Mr m 4.I : v - -'1: - S-i I: I 1 ri SASH and DOORS I have a complete stock of sash and doors, screen doors and window screens. Also a nice assortment of locks and other builder's hardware and buikUnj paper. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware nmiinniniiti A FEW OBSERVE BY OUR, IHItlllHimillllHMHHIl TURKESTAN ALFALFA The Dry Land AUalfa grows without irri gation. -. . BROME GRASS " Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Baley, Oats, Etc The only Seed House in , Union Gounty. V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE Phone 1571 Bargains! Bargains!! Everything in our line. . Wo have the largest and most complete stook of 8econd Hand Goods in Union County and can furnish you anything you want in the - Uue of ". . FURNITURE, HARDWARE, TINWARE, BED QUILTS, CROCKERY, JEWELRY, WAGONS, BUGGIES, AND HARNE88. We buy cheap end sell cheap. . Money loaned on all classes of securities. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams R.menWwe etitl buy aa4 U all) Idnde 'Phone 1581 i tKM HMd Godsjl J m . We have a New Line of Wilson Shirts and Khaki Suits for Fishing and Outing Trips. ROSS & ANDRRWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHING!. Dry Chain& 16-inch Slab Wood 1 All orders given prompt attention. Yards on Greenwood stand Srd and Palmer et Orders left at either yard promptly delivered. Price ReJuced to three dollar?. ' H. W. NIELEY Phone 5?x Geo Stoddard manager of tba Sugar Co Ula Portland. Frank Alexander left laat b night to accept a position with the Waverly agar . factory, i " Aron Wade, ol Enterprise, spent to- day Id the city a be ia on bia jray to the 8t Loafs lair. 8 2S Henderson formerly of this city bai been elected city attorney of Enterprise. . , ' County Clerk Mimmsogh waa In tbe olty a few boon tlila morning on bit way to Elgin. . . . John Walden, candidate for aberiff waa In La Grande yesterday, John la a anre winner. .. . , Recorder D U Proctor came in on Do 1 thin morning and took tbe Elgin train for tbe north end of the connty Deputy sheriff Frank Pny came over 1 iet night and returned to Union thli morning. ' . .. '.' . . I O Grout, left tbla afternoon for Malheur county where be goes to look up a location for a stock farm. ' OUND Good buckakia working glove Left at this office. Mrs Clara Knott, State Deputy for the LO X M went to Union yesterday to perfect the organisation there ol a Hive. lira J W Meyers, who bas been In tbe city visiting her brother John Jamison, left tbia morning for her home in Neb raska. , J M Blair and wife arrived from La Grande yesterday, and Mrs Blair enter ed the hospital this' morning as a pa tient. Pendleton E O. -' Mr Harrison! the pnmp man, made a trip to La Grande the first of tbe week We shall know ia tbe near future why Mr Harrison so frequently visits La Grande North Powder Citixeu. Mrs and Mrs W A Simpson have rented Mrs Zubers cottage on Wash ington Ave, and will move their house hold goods from Boise and will muke this their permanent home, Attorney F S lvanhoe loft this morn ing ft r Wallowa comity where he goes on legal business which will come lie lore tbe circuit coil t which meets next week. . .-.,.' J M Hilts was tie first to bay a ticket for the St Louis fair, thl m rn lug under the new rates and will leave in tbe morning expecting to retain June 4tb . One of tbe leading Doctors of this city stated yesteMay while in conversion with an Observer reporter that tbe general health of the city was better than itbas been for many years. J W Waldeu, republican nominee for sheriff was ai Obse; ver caller today while on hla way to Elgin. Mr Walden says everything Is looking exceedingly bright for the election of the entire re pnbllcsn ticket. Candidates for the county officers are considerably in evidence in La Urande these days. It ia sale ta say there baa been more band shaking tbe past few days than La Grande bas experienced for many moons. Wm K Davis, of the Orosent Knitting Mills Co, returned this morning from Portland where te bas been In the in terest of tils company. He raports find ing bnsiness there as far as his company concerned quite satisfactory. He established an agency