Spray Pumps U b near the time for spraying your orchard, and to do good work you will need a first class sprayer. I have a nice line of these goods from bucket sprayer to the Urge shu that handle four rows at a time, having sixty eund pressure guages and two nozzles. Call and examine them. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, H ardware TURKESTAN ALFALFA a- .1 The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation, . , BROME GRASS '. " : Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House union County. A., V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE, Phone 1571 Second Hand Goods ; Bought and Sold We have on hand a large etook which we will give bargains ou. Kitchen treasure $260 Lounge 150 Spring mattress DU Bed room suite .12 50 Steel ranged............ 25 00 f Cook stoves. 5 00 up Bed quilts.. 60o up ' BedsUads.... 50oup Bed springs .....v. 60c up . Carpet, per yard lOo up 16X20 picture frame 12i . . . Bicycles bought, sold and repaired. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams rimw: stin boy ud tu ti tdndi T?hone 1 58 J f Snead kaod Goods - We hav a New Line of Wilson Shirts St and Khaki Suits for; Fishing and Outing Trips. BOSS & ANDREWS TAILOR? AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. Fresh Chocolate . Fresh Bon Bona Fresh Nougaot . Freeh Carmels Fresh Taffey Fresh Baited Pen nu 's Fresh Salted Almouds Fret-li Popcorn Fresh Fruit PHILIP LOY llmilllllll A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS kY' . Ttia (treat ars taking on a much better apperaoca now that the looee rucks era being raked off The fruit tree agent U now busy tak- i g orderajfor tal 1 delivery. Tbe Indi cation point to heavy planting tbia fall Geo Grey Jr and Earnest Miller of tbe Taller are la Wallowa eranty wlib a poaalbla view of securing land. . D H Steward la compeliel t use eruchea this week on aecouut of a badly prained ankle. Mr and Mrs LB Given drive over to Union this morning aur1 will re urn tbia evening. ,'r'' ': Mra Bona whohal been in l'orilaud for, several months returne I tills in ira inga. d her many frlenls wl I b pi as ad that ber bea'th is g eatly improved . The Untenant La r.ule bur bit team i ill play here Sun fteruoon; CI.. me wil.be railed pr.mtly at two thirty o'H.i.k Mr and Mra F L Lil y met a number of their Willamette valley friend, at the train tbia morning . who were on tbeir way to the Bt Ionia fair. ' John Williamson waa Union visitor yesterday. ., ,.. , ,, The Kaffe Klateh was entertained this afternoon at tbe bom of M las Ma -guret Kirk and a very enjoyable after noon waa apent r-y all present. DrHE Hall waa called to the Camp, bell aaw mill yesterday co atteiHl Mr Campbell who bad met with a very serious accident. Mrs J M Berry and neios Miss Fan nie McKennion left tbia morning for St Louis fair and other eastern points. WANTED A girl for genet al bonce work Apply tol74 Fourth street. J M Church who has been In Fort lann for several days returned home this morning. . i, dtptb that makes it prsotloal for each ; raWW;CS - - - J ; farmer to own one the seneat can not be estimated in dollars and oent. I And lo ca e it doaa not prove a so esse Ibis knowledge is also va'uable. I At the business meeting of the Bp worth League of the Methodist church Mra rhormon and Madge Enid Tbom son were elected delegates to the dis trlct convention which meets at Atbeoa on June 25th. Marshall Reborn baa another "bread and water man" In bis fourth stret j boarding house this week. - This time u is a painter wno answers to me name o Nl k Mwkel. Ue was flue I 13 00 on a charge of belna drunk ani in the way, atid in default of the yel low pie r he km laced upon the streets and or dered to work out thi flin hat an h' and work had a falli-ir ont long ,l ii g ago he return! to comply with t'ia h quest of the eitv author'ie and there for he la now tiot.siiinl" small docesof plain hakere bread larg-e qfiiHi.titttof city water. Thecl y Jail is full this fterno-i'. 