La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 16, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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,T Tonight and fiundey fair Cool'
er touiulit witb light Jrosl.O
Warmer Sunday, . - A
No 2 Emit bound 9:10 on time A
A 6 wnt 3:10 on Una JL
wrk ff-1! fTW A v if rf-
Little One was a Niece of Mr. and Mrs. John
Kennady Lives at
Mr and Mr J W Kenne ly bave just
received tbe n& oewa of an accident
reanliing in the death ot their neioea
little obild, a dispatch trim Waitsburg
giving tbe details as follows :
' Tbe result nl a collision in which a
rig driven by George E Wo ids orush
ed into the rear o( a buggy diiven by
Mrs Perry Abbey, the little chi:d of
the latter died here last night fiom
ii juries received iu the tkull.
Mrs Abbey, who livie in Whetstone
Hollow, about five miles north of
town, bad just reached the foot of a
grade near ber home, aud in s'ght of
her husband working in tbe field,
when Wood's team, completely on-
Neighborhood Club
Tbe ltdies Ni libber hood
Ciub bold tbeir tegular meeting
tomorrow afteruc on in the Commer
cial Club. The subjeot is Local O) -tion.
Tbey extend a c mii il invita
tion to tbe ladies of the ft' 0 I U hi,,
all friends of temperance Thtrd hi.
be a number of impromptu add'-"'
mde oo the autj'Ct :ty it" ..oi'i
ail wbo attend will crt.iiu'v Uj t"
Will Speak
Rev Walton Bkipwor'u will rp- k
at the Presbyteiian oburch tomorrow
evening on the subject of looil option.
A cordial invitati. n extended to
everyone and all interested in local
o tion are especially invited to be
Opera Cinderella
On Tu' 'iy cvniug My 24 h the
Pbiloho o iio soc ety ol this city
under the d - rtion l !I:i Simpsou
will produce in rilewi'ds Opera bouse
The O hi U m r ue CI 'derelia. There
will be 70 p op e in tue oale, care-
y ''H"f
EVERY SUIT AT REDUCED PRICE Come; and bring along the ncighbnrw, too.
$') 00 Suits f ir..
$2-2 50 " "
21M.0 "
18 mi "
10 00
manageable, struck tbe buggy, turn
lug it completely ver and throwing
tbe mother and child forward into
tbe road. The mother enoaped witb
a few injuries, but tbe child's skull
was dented, and though brought to
this plaoe and put in charge of a phy
sician, it was no surprise when tbe
news of Its death was given out last
uinht. . -
Prople here are indignant and hor
ror strtckan over tbe tragedy, and
Wo d may be arrested. It la : said
that he was intoxicated, and that it
had been bis habit to let his horses go
home as tbey pleased when be was in
that condition.
fully selected to fill each role, tbe Lib-
l-eretto is purely an English version.
The mnsio by Fran Abt. after the
first aot will, occur tbe Moonlight
Dtnce by the. fairies The moon rises
and sets in full view of the audianoe,
in the fourth aot during the scene in
the KingN palace will be intioduoed.
T e royul Court Lancers of the remn
l Lome 14th. This alone is wotlh
he price of admi-.ion, jwiucfi for
a ;. it I bills.
TVka Club
The Take club waa entertained r'rl
Uy afternoon at tbe home of Mra A O
stull. Those present were Mesdames
Ed Murphv, Slack, Kir.iher, T J Or
mond, Wade, d Hughes, Bert Hughes,
and Humphreys. Refreshments were
served and all present spent an enjoy
able afternoon. The next meeting will
be at the boms Mrs Slack May 27.
Alicel Items
Mr J M Church, FrHna Kilpatrlck,
and Julius Rorsch were in our city last
We are glad to see Jke (lulling on
his train again.
Mr Kirk Wells has a fine band of hogs
pasturing on alfalfa. He keeps nothing
Clothing Priees
Monday morninj; May 11, wo inaugurate, for one week
t'te mngL rxletwve rrine-Smashing Clothing Sale''
W8 h .v. ev t ' (vi la' " -1 in tbe middle of the season.
Not one suit, nor nil" or two lines of suit9, but OUR
PRICES, lor cue week Tbe many cbnice lines aud
("iiii'tivg prices n'Hfed li '"ore our buyer tbia 'season,
provd so firm g liint as
hn' fairly g-o' in-! tintler ihe weight. Tliey ire choice
Tlxy are Exlrnorilintry values, but too mauy
tbat'e i'. Ai a rosu't, the fence is d mn. Rmerai'er.
fit 00
1 M.O
' Irt 75
15 25
!S 90
$16 1)0
12 50
10 00
C 00
10 00
7 50
but thoroughbreds. Be paid ISO for
oii hog recently.
R A Wilkereon republican nominee
for county achoot superintendent waa
shaking bands in our neigbborboad last
week. Mr Wilkereon haa many friend
n this vicihity who hope to see blot
elected, lie began teaching in this
count' near Bumtnerville in 1890 and
haa taught every yew ainoa in various
part of the valley. He baa Just cloaed
his ninth term in Fruit Dale. Mr
Wilkereon nowa holda a 8tate diploma
issued In 1898 and a Brat grade county
certificate leaned last Feb and alto a
first grade state certificate issued last
February all of wblcb are now In force.
