La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 11, 1904, Page 2, Image 2

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i0&Jltiiite$.,u ft.9T$LL ELVA JAMISON
We witf call for It and bring it
tome when promised.
Wa guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a
. . trial order to demonstrate to you that wo un
derstand the laundry business. Yon can stop ":
, aur wagon at any time or phone the Laundry
and your work will be called for at onoe. We '
make a spaciafty'bf family washing,' and car"
do your washing? better and cheaper than :
'-v you. A trial order solicited.'
UnidlivSteam Milidry
. PHONE 19ok. . , 742 FIR STREET.
L Grande Evening Observer
CURBEV BROS., Editor! A Prop.
Entered at the ' Post Office at La
Grande, Oregon, a . Beoond Class
MaU Matter. . . ' ; -.
Published daily except Sunday
One year in advance. .... .16 60
nil months in advance.. . .3 60
Per month .65c
Single copy , . . .60
. :r.. .1 ? , . -j v. ....rt.x-. -n;., ,- . . . ... .
Wea reeiiTini'dalfy many new desizhs in Wall (
A ."--.-it v- t..i- r-.iit"-i--r, - ..." - ' ' . Z a
v raper ana waiiecorations, and we extend this special mJ
P invitation to von and mar frinrida to ea.11 and acta tham. )
e . - . - - - -
t9 . .. Wat'allttlfiSAt wa 'foal
2 nr yen will be delighted with the visit'. ' -
,. luun Aespecuuiiy,
I Stacklaiif & McLachlen
My Lady's Jewels '
OerisJnlr add to her attractiveness'.1
The poet who wro'e that "Beauy niW
: sutornorj is aaorDen me must pruirauiy,
' had no dollars. He rertalnlv showed
. little sense. And ilbialady love had
teen my display 01 ? -
tftUi Dainty Broaches ; i.
"She wonla not nave nenevea mm.
For w. man naturally loves to adorn
. -herself. No one can blame her filler
' bey viif my store. Kuan Denuinui
tilings at so moderate a coat were never
aeen before. There are tilings for men
too. Just come in and see bow much!
more I could have said about tnem.
the Jeweler
artel Looks Better.
In' other t words if your walls are well papered
.jour Juerbill w1iltx be reduced. ' We do proper
Papeif Haglnj atlHces you can afford to pay.
Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators.
A. b.'HARftlB.'phoe 16fl6, 1 J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491
Fresh Cheedlates
Fresh Bon Bons . .
Fresh Nougact '
Fresh Oarmels
Fresh Taffey
... Fresh Salted Peanuts
Fresh Salted Almonds
Fresh Popcorn
Fresh Fruit
When 70a order groceries Inn 1 1 ; 1 1
are sure to bate themjdellverea 00 lime;
- 4
Whn mn order erooeries from us you are sure to
iret the very!best to be had. 4jWe keep onlythe best 4
X The next time you are (atflourj store 4
X Qask to see onr special linejof f
Nebraska grocery store
Oor. Fir and JeBerson Sis. f
and let the great trust go sn t
free to work its 6wn sweet will.
In their opinion the laws
against trusts end combines pass-
est by the Republicans, was un
constitutional and void, because
no tpecifio 'clause in the U S.
Constitution granted su h pow
er to the General Government,
It was because the Democrats be
ioived in this doetrioe when
, with a majoritsin both bouses of
(0 ingress and Grover Cleveland
in the White House passed oo
anti trust law and because the
D imocrats h ld to this doctrine
they have opposed all trust reg
ulating laws that the Republicans
have proposed. ' ,
Had there been one more
Demociatir Judge in the Su
preme Court the Great North
ern Combine would haTd woa
its case iu stead of losing it.
i State"'
, Supreme Judje, F A Moore
Food and Dairy Commlisiontr,
, ; ' JWBslley '
PretidentUI Elector!, James A Fee,
J N Hart, G B Dtmlck, A C Hough
. Second District ' ;
. Congressman J N Williamson.'
' Union and Wallowa.'
Joint Senator Peter McDonald.
Joint Representative J H Dobbin
Eighth Judicial District.
Prosecuting Att'y. Leroy Lomax
Union County. -
Representative N 0 LloLeod',
Oleik Jaa B Gllham
Sherff-J W Waldon.
' Assessor Ben Brown. ;: 5s
Recorder D H Prootor
Treasurer John Frawley
Commissioner J M Selders "
.School gupt.R A Wilkerson '
iSnryeyor T R Berry
Coroner J 0 Henry.
La Grande Precinct.
