La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 10, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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Jh -.
I Mw Fur ri i ture I
. . 1. ,gh grade S001'. le fi'"'t f vr brought
L 1" 1 y', wS,,eb"ard8. dressers, Buffets, elegant line of
Rogers and E-y Chairs, Office Desks aud Chairs, K.tchen
Cabiuets-every hot.aelceeper should see this article of
beauty and utility. Dining chairs 85 cts to U.75. Dining
tables beauties.
Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty:
My undertaker U. B. H 1STEN, will respond promptly to
all calls, day or night.
La Grande, Oregon.
Conducted by Sisters of St. Franol
Select boarding and day school (or
Young Ladiea
Aotemio, Preparatory and Kined
garten couraea are conducted on the
same principles aa those pursued in
our aehoola il Philadelphia,
Mosio and painting receive spools
Letters ol inquiry directed to
Neat Job Work
If so ve can
in V. I
M'Daniel &,
Doors and Sash
To Give Away Note These Prices.
O O D....:s, 2-r.Xe-6 28 each
OO IVors, 2-KX6-8... 35 "
8 II Windows, 10X12 86 "
9 It " . 20X28 1 08 "
2 It " 24X32 1 44 . "
fubcri at proportionate prices. See us before buy
i,.g. V huvr a new and complete stock.
Raising a I oan
.til,.. I...A nr Rmall 1
be bad for a moderate of interest.
Give Us Your Deed,
Tell us bow much you wont and we
do all the rest. All you have to do is
?o wait until tbe title can be , sea . abed
and the papers made out. I hen o "nB
Urouhd and get the cash. Of course
" we charge something for our services,
J- but not more
than you u g
La Grande
1110 Adams Avenu,
On your teal estate Is a very simple
,atteV if you leave It to us. We bare
o funds at our command for
onus, llieycuu
..Vice President
...Asst. Cashier
J. M. Rebut..
J. M.Ciiubch,
LA Grande National, B nk
La Grande. Oregon
r APtTAL AND SURPLUS, $72,000.00
. ..n.ral banking business. B'tvf ana sens Bc...,,a
. TrUMsn CollecUonaasalty
Phone 91
Residence Phone 367
1202 Adams Ave
Will Exchange
Singer sewing machines
fur good driving horses.'
Machines sold upjn easy
term. Repairs for all kiuns
of machines.
OthVe in Jas. R. Smith's
Jewelry Store.
FOR SAI.E-Second hand piano, in
quire of Mrs Ingles, phone No 1727.
at This Office
'"! mi some
i iv i Uouuty
La Giande, Oiegon
i. M. He'ry, J. M. Church
, R. ( :onlev, K. Smith
L. 0. btanley
ra I ullai amkannak AM
Old Story
The Man Who is Be
; friended Robs The
Man Who feeds Him.
' Robert Tuff, a botn brasemea who
baa been in tbe . eity (or several daya,
stole a 50 suit ol elotbes, a pair of
new ahoea and fill tbe underclothing be
could get in bla grip, from his room
mate, J H Terry, an O RAN fireman,
and (kipped last night, lie was caught
at Uleua ferry by officer J H MoLach
leo and brought back Sionuay evening
and arranged Ihli morning before Jul
ice Grant.- He waived examination
and will be taken to Union this evening
In default of bond.
The Two Old Men
' I noticed two old men on the street
tbe other day, one held in bla band an
old watcb that I am sure ground out
the hours for at least SO summers, Well
said, be there is a watch tbe Jeweleia
fold me was worn out 10 years ago, but
it now keeps better time iban it did
when new. The other gentlemen en
quired what he bad done to it. Well
said, he, I bead to many talking of
that expert at tbe Rainbow store I
thought I would give him a trial sad 1
can tell you he is a good one. .' . '
Drank A Quart
Cincinnati May 10 To demonstrate
his "gamenera'' and also to abow his
rapacity for alcoholics, Edward Mueller,
14, 1395 Pulte street, edified a throng
in a saloon at Mitchell aud Harrison
avenues yesterday by drinking a quart
ol whiskey.-
He ia now in tbe City Hospital.