0;i man waa put behind the bars y terdav in order that he might sober hp and two were placed where they will be bandy this morning for the same trouble, One of the men thia : after noon seemed to think that the city should furnish free transportation to its "rest room" and absolutely refused to walk, and Marshal Unburn was compelled to call npon Mills Andross to loan him hia furniture van for the special occasion. . i Mr Campbell waa working in the mill when hie clothing became fastened to the set screw In a ahaft add ha was thrown over theshalt and struck against a post with snfnlcient force to break tbe left 'arm near the shoulder. The doctor reduced tbe fracture and left bis patient rest in quite well considering the ee vere shaking np be received. Had tl.e clothing been a little stronger Mr Campbell would sorely have be?n thrashed to Heath tl V thA ranlriiv ravnlv i ing shaft. . I met a frirnd rbe other morning: at half past Itn on hit way to soupo as he was looking very ang-y I axtd turn what was bis trouble, Trourle, said he that school teaober eao't od my boy borne for being lata wnea it la not nine yet well said I you are mistaken It is alter ten well, well, said oe"I am just going to take that .'d olooV ' "it erru-'t k' 'he K u.l ' 8t - 'lie b"'- " is - "i t w'.li a.ve him a trial ' Kt a b i 'n J w'ry , ' . : a nunry Man - -. . Is never good natnred, but a man who has dined well always Bhows his moBt genial side. All experienced wives know this, and muDy wise worn en in this city have learned something else. .- . : . -' . If They Want To strike "bobby" for a particular ly large slice of his bank account, they arrange to I ave him dire at our restaurant. They know the better the dinner tbe easier he will g snt their reqaeet. And they also know the beet dinner is to be bad right here MODEL KtSTAtJkANT J. A AUBI OKLE, Prop. OPES;i)AY AND NUiHT We Fell weekly Weal e i in ' " Tickets. Cash .... RUSSIANS ARE IN "THE DARK Port Arthur Can Stand SiegeRussia Makes Large Loan More Fighting --0 Reported. . (Speolal to tbe Observer) St. Petersburg, May IS Further progress of tbe Japanese in southern Manchuria is reported in tbe follow ing diapatob given oat last nigbt: . Tbe position of tbe division wbicb is followiug tbe direct road Hai Cheng has not been disolosed, and caution is apparent in tbe operation on tbe Pen insula of Liao Tung, where 20,000 Japanese are seeking to render them selves secure in the western section of tbe peninsula and In the vioinity of and below Piteewo before inaugurating operations which have been planned BEADY FOB 8EIGE St. Petersburg, May 18 It ia evi- dant from a private letter written by an artillery officer at Port Arthur, dated April 20, (bat General Stoessel waa then daily expecting the cutting uffofbis communications, Tbe of ficer reported everything ready to withstand a siege, and expressed sur prise at tbe (act tbe enemy Bad de layed so long. He said the fortresa was practically impregnable, adding there waa a triple row of forte around Port Arthnr glacis, each position be ing fronted by a moat with a badge of barbed wires bound , with bomb proofs behind all tbe batteries. The officer further deolared tbey bad plenty of supliea and ammunition. ASK US TO PROTECT MAILS Washington, May 13 Apparently to avoid the risk of Russian mail tall, ins into tbe enemy's bands tbe Bus. ian government has requested the ' United States to change tbe route of all mails sent from or through this oountry for Manchuria or Siberia. WAR LOAN , St. Petersburg, May 13 Tbe Rus sian government today made announ cement tbat an external loan of 300 000.000 roubles will be Boated to de fray the war expenses. Tbe floata tion it entrusted to Paris banks. Toe loan bears 5 per cent and matures in 1909. MORE FIGHTING REPORTED Seoul May 12 A junk tbat baa ar rived at Chemulpo brings tbe repoit of heavy explosions heard at sea early this morning. It is beleived here these explosions occurred either at Port Arthnr or Daloy. An Amerioan ship wbiob left Anju May 8th has ar rived here and reports tbat a foroe of 2,900 Russians recently spent tbe nigbt at Usan. Tbe reports ol fighting were receiv ed here today but lack confirmation. PORT ARTHUR OUT OFF St Petersburg, May 13 An at tempt to send a respose to a private telegram from Poit Arthur received yesterday , failed, tbe post office of ficials refusing to aooept it. 4 GOOD LEATHER an l GOOD SHOE MAKING treessettial to I lie ranking of good shoes All include J in (he J. 13. TILT hand Eewed shoes. . C. V. