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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1904)
us f H 8 a , a ' a : J" 'A ELY A. JAMISON v a a . a m m " We will call for it and bring it . home when promised. W guarantee satisfaction and onl? ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you that we an- .-, .. derstand the laundry business.. You can stop our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We .make a specialty of family washing, aud cab -do your washing better and cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. .V..- Union Steam Laundry a a D a a a a D D a a D a D Li Grande Evening Observer OURREY BROS., Editors & Prop. Entered at the Post Office it La Grnnde, , Oregon, as Eeooud Clan Malt Matter. PHONE 742 FIR 8TREET. Published daily except Sunday One year in advanoe. ;. . . .$6 50 Six months in advance. . . .3 60 Per month. . . . .65c Single copy .V.6c ! mm, ; Thousands Arriving Daily. We have refferonoe to the number of rolls of wall pa ' per which we are receiving. ,! We have five of the best :i paper.hangers in the state constantly employed, and ; therefore our paper stock does not last long. . A large shipment is expected to arrive this week and we would suggest that you call early and make your selections ' while our assortment is complete. " If you want something really artistic, call on us aud ' allow us to demonstrate that we can please you. We stand ready to meet all competition and will not be un der sold by anyone. . Estimates oheerfully furnished. , Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS. eibS JWDILGLASS 5 O SATURDAY EVENING MAY 14 904 D ' ; : S : : .The question, why- Grande Ronde will always be one of the best ffuit growing sections of this coast was answered yester day in a news item stating a car of apples were now ' enroute to Alaska. -Any section that can grow commercial fruit , that can be held 'until May and then marketed need never have any fears that the iruit industry can be over done. All we have to no is wait until'otber less favor ed localities have disposed of their crop and it is out of the way, then we can have an open field.-: : WE ark HEADQUARTERS ; For Kodak and Kodak Supplies : A complete stock of professional paper Plates at wholesale prires. - Mail orders; answered promptly. La Grande Drup Co. and Red Cross Drug Co My Lady's Jewels - V Certalnlr add to her attraotiTeness The poet who wro'e that 'Beanjy un- adornea is aoornen tne must" ruoaui.i had no dollar. He certainly aboweil little sense. And if bis lady love had teen my display ol - Dainty Broaches She would not have believed him Fur a wi man naturally loves to adori herself. No one on blame her after thev visit my store. Such beautiful things at so moderate a coat were never sefjn before, mere are tniogs lor men too. Just come in and see now much more I could have said about them. J. H. Feare, the jeweler City Property For Sale Finely Located, Well Improved s-Room House For I X Sale. Also Other City Property, At i "KRANX, &! HERRONS AD WAYS ON TIME 1 When yon order groceries Ins n jit 9 are ante to have Ihemdellvered on time; ANOTHER THING J When you order groceries from us you are sure to get the yerylbest to be had. We keep only.the best The next time you are at our store ask to see our speoial line of $ BREAKFAST BACON f & POTTED MEATS 1 O.IIRALSTON f NEBRASKA GROCERY STORE J Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sis. ? Ar Two Light Electrolier 1 Empire style complete with etched glass J shades Jand all attachments put up to i ycur reaidence for f 5.00 . j See samples'ln our window. La Grande Light & Power Co REPUBLICAN TICKET. state Supreme Judge, F A Moore - Food and Dairy Commiulontr, . J W Bailey - Proidtntlal Elector, James A Fee, J N Hart, G B Demick, A C Hough Second District. Congressman J N Williamson. V yjnkm and Wallowa. Joint Senator Peter McDonald. t Joint Representative J H Dobbin Eighth Judicial District. Prosecuting Att'y. Leroy Lomaz ; v Union County. : Representative N 0 MoLeod, Clerk Jaa B Gilham Sherff-J W Waidbd.-, Assessor Ben Brown, i " Recorder D H Prootor , Treasurerr-Jobn Frawley Commissioner 3 M Selders School SupUR A Wilkerson Surveyor T K Berry . ? Coroner J 0 Henry.