Application of the stomach pump
failed te revive him and grave fears are
entertained that he may not recover.
Tbe police were notified of the occur,
reace and arrests are likely to follow.
Ordinance No 286 Series of 1004
An ordinance prescribing the dutlea
and compensation xf the city record'
Br and repealing onlinunce No 10
series of 1W4, entitled "An ordinance
prescribing the duties and compensa.
lion of Jthe Recorder approve I June
i;th iss4. ',-
The city of La Uih de does ordain es
follows: . "
Section one: That the Recorder as
ex-uilico Clerk of the Ooun :H shall be
charged with theJollo viim-uil iea ; -
He shall keeps tin. n ,i correct
minute of all proceeilin-"! " 1,1 council,
whether in g special or r jnLtr meeting
and record tbe same in a Umk provided
for that purpase. He a nil feign and
certify ail ordinaucea pi-eul by the
council. He shall see that nil or linances
are properly publish-d io the news
paper directed by the council and make
certificate of the same. '
Section two: He ihall record, and
certify all ordinances of the city aa fast
and as soon as they go Into effect in a
book speuialiy prcparil and called
ordinance book which shall be open for
the inspection of all concerned and,
shall record all l einilts and Iheneea is-
ued and tile all bonds.
Section Three: lie shall collect all
reuta and r. venues for the s tie ol water '
and eball turn the ama over to the
city Treasurer, taking bis receipt in
duplicate therefor one of which he shall
annex to hie report to tbe council here
after mentioned, and the other he- shall
retain. .
Suction Four: He shall at each
regular meeting of the conn dl jiake a
written detailed report of all moneys
received by him from all aojices.
Section five : He shall execute a
bou i to the city In the penal aum of
one thousand dollars for the faithful
performance! of his duties and the
epeedy payment to the proper person of
all moneys coming Into his hands by
virtureof bis office.
Section Six: He shall perfo m audi
other duties as ar- required hy blm by
chapter seven of the charter o! the city
of L i Grande.
Section Seven : He shall receive for
his tervica the sum of 50 per aonth
payable monthly by a warront drawn cn
the general fund of the t e.isury which
shall ho iu full of all his servi. cs as such
Ri cordcr.
Section Eight : That all crdiimiiret
aud partB ol oidiuaiices in cunllict here
with and espviilly ordinance No 10
seriett 1B81, entitled, -An urdinnnce pr
scribing the dut'iM an'! nn penuit'nn '
oi the Recorder apiiinv d Juuetiln 1-sl
are hereby repialtd.
Section Nina: I'luit this ordinance
shall be published iu the La Grande
Evening Ooeerver for one issue thereof
and shall be in full force and take effect
from and after the 7th day of May A D
Pasrod by the council of the City
of La Urande, over the Major's disap
proval, on the 4th day of .May A O 1004
by five memliera voting therefor.
Attest :
Recorder of Cl'y of La (irnnde, Ore,
Cures all Kidney and Bladder Diseases Guaranteed
A T HILL, Prescription Druggist
Notice la hereby given ol the pro
posed improvement ol Park Street in
tbe city of La Urande, Oregon bv tbe
trading and graveling aaid Park Street
to an! grade between 3rd &
Ub striate in sai l iity. Said improve
nifDt to be made at the expense of the
abutting property ownt r.
Notice ia hereby, turner, given that
uulesa said proposed improvement la
defeated by r mon. trance signed by the
abutting . property owners and tilled
with tbe undersigned on or before the
21rd day f May A U 1U04, raid propoa
ed imurovemeut of arid Park Street
will be ordered by tbe council of tbe
Ulty of La branuu, uregou.
