WEATHER FOSCCAST Tonight 'and1 Fi(jr ' IWr. ' " Warmer Friday 'X JHE TRAINS" V East bound 9:10 on time V a nmi wen ". w:uion dm v VOLUME III LACRANDE, OREGON. THURSDAY EVENING. MAY 12 1904. ; NUMBER 163 . . I S . ' " T : !' v St iV A LA GRANDE EVENING ! asr mm. mm mm u - TH E J APS STILL BUSY RUSSIA FEARS NEXT AT- f TEMPT WILL BE TO CUT OFF VIADIVOSTOCK. YELLOW MEN NOW OCCUPY HAIPING Opinion Prevails That Russia Intends Restoring Niu Chwang; Aiso the District - : - . East. Ohee Foo, May 12 Others of steatti rt arriving from Niu Chwang diaoredit the story of ilia destruction b Russians of tbeir fliet at Port Arthur. Wbeu the officers passed Port Arthur Wednesday night the; eiw searchlights Dishing from the ships and for. There were no lign of the Japanese in the vicinity. The offioars further sttid there were oot to exooed 1000 Russian soldiers at Niu Chwang and vicinity. There aie only nix lignt field guns in the forts, all tbe big gune having been taken to Lio Yang. The opinion prevailed at Niu Chwang that Russian intends restoring Niu Chwang also the dis trict eastward to Tasicbo. Russian troop, it is understood, will remain nn'il Oliiiv-'so troops arrive. This i to imvent looting by Brigands. . HAITI IS Washington, May 1'' Mini iter l ger, of Hay ti. this afternoon commu nicated the following fUtemenl to tbe Associated Frees: "According to a telegram just re ceived there is no trouble in Huyti. There is net evrn auy !ear of an op rising. The c.uutry ia perfectly q iiet " Malheur Gets $2,000,000 Washington, May 12 Secretary of the Interior Hitchonclc has apportion ed $2,000,000 for tbe MRlhpur iiriga tion project, c.ntempla'ing the re clamation of 75,000 acres of land in tbe vicinity of Vale and Ontario, Or. Chief Engineer Newell (ays tbe con struction work will begin as soon as the private landowners and prospec tive irrigation projectors form associa tions complying with tbe require ments of tbe irrigation act. Measure ments of tbe Msllieur river flow de monstrate to the reolaimants that the eemce there has abundant water Co irrigate all lands in tbe projects con templated. - Ptaiiet, Siberia, May 12 A Jap anese boat rcade iti appearance in the roadstead two days agj and suspicious light have been seen, Eveiy thing is quiet here, but all is in readiness to meet any landing of tbe enemy whose probable purpose is lbs cu tting off. of Vladivostock. 8t. Petersburg, Hay 12 Saner al Sakaroboff sent a dispatch to ilio general stiff today oommuuioating the report of General Ztsmlitoh dated j May 10th as follows. "Troops which appeared to be a division of the Jep anese guard have been advanoing : for the last two days 1 from Fei.g Wang Chen g westerly in tbe direotion ' of Hniobeng.. It ia reported a Japanese foroe consisting of about a division of infantry intended to marobon Bainia- dza with forty guns sod 1500 cavalry. From reports received from the River Dalsaw it may be oonoluded the Jap anese army is concentrated in three groups, two southern groups being on the lower aeo'.i. n of the River Tayene f Hondoubana, on the left bank of ili river, at Dayao, and at Douamyo, iu tbe same locality, and the north ern group opposite Hah iliua on tie road from Feng '.Vang Cheng to tfaii dn, 11 to Id inilea from Feug Wsn-r Cheng. ' ' ' . It is difficult t obtain in'ormatiun from luoal Chinese. - fn "in case we diaoovere.1 tbe Oninoi Had warned tbe Japanese troops of h jmUincaUn, wbiob bad been arranged by me Cos sack?." HAIPIN3 OCCUPIED Shanghai, May 12 t is reported from Pekin the Japioeae on Monday occupied Haiping 16 Tiiles below Ta biobao and they exp?oteJ to occupy Niu Chwang Friday. ", ' RUSSIA BUItiDINQ FORTS London, May 12 Tbe Morning Post's Shanghai correspondent says the kusiians