"Jujtice Peace J G Hough :
t'otiatable J W l''taser
The voter who really wishes to
cast his vote so it will count for
the enforcement of the laws now
in the U. S. Statute books, and
the enactment of others to re
strain, control or abolish trust?,
will act wisely to well 'consider
what assurance Democracy1 gives
or can give, that if . placed iu
power, it win carry out uis views
or accomplish bis"!purpo8e.,''
mental and b.isic doctrine of the
Democratic Party, the: one that
called it iuto being, And the one
that it has always adhesed to, is
contained in the Kentuaky Vaad
vr:::- r l.,,!'!.. ke t70S
wherein the doctrine of stiict
.nnonnHnn tP Ltta 'nnhnti tntinn
of the United States and State!
riguis necouie vue ruuviiig kij ujr
which the people were aroused
against tne old Federalist party,
and the party of Jelferson waa
organized and he was elected in
1800. '
' Forty years thereafter iu 1840,
the first reaoltion of the Demo
cratic platform reiterated the
dootrinoof strict construct! 11
Tbis plank has beon resiUrinpd
in every eubseqnent plutfo m of
thD.imooraticpurty and is often
reffered to as one of the time
honored principles of the Damo
cratic party and one that auy
honest Democrat whfn iu Power
will feel iu conscience and honor
bouud to respect.
Uuder the doctrine of "Strict
Construction of the U. S. con
stitution and State rights" no
power can bo found in the Con-
titution to authorize the Ueneri 1
Government to pass laws regul.i-
iup; or abolishing trusts, because
no such, pjwer is specifically
grantel in the Constitution to
the Qoneral Government.
It was because the three Dem
ocraticJudges of the Suprotne
Court of the United States hon
estly believe in tbis dootrine
that they voted in the case a-
gaiust the Great Northern Mor
ger to dismiss the proceedings
Union's : last move in the
county seat matter is character
istic of that city Union knows
very well that if the question is
allowed to come b fore the voters
that her chance of retaining the
county seat is best expressed by
zero. Union's only hope to win
the battle is to resort to some
method whereby the people will
never be able to express their
wishes in the matter. : They are
uot willing to allow the question
to come to a vote) but hope to
bead it off by some trumped up
legal tangle. Tbis question ha;
been threshed over, in the courts
without a final settlement, and
the people now demand an op
portunity to settle it themselves
with the ballot. This is as it
should he, but just so long as
Union has her way the people
will not be considered. The
people uuderstaud Union's ati
tude and when she has exhausted
herself in vain attempts to dis
franchise the vote.', they wdl
proclaim their wishes in no un
certain manner. .
It is certainly very gratifying
to the republicans who are in
close touch with the different
portions of the CDUuty to hear
the unanimous accord and
hearty support that will be giv
en this year to the ticket. If
this is a republican county, tne
offices should be filled by repub
Gentlemen who accept checks
from polite strengers and give
the change might got a tip or
two by reading the newspapers.
With the Japs keeping them
on the jump all the time, it is
singular the Russians should
want spring.
Judge Parker might, at the
very least, give his opinion
ubout the late spring and the
prospects for the rye crop.
Notice la hereby given that by vir
tue of an execution and order of sale
and decree of foreclosure and sale, is
sued out of and under Jtlie the seal of
the Circuit Conrl of the State of Ore
gon, for the County of Union bearing
date the 27 day of April, 1904, ai.d to
be directed and delivered upon a judge
ment and docree duly rendered entered
of record and dockete i, in aaid court on
the 23 day of April 1004, In the suit
wherein the Oregon II or' gage Com
puny, Limited, a private corporation,
waa Plaintiff, and John Jay Murchison,
I.illte L Murchison, Kenneth Miirchl
sou and Christy Murchison, were de
fendants, said judgement being in favor
of said Plaintiff, and against the (aid de
fendants and e-ch of them for the sum
of fJ.illB 26, with "H per cent interest
theron from the said 23 day of April
1 11X14, 1 will sell at publio auction, to
the higbeat bidder'for cash, at the front
door of the court house. In the town of
Union, Union County. Oregon, on Sat
urday the 11 day of June 1944, at 2
o'clock P M of said day. to satisfy said
Plaintiffs j idgnient. Interest costs and
accruing costs, all the right, title and
interest that the sr.le defendants sn I
each of them bad on or after the execo
tion of the mortgage foreclosed by Plain
litre in aald suit, In and to the 8 of
the N and the W of the 8 W ), and
the N U H of the 8 W' of wctlon'27, in
Tp , 1 S, R 88, E W M, Union County
Dated thia 1 day of May 1904 at
Union Oregon.
C. O. Penning on
Sheriff of Union Count Oregon.