Dated at La Urande Oregon this 0th
day of May A D 1904
utiaaiEjit ncjvri.ii.1!
Recorder of the City of La Urande,
Union County, Oregon.
Careful and prompt attention given
to all work intrusted to my cure.
Phouo 1724, also leave ordure at O,
Role tons Grocery . Trunks and boxes
to the old town 23 ots. Your patron,
age solicited. .
Elmer Smith, Driver.
;. I have purchased -, the RPO
KANE CAFE and it is uiy in
tetitiou to m uke a special effort
to please the farmers, In Older
to do this I have decided to
furnish a special meal Saturday
of each week which I call the
Furmers' Dinner. - This meal
will inolude all thut the market
afford" aud will be served Jin
regular family style. This will
be the best meal ever offered in
La Grande for 25 cents, When
in the city call at the Spokane
Gale and see exactly how good a
meal you can buy for 25 cents. "
REMEMBER we pay cash
for butt eggsand chickens,
J F Johnson.
Change of
Tbo undersigned has purchased
the busin So known as the Harris
Cash Meat Market and will here
after conduct the same '
We wish to inform the public
that we are prepared to furnish
ill kinds of meats, game and
poultry at the very lowest pricef
consistaut with firat-clas articler
We havo our own delivery
und make two trips daily to tin
Old Town. Highest market
price paid for all cattle, bogs and
a'leep. We solicit a share of
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satisfaction,,
1 Phone orders receive prompt
and cartful attention. '
Harris meat market across the
trm;k. Phone 1601.
City Property For Sale
Finelj Located, Well Improved s-Kooin House For
Sale. Also Other City Property, At
Classified Ads
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
Mrs Shearer. ;
FOR 8ALE-J Single Diso Beet Plows
for"aale cheap. Also 3 saddle ; ponies
one half Shetland. S good single '
driving horses, J. E, Reynolds.
FOR HALE Good geutle work bone
weight 1100. Inquire at this office or
address La Grands P O box 616 4 26U.
Two acre tract, Eaat of the La Gande
Floaring null, one half in good bearing
orchard. Small cottage, and good bam.
Will sell lor cash or will; trade for good
work bones. L O Grout ;
TF La Grande, Ore.-:
FOR SALE Large two story bouse,
good barn, about 7 sciea of land
with orchard for sale, will take part
payment either in city property
or farm land. Sightly located .. in
i Id town. For particulars inquhe at j
this office or of E Damon 4-1-tf.
FOR 8 ALE Two acre block with new
5 room house, barn, out bouses, , welL
improve 1 $1500, time given on part.
This will bear investigation, situated
onN Cherry and N street,, s ,, . .
4-2tf Fred waring, ,
FOR SALE 6 lots, with good dwell
. . ing house and barn on out skirts of
City. For (other particulars see G W,
Thomas at Bock and Thomas Meat
Market, :,. , V 8 82 tf, , ,
FOR RENT A block of ground with
bearing orchard, garden, small house
and barn. . Inquire at tbe office of F
8 Ivanhoe,
Wauted Competent girl for - general
house work Inquire No 1701 fourth St
To Rent Small home Cor 6 & M
R F 1) No 1 : Mrs H S Cavana.
LOSl-out of world A beehive between
the PoBt office and Tom Ormonds.?,
Return to this office 1
FOR SALE 100 cordo, 10 inob, yellow
- pine and fir wood at a bargain. For
particulars see 8 R Haworth,
4-27U Prea La Grande Storrge Oo.
WANTED To rent a light wagon and
camping outfit for three morttha. For
particulars inquire of David Heiden
rlch, I'hone No 330. t .
FOU RENT Bright sunny rooms with
, or without beard, gentlemen pre
ferred. Also roima for light house
keeping ,- - 2202 Birch St 6 4 17.
