La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 19, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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We are
sole ageuts for
nd porcelain enamel hned; wiU not break, scratch,
or cortodr. Last a life time, always sweet and clean!
ft t
Noted As An
Ornamental as well as
All sizes and prices
Undertakers and Embalmers
Meat Market
Stellwell & Vandermuelen, Proprietors.
Highest market price pai 1 for all kinds of butchers'
stock Hides, pelts and fur. Also chickens & poultry.
).) tttt-t
Dry Chain & 16-inch Slab Wood
All orders given prompt attention. Yards on
Greenwood stand 3rd and Palmer st. Orders
left at either yard promptly delivered.
Price Reduced to three dollars.
Phone S7i
B. Smith Presiili-nt
J. M. Burt. Vice Pru'l -l.'iit
J. H.CilOROll tViier
F. L. Mevkrs Ami. Cashier
La (trande National B
La Granite. Oregon
Transact a general banking bnBineas. Buys and sells' exchange on
all parte of the world.
NoW is the
To Fix Up Your Places.
We can supply you with the stuff for feuces and
side walks.
All kinds of lumber and buildiing material.
(sstsssasBsiv BassajaBasaas n
If so
El HSTSeSlKSOiBISWi HivKf"Ws-si39 ,E'
It is a Good ttgn
To bob a m in in e'K-t-d in
site, it allows his ' ''
l.illty nnil hU nmlr.ii.-n I i"'
Many fortnni'e bvc Ini.t tl-en
in the purcbaie nf
The original purchn"' ''''
the land Imp-ore iimnn I
wnnderfullv Hie aasen .-i
Bra looking for such
I nrtilTii'v
arop in aim sm , , , V ,,.,.,,, in
edge of several decide! I""11"8 '"
Huburban property .
. . .... .... u-n nan' 1.11
U Grande Investment toigajf.
1110 Adams Avenue,
the ICE KlNfi '.,i "
pp c,
Phone 9I
Residence Phone 367
1202 Adams Ave
J. M. Bony, J. M. Church
A. B. Conley, R. Smith
LsJ.iL. 0. Ktauley
Collections a specialty.
aCTiJl',5.!SiSSiaaaE8HS iHSi
locate you "' some
in WnlU wa County
M'Donald g
. ..-M--n ii ini igaEta
The Decrease in Mileage Expenses to County
Seat Would Soon' Save the Expense
of Moving Records and Leave a
Neat Sum to the Credit of
, the axpayeas
Our Union friends, when the!
county seat question is before
the people presume to be great 1
friends of the tax payers and '
make the only issue against the
removal, the cost such remova:
would entail. . .
Now the county court comes
out with a public statement that
they will favor no proposition
whereby the oounly will be out
to exceed f 10 per year rental for
suitable buildings and jail, for
a term of fifteen years, neither
will they stand for any expense
connected with the removal ol
the records in excess of (200.
this puts the total expense of
removing the county records and
the use of a court house for. the
next fifteen years at $35
segregated as follows, $200 for
moving and fifteen years, rent
at $10 per annum, $150. There '
Bound Over
S L Kelley ol Elgin was arrtated for
brcakihg into the Club saloon, of that
city, and was bound over befoie jnstice
Murelock and in default of tr00 bonds
was taken to Uuien. Kelley has been
a resident of Elgin about one vear,
came from good parents but of late hss
been cons'dored a nuisance.
Local Markets.
Eggs, fresh valley louts
Butter, creamery 65o and firstclaee
dairy SOo per roll.
Potatoes 65ct8 pr mok.
Applts,76o. to SOctf. per box.
Cabbage, 3ot. i r lb.
Turkies, 10 ots. lb. live weight.
Wheat 74 to80u per bu.
Oats 1.10 pet oental
Barley 80c per oental
Portland Markets.
The stead; decline in Eastern and
foreign markets baa taken the life onl
o1 tbe local wheat market. Bo 6r
and sellers are farther apart than ever
and business is at standstill, with
tbe tone deoidedly weak.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 76c;
blue stem, 82c; Valley, 81.
BARLEY Feed, $2! par ton, brew
ing,$24; rolled $25.