Retired Bishops
The general 'conference of tbe M
Church at Los Angeles on May 14th
placed five bishopa on the retired list
becaueo of age. They are Edward O
Andrews, aged 75 years ; Cyrus D Fobs,
aged 70; John M Morgan, aged 73 years :
John U Vincent, aged 72 years and
Willard F Mallalieo, aged 76 years.
Portions of the County
Injured by Frost Not
Expected to Prove
Athenia. Ore Mav 16 A trail of yel-
W marks, the nrozresa of Sunday
nwlit's lioat, extends over mile after
mile of green fields through theAtne i.
ia, Adann and Helix distriu's. In mn t
i-nanR the tons have wilted, while
in othere the ent'T- stalk appears to
have been cm oh" One raii'-ncr oeiween
Helix and Pendleton ' repor a that hif
400 acre fiel I will be a total lo"8.
More conservative view- ure taken by
fdvmara nitrl tlllftlllRfl mfl.t. tlie
'impression being that tl e damn" ia but
temporary and that it will not eueei
the ultimate rrop reBiilf
Council Meeting
The city oootu-il Is abant aa buay an
institution as there 'a In this city they
have already held tour meeting una
monthand will meet again thia even
4i th maatlnx Saturday evening bids
were opened for the construction of t e
foundation of tl eo'ty Hall. Three bids
were offeied as follows: o b uanter
result our rl.. thing fables
suits tor..- 13 25
" " 10 95
" " 8 95
lo 8 00 suits for. . . . 5 00
to 12 00 costs & vesii 7 50
t.i 9 50 " " " 6 00
And many intermediate prices eqnally
low wlnrb npare will pus permit makiDg
menlion of her . See them.
157)' 9 R Haworth (I987 T B l arger
ISSSH. '; . '
There waa no other businw taken
up and the oouucll adjourned until this
evening to further consider the bid
aubmltte I. .'
Band Concert
The bind concert will render tba fol
lowing prorran nut Wednesday even,
ing at 8 o'olock, dap 't and Adams atreet
March "Palatine,"..... Hall
Poevtnre "Midland" ........ .Southwell
Walt Zilphla" ..... .........Blpiey
March "Town Talk"... Monnell
Selection "National alra"......MoOosl
' Prof Hendrlcka, Muaical director
Wheat for Chicago
-Dayton May 16 Shipment of 100 ton
of wheat baa juat been made from
Kictnrdion aiding to Chicago, an un
usual destination for thia cereal from
this oounty. The outside market for
Columbia wheat is, however, constantly
enlarging. "'.
Mrs Vine Payne and son Arthur, of
Cove, visited witt Mr and Mra Fred
King at Wildwood fruit farm, ou Tbura
day last.
Now lathe time for tlie lovers of
beauty to Visit fruit farms, Dainty
pink of tbe peach, Sweet while of the
pear, Rival apples bloom a beauty, and
all for me sweetly fill with (ragranee
the air. : . ' , . " '
We of the hill aide a e returning
thanks for better roadu, tbe work of
supervisor -Groot. 11
Birthday Party
Elsie and Aitn Walker and Barbara
Sno brans all of whom had birthdays
durinv last week, entertained a number
of t eir friends at a Lavender Birt' day
Party Saturday afternoon at the home
ol Mrs Sni.dgraes )n N.Tth Birch Siieet
The d'MOratinns sud table coveis e e
of Lavender. Dainty refreshments
were served and all spent a veiy pleai'
ant afternoon. TIiobh present were
Maud Snodgrass, Louise Sell like, Helen
llartlett, Leone Wade, Ruth Simmons
Vt-r.i Leffel, Zelma Laekhart, Nora
Helinlck, Edith Robs, Vinton Forbes,
Kennith Bartlett, Richard Happer
Carlton Snodgrass, Charley Walker
and Jonny Snodprass.
Showing the Winners,
and Their Records
Many Inland Towns
Whitman, 64; Baker City, 38; Spo
kane, 18; Walla Walla, 0, and Pendle.
ton, 7, Is the percentage of the con
testants in the Inter. acadentio field
meetaf Walla Walla yesterday. Whit
man College won the pennant easily
and also took the declamatory prize in
the contest last evening
Miss Madge Fowler, of Whitman Col
lege, won the declamatory rontost, A
W Phillips, of WaltBhtir Academy, and
Mies Lafferty, of Union high school,
taking seconds.
rhe 100-yarl da ah was won by Kelley,
of Baker City, 10 2-5; 2ii0 yaid dash.
by Kelley, 21 4-6; rnimlng broad jump
by Kelley, 21 4; pole vault, Neal, of
llakor City, 0.2 ; half mile run, Hill,
f Whitman, 2:10; 120 yard hurdle race,
Williams, of Pendleton; 220 yard hur-
ille race, Lyman, of Whitman, 0:29;
one-fourth mile run, Hill, of Whitman,
0:52; mile rim. I'liuclior, nf Whit man.
