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About La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904 | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1904)
SASH DOORS I have a complete stock of taih and doors, screen doors and window screens. Also a nice assortment of locks and other builder's hardware and buiklinj paper, : MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware TURKESTAN ALFALFA s -l.'-.t.: t. Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 Bargains! Bargains!! Everything In our line. We h jv the Urgent and moat complete stock of Second Hand Goods in Unian County and can famish yon anything you want in the . Hue of- . FURNITURE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, BED QUILTS, CROCKERY, JEWELRY, - WAGONS, BUOQ1E9, AND HARNESS. We buy cheap and sell cheap. Money loaned on all cleaves of securities. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams 'Reeasatrftetfw atUI bay and mU all) Made 'Phone 1581 '." af Seoad Haad Oetint -,.u,, XtHII A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS i The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri-, gation. 'i BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of 7 Garden Seed in bulk Geu M Jasper of tba Lower Cove was La Grande visitor today. Mr and MrsM L Carter of the Baud ridge were La Grande visitors today. Ed Donley baa had his big Vara on hit 8aniridge farsn painted red. ' WANTED Waiter anJ Fautry girl at once. Model Reetarant. 1 Moi-n o( the. land that was over Sowed by tbe recent high water ha. been re seeded, v : . ' J hn Williainso-. is in Dni n today on boaiaeai . anil will iye ur.i oi nu evening train :; ''(',V '. Tba labor unions in Pcndle'on . liavn the general niamigeme t of thn K. urtb of July celebration in tbtt.ity . I ; Thrt ritone 'oundat'on it cuui.lrUd - and the brickLiji r are at work on 'lie j wal la of the Hunt ngton brick, wlilvb wul De used lor the new creamery. " Mrs T jj. Murphy has purchased prop erty'on Main Street of Mr AO Hunt ington with a view of building a, nice modern cottage this year. , Or M K Ball returned thli morning from Pendleton. where be accorrpaintd Mra Ed Blair to the Hospital and aaeistedin ; performing an -tperatlon whenha left Mra Blair was doing nloe- iy. ."::r, i-.r;: FOB SALrS Gjod family driving horse, carriage and barnegs for sale For particulars inquire pi A, R. Hunter, Island City.. . Calvan MaoKinzie has purohss'd tba lot owned by Mrs Woratell , on Washington avenue near' Alexander's blacksmith shop. Toe consideration named in the deed was $2&0. Attorney J W Knowles, received a 'etta: from Congressman Williamson informing bim thai tbe Fourth As sistant Postmaster General - bad or dered tbe establishment of the Elgit rural free delivery service, to com mence on Wednesday June 1st. Judge Eakin passed through the city last evenLg enrnute to En erprise where b will bold court next week WAN rEO The Boss Meat .Market will pay the highest oash price fo' chickens and poultry in any qnan- lies, ...! ' Prof W A Meters wh ramht the Cure s hool last year and wlio has bw n eng g d for the next 'horl year left Friday on a visit to his former l in Iowa. - p not foruet to roglaier toda"-.. If you are in doubt as h. t i"r cn resld in the (bird or fourth i.rAcioct all up on Jidie "'rant and he will be iblelo' 'straighten yon out, Cull today. ; There are several professional "Ian e men" in tbe Hty to day who an sollc. iting funds trom the town people. Bonio of them eiinply-atk fur a dona tio.! and others offer small yard upon which are . printed their trouble and appeal for help. , ' , . - Tbe members of the Eastern Star bad a grand time last evening Visiting members were present from Summer villle, Union and San Fiariileco. They initiated a candidate, received three p. titlons for membership b id a banquet and tbe fifty or more who at eneded did not think about going until after mid night, the La Grande chapter Is one ot the banner chapters in the state. ' Tbe eommfnoemebt exereiaea of the La Grande High sohool will take place one week from tomorrow. There will be eleven in tbe graduating olaas. Miss Florence MoOail leaves in the morning for Walla Walla where she will represent tbe La Grande High school in tbe deolamation contest wblob will take place Friday evening. There will be contestants from near ly all of tbe prinoiple schools in East ern Oregon and Washington. La