' 6 IS 6 10
Curt 8 Pains, Lameness, Rheumatism, Stif
Joints, etc. For sale by
La Grande Drug Co. and Red Cross Drug Co
Four Thousand More
To arrive this week
M tkirrg lfi.000 to be hung before Sep'. The ban?,
ing is progra-iug rapidly in the hands of onr hang
men. ' This lust shipeut consists of some ot the
Latest Styles in Wail Paper
In Union county. Call and see our stock before
pu chasing elsewhere. We hive the greatest varie'.y .
the ..ewe I designs, the best bsst and ths la-go t
stock in the ciiy . Let us figure with you on your
painting and paper huhging. Our workmen are the
best and we guarantee satisfaction.
I'ainle, Oils, GUss, Wall Paper and Building Mi
te. i ds. '
K'new'market !
: Sfcillwell
: Vandernuiien
e Wish to announce that on
; Saturday February 27
they will open a first class
J Meat Market in the old
S Stand
5 Corner Railroad & Fir St,
J We will always keep ou
e haud a good stock of frenh
and smoked nieats. sau-
sage , lish and poultiy,
e and will begladto meet
S all my old patrons and
J as many new ones. All
J orders will receive onr
J prompt Attention.-- .
Phone 4gl
j We Do Not Claim I
That wo can please all t f the people all of the tijne, but
That our plant b is been under the same m.mngement for
nearly TEN YEARS .
That during this time our aim has been tr please as
? nearly all, at all times as good work and courteous treat
- That we will do our be Jt lo..le we you if you will favor
us with your patronage
That Packages left at Vudenon & Myers or Kirtley's
e barber shops will receiv tl'i same prompt attention that
they would if Itfi ut tht un-idry.
PHONE i85i
eeeeeeeeeeeeeee ,e
Makes a beautiful fence or screen for city lots. Its
foliage is so dense as to shut out all wind. It is an
evergreen and can be cut to any shape or form, It is
hardy and grows on any soil. Also fine for cemetery
lots. Fruit, shade and weeping trees, shrubs, roses,
fctc. Let us know your wants we do the rest.
Write box 637 or phone 1161.
Knur of a kind is n p-ett - pood hand
r.t i-ar-is. tliit at J.e i.iil-l:i-r's ila the
kind t!mt coUMTti, not tin fti'iv. We kei
only oho kind of uif :it , the l.ind that's
fre-h, lit-alll'V. ten ler nud iu i-y.
I'.ny y-ur sleitkd an 1 chop here, and
tiiey'il alw.iys te right. Onr Ptook is
well-fed ami properly cared for. Conse
quently onr meat haa a delicious flavor.
Bock 8c Thomas
Farmers' and Traders'
National Bank.
Cnpital Stock fully paid . $ tiO.OOO
Surplus fund . . l;i.iM o
Liability of Shareholders - i'.),i)P0
Responsibility - . . I:i3,':00
We do a general banking mul ex.-lii.ngt- Irtish, ess.
Drafts bought and sold on eartern and foreign hanks.
J. W. SCHlllLi;, dshier
DaWIR ll ttw nuiw to In for hoa
Bw to to bu Wilck Haul Soln.
Wltt'o Witch Huel StTN U tt
orie trial ond on, (anulno. la fact
DeWltt'olothoonlrWItca HuolSiln
tnt 10 raido Ira tho iMrkilumaS
All otboro wo eouiterfolto bow Iml
titJono, cheap and worthtaaa otoo
daniaroui. DaWIH'aWltch HaaalSarre
la a pacific for Pllaa: Blind. BlMdlnt,
ItchlniandPronnidlncPllas. AlaoCuts.
Bum,, Brulaaa. Spralna, Lacaratlona,
Contutlona. Botla. Carbundaa. Bcoamo.
Tetlar. Salt Rhaum, and ill staw Okta
E.C. DeWitt tl Co., Chlcsie
For Sale by ail Druggists
A Two Li ht Electrolier
Empire style ci mplete with etclied glass
shades and all attachments put up h.
yt ur residence for $5.00
See samples in our window.
La Grande I irht & Power Co i
fMrVr Like
a Comet
j Tj'ii Q Aln ,he by comes I
'acarinr all
troubles and
M dleeative
famous remedy V ,ho wltn'
does for the stom- 7. oespon-
ach thai which It V aer.tiyspeptlo.
is unable to do for
itself, evftn If h..
slightly disordered
or overburdened.
supplies the natural
lutces of digestion and
does tha amw r.i
stomach, relating the
nervous tension, while
the intlamerj muscle i
and.membran. r .u-.
ortran are allowed lo
rest and heal. It cures
Indigestion, fbmi-nce
palpilatlon of lh K.,.,'
nervous d.sppsia tni
a I slomach troubles bv
cleansing n, ... .
atrengihening the glands,
membranes of ths stom
ach and digestive organs.
ImluUr.. o I
Bom...... .r..""7,T""-'
For SiUb; a.l ) ijUts