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, DEPOT STRE Spokane Cafe This well known Cufe is now under new manage ment and tbe public is as sured fall value for their money.. Special prices lo bolder of meal tickota. In order to givo the pub lie an opportunity to know just what a good place we hve, we have retiuced the price cf weal tickets from 5 to $4 60. This is a spot cash proposition. Try our Sunday Chicken Dinner. SPOKANE CAFE J. F Johnson Depot St La Grande.Or SOMMER HOUSE Robert Eakin Union R H Benldict City F It Trowbridge Portland CJ Walsh do G Dodson do j M Morris S F ft illy Mlnnapolla FJMoule Portia, d Ueo Moord Bummerville I r T Simmons I905 L L Coydenuall Portlan M Neilsou Cll tven Jefflnis Suropter ff Winks Poitlank Fred Plechen 8t Paul K Haeulwood Bumpte. J Linday Portland L, D McLaughlin Cit il N Hoillh Portland eo Cox d0 John Joues Allcel ,'etor Cooper N A Re .k .e , Spokane .sh W Sawyer Pendleto K E Murphy Wash D C J P Newell Portland A Brown do Vi Bungle Santa Id Oto Mosser Bpokane Will Alders D O Nell A Long P Sibley St Joe Mo Portland Seattle Portlnd i Will Bore for Water. Within a very short time the ques tion whether or not artesian water oan be obtained in tbia valley for practical purposes will be known. Parties (rum the Sandndge are In the city who state the amoont needed bat been subscribed and tbe company will be incorporated witbiu tire next few days. . While nothing definite can be de- oided upon until tbe company ia or organsed and a managing board ol dir utura elected it is understood tbat it ia not tbe iuteotion of tbe company to invest in machinery, but to lei a OJntracl to parties who already hve the maohiuery and have had ex perience in the sinking of deep wells. It is gratifying to know that afier yean of speculation we err at last to t . roughly solve tbe question. II artesian water can be aeoured at Second Hand SALE 11 Drs8ora $C and up 1 Ladies Dressing caso 22 GO i) Commodes 1 25 Wash Stands 35o Parlor Suits 7 00 to 15 00 oenter stands 25o and up Cbildrens cribs A beds 1 25 up cook stoves, rangos 5 00 and up Iron bed steads, several pattorus 2 03 to 5 (X) I bnvo all kinds of chnirs, ta bles, quilts, comforters, blankets, pillows, portiers and lace curtains, rugs, springs, etc, whlcomust be sold during this month, come iu and look at these gonuine bargains. Iiememher all my new stock of crockery, hardware, and tinware goes ibis month only at net wholesale cost. Oats Oats Car load or sack; Roll ed or chopped. Bar ley the same. Wild, And Grain Hay n d Timothy. Our prices always the lowe'; find out. Do not forget tbat e bandl coal ami mm-l. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. a Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail -, : How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS -BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way lo do this; namely, relievo . the Stomach of its ufrvnue i-truin rest it; and ; at the same time Assist tl:e Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Asimulutitig Sufficient Food to Hebuil.l the Tistmoa Support ing the Organs Involeul. There is but , one remedy that will do thin, mid that remedy is. KODOL DYSPEPSIA CUHE. If you want to know' more about Kodol, cooie in and ' WE - WILL TELL YOU A. T. 4 m m m s V- s - - HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore . 4- 4 I Ladies' Tailored Suits i at less than Manufacturer's Prices. . We have left of our Spring stock in Ih'i line loim FIFTEEN SUITS and in order to make a complete clean-up have d -tided to offer thue at tacrifice Blnck Etamine suit, Eton Jacket trimmi-il with black silk around nerk and down front, atola r fleet. Three narrow silk bands down Iront and l.sck Regular price 12.50 sale price 10 00 Cassimere suit, Eton or Norfolk J.icket vtitli capp, militsry eftVct, hlu- nd gray niixfd Nant loi'king and sprviraMn Xgnlnr pric 12 60 sale price III 00 Novjitv suit, Ktnn Jacket, of Unlit grt-y suiliiig piped with Kaynl blue eoi'ill brum buttons on sboul dsrs, trout and sleeves, s'iift trim med same. Regular 12.60 siile .C Finer and more eUporatelr trimmed suits in Novelties, Cheviots, Voiles, f'o. 116 suits $12. $16 60 suits $11 20. $17 50 suits $14. $21 suits $10.80 f Larue line ol ladies' summer skirts just rtceivtd. Crash linen, Duck, Voile, Novelty, etc ?rices $l.t)5 to $5.00. J Golden Rule Comp'y I IO AO IDA f.r i fM llf lllr-inif aat J IOUO 1JIU 3t AUAiYlJ AVCIMJC, DO YOU WANT A CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so s ciin Incnto you on somo fine cliiitiis iu Wallowa Couuty M'Deiniel &c M'Donald - - OIJEf.ON i I H D Haisten, A. C & M Noble's old stai d! 1415 Adams Ave. 1 A FRAME HOUSE " a! I the way around is the idenl h me of muuy n family. If yen have nut jet attained to the ownership of ouo, it's timo you did DROP IN our office any time and e will tell yon why. i I show you how you can own one even if you have not got much money, will also tell yon bow to make money by l'U7ng in tbe best locnllty. We eun show ymi son. good p.ans, too, if you desiro to build tor yourself. La Grande Investment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, V i uianue, Oiegoo, WwsW i'-t' t r-t. n ... . .