-' " , ' -- ' La Grande Precinct. -' Jnetico Peace-J E Hough V Constable J W ll'raW A large majority if the tax payers of the county are begin ing to realize that as long as the county seat remains at Union, the people favoring Union will endeavor to keep the indebted ness of the county where it is as that is their onlyexcuse in opposing a change. But now tout the ; people thoroughly understand that the county will be put to no additional expense in making a ch.nge the Union people base their only hope of retaining the seat of government through their ability of getting into court and thereby prevent on election. But their hopes will all be in vain. Cry Creek Drifting M.hf e ntlnn ft i Iv, b it " nmive ab' - .tti 'tage to r'it 'i'in i. eportrd Mr iSeaton will hlt church Sun Iny morniiii and eveui' i?. Sun lay school at 10 A M, V f A C K inn- a at 6:30 P M on rlrst and third Mumlays, an I otlriae at It A M. A htiiitiuie arty cuni ne I nr .luliu St. veil. Fr Uk Km rwm hh! I 'liui Vim litve ruUKht i"0 !r. mij.' ro yet in search of m re up i our t. v head ol Philip Click. Kvery hO'ty Is icvng to a l!aKot Supper Frihiy nijht hii.I wo'il o,i it tho Inn f r next issue. Joie Colt aud familv spent tev?rl days in Elgin lBt week visiting inenos suit nnexpettwlly stUnded a Surprise Pcund Party tenilereil JIT ana wis Benton by member, ol the church and friends. The principal gift was a beautiful llk erssy patch-work quilt made by the La'Ues Aid and .Kept a secret until its presentation. Mrs Belle Herman and . children ' of Snmn-ervllle l out visiting her Bister Mrs Williamson. County treasurer Frawley is making his - Usual strenous campaign. Two years ago he recieved over 2000 votes and his vote will be increased this year. He is not only a good vote getter but an ideal officer. One of the gratifying and pleasing results so far and there is no prohadilily of there being any ; change, ' is the clean campaign now being made hy the candidates of all parties nominated. Thia i'as it should be. . . Attorney 'N.'C'1' Mcleod, republiean nominee' - for the legislature has, been a leading attorney of'Elgin for. number of years He is ;we0 -acquainted with thev needs ' of; his county and has - the ability to ably repersent Union county. For the first time in . many years the county seat questien is not in evidence in the county election. This is the result of the general law providing for the people of the counties handl ing such matters by petition to the county court. Location of the various candidates is now of minor importance. Attorney Lomax, republican nominee for prosecuting attorney of this district is a lawyer of ability, a man of character and when elected as he is, certain to be.the tax payers in tnauy iustances will be releived of the expense of a grand jury. Such is not the case under present conditions. J . M. Selders the republican nominee for commissioner is a man wha has made a success of his own business. A careful and progressive farmer who when elected will give the county the sae careful attention as be gives his own business. While the salary of '1he commissioner is not sogrraUt I" luy. others it is one of the most important otuces. .. The v Observer ;; never has advocated the "yellow dog" policy when it comes to voting for county officers, but tho results of factional fights in this countyduring the past few years have had such a demoralizing effect on the . patty that ' the republicans owe it as a dnty to themselves and the party to stand by the entire ticket this year. This is conceeded to be a republican county by at least 150 majority, but the offices are and have been filled by democrats. The results btive bten that good men too olten refuse to serve not only their party but the people as well. Now that ; we have iriHrle a good start, there being no fuel ional troubles, a good ticket nominated, this . is the yearokeJl, years to place the partyojng whereby the best metCJNdJr will seek nominations ioSOtirijf being begged to go on the ticket. I Dr. 1' A CHARLTON VETERINARY SURGEON, Office at A T Hill's Drug Store. La Grande, Oregon Phone 1361 Congratulations. ! Hr. John H. Oullom, Editor of the Garland, Texas, Mews, has written a factures congratulations to the nasnu lettei of of Chamberlain's' Cough Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen years ago when ' our first child was a baby be was subjeot to oroupy spells and we wc uld be very uneasy about him. We began using Cham berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it such a reliable remedy for colds and croup, we have never been without it in the bouse since that time. We have five ohildren and bate given it to all of them with good results." For Sale by all druggists. Water Consumers Notice is hereby given that all city water eoiiaulnere, before turnirg on water for irrigating o'irposes must call at the Recorder's oflioe, make written application and pay in ad vance, otherwise the water will be ahut off until payment is made of amount due and ore dollar in addi