Grande did not send a track team . . WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. X manufacture every style on any mounting and carry a complete stock of Fade, Inks, Backs, Caters, Rubber Type, etc Seal., Btenolls, Trade Obeck', Door Plates, Postal Scales. Write me what you w nt. I can please you by return mail Eveiy lamp requirement supplied. . WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker City.. Oats Oats I L1 Car load or sack; Roll ..; ed or chopped. B a r I ey the same. W lid, And Grain Hav nd Timothy. V - O. i nri' o." n'wayi the ldweo; tin-l our. fo l ll III Wr llUDilll- Sl in l XIHI'I. 1 s Do nut We have a New Line of Wilson Shirts and Khaki Suits for Fishing and Outing Trips. KOSS & ANPRKWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. ' " aassssssssttssssistssssssss 04aaaaaa: Dry Chain & 16-inch Slab Wood All orders given prompt attention. Yards on . Greenwood stand Srd and,Palm.r at. Orders left at either yard promptly delivered. Price Reduced to three dollars. Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY THE RINEHART REUNION Another Grt at Reunion of this Pioneer Family -, Will be Held at the Old Homestead -; June 23--2fj. --H la never gond natured, but a man who has dined well always shows his most genial fide. AIL experienced wives know this, and many wise wom en in this city have learned something else. . If They Want To strike "hubby" for a particular lv larse slice ot his bank account. they arrange to I are him dine at our restaurant. Thoy know the better the dinner the easier be will g snt their request. - And they also know the beet dinner is to be bad right here MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. OPEN;OAY AN.D NIGHT 1 $4.50 We eell weekly Meal , 1 k'keta, i.asn S E Rinehart was in the city yester day from Island City and arrange d for the printing of tbe invitation for the second annual reunion of the denend euts of Lewis a d Ulizebeth Rinehart which will be hold at the Rinehart Homestead at Summerville June 23-24 26aid 26.' Thie will be one of the greatest gathering of ths Rinehart famillea ever held. - The reunion last year was a decided Buoets in every way and tbe one this year gives promise of being an even greater success. Every arrangmnnt is now complete and when the Rinebarta from all quarters of tbe globe arrive at the "Old Homestead", they will find that they have been ex pected and the way bas been prepared for them. Tbe attendance last year was nuarly seventy five and this year it is cxpeotej that fully one hundred will be on the grounds, 0 I GOOD LEATHER anJ GOOD SHOE MAKING are eseettial to the making of good shoes. All includ- d in the J. E. TILT hand . tewed thoes. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, DEPOT STREET NO ORDERS ISSUED NOT LIKELY TO BE Judge Eakin in Wallowa County Will Another Judge if Case Comes, to a Hearing. Call '.Tiiilm Eakin nested thrown, tbe city tbis morning on his way to hold conrt in Wnllnumconntv In convemrtio i with an Observer representative, the Judgs stated that be had taken n? action re ltivn to the Dot I lion aeklnr for a re attaining order relative so the voting ,n the count? seat and that he won'd i ot. In case it came to a hearing be would auk some other juilue in the state to decide the matter. Attorneys in this city who have the matter in hand are firmly of the opinion that there will be no restraining order issued and that there is no probability of the oaee becoming tied up in sui h a manner that will prevent the citizens of this county from expressing thoir wis'ie" concerning the relocation of (he county foat. Celebrated His Birthday Mnr.da evenii K t Hotel Bismark RBv Father Priybltki gave a parly Ii a number of bis friends, inhludiug the gutatsultbe hotel in honor ot his 35 di birthday, whioh oooined 8nnday. Father Pisyblski was pnsented with ii eli-sent silver lovinK (,up the pre sentation speech being n ade by Jndge V.I'W 8. Kellogg. Proprietor Bush- m mollh BisTiark seived an elaho- itu dinner, and Inlo.msl snreches were made by there present, who shed the ptator many happy returns the d-y. Newark News. will give bun a trial Ext a bigi . n j-we!ery , How a La Grande School Teacher was saved from ;he wrath of an Angry Father. 