FLOUR Valley, $3.90 and 8.95 per
barrel; hard wheat straights, S3 60 ami
3.70; olesrs, $3.85 and 4.00; hard what
patents, $4.00 and 4.10; Dakota bard
wheat, 15.40 and $6.0 ); graham, $3.90
whole wheat, $4; rye flour, $4.80 and
OATS No. 1 white, $1.17; gray
$1.10 per oental.
MILL8TUFF8 Bran, $18 per ton;
middlings, $24; shorts, $20; obop, U.
8. mills, $16; linseed, dairy food $19
HAY Timothy, $16 pet ton; clov
er, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $13.
Potatoes, 60 to 75 cents pet aaok.
Onicus 80 cents to $1.00 per eack.
Eggs Oregon, 16J17 ots, EasterL
Butter Creamery, 25 and 80c
Dairy, 17J and 20o, store 08 10c lb
Poultry Chickens, mixed lOo per
pound, spring, lOo and hens.
jOo , turkeys live, 17 and 18
b dressed 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, iff
and 7 , er cloz. geese, 8o lb.
Cattle Beet steers $4.25 and $4.00,
meiium, 4.00; cows $3.25 and $4.00
Hogs Best large, fat $0.26; modiun.
arce fat 4.7
t()etBe8t weatberr 43.60; mined
sheep 13.
Make Your Feet Glad
Hiil yon ver think of all the fo
your feet do you?
They crry you everywhere and n
thencetsny. "All ynn have to do is
to -tier 'em." ion can do your feet
faithful turn for very ittle cost to von,
pnt 'em in to a pair of .Selz Royal Dine
shoes, coet yon :t SO in men-) $2 0 in
ladies (less our special aaie for six days
Yon'll have the best dre.sed ami
most comfortable pair ol feet yon ever
had. Yoa can get them at the RAIN
BOW Store only, Every pair giurai
is not a single term of circuit
court but what this insignificant
amount would be saved to the
lax payers in milage paid
witnesses, trial and grand jury
men if La ; Grande was the
county seat.
Union has been the county
seat for the past 80 years and
the county is getting deeper and
deeper in debt all the time. Did
it ever oocar to you Mr. tax
payer that a long as it remains
there, it will always be , so.
Why!, beoause Union tries just
as hard to keep it indebt between
county seat fights as it tries to
make tbe people beleive in 0. se
of a change the debt will be
increased. . If the county was
out of , debt, what opposition
could there be offered to seep the
county seat away off to one
isolated side af the county.
Another Victory
Not a Jap or Russian Viotory but
one that means mire to tbe citizens
of Union Co.
We have received from the east the
latest and beat lines of dress goods,
trimmings, laces ribbons, banderobiefs
saoes, eto. Our millinery is still in the
lead we do business ditr rent from the
others. Wben our gooda arrive we
mark them at a "live and let live'
price, which means a saving to you
from 10 to 25 per cenl. You get tbe
foods when you need them, make tbem
up and wear tbem, about thia time
otber stores will have "sales" to about
compete with us.
We are still selling our watches,
clot ks and jewelry at 50 oenta on tbe
dollar, we bought it at 35 cents. Ex
pert jewler in charge who does all
kinds of repairing and guarnteea all
work Don't take our word but call at
'he Rainbow Store and be convinced.
Alexieff There
London, Hay 18 According te the
Standard') Tien Tain correspondent,
General Kuropatkin baaleft for Harbin
Viceroy Alexieff still being in Liao
Yang with 20,000 troops.
FOR SALE Lumber and shingles for
sal 8 blocks north car shops by F 8
Newsome. 8 13 27
Mr. John H. Oullom, Editor of tbe
Garland, Texas, News, baa written a
factum congratulation! to tie nana
lettet of of Chamberlain's Cougb
Remedy, aa follows: ."Sixteen yean
ago when oar first obild was
a baby be was (abject . to croup
spell and we wt uld be very nneaaj
about bim. We began using Cham
berlain's Oougb Remedy in 1887, ant?
finding It such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup, we have never been
without it in the bouae sinoe that
time. We have five children and
have given it to all of tbem with
good results." For Sale by all drag
gists. Notice To Water Consumers
Ordinance No 2.)8 provides that
The water rates shall be due payable
in advinoe at the office ot City Re
corder on the first day of each month
(t-xcept for meters, which are payable
on th e first day of the succeeding
month), and if not paid wilhio thi
first ten days the water will be shut
ff tbe premises, and not turned on
mill payment is made of amount dm
itli one dull r in ail lilion for the ex
pense of turning water i.ff and on.
