O r tonight with light i ,.' Warmer bunday. . , H la OBSERVER; GRANDE EVENING ! . - lilt tSUtllJ i . I j , No 2 East buuad it. 10 on time No 5 Weat " 0:10 04 Urn . :. vuc Tn a iai - . VOLUME III LAGRANDC, OREGON. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 14 1904. NUMBER I63 HILGARD SALOON HELD UP LAST NIGHT Two Masked Men Order "Hands Up" and Se cure $70 in Cash One Man Was Shot Special to the Observer -Hilgard May 14 Two masked men held up the Holuerton saloon at this place about t?n o'clock last evening. They secured about seventh dollars in cash and a number ol checks which will be valueless to them.' The story of the hold up as told by Mr Holverson is a bout as follows ''About ten o'clock two maakeil mei entered the front door of the saloon and presenting revolvers gave the or er "Hands Up." Hands went np all around In a very short ordi-r. From the sneed wi.h whicn every ones hands be gan to pnnoh hile? through the ceiling it would seem that all were just on the .point of lifting hands when the rob bers entered. Alter the order "bunds up," was given they then demanded all the money in the bouse, I told them that they seemed to have possession and ouuld help themselves, I then' started around the bar when one of the robbers fired a Bliot this shot etruck Johnie Ihorj jon a grazing lick in the bead jnatcliping the butt of the right ear. 'lhe wound ia not at all serious. At lht stage 01 the game two of the reven occupants' of (he saloon left by way of the back door. J W Riley states that he was going; after a gun and he ei peeled to n turn and kill the robbers and the other, Dave MoFariin reports that be went cut to bury his jewelry. As soon as the shot wns fired one ol the robbers jumped O'-ei the bar and opened the till and se cured the seventy dollars and a number of checks and time checks ngon the Grande Ronde Lumber Co anil then en. caped There was no efT rt to take any thing from any ol the occupants of the saloon." ' " From the way the robbers went about things and train the fact that they had no difficulty in working the combina tion to the till Mr Holverson believes that they ware familiar with the place and thinks that officers will have po difficulty in l.icating the men. Thev were not mounted and ufter the robbery seemed to siuply dieappe r. Earl Kllpalrlok delivers the vale diotory and Sarah Riddle the salutary addreas. There baa been an excellent musical program arranged to be inter spersed between the orations. An admission charge of 35 cents will be odarged, the proceeds of which will be applied to Ibe purchase ' ol books for Ibe school library, which now contains 6X0 volumes, 600 of wbioh bava been purohaaed duriug the past two years.. From every point ol view the past year has been tbe banner year iu our history, the altendanee has exoseded all prior years and the present rate of Inerease in oar population asurea that there will be a till greater enrollmant at tbe beginlng of tbe , next school year. '' ' r : Tbe complete program of the com mencement exercises will appear later. '-'-' ' can be beard on every tide. All tbla goes in prove that La Grande ia grow ing and that tho reaident are con tent! d and satisfied to remain here and make Ibis oity theii boms. Tbe signs " rV Bent" or "For Bale" which are usually so much In evidence in interior towns are (ar and few between here. There is uo reaion why he shoulJ. There ia satisfactory mar ket here for all that is pioduesd, whether it be labor or the product of labor. As said before La Qiande If growing, cubataooiaW growing, and there is no reason to fear that it will ever be otherwise , ' -" Meet Here The Vice President of the Cn ion County Pioneers Association met in tbla eily this afternoon and decided to hold the next Pioneers Reunion in this city June 28. La Grande is Indeed fortunate in being thus honored and will ondoubt ly do all In its power to give them a hearty welcome. : - , Treasurer Selected Washington M iy 14 Admiral K.n nedy, retired, formerly pAvm.is'er y i eral of the navy stali'ne I at the navy department, hue been eoie tul m 'rem urer of the Patiam i -iinal rjuinniisi-inn. Welcome This eveni .g tbi.ro will be a program and the lattice will aorv re freshments to the good people of l.i Grande. N Don't forget the place, in the la worth building. Affair Desperate Denver Mey 1-1 A noU-p:irtim iiihbs meeting, called by tbe citizens' com mittee of salety for the purpose fit de ciding on "auyb and means to secure an henpnt el :'c' cn in Denver" tonUht adopted loio'iu tmsdcumndiug that tbe governor .n.i i.ixe troops in Denver on election day Id prevent riot, mob role, and v'olenco a id to e 1'orco the laws of the e'ate. OLD AND ONLY IN THE WAY Wa-liingtoti Muy 13 The Nlpsir, out of the nldufit woolen vessels of the i vy It s bren ordered out of commission at the Pngtt Sound navy yard, where the has IVen perving rb a receiving tliip. This mark the pasAinit t aim oat th last tiinbpr ship eoiiatrnnted for the nav. In a ur-at hurricane at Hauia, she was the o:.ly survivor of (he (ier man and Ameriu.iu fleetf. 