La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 10, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    weather rczic;;1
5 Tonigbt tod Wwdneuf.f '
vUb'Ligh Frost-Ware. .
er Wedoenly,': :
Commission of Eight Men Will Immediately
y Leave For ( hi IsthmusPresident's ;
' Ideas Adopted Ihroughout if ;
Washington, My 10 The admin
istration ol canal flir sod expendi
tures u decided upua ihii morning
et a meeting !iio'i bad not been lore
raited bat wbioli resulted la the war
department's dirt ct control,
Freudeot Eooaeveit, either through
a good political move, or in belief
that Ibeoanal can be baat managed
tbrongb bit plans, la sair1. . to hav
been the originator of all ideas in
onnn'otion with the : administration
of tffiira. -
A party of .eight will leave for the
isthmus tomorrow headed by General
Davis. The intention of the com
mission la to ask for bids for the gen
ral oonetrnotion, hut thii may not be
lone for a year . 1 ' ' v ' ;
Cattle TnThe lange
. Pendlaton. May 10 Harry Gibeon
of this oily, ha turned not 900 bead
of cattle on the Grin I Bonds range
abnve Hilgard, whira the grata is in
excellent condition. "
Artesian Project -
. The meeting held Saturday at Alio1!
for the purpose of deter-nini ng wbeth
e or not to go ahead with the experi
mwUl arteaitn well prjj-ot, wae we'l
attended. It waa shown that tbey
now ha-J $2500, nbscribed and tbe
ecoeeof the meeting - waa that 4&U0
additional abeu'dbe ralaei and ebeo i
waa that ork abould Immediately
oomrceooe. ; '.-!: , i
It i not tna idea of inoorporatora
0 bny a maobiue bnt to let a eontiact
for the work. Toe project will be
defflnitely aettled within a . few days
and tboae wbo were at tbe . meeting
are confi lent the remaining money
can eaaily be secured.
Busy Farming
B t Millet, tbe demooratie candi
date for joint representative, ' was
looking after thinga political in this
section this week. He will not begin
bis campaign in earnest for several
days yet. He is now in the midst of
bis farming operations. Wallowa
News. v. , .
Don't Forget
This is Presidential election year
and yon mast register if yoa would
vote. Begiatratioa books close .Hay
14,"" '"'- - -V
Digging Test Pits.
Fcho, Hay 10 The government
party In the vie'nity of Eobo is
engaged in digging test pits from
which will be determined tbe ixsot
coorse of tbe dilohes whloh will feed
tbe Buttdr creek reeervolr. A boot SO
men are in tbe pirty.
r : :
To Old Soldiers
Headquarters Association of the
first Oregon e ivalry and the first Ore
gon inflntry, La Grande, Oregon, May
Comrsdt: i ".
The third annual reunion of
tbe First . Oregon Cavalry, United
Slates Volunteers end the First Ore
gon Inflntry United States Volunteers
Association will be held, .in conjunc
tion with the state encampment- of
the Grand Army of the Republlo at
Lelis Fay Sloan, tbe little daughter
of Mr and Mrs H O . Sloso, passed
away at tbeir home in North Powder
Tuesday May 3. ..
Of it
We know we've got
This Idea Pleases Us
; When We "Show":
we win, and you win
when you purchase a suit or skitt, at the price pluced on them
'. during this SALE.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. .
This Sale is for the purpose of reducing our immense stock and
to Make a customer of you
Crash Skirts, $1.25 to $6
Walking Skirts. $2.40 to $12
Dress Skirts $3.60 to $28
205 and 120? ADAMS AVENUE, Lagrande Ore. '
MUkPHY BRO'J , Prop's.
a "
11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i77i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t-tn-t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i
It is difficult lo j irige the purity of toilet soaps
and too oft n an ngrocahlp odor determines the
choice. If ..11 jo. s were as it n ent as their
fragrance is pleasing, there would be more
smnothe skins and clear complexions and loss .
roughness, pimples ai.d blotches.
We can make yoa safe in your soap buying.
The toilet soaps vte handle are those tuade by
reputable firms. We have pure aud safe soaps
at whatever price you wish to pay. j
Hood riser Oregon on Jane 16, 1904.
. All comrade are requested to be
present and participate.
A cordial invitation is tjlren to all
pel iocs wbo served In either tbe First
O.egon Cavalry Coited Stales Volun
teers or in tbs First Oregon Inflntry
United States Volunteers and did
duty in Oregni, Wasbiegton, Idaho,
Utab or Nevada from 1861 to 1800
and to tbeir parents,' wives aud de
oeudante to juin in the reunion and
t ilk over incidents of long ago. .
' Geo. B Ourrey, Commander. '
- - ' W. M.Hilleary, Adjutant.
Oregon press please note.
In this city Monday May 8100a, to
Mr and Mrs Charles Cotaon, a daugb
".t : i;--.- :... i. .S.i',Jf Vi.f 4.
