7 15 x 4 a-n uvtni "J - i. wimrB aiaaa, vnrwj . . 4 ! A Tonight and Wa"ieIa, v LA GRANDE OBSERVER.! THE TRAINS 3 A I East bound 0:10 on time , iWsit 8:10 on time P VOLUME III LAORANDE, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 17 1904. NUMBER 167 EVENING BRAKEMAN AND FIREMAN KILLED. Northern Pacific Overland Crashes Into j Switch Several Passengers Were Severely Injured. Seattle, May 17 A speoial to the Poat-Intelllgenoer from Etetett, Washington, eays: Tfce weet-bound Great Northern tvwriaod train at 6:10 me eeniog crashed into an open twitch joat eas of Monroe and eollided with two box careoo th) sidetrack. G Marshall, of Interna; the head brakeroan was killed and Tom Downing of luterbay COUNCIL MET Contract for Basement of City Hall to be Let Wednesday Night Dogs to be Taxed, The oity oouuciL met Monri-w even ing to eonsider tte hid for th.- 'nuo datlon and basement of the now cit. ball. The waya and meao c m mittae bad a force of men m w k mi tbe lite digging a number of a to aaeertain the depth of t.ha ami h.-fore reaohing tbe oeraent. The result, of thia investigation convinced ih' miiti cil that quite a a.vmg ooiild tie m u -by several alight cli tugi-a in urn riu.i nal plana and ep-o lioaiioua of tbe foundation and toey ordered that ar chitect 8Iater nuke the suggested changea and resubmit the plana lo contractors and that 'bey submit new bids Ihereoa aocompanied w th oen - tided check i at the meeting of tbe council Wednesday nigbt of tbia week A fiw billa wsie allowed on the water fund -nd outeid. of a motion instructing the recorder to purchase SOU Jjg taga and instructing tbe oity ni'ushall toonfuros the dog tax law, t o entire evening waa spent in con 1' V EVEhY SUIT AT REDUCED PRICE Come; and bring $25 00 $22 50 20 0 18 OH 10 00 SuiH for.. J Open the fireman waa pinned ben Jet b tbe wreak , dying before be eoald be rse eued. Two laborerewbo were load ing ebinglef into Ibe , freight oar have not been loeated aod it it not knnwn whether I bey were in the ear when the latter rook or not. En gineer Geo Zinnia, of Seattle, jumped and escaped with severe bruiaee. Be eral paaMngera were slightly injured. aidering tbe foundation plana and makiug tbe alternations. Tbe coun oil exp'oia to be able f eeonre bida on tbe foundation in tbe neighbor hood of 950.000 a eating of . about $700. Edward and William Berlin, May 17. King Edward baa definitely announced his Intention to vi.it. Emperor William during regatta week at Kiel, which begins June 22. Two Houses The voters of the Pleasant Hill dta- tl,.t 1...M a aaisuaain.. - fV and agreed 10 build two school bouses inetead of one. th.dlstrict belne- too iiivv uwh n in ansa ss sow visst otusV i,ira far thit nnntu tn .11 -it-,..a Rchool. Disappointed There will be a surprised and dis gusted dozen pwaengerswbo will arrive on tonights train from Wallowa county This party went over thei to locate on timber land. Since they started tbe new withdrawal baa been made) Wbioti includes tbe township wherein they in tended to make their flllinta. They nodoubt bad a nick, trip and the pleaenre of viewing vt'aUova lake amply repay them tot their trouble. It may be aome time however lefoie tbey view the matter in tbia light. Neighborhood Club The Neighborhood Club met yester day afternoon at the elub parlors and under tbe leaderebip of atra E C Moore dieeueeed the Local Option Clothing Prices SMASHED Mouday morality. May 16, the moat itenive we Imt evxr ctvi luctad in Not one suit, por one or two ENTIRE LINE OF MEN'S PRICES, Tor nun week. The many choice line3 and t mp''iig prioes plnred before our buyer this wnsoii, proved so slroi g that as a result our clothing tnhlcs are fairly g-oamug under the weight. They ire choice They are Extraordinary values, but too tunny tbut'ur. As a result, the fence id d.)wo. Remember: ....$!0 00 l'.MiO .... 18 75 .... 15 25 .... 