0URGITYIS ALL OK Commencement Tin La Grande publio sohools done next week. The commencement ex -eroises as usual will be held in the Opera house Friday evening Tbe graduating olass this year consists of eight giris and thiee b lys, E irl Kil patrick, Grovar Melville, Benj inline Zurbrick, Hazel Corbett, Agus'.a Fisb er,Jasia Uritnmitr, Pearl Huff, Ad die Hunt ir, Graoe Da Ford", Harriet, rlarria and cUrab Riddle. More Home Building Going on Than Ever Before h the History of the City. v..;".'- Take a trip thiouv i Hk- town and notice the number of nev buildings wblcb are now to nour.-e l conetruo tion. You will be mrprir-ed at the rapid and substancitl growth tbe oity is making. " La urande has always grown. Thcie has never been a time when it was not making progress, but this year the t vide. ice of growth and prosperity ia more general than usual. Aside from the two p inciple buildings which are now going up, the City Hall and tbe Mormon Tabernxole, there is of multitude of reel levees and resi dence improvments being made. Tbe clatter of the carpenters, and stone mason and tbe cwisu of tbe painter Clothing Prices SMASHED MoiKlay moruin; May 10, w inaugurate, for one week the mi9i fxtenHvB Price-Smashing Clothing Sale RUSSIANS, JAPS, CHINESE AND WAR The Oriental Mix-up Grows Thicker and Neither Participant Seems to Know Which Is What Big Deal . San Freoolsoo, Kay 14 One ol tbe largest mining deile in ibe weal in re cent years la the sale ol tbe Black Diamond Goal Mines In Washington for $1,000,003, to tbe Pacific Coast Company of this City. School Closes At Lone Star Yesterday wasthe last day oi school at Loue Star, and aa a fitting close the people were given a good entertainment at night. Prof Ayers Secured the 8um- merville Mandolin Club, Consisting ol of Dr and Mrs Monk and the Mlsws Brooks, to furnish the musie, 'a good program - was rendered consisting of Commenoment exercises and the school in general, .V-'-'-.-'-'.::-Tbe program was well rendered showing the ability of both teacher and pupils. Supt Brtgg aa present and presented tbe Diplomas to the g adu ating i lnsa, which were Nellie Murray Etta Woodell, Minnie Mills, and Com W001I9IL After the program the pupils ol the school siir lfii'd the visitors by a troat of Ire Cream ami Cako, nil nenl aWay happy fueling well pa il for their trouble. : Today The "honse warning'' takea place at the Kejt Room, today aliout a o CKck, All the' fx nil -re and their wives should cull md ma wh it is being doqe. You ere allvelt'ome. To-night the people of La Grande ere are invited to come to the Kest ltoom Refreshments will be served and a gi.,in rendered, -- ' we li iv evr co-i Im--. 1 in tbe taiddle of the season. No' one Mill, nor nil nr two lines of suits, but OUR KN PUB LINK OF MEN'S SUITS AT REDUCED TRICES, fur mie n-ork The mauy choice lines and t-nifi'i a p-ices n'u'e'l lipfnre out buyer this Btasoii, provf-d to plroi g ihut bs result our rlntliiiig tahl"g s re fnirly g-o intn r iiinlur the weight. Tl'i-y i.e choice They are Extrnorliinry values, hut too many that's i . A -i .1 rcsu'r, tlm fence is d wn. Remember: EVFKY SUIT AT KEDUCKD PRICE Cmnf; and liring along the neillborn, too. 25 !0 Si1'tJ 22 o'l ' 2t) nO " 18 no " 16 00 " I'nr ) '1.1 IK) 1!)00 l' 75 15 25 13 00 $15 00 suits for .......13 25 2 60 ' " 10 95 10 00 " " 8 95 0 00 lo 6 00 suitt for.. . . 5 00 10 00 to 12 00 coats & ves's 7 50 7 50 to 9 50 " 6 00 And many inlermedinte prices equally '.low which epace will rot permit making ' mention of her?. S'ee them. (Speoial to the Observer) J , St. Peterkburg, Hay 14 Witb re gard to tbe report that the Japanese bar threatened tbe Pekin govern ment that tbey would occupy Chinese territory unless the Chinese drove out the Russians, the foreign offioe denies there have beeu any Busaians In Chin ese territory except oppisite Niu Cb wang and Sin Min Ting, tbe teimiou' ot tbe Ublnese railroad, and in view ol tbe retiremeu' from Niu Obwang no one kuows the exact situation at these point". The foreign office reo ognir.es that tbo protection of foreig- nert at Niu ubwang must be provided or. While it seems probable tbe Chinese regulars will be aaked to .en ter Niu Obwang, there is a sugestion here thai prehaps an arrangement oonld be made by which the Japanese would oroupy that place Immediately after tbe withdrawal ol tbe Russian! London May 14 The Mall this morn ing publishes a dlcpatch from Con