?1 i I : i S .1'. 2 h 1 i JOHN JAMISON WE STULL ELVA JAMISON : 9 israaari I ; MvVill dlf for it and'bring it home when promised. a -sytiarantee satisfaction and only ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you that wo un ? dmtand the laundry business. You oan atop ' .iantwagoirat any time or phono the Lauudry 5 . and your work will he called for at onoe. We . - nalte-Mpeialtyf family washing, and cab do tijum crashing, better 'and cheaper than J you. A trial order solicited. I Union Steam Laundry LA GRANDE EVENING OBSERVER CURREY BROS. Editors and Proprietors. Entered tt tin Fmi Offioe at La 3 ramie, Mii Mattel . Urcon, an Beoond 01ua PHONE 1981. v 742 FIR STREET. Published Daily Except Sunday. oe YfMir la Advance..... Hix Mouths In Advance... $6.50 j Per Month.. g3.50 1 Single Copy. .66 .06 SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 7, 1904 ITAION TO YOU. g ;;THIS IS X SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. s"- ft ( m-. W-aiw Mceivintr daltr manv new desiehs in Wall 1 'Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special inritation.toiyou and your friends to call and see them, v ; We am issions to have you see our line and we feel r-mir yon will be delighted with the visit. Yours Respectfully, Staekland & McLachlen PAINTS. 0I12S fANDII GLASS 2 w w REPUBLICAN TICKET. state , Supreme Judge, F A Moore Food and Dairy Commiuloner, J W Bailey Presidential Electors, James A Fee, J N Hart, G B Demick, A C Hough Second District. Congressman J N Williamson. Union and Wallowa. Joint Senator Peter McDonald. Joint Representative J H Dobbin Eighth Judicial District. . Prosecuting Att'y. Leroy Lorn ax . Union County. Representative N 0 MoLeod, " 'of Cleveland's 2od, abuoinielra- tion since 1860 is seen by the difference between wages now and in 1860,the close of the antiprotective period. To il lus tra e in 18C0, dressers in lex- tiles, one grai'e of faotory hand-, received for 11 1-6 hours work 1.58, whil j if tiat for U h ur work were paid 98-ts. in Raode Island the same clrss of laborers w-re paid one dollar for a day of 13 hour-,in 1895, the latest official figures we have, dressers textile workers in Mass. were paid $2.09 for a day of 8honrs. ' In 1860 farm hands in New York were paid 88cts. a day of U hourp.in 1894 the oliioers re. ported average of farm hands for 10 hours work was $1 25. ft: are now selling fishlnir- he demand ig umnuallv Inber of good catches have My Lady's Jewels , Certainly add to her attractiveness The Doet who wro'e that "Beaiiiv un- adorned Is adorned the most" probablv had no dollars. He lertainly showed' . little ans And if his lady love hd teen my mspi iy oi ; v Dainty Broaches " Rhf would not have believed hi For a w mail natural I loeg to mlornl herself. No one o n blume I er -illi r they visit my store. -Kuch beautiful things at so moderate a cost were nevet seen before. There am things for met too. Just i ome io and see how much more I could have said about them. J. H. Fearer the Jeweler II I ISO! kite t There are many reasons why LaGrande should have the coun ty seat. One is is the groat sav ing te the couriy in the way o milage at each - term of court. Another is the great saviug to the citezeus who must transact business at the county seat at any time of the year. There is also a great saving of time to the cit izen. More citizens live near live near study of the map uaiiy irafns St Lonie. Write, or taGrande - than , , . ,. Pinion. A iur ueiuitea ii has moved his house the property t0 ihe On.Rimh-attuiA. . Coroner J C Henry. La Grande Precinct. Jnctice Pesi e J E Honh Constable J W l-'iaer literature. ,01 union county jisclose tbes fact. ' a? " ' will Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal and Looks Better '' In other words if your walls are well papered your fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay. HARRIS & PRICE Painters, Paper Hangers and Decorators.' A. 0. HARRIS, Phone 1666, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 Fresh Oheeolates Fresh Bon Bous v ' Fresh Nougact w Fresh Carmels ; Fresh Taffey ; Fresh Salted Peanuts v Fresh Salted Almonds ; - . Fresh Popcorn PHILIP Fresb.3 Fruit LOY ON TIME J Jo'iar groceries fi r Jt j i IheoOdelirered on tlm: ANOTHER THlKQ 4 - i - - When you order groceries from m you are 8are to Ket the Yeryjbest to be had. . .We keep outy, begt The next time you are (at our store Qask to see our special linejof BREAKFAST BACON. & POTTED M EAT S 0.1 RALSTON tJR0CERY STORE Tde Atiilml'd Labor Unions tliut met in Oifgon Cily on Iny 3d. resolved in favor f Congress passing more stringent laws to exclude th3 immigration of men and women faom Japan and China as a means of protect ing Americau laborers from be ing forced to compete with the oheaper labor of those countries. Phis is a wise precaution and one in accordance with the gen eral policy of the United States since 1860, which has been to increase the wages of the Amer- can laborers, which has resulted in a , general rue of wages throughout the country. To illustrate the benefits that Amer ican labor