13 AO 15 00 12 (50 10 00 6 00 10 00 7 60 And many intermediate prices equally low which f pace will Dot pwimit milking mention of berr. See them. question. There were aevtral. good addresses aod taking it all together the meetiog waa a deaided auooew. Opera Cinderella On Tuesday evening May 84tb the Pbllohotnoaie society ol thia oity node tbe direction of Mrs Bimpaon will produce in Stewards Opera bouse Th Opera Oomique Cinderella. There will be 70 people in tbe cute, care fully seise ted to All each role, tbe Lib ratio ia purely an English ' version. Tbe uuaio by Fran a Abt. after; tbe fl rat act will occur the Moonlight Da no by Ibe fairies The moon riaea and seta in full view of the audiaooe, in the fourth act during the aoene in the King's palace will be iatioduoed. Tbe royal Court Lancers of the reign of Louia Utb. This alone ia wortb the price of admission, watch for email bill. O. R. & N. OFFICIALS La Grande Receives a Visit Fron Gen. Pas senger Agent A. L. Craig, and Staff. General Passenger Agent A. L. , . ,. -, . " r,a"0r "' "' . Publications, J. O'Neill travelme neseeniter airent and Mr. Oacar Vn- derbilt, secretary of tbe Nttionnl Engraving Co. of Ohioago were o il, city yeeteiday. Thia part of 0 II. & N. otSoials is making tour o' oompanys road ud of coiirs aa Mr Craig eaid "could not overlo ,k no Important a plaoe a. L Ornndf " We acknowledge ve y pieumntii I from the gentlen.e i Mr Oraic wuli tbe assistance of Mr.. Hall and Mr O'Neill is doiug a great deal for Oregon and especially lor Eaatern Oregon in tbe way nf making known to the people of tbe east tbe many advant- aaea we have to offer. . Mr. Hall an naual ia on a bunt for good thinga to say of the Gritude Bonde valley. . He always warns those with whom he is talking about tbia country to tell only tbe truib '-aa tbe truth about tbe Grande Bonde valley Is good enough with ont any exagerations," be aaye hie lettet book "Bestful Reoreation we inaugurate, for one week Price-Smashing Clothing Sale the middle of the season. lines of suits, but OUR SUITS AT REDUCED along the neighhorw, too. suits for $13 25 " - 10 95 " " 8 95 to 8 00 suit for.... 5 00 to 12 00 coats & ves's 7 50 to 9 50 " " 6 00 Reaorta" ia oartainly a very credable publiotlloo and ahould. be read by all who expect to take a vacation thia aommer. ' .'! THE WEEKLY CROP REPORT Conditions as the Government Weather Bureau finds them Eastern Mr. John Hyde atatiatiolan of the Unied States Agricultural department, in hie report dated May 10, 1904 at Washington, received by tbe Obrerver thia morning givea the aoreage of winter wheat harvested in 1903 at 38,615,510. The aoreage of winter wheat sown in the fall of 1903 was 32,016,205 aores, and tbe number of acres of winter wheat under cultiva tion on May 1 1904 waa 27,083,539. The condition of winter, wheat on May 10th waa 76 5 per cent of a full crop, agaiuat 92 6 per oent on May 10, 1903, and an average ol 84 2 per seat for tbe paat ten years. '' '; V. V Mr Eadward A Beals, eeotibn iireo tor of tbe Oregon emotion ol the United States department of the Agri culture in hid report of May 17th, received by the Otwrvei this morning ilnntaina the following in the werkly Bullcc.n of May 17. " I'lw pi-t w.vk lna hwn d-y and, !'n .MIi it v ..-rM,t ttHtmnr than tilt, v.'i k p;rvitiOt .war. " too c-ol lor rttpiil rtwih a d s ruiioitiou The -iitk i' f -11 iih,at it. in pxopII. nt on- . , i'n I- Urn tills 'i'l ( - ! V V (T' VIOUH i'. ;t,1'' i .'ii w 'i'" v ry lae- I -A k ' it 1 r- r.- V :l ..tl'tlllil t i.i.- i-ru, urhii; ttf !i x vi-.-.k .iVhi' 8;nun wli-ai 4tid,'u ' ia oe.triy. u.impti' ed and the aiands everywhere art reported above the a-erage. In favored loo lilies fall barley and fall rye are beginning to bead. Range graea and forage cropa continue doing splendidly and stock beginning to get fat. Corn and po'ato planting are general and in some ol the aoutbern oountiea corn planting ia nearly completed. Gardens a'ao are nearly all planted, but tbe growth of vegetables baa been alow. Hops are healthy and promising and the cultivation of tbe yards has proceeded uninterruptedly during tbe week. Tbe condition of fruite is -omewhat uncertain , but nearly all correspondents agree ' that Italian prunes will be almost, a lailure : Early A Verdict Of Guilty T. A. Wood, the Indian War Pension Agent, Fails to Prove Himself Innocent. Portland May 17 After being out an hour