This rule ahail be lriolly enfmcd he
ginning with the 23id. ol this month
H.C. Oilman,
tf tVHirr dupt.
All Kinds of Work
Wefley Davis does all kind) of scav
eiiger work, such as cleaning wells, cess
po la. ot.-. tilve him a call. 4 24 tf
1 manutact-ire every style on am
mounting and carry a complete slocl
of Pads, Ink", Racks, Datcr, Rubbei
Type, etc. Seals, 8tncil, Trad
heck , Door Plates, Postal Scales. .
Write me what you Want. I oar
please you' by return mail. Even
Ump requirement supplied.
Classified Ads
FOB RENT Housekeeping rooms at
, Aire Sheerer. ;
FOl3 PALE Good gentle work borae
weubt IKK). Ioqnire at thia office or
aildrta.' a utana r u oox cu xou.
FOR SALE Two acre block with new
6 room bouae, - tern, out houaoa, well
improve 1 1500, time given on part.
Thia will bear lu ,"atigation situated
onN Cherry and Ntftrawt
4-Stl ' ' FrCd waring.
FOR RENT A block of ground with
bearing orchard, garden, small bona
and barn. Inquire at tbe office of F
8 Ivanhoa
FOR 8ALE 100 eordo. 18 Inch, yellow
pine and fir wood at a bargain. For
particulars se. 8 R Hawortb,
4-S7tf Free La Orande Storrge Co.
FOR RENT Bright aunny rooms with
or without board, gentlemen pre
ferred. Also room) tor light house
keeping. . 220? Birch St 0417.
For Bale Ply moth Rock egga for sat ting
60 t ents for fifteen Mrs R H Barnard,
Phone SOS 6-6-12.
FOB RENT Office rooms for rent.
Inquire at Lewi) Piintery, 4 20t(
WANTED Plain aewing at corner oi
Fifth and Depot streets. 6 13 15
FOR SALE Second band piano, in
, quire of Mrs Ingles, phone No 1727. -
FOR 8AL4 Good family driving
horse, carriage and harness tor sale
For particulars inquire ol A, R.
Hunter, Island City.
WANTED Waiter and Pantry girl at
once. Model Resturant.
Much of the land that was over flowed
by the recent high water baa been re
seeded. -
WANTED Tbe Boss Moat Market
will pay tbe highest cash priee . for
obickens and poultry in any quan-
PLANTS FOR SALE-Partiea wishing
. vegetnli'e pin N or pansy plants will
do woll toci'l mum Mrs oM Taal
She has all kinds of plants for gale at
moderate prices Parties deririug to
plant ' fl wits up n the graves of
their fri 'nils 4iid leUlivea will And
exactly what ther want at her home.
Mrs M Taal, La Granite Oregon.
FOR RENT 3 room house tor house
keeping apply to Mrs S 0 Ziibor'. 5 lttf,
FOR RENT A 4 room house (or rent
cheap, near Ueddee Bros store. In
quire at Geddts Urns,, ft 4tf
FOR SA1E Two heavy work team
..harness and wagons for sale apply to
urant Jveys. rnoue no ma o u in
ing nicely furnished room) apply to
G D Bimmona corner 8 and M streets
Much more abundant than last year,
and open for all kinds of stock during
April. Small pastures for stock needed
at short nolloe etc. Apply to 1110. B.
St. Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tele
phene 1273. If
Agents Wanted
$160 and up per month to energetic
representatives in every city and town
in i Oregon, Waiblngton and Mabo,
Dignified, honorable, perma ei t and
Immenaely profitable emylovment at
boms or on t' e road; something new.
tend st imp or rail an office tor details.
COMPANY, K9,7(h 8t Portland, Or.