One of the Fines Foatstln Her Naw Next :
Battle Expected to Take
At Laivan.
Adam Croat in an returned to the Got
after spending yesterday in the city.
London, May 10 Japanese Minis
ter Hayashi today said that . General
Koroki won Id probably . clash , . with
General Kuropatkio's forces at ; Lal
vang, driving them baak. ' lb ' event
of tbe Japanese occupation of New
'Jf'il -'tt ft !: , t ; ji.iV-'"
Ohwang, a olvij rninistrlioi f wiIV ,;
immediately be appointed and ' tbe' .
port opeued to all nations Admiral, j .f"
Togo will dock part of his fleet; and fffii
give bis men a rest irora their "cease- ' KA':
lees vigil. " i:.-, " - ??!'"
; ' ' '"' '
Unionites Admit That They Have No Chance If The County Seat Ques-
tion Is Left To The Voters, and Therefore Seek To Keep
In The Courts And Thereby Defeat The r
Ends Of Justice.
Union, represented by A E Baton,
S A Pureel, Fred Gale, F S Fo.ler, G
F flail and W U Ewiu yesterd iy Bled a
petition Baking for a restraint gorde to
prevent tbe county ti at ques ion appear
ingon tbd ballot and the eame will be
served on the county i lork today.
Wbetliar or not this Injuctiun will be
S'.igtiiinetl by tlm i-in uit court remai .e
tu be seen aud those who have read the
pipers In the 'case and noted the
grounds'upon which they baas tbeir
contention for an iuj motion are firmly
of the opinion that Jude Eakin will
never grant it. Union is ell aware of
the intention of the voters in this
county that if ttiey ever get a chance to
vote upon the relocation of the county
eatt.iat La Gratide will easily win,
od I his is Ih-lr o.ily hope to prevent
It coming to a Tots.
Their grounds Is lbs lncreacel taxa
tion that be made by tlte clerk in pro
log the extra word? on the regular
ticket relative to the ounty seat propoal.
tlon - ." ' . ' ' '
. After covering mveral pages setting
forth the faot that the county Is now In
debt beyond tbe constitutional limit
and declaring that of the 2(100 men who
llgned the petition asking the county
cuur to order the the relocation sub
mitted, whioli they did, that 1600 of
these names were Illegal and that the
present court house and fixtures are
now worth 25,000 and is ample for all
present and future needs oloees with the
following whloh 1 really the restrain
ing order they desire sustained.
"Plaintiffs pray that said order refer
lng to the order of the county court be
ma awue unu iuu uu comitv clerk KK
JOINED from givlug notice of suit)
election, upon til ) question of lb re
moval of the county sea- from Unl in
to La Grande for contr ctlug fur, print
tog or causing to te prim, d the
names of Union and La UraiiUe fo
county seat upon tbe ticket to be c;i t
at said election In Jimu 1904 unil for
furnlahlng or contracting forBtall mnry
or supplies for holding ; said clodlon
upon the question of tho of the
county seat from Union to La Grando
and tor such other relief as m iy seem
proper to equity and good conscience,
including judgment for plaintill costi
and disbursements. . 1
C E Gociiran & Crawford & Crawford
Attorneys. ?
Osteopathy tight disease withtSs,f :
tura's own Weapons, wbieh ereo:reot f.V
nerves and nurmal blood supply.'. ;;. : ''; ' .
- ' ' : (ST
. Men have to break awayilrom.drogiiS?,'':
taking before tUfp realiia bo muou ;
better off tbey are without drugs. ':'' '
Si Feteraburg, May 10 V report -s
current today that Ibe'Bunian'- crui
ser Buritt of the, Vadivoatook fqus
dron has been destroyed, whether by '
acoldeut ox Japeneja attack lis') not
Official Report of Sstur-
of the present Mioado they were com
pelled worked Irom 10 to ISots
per day and that now 3vi oenta is tb
oorumjn rute. This increase in ,24
years in wages, with proipeot of far
ther iuoiease, if Japan whips - Russia
and the Mioedo can continue II
p ilioy mat tne keen . witted , Jap n
'la -'er aee that it is to his lour
ho do 'very tbi jg io his piwer Is id
I the Mioado and t erelore bs skim
. . :'...'. ' .' he my live, and is loyal to the
day$ Daitle-I()4 lulled 'tberulertlm has beneated him
Mr Robt Ord ot Utah Is looking over
the valley with a view of purchasing a
h ime. : v. -.i.'-.-:,.!,v
v Dunt fufuat. the liojial at the'Pive
byionan ; Church toninht under the ;-"ivv'H
nuspicesor thejjf.-.f. S C E. Refresh
mente will beteryefi, all mewbers-of ; '
iha church aod'-ooagregdo:a'lel4-'''.''.'!i'.
iiillvinvlteil'to b. iptllffi;Ky
The (oiljwihg prvigrsm w'Irf; bbVgivin i-i
Organ 8lo ."Jj;'.'.-.: 4,J')'l '-'
Vocal ' Duett .v, . .,, Mr A Mrs HUuri $ . f ,;i
viliun plo:.l.",V::'Be.r.thTMuv4 '
liecitition, i iilorenoe' MoCisH V 1 .