6:17; relay rai-o. Whitman; pnttinjr 12-
pouu l shot. Cox, of Whitman, 39 feet ;
throwing hammer, Allen Baker City,
133 feet; throwing discus Dutcher,
Whitman, 104.0.
The weather was beautiful and the
attendants very large.
Make Your Feet Glad
Did yon ever think of all the goou
your, feet do yod f
Thoy carry you everywhere and as
the poet says, ' "All you have to do ia
to steer 'em." Vou can do your feet a
faithful turn for very ittle cost to yon,
pot 'em in toft pair of Sels Royal Bine
shoes, cost you S3 SO in men s $i SO in
ladies (less our special sale for slzdays
You'll have the best dressed and
most comfortable pair of feet yon ever
had. Yon can get tbem at the RAIN
I BOW Store only, Every pair gnaraa
Osteopathy Is a method of treating
diaeaee by manipulation tbe purpoee
and resnll of which ia to restore (be
normal condition of nerve oontrol and
blood aupply to every organ of Ihe
body, by removing physical obstruc
tion, or by atiniulatlng or inhibiting
functional activity aa the condition
eaay require.
By tbe term physical obstruction
we mean any direct interference to tbe
nutritive or functional fluids or foross
of tbe organ as pressure upon ves
sel or nerve by an abnormal oondilloo
of soma denser tissue of - bt body.
This will onion the nerve force and
affect tbe blood supply. Either of
tbsse may result in producing an ab
normal fuootion of soma otgao or or
gans, and tbns lead to a diseased con
dition. ,
Osteopathy achieves its Ohio! lesults
hrough tbe nervous system.
The Misses Emms Clark, Ada Fowler
and Cora Hardiugf are in Astoria dele
gates to tbe Grande Lodge of Rebecoaa.
F E Eoloe la superintending tbe work
now being done on tbe dam at Morgan
lake. He waa down Saturday stating
there were 30 men and 11 teams at work.
The baseball game yesterday between
the La G ande and Union teams result
ed In a game victory to La Grande.
Score 7 to 11.
-'.''." f r ." f, '. :
' ' . '.'
It is difficult to j iclgo the purity of toilet soopst ' v: ' - -v
and too often an sgreeable odor determines the ' '". .V
choice. If all soaps were as innocent as their .; . j
fragiance it pleasing, there would be more
- r- smoothe skins and cloar complexions and loss v . -v
roughness, pimples and blotches. , ,
We can make you safe in your soap buying. . ;
The toilot soaps e handle are those made by , v
reputable firms. We have pure and safe soaps 1 s- T :
at whatever price you wish to pay. --
" - j
. :', . " , . ;
La Grande Land Office ' Receives Notice of
Withdrawal From Sale of Following w.,,
Described Land.
. Waabiciton. D. O. Mav U
Register and Receiver U 8 Land offioe
. r- La Grande, Ore.
Letter of todav withdraws from all
deposition excepting under mineral
; Beotions 1 to 4. tt to 16. 22 to 87 in.
oiusive, NJ and SEJ 35, section - 86
Tp 3 Range 40. Sec I, Eg Beo S,
NJ and SEJ 12, Tp 8, R 40. Beo I to
4, EJ 9, seotiona 10 to 15, 22 lo 27 EJ
34, Motions 35 to 36, Tp 4 R 41 sec
tions 1, 2, E 8. Seotiona 11. 12, 13,
. ADaits -At Alice! Monday May 10 to
Mr and Mra John Adams a son,.
High Class
Tl'e Speoinl values shown by us, ore offered chiefly for
education. . purposes. We wiab to cultivate tbe acquuintpnee
and make fast friends of still greater numbers of' particular
women. We wish to demonstrate to them that wo are carrying-aline
of merchandise which grade by grade, qualify for quality is'
unsurpassed in the city. You are invited to inspect our goods. ''
Chicago Store
Murphy Bros. Props.
NJ and SEJ 14. Tp 5 R 41. Seotiona
1 to 5, EJ and N W J 6, EJ sec 7. ' Beo
tions 8 to 12, Ni 14 and 16, Tp 6 R 42
Section 19, 30, 81, 82; 33, Tp 1 , R 48
8Wi Beo 17, H 18. Rection 19, WJ ?Q
8eotions 25,20, 27, 91 28, W 29.
Seotiona 30 to 86, Tp 8 R 45. Spo lions
24 , 26. 26 to 8 ) iooluaive. Seotions
31 to 86 Tp 3, R 46 Beotlona 19, 20
and 29 to 82 Tp3, R47, all of Tp 6
R 47. Seotiona 1 to 12; 17 and IS Tp 7
R 47. Seotiona 5, 6,7, Tp 6, R 48 all
South and Bast. . ' ,
Tbo Prohibition Alliance will meet y
this evening at the home ol Mr and
Mrs H O Thomason in the old town .
St. . . H ..
, i ; ':";:
... J.M.M'-.i.M'.-'i.mj JW'-'W. 'W.
i " ii ' r ,
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