1 met a friend the other morning t half part ten on hie wsy to ronn i he was looking very aog-y I asat d urn what was bis ttnuble, Trout Ii t d h t hat school teaoher cun't senit ny boy home for being laie wheu is not nine yrt well raid I ynu ate U'sken It Is alter ten well, will, said )' I am itst going to take that old nek to that expert at the Rainbow 4tore. Borne body sayi be i good so I A Surprise Party IUrely has tin re been oontiivid d executed a more ouinilie sntpris than was g'ivnn Mr md Mrs S It Ha wortn la-t evening by the Degree ot Honor and Kibecoa lo luc, wlm a s mblfd atthiir h m about 8 o'cl.i'' , Preser r were Measra and MeadaniFn Fowler Kraker Chas. KINwnrth Dick inson Steve Gardiiur, Urn Hall Price Key Thump, Me.d.mes Decnat Liley Farquarann, Cuwai',Nh, D llcnger Corbett Ruck Oilman, At der n, Laak Hall Hough slid Hughcy Misses Ada' Fowler, Ke lie McLachlin, May Noyfa Do-a Jen, Berenice Eilwnrth, Norma Urnrs Beulah Ellsworth, Dorothy Ha-j worth and Caaaadeua Key, Messrs : A I Warren Lowell Perry Allstott Geo. ' Jen, Urout and Sidney Haines. 1 A most erjoyahle time wan spent in social conveisation and dlaying Liter, light le'reehmenf we e srrved a'n'l winch th. gurstt departed about twelve o'olo. k weli please I with tbe evening epmt in the home of this g-Q-' al host and hostess. ' 1 Spokane Cafe This welt known Cafe is now under new manage ment and the public is as sured full value for their money. Special prices to holders of meal tickets. In order to give the pub lie an opportunity to know just what a good place we have, we huvo reduced the price cf meal tickets from $5 to $4 60. This is a spot cash proposition. Try our Sunday Chicken Dinner. SPOKANE CAFE J. F Johnson Depot St La Qrunde.Or GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people " - There is but one way to do this; numely, reliove the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time As-ist tLe Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to .Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Itivolicil. There is but one remedy that will do Ibis, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU a; t. hill, Prescription Druggist - La Grande, Ore . r . X 4 x x X 4 1 - isi ' - . m m t - - .. . ' ; - If Ladies' Tailored Suits " at less than Manufacturer's Prices. We have left of our Spring stock in this line som FIFTEEN SUITS and in order (o make a complete clean-up have d-cided to offer these at sacrifice Blnok Eiamine suit, Eton Jacket trimninl with black ailk around neck ami down Iront, atoln i fleet. Three narrow silk hands down Iront and bock It-guUr price 12.50 sale pi ice IU 00 Caseimere suit, Eton or Norfolk Jacket with cape, military eft"' ot, blu- and grav niixvd Neat looking bdo s-jvieai in a- guiar prica 12 60 aale price 10 00 NovjIiv suit, . Eton Jncket, of i light grey suiiing piped with Ruval " oiue sniaii orass nuttons ou shool dera, iront and sleeves, ekirt trim med same. Regular 12.60 sale $iC Seeond Hand SALE 11 Dressers SO and up 1 Lad i cs Dressing case 22 50 9 Commodes 1 25 Wash Stands 35o Parlor Suits 7 00 to 15 00 center stuuils 25c and up Childrona cribs A beds l 'ioup cook stores, ranges 500 and up Iron lied steads, several patterns 2 00 to 500 I hnve all kinds of chairs, ta bles, quilts, comforters, blankete, pillows, portiors and lace curtains, j rnuB, springs, etc., whico must be 1 sold iluring this mouth, Como iu ' and look at those genuine bargains. . R"tnemlier all my new I stuck of crockery, hard a re,' and tinware goes this month only nt net wholesale cost . j Fiuer and more elaporately trimmed suits in Novelties, Cheviots, Voiles, e'c. $15 suits $12. $16 60 suits 111 20. $17 50 t bits $14. $21 suits 119.80 J Lare line ol ladies' summer skirts just riceivrd. Crash I linen, Duck, Voile, Novelty, etc. Prices $l.i5 10 $5.00. I Golden Rule Comp'y f 1308 1310 1312 ADAMS AVENUE, J H D Uaisten, At (! & M Ncble's old stand 1415 Adams Ave. Rock Island meals are the best on wheels Not very good poetry, perhaps, but what it lacks iu ryuiin, ic more tnan makes up in fiict. And the prices are reasonable low enough to be within the reach of people of moder ate means; high enough to ensure good food, good COokiniT anil rrnnrl eornio a t, uv "M-i Breakfast and dinner are served on the a la carte plan you pay ror wnat you order. Luncheon, ?o cents. Denver to Kansas City ; Denver to Chi- 1 Cairo: St. I'au to M. Louis. Full information on request. v t. J. OORHAM, Osnwal Aeant, 1 40 ThlrS at, Panl.1,4, Or. VI ll tl 7 Wna.a rtV MeeissssssesesssaasssssyMs eesaaseeeeeeeeeee