there for his goods and Is moie than satisfied with tba outlook for business. . FOB BALE Two good work teams, harness and wagons. Apply to Grant Keys. Pbone No. 1713. Do not forget that be K ol P excursion will leave tbia evening lor Elgin at six o'olook. You are invited to go whether yon are a K of P 01 not. t 9. Biitt dairl FoU Appl Cabl Tnrl o Portland Markets. ' The steady decline in Eastern and foreign markets baa taken the life om of tbe local wbeat market. Buyer and sellers are fartber apart than ever and business is at a standstill, with tbe tens decidedly weak. WHEAT Walla Walla, 75o; bine sum, 82o; Valley, 81. BARLEY Feed, 92! per ton, brew ing,$24; rolled J26. FLOUR Valley, 13.90 and 8.96 per barrel; hard wbeatetraiglits, S3 60 and 3.70; olears, 13.85 and 4.0 ); hard what patents, $1.00 and 4.10; Dakota bard wheat, 15.40 and 86.0); giV.iem, $3.90 whole wbeat, $4; rye flour, $4.60 and 4.76 . OATH No. 1 white, $1.17 ; gray $1.10 per cental. MILL STUFFS Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $24; shorts, $20; chop, U. S. mills, $16; Unseed, dairy lood $19 . HAY Timothy, $16 per ton;, clov er, $12; grain, $12; cheat, $13.,' PRODUCE ', Potatoes, 60 to 76 cents per suck. Onicns 80 cents to $1.00 per tao . Eggs Oregon, 16 J 017 ota, ate n M,S2o , . .' . . -' dutter Creamery, 25 and 80o Dairy, 17J and 20c, store 0810olb, Poultry Cbiokens, mixed lOo per pound, spring, 10b and hn, )0o , turkeys livo, 17 and 18 lb dressed 18 and 20c lb-, ducks, If and 7 er dos. geese, 8c lb. : YOU WANT RUBBER lAMPS REMEMBER ME. lufaotnie every style ' on any liug and carry a complete stock Is, Inks, Baoka, Datern, Rubber eta. Seals, St nciis, Trade Door Plates, Poatal Scab's, te me what you w o I can you by return mail Eveiy V requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Biker City. Oats Oats Spokaae afe Tbia well known Cafe ia w under new managem ent and the public is as- IreJ full valm for tbeir oney. ' Special prices to b' ldera of meal cketa. In order to give the pub lie an opportunity to know just what a good p'ece we . have, we b ve reduced the price cf meal tickets from $R to $4 50. This ia a spot cash propoet ion. Tiy our Sunday Chicken Dinner. SPOKANE CAFE J. F. Johnson Depot St La Grande.Or . A Hungry Man Is never good natured, but a man who has dined well always shows hi most genial eide. All experienced wives know thi-.and manv wise wom en In t his city have learned something eisu. If They Want To strike "bobby" for a particular ly. I arse slice or Ins uank account. j they arrange to have him dine nt our restauraut. They - know tbobetter tbedlnnor the ennier ho will g sut their request. And they also know the beet dinner Is to be bud right here . UtlWWr-lt Cattle Beat steers $4.26 and $4.0 , m lam, 4.00; cow $36 and $4.00 Hogs Beet largs, fat $556; medium arge(at4. 7' ' Sheen Best weathers 130; mixed sheep $3. ' : 00 SOMMER HOUSE Will Alders St Joe Mo M Melvin Poatland F E Ramsey do M Kennedy do M Manasse S F P B fibbey Portland T F Baylis od 0 A WenJlor gpokane May Mitchel N Y H J Conway St Louis J E McDonald S F A R Tuttle Elglu A E Stoddard Sumpter KR Smith Union Henry Rube Aliiel A Roderick Grant Portlane J A Joh .son N Powder Samuel White Baker City M I, Tri-denthal N Y W U Blacking Pendleton Cbas H Dodd Ponland W H Foamly do M Adams . 8 1 II E Levis do Frank McFarland Portland Drank A Quart Cincinnati May 10 To demonstra e bit "gamenets" and also to show l a capacity for alcoholics, Edward Moeller. 14, 1896 Pulte street, edified a throng in a saloon at Mitchell aud Harrison avenuea yvstorday by drinking; a quart of whiskey. He It now In the Olty Hospital. ' Application of the stomach pump fntlrd ta revive him and grave fears are t ntertain id that he may not rec ver. Tlis police were t otluVd of tbe occur ence and arreatt are likely to follow. FARMERS ATTENTION I have purchased tbe SPO KANE CAFE and it is my iu teiition to make a special effort to please the farmers. In older to do this I have decided to famish a special meal Saturday of each week which I call the Fur triers' Dinner. This meil will include all that the market afford? at.d will be served in regular family style. This will be the best meal ever offered in La Grande for 25 eents. When in the city call at the Spokane Cale and see exactly how good a meal you can buy lor 25 cents. REMEMBER we pay cash for butter, eggs and chickens. J F Johns on. Dissolution Notice ia hereby given that the partnernbip heretofore existing - be tween E. D. Whiting and O. J. Black bas this day. April 18.1404. been dissolved by mutual consent. Dated this tba la day ol April 1U04 at La Q -ande Oregon . 