are building forts at Mao Tien Ling pas and extensive en treooiuneais ou t de Liao Yang. J. RUSSIAN ERROR S London, May II Tbe Mail's cor respondent at the Japanese bsadquara rere in describing le battle on tbe Yala testifies the Russian position there if properly held ought to bare been impregnable, even with tbe sac rifice of 10,000 men. ' BAKER TRACK TEAM- The Baker Oity High Sobool track team left last night for Walla Walla accompanied by Prof. J A Obnrobill and Miss Ode Psyton, who will repre sent Baker Oity in tbe declamation contest between the schools of the Inland Empire and bar sister Miss Alma Payton. '; !,. , SIX MEN KILLED Carbonsdule, 111, May 12 In an explosion today in the Big Muddy Coal and Iron Company's mine in Herrirf, five men were killed outright five serionsly injured end twenty others slightly bnrt. ST. LOUIS STRIKE Rochester Unions Pass Resolutions extending Aid to the St; Louis Unions. Mrs. Caroline Houston . Caroline Houston, who died In this oily Hay 6, 1904 was bora in Indiana August 13, 1840. Bhe was one ot tbe early settlers of western Kanauaud bore the distinction of being tbe first white woman to settle in Sloe oonnty ot that state where she with her husband stood p'oket guard from 189S to. 1870. From Kansas they went to Colorado where they re sided a number of yterr. She has re sided in this oity about six years dar ing wbloh time she bee made ' host of (riendi who deeply sympathise witb the breaved family at tbil time : ol their sad loss. She was the mother ot eight onildren, four of whom are (till living and were at her bed sir!e at the time ot ber death. Her suivlvlng aons are as follows: J ossee, Earnest, Elmore and Frank. -' Tonight Don't fall to come and hear Rev J O Vanaaodt preach at the Salvation Army hall this evening at 8 o'olock. He is a very interesting speaker and ia not afraid to declare tbe wtole troth. Tbe three services which he has held here this week have iucreased in inter est every evening. Everobody is wel come.. .....;! FOR RENT 3 room house for house keeping apply to Mrs S O Zuber. 5 Htf. WASHINGTON REPUB- ; LICAN CONVENTION .ri Names Full Ticket: and Commends National Ad ministration andjlnstructs Delegation r ; :: V: or Roosevelt." ' t '.- !: V Tacoma May It Tbe republican state convention 1 adiourned tonight lifter nominating tho following tioketi For congress, Will E Bumphrey, of King; Wesley L Jones, of Yakima; Francis W Coshmau, of fleroe; For governor, Albert B Meid, of Whatcom Lieut. GovChaa E Coon, of Jefferson j secretary of state, Samuel H Nichols, of Snobomlsb; treasurer, George Q Lady Minstrels , The date tor the Lady's Hinlstrels, blob is to bi glvjn by Prof 'and Mrs W A Simpson nnier the auspioee of the La Grande Cornet Band baa been postponed one month. June 17 and 18tb on aocount of the first , date ooming the week of commencement. MiiU, of Thurctonj aupitor, " O W. Clausen, of Kitsap; attorney-general, John D Aitkin, of .Chelan ; land ram mlnloner, E W Ross, of Cowll ti ; super- intendent ol inatruotlou, K B Bryan, of Ohehalls; Justice o( the f-oprarpe court, Mark A Fullerton, ot Whitman and Frank Rudkln, of Yakiln.; " The platform commends ti : nationol administration aud instructs the dele gates to vote for Roosevelt. . ? V ' Murdered for 30 cents. - Cbioago, May 12. tiuarrelinfr., over, a 30-cent jackpot in a penny-ante poker game, Harry Simmons, a circus areo naut, has shot U B Wickman, a waiter through the heart,, killing him instant ly. " Simmons surrendered' . c . i). t 1 ii'A M V.:-. ft' ' -II I I 1 M I r iff' ) I . ,-. If.,:,, y !i C " I' Clothing Prices SMASHED Monday morning, May lfl, wB inaugnrate, for one eek, the mnsl f xtPtifive Price-Smashing Clothing ; f ( 11; IV-ev-r ot ''not! d in (lie middle of the i-s-n"" . No one mi', nor ode or two lines of suits, u LINE OF N'KV'S S UITS AT REDUCED I Hlf'KS. for one wpi k The many choice lines and i, ii p'i t? ( ir n'lwi I "fore our buyer this ttcason, irnvi (1 'n Firm c llii'l h :i leault our clotliing tablrg ar diirlv c-oiiiinir under the weight. Thev .if" "Imieo Tli'j' ii'B'lie welch Tlicy are clioice They are Ex'rHoril'nflrv vn'nes, hul too maoy Ibat'a it. A9 , l.