this evening, the trial jury in trie Unite I States die'rlct court brought in a verdict of guilty in the caso of T A Wood on tilal for coiiapiracy to defraud the United States government of pen sions. The jury recommended rleinencv and it ia prohaMe the pritoner will be let off with fines, Wednesday Evening . l.allca of (.'entrnl 1 IihtIi will serve T rr.'aui anil cako in the lecture room of the Church. Philip Loy makes the crenm we make the enkee. Fifteen cents is tlio price. Band Concert The band concert will render tlio fol lowing program next Wednesday even Ing at 8 o'clock, depot and Adsina atreet March "Piilalinei"... Hall Poevtnr "Midland"... ... ...Southwell Waltx ''Zllphia" Kiplsy March "Town Talk'... Munnell belectiou "Xational airs" MoCoele Prof iivndrlcka, Muaical dlretto' Remem'wr 'In Ituminagn sale to be given by tbeladieaof St Peter Guild at II lijMti irka implumtnt store on Frl day and Saturday. Mrs Wm I s ker, o! Nebraska, who haa been in tbe city tbe paat ten days vielting her aleter Mrs George Hanson and her neiee Mrs Charles' Norria, re turned home this morning. Throughout Oregon. cherries, pears and peaohes have euf fered some injury from tbe late frosts, but il is believed tbey will jet give satiafaetory yields. Apples arc pro miaing and' atrawberrlee and buab trulls will be plentiful.'' , ; ; .M . - "Union, Union county, John W. Mlnnlok Light frost first of week; ground aurface , getting dry and In need of rain, but every crop ia still making a good growth; ' high' water receding and overflowed grain landa suffered tome damage; up to date fruit blooma have held tbelr . vitality ag iual all froats." ;. ,1 f education at purposes. We wiah to cultivate and mak fast women . line of merchendise which grade by grade, quality for quality is I unsurpassed in the city. You are invited to inspect our goods. ) nr ' : - x TRUST OUR. SO APS 1 r -r .... . !...: -- ' A ' Q It is difllcult to j idge the purity of toilnt soapsi and too often an rtgreeable odor determines tbe : J ')'' ' Ci. choice. If all sonps were as innocent as their fragrance is pleasing, there would be more ' '! ' . : smoothe skins and clear complexions - and loss -t ..-s, -gg j. ' roughness, pimples and blotohes. ' We can make you safe in your soap buying.. - .:!'Sa,:x,!A Tlie toilet sonps we handle are those made by reputable firms. We have pure and safe :oaps f ' f r at whulever price you wish to pay. . , iij I i . . . . ; " ' NEWL1N DRUG- CO. WHY DO i - 1 " ' ' FAVOR Costs Elgin and Summeivi!le1PeopIe5.25 lo Visit Union, and . . , La Grande. There ia no queatton .. bnt a great majority or tbe oilisent of Elgin and the surrounding vlolnity will support La Grande on the . leraoval of tbe county seat, not because they are particularly favorable to one or the other of the cities to be voted for, but simply beoanee tbe removal means a great saving to them. A resident of Elgin ia now compelled to apand three daya in vlaiting tbe oouoty seat while if the county seat waa located at La Grande two daya would only be required aod the aoiual expenan would be leaa than one bait. Tbe following flgureeahow iho difference in coatt ' Fare from Elgin to La Grande, . , ' ". '.; t .60 High Class Merchandise . The Spociul values Bhown by 'ub, are offered" chiefly friends of still greater numbers We wish to demonstraie lo Ihem that we 1 Chicago Store Murphy Bros. Prop. la -SL-Sl a a a 1 .a. au.ai.JL.aL a a 1 n 1 THEY ' . i ' i .1 i. tri.. i.ia'i A CHANGE V t r t v $2.45 to .Visit; a Supper, " bed and breakfast. La . Grande. (.Vv"m7'1.&UM Fare La Giande to Union atatioo. .40 Union aUtion to Union ..;.' Dinner and aopper in Union ;1.00 Union to Union elation. ,S5 Fare to L Grande.......,,.,,.; ,40 Bed and breakfaat In La Grande..' .75 Fare to Elgin. , V: ".W lotal axpenae Elgta and return, ' 8 daya . , , . -pm i, ToUl . , ,a.25 Total expeose to La Grand and r-t tarn . - - " J45 Total expense aaved and on day '- time , ; , . - i , ' i Total S.80 ! Tbe above is iqually true ol Sum mervllls. ItAu'J, Jl-' 1 "jPi the acquaints noe of particular are carrying a i .-A it KS't lit f 11 . : ' 1 iimiiw it 'fV, t ' &-' t 4-