0. J. Black. E. D. Whiting. Vpril 17 May 17. Car load or sack; Roll ed or chopped. Bar ley the same. Wild, And Grain Hay nd Timothy. - Our prices always the lowest; fin.l out, forget that we handle coal aud wood.' Do not GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail THIS SPACE La Grande Mercantile Go m:ojdk:i.4 . RESTAURANT. J. A. ARBUCKLE, Prop. open;day and niuht We sell weekly Meal , Tickets, Cash $4-50 GOOD LEATHER an GOOD SHOE MAKING are eseettiul to the making of good shoos All included in the J. E. TILT haud sewed shoes. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, DEPOT STREET ! -H- .- . j. now Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Asiist the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and A'simulaling Sufficient Food to Robuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Invoked. There ii bu one remedy that will do ihis, and Unit remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to kuow more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore ..; s Ladies' Tailored Suits at less than Manufacturer's Prices. The World's Fair Route Thosentlclpatlng an Eastern trip, or a visit to the LonlsianalPurcliase expo sition at St. foiiis, cannot afford to overlook tbe advantages offered by the Mirsorai Pacific Railway, which, On account of Its various routes and gated wavs, has bevn appropriately name The World's Fair Route." Pas'erKem from the Northwest take the MissouBi'pAoirio trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either Koing direct through tbe Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Ulll. Two trains dally from Denver and Puoblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all classot of modorn equip ment, Including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining care. Ten .tally trains between Kansas City anil St Louis. Write, or call on W. O. McBrlde, General Agent, 13M Third at, Portland for detailed Information and Illustrated literal a. a. tf. FOR RENT A 4 room house for ten' cheap, near Gedd Bros store. In quire at Oeddca Bros, 6 U Second Hand SALE 11 Dressers 6 aud up 1 Ladies Drossing case HI 50 0 Commodes 1 2.1 Wash Stands ,'Ijo Parlor Suits 7 00 to 15 00 center stands 25o au I up Cbildreus cribs k beds 1 25 up cook stoves, rnngos 5 00 and up Iron bed steads, several patterus 2 00to5l) I have all kinds of chairs, ta bles, quilts, comforters, blankets, pillows, purtlurs and lnce curtains, runs, springs, etc., whico must lie sold during this month, come iu aud look at these genuine bargains. Remember all my new stock of crockery, hardaare, .ml tinware goes this niiitub only at net wholesale cost F D llaisten. At-(J & M Noble's old t: ind 1 1415 Adam Ave. We have left of our Spring itotk in this line jomt FIFTEEN SUITS and in order to make a complete clean-up have d-cided to offer these at sacrifice Black Kta.nine suir, Eton Jacket iriuim,,! w,th black around fei-k anil down Irnnt, stoln eftVct I'lme silk hand. d:in (ront "Dl ''r.L K'KUl'" P"ce 12-50 sale puce 10 00 CasMnicrOMiit, Eton or Norfolk Jacket with cap-, military effct. bliv- and grav mix-d Neat looking and a-iv,cal le angular price 12 50 alc p. ice 10 00 N. v 'iv mil. Eton jMcknt , llKi K'cy Milling ,)lppd with R , h ne Mi.. i hrsi buttons on eboul lrs, runt and sleeves skirt trim iiihI san.e. Regular 12.60 sale 1C Finer and n o'L-eUporaiely trimmed suns in Novelties', Cheviots Voilse,ec. ' f la suits 12. 16 50 suits tl 120. if 17 51) fui !f 14. 21 sUj 19.80 Largs lino ol ladies' summer skirts just neeived. Cah linen. Duck, Voi.e, Novelty, etc. -"lius UMb io $5 00. Golden Rule Comp'y 1308 1310 1312 ADAMS AVENUE. -y-r ' ak a ' m KM m m V If r i mwt4 ML -7 v-&fcr i ' - .