-'tTL'LV crllu A 'n nnnilnpn r,,it,in a resil1', t nt- fcii'V is il .wn. li"menioer2 r, r.n i ouio n. i nnuvijnu rjvivjc . ri,! t.ri M ' :i'"Hg lliP neiglibora, ton. $25 0" Suit- t ir 22 50 " 20 00 " 18 on " 10 t,D " .. ..20 00 10 00 .... K"5 .... 15 25 .... 13!)0 Sim &mi 15 00 suits lor $13 25 12 60 ' 10 95 10 00 " ..'. 8 95 6 00 lo 8 00 suiU for 5 00 10 CO lo 12 00 eoats & ves's 7 50 7 50 to 9 50 " " 6 00 And many intermediate prices equally low which spa- e will Dot permit making mention of her. See them. Rochester, May 12 A resolution extending aid to tbe St. Louis unions in tbe strike that tb-oatens (be expo sition in that oity was unanimously adopted today by the convention of hotel and restaurant employees of tbe International Allianoe and tbe Bar tenders International League. It is believed tbe slnke will start next week, and every hotel and restaurant in St Louis will be tied np. This Ends The Case Paris, May 12 The suit of the R- puVio to Columbia against tbe Pana ma Canal Company in connection with shares of stook was further ad journed tiday. The litigation is practically suapended owing t i tn transfer of tbe canal lo the Uniied Btates and tbe hquidation of tbe can al oompany. Hih Class Merchandise : The Special values shown by us, are offered "chiefly for' educational purposes. We wish to cultivate the acquaintance and mat fast friends of still greater numbers of particular women. We wish to demonstrate to them that we are carrying a line of merchandise whioh grade by grade, quality for quality is unsurpassed in the city. , You are invited to inspeot our goods. Chicago Store Murphy Bros. Props. '" Postoffice Robbed Forest Grove, Or: May 12. The post- office was robbed during last night, Ahont f 1000 In atamps were taken, and $200 in nio'iev anil a nunherof roister ed letters were en, lied ami rilled of their contents. - About 2 o'clock this morning a dull explosion wnkencd many t-itizens living in the vicinity of the postoflli e. Lazily wondering what had happened, the hall roused sleepers turne.l ovor and slept. There is no night wstcenian employed by the city, and it waa 6 ;30 'o'clock be fore the burglary was (discovered. . Investigation showed that entrance had been insde bv a window. Two holes had been drilled in the safe and the combination broken by a charge- of nitroglycerine. From the neatness and thoroughness ot the j',b It is evident that it is the work of esperts. The robbers used a sledgehammer and crow. bar stollcn from Cornelius. Thee were left Iwniil- tbe wrecked safe. TheKsfl'e K latch will be entertained by Miss Margrate Kirk to morrow after noon at ner home. TRUST OUR SOAPS It is diflicalt to judge the purity of toilet soapsi . .. . and too often an agreeable odor determines tbe choice. If all soaps were as , innooont as tbeir fragi-ance is pleasing, there would be more . .... smoothe skins and clear complexions and loss s roughness, pimples and blotches. We can make you safe in your soap buying. The toilet soaps e handle-are those made by ' reputable firms. We have pure and safe soaps ut whatever price you wish to pay. . ... . - , r . . NEWLIN DRUG CO. MMHMMIIIMIMIMHIHHIIMI m "' f - 4 1 E . s1 A. I h A i f .1 i f :1U V ' ! iff -- -si i; gjBBHHHivv ii i niiiimntMtmHiitiiiniiiin4 .-nitv" i . . ,. IT .-P;T',' 1',''",',',,.ilT'TVfW'