tion lor the expense of turning water on and iff. H 0. Oilman, Water 8upl. 5-13-20 0r 5PICE5, 0 COFFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER, fUaVORlNG EXTRACTS AMuNftkiry. fmtsr mver, OrnftlSrrith.l?iioft4bltfTit CLOSSETfcDEYERS PORTLAND OREOON. Guard Mount All members of Co L are requested to be at Armory hull Sunday morning at 9 :30 o'clock for guard mount. Ch8 Burliness 2ud Lieut. Will Exchange I Singer sewing mach nes for good driving horses. Machines sold upon easy t rms. Repairs for all kinns of machines. , , : . A. H. STONE. Office in , Jas. P. Smith's Jewelry Store. A Column of Piguers , li iw many times have you bothered your head over a long string of figures? We have had considerable experience with figures but more especially with fig ures which can be seen in our - Up-to-Date Wall Paper We cerUioly htva ilin very best and most thorough ly up to date stock of wall paper ever brought to this city. Do not take our word for this but call at our store and allow us to demonstrate to you that ibis statement is true N ) old left over stork to dispose of but an t-xtra large stork of this seasons detigus for you to select from. You will certainly be diseppolnied if yiiu do not call. PJuls, Oils and ('" tss. All kinds of building ma terials. 0. P. C00LJDGE Adams Avenue. LA GIAND.:, OREGON SACRED HEART. AOADEM La Grande, Oregon." Conduoted by Sisters of Bt. Franul Select boarding and day school for Yoong Ladies , Aotdemio, Preparatory aud Klned gart"n courses are eoudnoted on the same principle as tlios'i pursued in our sohoolaif I'iiihuiHlphia. .... Music and painting receive spsen attention Letters ol inquiry directed tr, SISTPli KTTl'EIUOR j We D Not Claim j That wo can please a' of the peopl - .ill of i.e. time, but I WE DO CLAIM j That our plant has been under the sun e m m m ut for 1 nearly TEN YEARS That during this time our aim 'm beer, to pleise aa nearly all, at all times as good worn and coureous treat That we will do our bejt to please you if jou will favor 2 us with your patronage That Packages left at Anderson & Niy irs nr barber shops will receive tbe same piv.iii 2 they would if left at the laundry. ICi'tlev's u io.i t'mt A B C LAUNDRY PHONE j i85i CALIFORNIA PRIVET. LA GRANDE NURSERIA Makes a beautiful fence or screen for city lots. Its foliage is so dense as to shut out nil wind. It is au .evergreen and can be cut, to any shape or fnrm, It is hardy and grows on any soil. Also fine fur ct im tcry lots, tt ruit, shade and weeping tree?, s!m ii! ttc. Let us know your want ve do ill- re -Write box 637 or phone 1161. ' " UT II QUEEN CITY GREENHOUSE I pi rial Fit m r-'j 1 B 03 IHBDOHfll IBIIIiBanSSEaSBQ Farmers' and Triile ' a National Bank. LAGRANDE, OREGON Capital Stock 'nlly pni.1- -. . $ 60,000 Surplus fund . . . . 13,000 Liability of Sh rcliolders . 60,000 Responsibility . . . 133,000 We do a general balking and exchange business. Drafts bought and sol on extern and foreign banks. JOSEPH I'At.Mr.U. I 'resilient, 3. W. 8CKIBHR, Cashhr n Fmir or n kind is a p-i;tt il Iihi. I ut curds, but nt ihu hiiT.iu.r'S us lue kind lhat couiils, not the four. V'i kc p only one kind ol meat, thu kind that's frenh, healthy, teniler ami in tyt Buy yuur steaks airl cliops Iiit', a d they'll ahvKys lie rljjht. Onr stock is well-feil and pioperly cared for. Coiihs qucntly onr moat has a delicious flavor. Bock 8c Thomas DeWitt DtWIH Is hs nuiw Is Ink far mtm En cs to bur witck Haul Siln. sWIH's Wlteh Huel Stirs la ths orlrlnal and ontr ve DiWih'iIi ths onlr witca Husl iUIts la luk la auda from tha aDadultaralaS Witch-Hazel Alt otbcri tr eounlarfalt-busi hnW tltiOfH. ehtUD Knd iaufrrthlfaa syvm dftngroui. DaWltt'iWltch HualSalra ii l ipocific for Pllai; Blind, BlMdlnt. ncnirif im rroiniaint riia. iaot,uta. ontuatona. Bolla. Carbunclaii. Ecumi. Totter, Salt Rhaum. and all othor Skim IVlBflalHa, E.C. DeWitt Co.,Chkss For S ile by nil Druggists :xP - Lik t.r u Av This a Comet ! In the skv cornea v the star of heallh WBary oespon Si famojs remtsdv 13 -4 ach that whih It VVdentHyspcptlo , U unable ta do (or ou r 1 n e 1! Eli?M!v rfi.,,,...j mm trouoisaano disorders. or overburdenad, Isl4 m mr.s at 13a Kodol supplies he r.iiural lulces of direstinn an does ths vo, o( ,ll0 stomich. relaxing Ihe """ lension. while ths Inflated muscle.1 nd membranMof lhat oran are allowed m and heal. It cures lndlEeatlon. (latulence, Palpilallon ol the heiri, nervoua dyspepsia and a I stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying and strsngtheninr Ihe vlanH. oigosuvs organs. Kodol Dj'spcpsiaCurel a. a v i "Kgiata SS.'S.-7..i''-!.tt.iw . ... ... , a- til U.