. Doors and Sash
8end vour orders lo 8torda.-ds ware
boose for doors and aaah . They v ers
bought in large quantities direct from
tbe faotory. Tbey are handled oheap
ly and at prioes to defy competition.
Fair Rotes
Th.:0 R & N Co wiir "11 round trip
tickets to St Louis and return from this
city, with stop over-privilege) both
way) for SOO Tickets only will be on sale
three days of each month only as fol
lows, May 11, 12 and 13, June 16, 17
and 18, July 1, 2 and 3, August 8, 0 and
10, Hepl 5, 6 and 7, Oct 3, 4 and 6,
Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses
Good feed and small pasture) easily
reached $1.25 lor single bead per
month, rate, lea. lor bunches Best
yellow pine and other wood in anyi
'eneth, work, ridioa anil drivinil
horsos for sale. Houses for runt in I Notice is hereby -glvert. of the prp
. . posed Improvement of O St., In the
the best reaideuce sites in the com-
munity. Apply 1101 B st old town,
P O Box 841 , Phone 1276. 4-6-lf
. '.
rtoute m voiurduurj
Sealed bids forexcavating, and build-
ing foundation for the new La Grande
wava and means coimnittiw. no to a'x
o'clock pm Saturday May l'Hb 1004.
Thia work to be done eccoiiling to 23,0" day ot May A D 1904, Said aide
plana and specifications which can be w,lk wll, b, orU()rea constructed by
seen at the oHlce of dly recorder, J L tmM o(tbe cU , u Grand
Slater, Architect, or at W H Bohnen- 0reIon
"The'co'Steercaerve. the right j,' D.Uxi.l La Grande, 0.Wn this tb
relict any or all bid). day ol May A D 11)01.
W H Bohnenkamp, A I, Richardson CHESTER NEWL1N
L ii Keavis, ways and meaaa com- Recordei of the Ulty ol La,
alUmt I Oaloaossmty, Oregon.
notion hereby given that tbe
pertnanbip betttofore swifting be.
tween E. D. Whiting and V. J. Black
baa tbie day. April 18.104. been
I dissolved by mutual eonaena.
listed, tble the IB day ol April 1904
at LaQ -ande Oregon. :- , I
o. J. Black.
. .D. Whiting.
April 17 May 17. J
Office at AT Hill's Drugstore
La Urande, Oregon Phone 1361
Notice ia hereby given of tbe pro-
poeed improvement
oi rare: Btree
Park Street in
tbe city of LA Urande, Oregon b
grading and graveling said. Park
to an estaousnea grade between Srd A
4th atrtets in said city. Said improve
men! to be made at the tnwnn nf tha
abutting property owners.
nonce ia nereny, luitier. slven that
nnlesa said nrooosed imnrovemaat ia
defeated by remonstrance signed by the
abutting property owbera and til led
witn me undersigned on or before lha
23rd day i f May A D 1804, said propoa
ed Improvement of arid Park Street
will be ordered by the council of the
City of La Grande, Oregou, - : :
Dated at La Grande Oreson thia fith
day of May A D 1904.
Recorder of the City ol La Grande,
Union County, Oregon. -
Change of
The undersigned has purchased
the busin sa known as the Harris
Cash Meat Market and will here
after conduct the same. . , -V
We wish to inform the public
that we are prepared to furnish
all kinds of meats, game and
poultry at the very lowest prices
oonsistaut with Brat-clas artioles
' We have our own delivery
and make two trips duily to the
Old Town. ' Highest market
price paid for all cuttle, hogs and
sheep. " We solicit a share of
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satiafaetion. ;vke
; Phone orders receive prompt
and careful attention. .) ;
Harris meal market across the
traok. Phone 1801. .
I am now prepared to do . all
kinds of soavenger work that ' is
generally done by a scavenger,
and will call at your place at
any time. Call me up on phone
No. 1841 or address box 692.
H N Mason
oaran MhMaI from
LA OKAHDK. . ':' I
NO. 3 ' Nn , I
SAO P. m. Bali Lake, Denver Ft. . '
no a Worth, Omaha, Kaniaa u
a-Sii' m O'tT.St, Loan, cnloaio ,KO
sjwa. m. ,ut-
. rortland. Dalles, Pen- ,
:K.m S?iu'i';n,nuC0W''lp0' P
i. il j .th via Bpo-
Portland. Dallea, Pen.