Vuotl Solo. ;,..Vi. Mrs EC Jaoy'' '
Vocal Trio.'.,. Mioses Aldikh, J.Woreteir ;!
"5f..; i . andTalt if f '"""v,,;;;."::;,:'..;
llo.!ltnUohMi;W:iNaOnii Williamson:;.1 Wftyii
Hiisnnfs tbf ef'iiof the Society afterv ;f
the p---gri'riif;V!toVi'v:.! vy: 4 yj
325 Wounded.
": Toklo May 10 The official repert of
the Japanese ussualti a at the battle of
the Sfalu May 7 shows that tbe Guards
lost one officer and 20 man killed aid
bad seven oUlcen a id 122 men wound
td The second divlal m lost one officer
and 84 men killtd and 13 officers, 305
men sounded. The l'ith division had
turee officers and 76 men wounded,
Items Of Interest
The last scientific American figures
tbe net earniuga of tbe railroads al
I2.8&4 per mile, and tbe annual net
earnings of all tbe railroads in tbe
United State for the five years 1897
to tlif- end o! Mill $1378 per mile
pet year. .
Lyle Musicale
The Lyle Musicale met this efter
noon and the following program was
rendered under the direction of Mrs
Fred B. Currey.
Piaoo S.i'o ........Mrs Lyle
Vocal Dtret Oantileca
Mrs E 0 Moore and Mrs Oarpy
Beading Artists and Musiolaos
Mrs Bodmer
Vocal 3nlo Mua Jeeaie Wade
'Iuatrmeutal Duet Mrs K B aud
G H Currey
Vocal Solo. .......When tbe Golden
Dawn is Breaking Mrs Forrest
Eloction oi ofUcrs will be held at
tbe next meeting M iy 24, 1904 and
tue menriburs are estnially requested
to be presnt.
" - 'Notice'
All those withing to donate forpisl s. v ' -Inge
for lbs Rest Boom are requested
to send them; to that, room before :':i.Jyi"
next 8turdy..The Isdies wish, the'i ' ' t j
room to pole an oonifortab'e as pja- 5';
sibla.(or.,Mie' opeoingVl TJbe artio oa '.4 i
most desired are rook re or easy chairs .
ouches, rugs aud ousl)ions. ; , he ; .
nrrcbnnts are sppoialiy requested to ,
p ;itribute towards this fumisaing.' I '
i Opcoing Salii :0fi
100 Pieces
Wuflh Goods, cunsiuling of cotton Buttings,' popular
mercerized, poplin, ooids and lace ,Btriped waistinge,
lawn, dimity, batiste and all other wanted summer
dress materials at very SPECIAL PRICE REDUCT
ION for today, Tuesday and Wednesday. : .,
Wasco county la now out of debt for
ihe fiist term in its history; wbicb
goes back to 1854, filty years eg:
hen tbe oounly was oiganized.
When Wasco county was orgao'nd ii
included all of Oregon east of tht
Cascade Mountains.
Matchants in Japan doua'.e a libera,
bare of tbeir profits, and aorkmei.
give a part of tb)ir wiges lo the M
cado 1 1 belp hi n orry o i the wr
with Bas is.
Wages in Japan ire low and it ru
seem string i to Ameroio workmei
how a oommon laborer there on a
ford to give aoytbiog out of bis sea
vages wouixara Irom 6 oenta loS
osuti per da;, lut the lr.boters lu
n remembers that prior to the orig
Central Church Of Christ
Membirn of the congregatinu art
u ged to be preaent : edoeaday a h
Thursday evenings. Wednesdxy
evening there wiil be a study of tbi
Parable of the Prodigal and on 1 hura
day evening Bro. M m. F Cowdeo ol
Taooms will preach, Seiviore a
ight o'clock lleae tell your friend.
O. H King
Muoh nervousness comes from ii
digestion Ost palliy 1 p-ifnl i
ng tiiew nw.
Seeing s believing, il.i to sn V -Ih
if y mi hoc bra mr skepl ca'
about outgrowing yuir infitniliiee.
60o waistings. , . . ; , ;
45o ...........
40o ' " .
35c "
25e wash suitings .'. . ,
20c dimity and lawn:
15c di tnity, lawn and duck..
12Ja wash goods . '. . ,
and many others at equally low prices.
. .49c i
;.39o ;
; l33o
75c and 85c shirts--3 days only . 59c? L
$25 men's suits-3 days only , $20',i9.a
$22 50 men s suits-3 days only $19 85-
: V. ,
rm .mm.- m .y..; ..... j,
a -
t Ml I II Mill III ITT 1 MTTf THII It till II Mill
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