Lost Some where on tbe street o
La Grande, a geutlemans watcb charm
containing ladles picture end monogram
A I; M, Findor please return toSouimer
House and receive reward,
For Sale Ply moth Rock eggs for setting
' 60 t ents for fifteen Mr R H Banard,
Phone 606 5-5-12.
FOR RENT Office rooms for reut.
Inquire at Lewis Pilntery. ; , 4 20tf ..
LOST Gold lowed spectacles between
Odd Fellows Hall and Ball's Room
ing House, on evening of Tuesday
A prll 26. Mrs George Ball 6-2-4
FOR RENT A 4 room house for rent
cheap, near Gedde Bros store. In
quire at Gedde Bros, 5 4tf -
For Rent Modern seven room house in
good residence locality. Furnished,
or unfurnished. Inquire at tnis office
Much more aboudant than last year,
nd open for all kinds of stock during
April. Small pastures for stock needed
at short notice etc Apply to 1110. B.
St. Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tela
phone 1278 U
' All Kinds of Work
Wesley Davie does all kinds of scav-
sngsr work, such aa cleaning wells, cess
polls, etc. Give him a call. 4 24 tf
Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses
Good leed and small pastures easily
reached $1,26 lor single head er
month, ti.te-. lin lor 'unche. Best
yellow pine and other wood in any
length, work, riding and driving
horses for sale. Houpea for runt in
the best resideuce sites in the com- I
m unity. Apply 1101 B st old town.
PO Box 341, Phone 1270.; 4-6-tf.
Doors and Sash "
roor orders to Btoddards ware
hooso for doors and sash. They were
bought In large quantities' direct from
the faotory. They are bandied cbeap
ly and at prloea to defy competition.
Fair Rtes
Tbe O R A N Co will sell round trip
ticket to St Louis and retorn from this
city, witb stop over-privileges both
ways lor ftOO.Tlckets only will be on sale
three days of each month only as foU
lows, May 11, VI and IS, June 10, 17
and 18, Joly 1, 2 and S, August 8, 9 and
10, Sept S, 6 and 7., Out 3, 4 and S.
t Anyone having rows to put in a pas
ture call on Louis Barnard Old Town
or pboue G W Silke 1274. Terms $1 75
in advance. " " ' 4 18 23
All members of the. Uniform rank
tam Woodmen of the World are req
uested to meet at Labor Union hall Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
By order of the captain. u
.1 . 4-20-6.
' Notice to Contractors
Sealed bids for excavating, and build
ing foundation for tbe new La Grande
oity halt will be received at tbe store
of W H Bohnenkamp chairman of the
wavaand means committee, up to six
o'riock pin HaturUay may 14th -11104.
This work to be done according to
plans and specifications which can be
seen at the office of city recorder, J
Slater, Architect, or at W II Bohnen.
kamp'aatore. .-
The committee rcserv.s the right to
reject any or all bida. ; t . I
L l Reavis, wayi a d means com-
I am now prepared to do' all
kinds of Bcavenger work that is
generally done by a scavenger,
and will call at your plaoe at
any time. 'Call me up on phone
No. 1841 or address box 692.
II N Maon -
;mi Union Pacijfk
Depabt tam. aehemi ; 04
' 1 U4 OHANDK. ' ' - ; . :
8:60 rx'm. Bait Lake, Denver Ft. KVPl
no t Worth, Omaha, Kansas
8:80 a. m, .mfJjMt, , it&l p.m
Portland, Dalles, Pen-' '
"b D'0WapSmeariJr; "01
. ,i tb via 8a
kans. - . ' -
Portland, Dalles, Pen-
NO 6' dloton Umatilla Wal nn SI
, lnla,Lewlstoa, Colfax '
- Moscow, Wallace War g.nt)a m
tsU P m dner, Hpokaue and
other polnu east and ' .