NOS dlcton Umatilla Wal-nNn
lnla,I.ewlU)n,ColBia " "
Mowoow, WallaoeWnr aaoaui
B:15 p m doer, Hriokaae and
other pomla east and ' '
......... north via Bpokane.
" WDally "'aland oity, Alloel,
excodt Imljler, ana Kliln "I
Hunday conucctloui at E3iiln 6:30 pm
9:16 a mjwlth alaue for polnui
, In Wftlfowa county
Ocean Steamers between Portland and
Ban Francisco every live day)
E. C. MOORE, Agent
,-jty of La Urande, Oregon, by the con
atruotlon of a seven foot sidewalk along
south side of O St., between .4th street
and Cedar street, in the said city. Bald
side-walk to be constructed by the abut-
ting pr0pertT owners.
Notice is hereby father,- given that
unless said proposed Improvement ia
by remonstrance signed by the
abutting property ownera and filed with
with the undersigned on or befose the
5 Handsome Men--
J. lrTT ' ' -r .i ;
Should protect Jheir
beaifty by seeing that
they hov only ivi
2 To' shavV them." We ' t
will protect your face.- ;
Evans & fitageratej
La Grande " School of :
Opposite Bommer boose,
doe of (be beat musi'oal instltntioos f
in tbe state. Four rooms need for
ransloal Instruction, 15 giades of
musio taught. Department 1, S rooms !
used for Ibe 8 first grade). Children
at tbe age ol 6 and older oome . ona
hour every day. Department 8. 7.
looms for grade 4 to 1 for I pupils of 4
all ges; The latest course belt prac- v
tioal musical instrnotion.. Musical v
contests for medals eyery few-week.
c. Porter Day, Prinipal. y
Mrs. Day, Assistant
A great opportunity for'' yon
to breed to one of the best at a
very low" price I will make
this season 'with my Imported
fmaous Hockney stallion
With return privilege $8 pay
able in., advancet - No i other
terms'.' Can give good referen
ces as to his colts.... . ... .
. Wm. O.Hansen. ful r.utr.!VvliKhtRide
l)..7.y Crugc, I eep Canons.
; A. Goldeu iOj)jioi lunityMrSeu
uature.. In all . hc-r : glorious . i
beauty; and-- (heuUe 6u& of -
man's handiwork. J Tlo firui. la
found I along, the. hue ;of the ,
Denvor & : Rio (j ramie Railroad
and the latter- at 1 he St. Louis '
World's Puirj-- Your trip will be i
one of pleasure make thetriost'
of it. For information and illus '
trated literature write -
W. 0. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt.
Portland, Oregon
Geddes Bros.'
Why are Oeddes Bros.' kept to
busy? Why do they sell the beet
foods at tbe lowest prices,
referred St'k Tooiatoea 3 for 60o
Preferred Stock Corn " rSfor SOo.
.Preferred Stock-Salmon 3 for SOo
Preferred Stodk Peas 3 fof 60e
Preforred Stock Beans 3 for 60c
Don't pay other grocers .20, cents .
a can for anvi
oi ttiese goods. '
Standard tomatoes, corn,
peas, etc., a tor zo cents.
Tbey have the best butter made
In the vallev, and their creamery
butter has no equah here. "Try
It and see. r ..
Dill picklea, Helnte') 'mlncsr
meat, Swift') pickle pig feet,
premium heme, - loose olives;
Everything tasty, nice and obeap
Telephon 401 .
Geddes Bros.
Early Riser
for quick relief from Blllouanaaa,
Sluk Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun
dice, Dlulnass, and all troubles aris
ing from an Inactive or sluggish liver,
DsWltt's Little Early Rlsera are un
equalled. They act promptly and never gripe.
They are so dalnry that It Is a pleasure
la take them. On. to two act as a
mild laxative t two er four act aa a
pleasant and effective oathartle. Tbey
are purely vegetable and abaotasstf
karmlaas. They tenia the nvw.
vvmata enf tr v-.-
E. O. DWlt 4k 0h CSaSMtJa
For 8 ale bj all PRUCClSXt