tbe settlement of tbe Far Eastern question, . An under standing with Germany would prevent British intervention in favor of Jiapn and Russia would as an immediate ' pledge, oonoede a settlement of tte pending eoonomio and customs quet- , Hone. "The attempt to form a Russo-Qer- ' man entente is due to tbe Anglo French entente wliioh prodaced a de plorable efftot here. : ' - Mrs G 0 Osborn who has been visiting in Athena for the past three weeks re turned borne. Mrs A H Stackland left last night for Portland to remain several weeks visit friends. -!, Campers Attention - Will furnish gro!r,rf, and if desired " ' supplies, at Hilgard, apply to ' ' 5 V"" s ' Mrs J O Hart, Hilgard, Ore. tt ' ' Hih Class merchandise Seldom has there been aucb a real house warming in this city as the one u-hii-h took d ace last eveniuir when the great doors to the handsome new resi dence ol Mr and Mrs w H Bonneniinmp wore first thrown open to their friends. 'or thir special occasion trie enure noose as given over to the ladles of the rias rn Star, of which Mr aid MraBohnen- kann are bon .red members The Star .iJIbb had onmlete charue of the enter tainrnent from the tailing of the invita tions, which were only sent tu members. the Mtt'onic.fraiernity. io ine serv rg tim rofrftMhiiifliita and the arrange ment ,.f tl.e nroizrain. The nuesta were shown through the beautiful new home from the basement to the third lloor where there has been constructed for he bentOt ol the children of thu family r,mn1ir.4 irvmnvsliim. The entire bouse was a glow with electric lights and evry window, soai ami aicove was rmilant with benutv and com'ort The gueets ranged at will through the spa- dons drawing roome, iiniary room, ills and porlors and eiery where could i heard cxDressions ol praise and ad- irut.i..n. A aneuial ninairal program iad been arramrtd and dainty rcfrcah- meiits had also been prepared. the following program. waa ruuueieu . Piano Solo Serenile Mosakoweki -Willism Tell Hossini Mino Nell and I.yle V'icb! Duet fjuder the Beauillol Stars Webster Misses Ahlrieb aud Worn tell Guitar Duet Hilverv Belle Chenei Mrs Scb.il ke, & Miss lsderle Voeol Solo When I know that thou are nearest , Am Mr & Mrs Kaletun Vocal Solo Ben Bolt Kneaw Mrs Nell Vwal Drift Life's Merry Morning Bally Mme Hargent rx rorien Vocal Tiio Down In the Dewv Dell Smart II All rieh. Worsle 1. A Tnlt flvArture I A Boitonnise Cliove Mandolin, ..Mr- Cur re y A Miss M.Cull Guitars Mrue Scbllke A M lit r riuile Grande Chorus a i i .... - .,-.. -i.. y-s - v.. f -.c-' The Special values eliown by us, ore cllered chiefly for educational purposes. We wish to cultivate the acquaintance and male fast friends of still greater numbers of particulat1 j women. We wish lo demonstrate to them that we are carrying a line of merchandise which grndo by grade, quality for quality is unsnrpassed in the city. You are invited to inspect pur goods. I ' r Chicago Store Murphy Bros. Props. n t 1 1 X TRUST OUR SOAPS : It is diflicult to judge the purity ol toilet soaps. ... . . and too often an agreeable odor determines the ' : :.. choice. If all soaps were as innocent as their fragrance is pleasing, there would be . more smooths skins and clear complexions and -loss i; sssks-5 rough neBS, pimples a ud blotches. - ' We cau make you safe in your soap buying. j ' 1 The toilet sonps vie handle are those made by j reputable firtDB. We have pure and safe soups ut whatever price you wish to pay. .-1 ' NEWLIN DRUG CO. : I . I I !"-v"' tjfiej. ' By Company UMI Ml K.