... ... porth via Hpokana. . -
N8roalljr unni City. Allcsl, -eiccdt
imbler, and Elgin m
Hunday conneellons at Elgin IMpm
0:1ft - a m with stage for points - - -''
In Wallowa county
Ooean Steamers between Portland and
San Francisco every five days
E. 0. MOORE,' Agont
- Mr. John H. Oullohi, Editor of the
Garland, Texas, News, has written a
factnres congratulations to the menu-
lettei of of Chamberlain's Oougb
Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen yoara i
ago when our first child was
a baby he waa suhjeot to croupy
spells and we w uld be very uneasy
about him. We began using Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and
finding it such a reliable remedy for
colds and croup, we have neverbeen
without it in the liousn siuoe that
time. We have five children and
lime given it to all of them with
good results," For Sale by all drug-g'"-
VE 1'KltlNA It Y
1 n.., a,,..
.Office ui A T Hi'ii
ji.llln l.i fl . ..II. I,II...V'.
La Grand", Orpj'uii Phono 1301
AtMluftFunry, rirrrivor,
v :
flandjoiss C:a
Should, ftoUi jthei'r
beauty by seeing that .
thoy have only -COMPETENT
J . To ahnve them.- W. -i
will protect yoar lace
Evans & - Fitzgerald
la Grande School of
.Opposite Sonimer bona. ,.
One of tbe best .musical iustltulions
in tbe stale. . Four rooms used for
musical instruction, 16 grades of
muBio Unght. Department 1, 8 rooms
used for the 3 first gradee Children.,,
at tbe age of 5 ssd older coma one
bour every day,- Department' t, i"
rooms (or grades 4 to 16 tor pupils of
all sgre. The latest' coarse best prec -tioal
. masioal instruction.. Musical
contests for medals every few weeks
E. Porter Day, Prinipal. -
Mrs. Day, Assistant I
- . . '' . I: X
r ,v-v
: A great opportunity foryoj '
to breed to one of tbe best .at, a
vftr lour nrina.
I , will . lnaVo
tbis season with
my imported
. ' .. ...
f maoua, Hojkney 8talllD,
With return privilege $8 pay
able in advunce. No other
terms. Can give good referen
ces as to his colts, i .
vVm. O. Hansen. '
Delightful Route, Daylight Ride,
' I)izy Crags, Deep Canons. i-
A Golden Opporlunity-Se).:
nature- in 'all.1 her" glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first is
found ; along I the line of the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad.
and tlir Inner at the St. Louis
World's fair. . Your trip will be
one of pleasure make the most
of it. For information and lllus
trated literature write -
W, O. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt.
: ;.'" , Portland, Oregon
Geddes Bros.
Why are Ueddes Bros, kept so
busyT Why do they sell the beet
goods at the lowest prices . v..
Preferred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 50c
Preferred Stock Corn . 8 for 60c
Preferred Stock Salmon 8 for 50c
Preferred Stodk Peas 8 fof 60c
Preferred Stock Beans 3 for 6O0
Don't pay other gr coin 20 cent
a can for any of these goods.
Standard tomatoes, corn, beaut
peas, etc., a ior 25 rents.
They have the best butter made
In the va'luv, and their creamery
butter has no equal here, Try
It and see. -
Dill pickles, - Helne'a mince
meat, Swift's pickle pig feet,
premium hsniSf , loose -.-olives. ,
Everything tasty, nice and cheap
Telephon 401
Geddes Bros.
iarly Risers
For qulok relief from Biliousness.
Sick Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun
dice, Dullness, and all trouble aris
ing (rem an inactive or aluggtsh liver,
DeWltt't Utile Early Risers an u.
equalled.' ' -.,
Th'sy act promptly and never grip.
They are so dalmy that 1 1 la a pleasure
to take them. One to two act aa a
mild laxative; two or four act aa a
pleasant and effective cathartic They
are purely vegetable and abaohiterjr
harmlea. They tonlo th liver.
rssMttso en? av - -B.
O. SaVrit Co., CSUewtfak.
For Sale by ail DRUGGISTS