stanlnople according to which Kussia Is concentrating troops Jut beyond tbe Caucasus. Tbe most reliable informa tion, the dispatch says, fixes present total number of troops at 125,000. -Persistent report is current that a Russian squadron of cavalry succeeded in getting behind the 'Japanese, who were several squadrons strong.and Is occupying Kuandinsan. . Tbe unexpect ed appearance of the Ruasiaraauarsl ' the Japanese Immediately to evacuate tbe town and retire toward the Vein. The report ia believed to he correct, Up And Doing . Tbe liquor pWers in Oregon are keenly looking after their ioterest end are opposing be looal option bil Iwulob will be voted upon by the voters ol -the state at the Jans election. They -are well organised for tho work " in . hand, abundantly supplied with mooy . .0 bo used one way or anotoer to In fluence votera to vote againal tbe o- ( oal option bill anc have at least one ol the big newspapers In Portland working for tbe defeat of the bill. . Tbe liquor interest in Oregon is do t small aflair, but numerically not ' . ( formidable as is generally supposed. , In 1900 the United Btates census . found 97 wholesale dealers in liquor, 1 distillery of spirits. 123 t re were, 734 -saloon keepers, 819 bartenders.'.- Tie number of landlords who provide, tbe -homes for the dealers and their faml- lies will probably reaoh 200. AH tbese will most likely vote against tbe bill . How Ibe people w.U vote remsins to be seen.' i; ',-. '.' &'. Miss Lillian McCall left this morning for Walls Walla to attend the Whitman college declamation contest which laces place this evening. Peanut Frolic On Thursday evening May 19 The dancing . txcentriciry- The Peanut Frolic, will be produced ' in Armory Hall 01 tbe benefit of the patrons of Prof Simpsons Dancing Acidemy. There will be several unique Contests The prizes are being made to order right here in the City, Tbe Peannl ro iclsanew figure of the German, and like all the lest ol the features of Prof Bimpsons Academy has to be seen to be appreciated. Fifty (.oands ol peanuts will be used for the decoration Should be Held Sin Franoisco, May 14 At the ex amioalion wbioh has bden in prci ret for several weeks, Oommissioi er Heaoook deoided Hyde and Dimend. should both bs held for trUI at V b- ington, I) O, for oon-piracy to de fraud the United St.ites govirnm ml by illegally acquiring title to public lands .''.,.,-,.. I On the anniunoemeut ol tbe decis ion Attorney Heney, the attorney lor the government asked that bail of tbe defendants be doubled. That of Hyde be made $60,000 and that of Dimoud $30,000. Tbe attorney stated that hi made the suggestion fur the r anou thit tbe fTeoae with which the men were charged was not one on which hey could be extradited, should the) decide to leave the country aud not appear! r their . trials. The ooun .nnounoed that the bail of Hrdt would be fixed at $t0,0C0 and tbat for Dimood at (25,000. High Class Merchandise The Special values shown by us, ore offered chiefly for educaii rti purposes. We wish to cultivate the acquaintance and make fast friends of still greater numbers of articular -' women. We wish to demonstrate to I hem that we are carrying a ' line of merchandise which grade by grade, quality for quality is . unsurpassed in the city. You are invited to inspect our goods.' Chicago Store Murphy Bros. Props. :." 1 Resolutions Whereas It has beeo the will of Our Father to remove from our mids' ur beloved sister Cnirie Kl'liuidy. Resolvfu That Dupe Charier Num her Thirteen Order of Etstern Star. leeply depl.ires lhe untimely loss mr sim'r and extend to her bereaved family and striken relatives sincere! ympatby in their hour il grief and trial. Resolved alio That our charter be 'raped in mourning for a period ol 'bin j daya, that a copy of these reso lutions be presented to the relatives of our departed sister, nod a copy of the ns-r.e be published in tbe Eveninp Observer and tbat these resolution be spread upon the records of onr Charter. . DoiaBBchllke Meiiie Aldrlch SL-at SL 1. J. J- M 1. ' S-AJ.XJ.J.J.J.AAJ rTTTTTTTTTTTTT TTT T? II TfTali TRUST OUR SOAPS It is diflicult to j ldge the purity of toilet soapsi and too often an agreeable odor determines the: choice. If all soaps were as innocent aj their V' fragrance is pleasing, there would be more : . . . : , - stnoothe skins and clear complexious and less -1 roughness, pimples and blotches. : w We can make you safe in your soap buying. 1 - y The toilet soaps vse handle are those made by reputable firms. We have pure and safo soaps at whatever price you wish to pay. -. NEWLIN DRUG CO. T ? 1 T 1 i. 1 1 Mary I Tail IMIIMHMMMMMII i.JJ.ti.J.iiaa.aeaSiaaaa, t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 II I H u 1 ' Commutes