bus received from the policy no and since 1860 has prevailed with but little inter ruption; we will quote a few items from the report of the Commis sioner of Labor for 1900. In 1860 the average wages for ten hours work for carpenters and joiners, in Connecticut was $1 .65 in Maryland 1.38, New York $1.90, Maryland $1.35, Ohio $1 53 and in Pa. '$176. In 1900 car penters and joiners recoiveb in Alabama for 9 hours work an uverace of $2.48' in California for a day of 8 hours $3.08, in Georgia $1 96 was paid for 10 hours work, in III. $3.40 for 8 hours and in Muss, the wages for a day of 8 hours was $2.42. Those who are interested may oompare the aobve prices and draw their own conclusious. There are two weys of prelud ing American labor; one is to prevent laborers fiom cheap labor countries from coming to this country, and tho other is to put a tariff ou tne product of cheap labor, made in foreign oountnes imported into this at such a rate that the Anierocnn laborer can be employed in this country and the product of his Ubor sold at prices that will en- him stead v ' emnlovment at rf r- -American rates of wages. This is callsd protective tariff, because it protectsAmerlg iaDor- That the Abimi ,uborer baa benefited by the ptow , . -! ..... it.. .U. "' iiurm ponoy im F vuj i Stlverton.-'.he home of HoraiT Daveuport-has fleeted au itnti- gacnbling ti-iket. " From the car t loniat'a deecripiiou of the plane, on w 1 thi'ik t'.)er - whs not ife euough tu the pluce t get u;r iy kind .if a une o. chance. Change of management. The undersigned has purchased the busin sa kuown us the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistaut with first-clas articles We have our own delivery and make two trips duily to the Old ' Town. Highest market price paid for all cattle, hogs and sheep. We solicit a share of your patronage and guarantee the very best satisfaction. Phone orders receive prompt and careful attention. . Harris meal mnrkot across the track. Phone 1601. TURNER & WALTER Handsome Men - ! S Should protect their beauty by seeing that they have only I COMPETENT BARBERS I To shave them. We J will protect your iace. Evans & Fitzgerald SsV .SaV. m WW D O f SPICES, o COFFEE.TEA, BAKING POWDER. fUVORING EXTRACTS AWelurtriry, Finest flavor, Ortaitsl Strath, C&soMbk Prkci CLOSSETftDEYERS PORTLAND, ORiCOM. O K LINIMENT Cures Pains, Lameness, Rheumatism, Stif . Joints, etc. For sale by La Grande Drup Co. and Red Cross Drug Cu Four Thousaud More To arrive this week M...UiK lfl.000 t be hung before Sep-. The ban, iiisj is (r-iojiM-i: r .pidly in the hands of onr hang-im-n. This Im9! ipTeut consists of some ol ihe Latest Styles in Wail Paper In Uni.iii county. Call and see our st ick before .. pii-i-basing elsewhere. We htve ths greatest variety the uesrett designs, the best bast and the la-gest htock in the city. Let ua figure with you on your painting mid pap r hanging. Our workmen are the ' Le.-st and wo giiarmee satisfaction. l'aintp, Oils, Gi iss, Wall Paper and Building Mi ' te.i.ils. - 0. F. C00LIDGE Adarnt Avenue. LA GRANDE, OREGON 1' N EW ' MAR K E r We Do Not Claim That wo can please all ( f the people all of tho time, but "WE DO CLAIM That our plant has been under the saice muugemeiit for nearly TEN YEARS That during this time our aim has been to pleuse as near y all, at all times as good work aud courteous treat That we will do our best to ple.ise you if you will l-ivor us wilh your patronage That PackHgea left Ht Anderson & Myers or Kirtley'g barber sho,.s will receive the s itue prompt titteutiou llial they would if left at the laundry. A B C LAUNDRY PHONE j i85i CAUIFORNIA PRIVET. LA GRANDE NURSERIA Makes a beautiful fence or screen for city lots. Its foliage is so dense as to shut out all wind. It is an evergreen and can be cut K any shape or form, It is hardy and grows on any soil. Also fine for cemetery lots. Fruit, shade and weeping trees, shrubs, roses, ttc. Let us know your want we do the rest. Write box 637 or phone 1161. ""TBTSW QUEEN CITY GREENHOUSE BBBDIBBBBIBIHBBS3BBE Farmers' and Traders' National Bunk. LAGRANDE, - OREGON Cnpithl Siock fully paid . titl.dwO Si rplcs fund ... J :s.tit( Lii'ili:y of Shareholders . 60,(i(M) Responsibility . . 133,0(10 We do a general banking unJ txehnige l. isiness. Drafts bought ami sold on partem uid fun ign haukn. JOSEPH PALMER, i'resideni J. W. St'lilBrit, 0 shier yiiBMRaEBagB m a e Q a a IS B A Two Light Electrolier Empire style complete with etched ghsf shades 'and all attachments pot up jv ye ar residence for $t;.oo See samples in our window. ; La Grande Light & Power Co : Sfcillwell : YandBrmulBn s Wish. to aunnuuee that , on, Saturday February 27 J they will opt n a first class J Moat Market in the old S Stand ' ; . "THE BOSS" . ' ' J Comer Railroad & Fir St, J We will always keep on hai.d a gootl block of fresh J and smoked meats, shu ". sage , fish and 'poultry, aud will beglad to meet I ' all my idd patrons and J us many new ones. All 5 orders will receive our J prompt nt'entinn. Phone 4gl Fonr of h kind is A p'ctt goml hand at rnr lH. lint at ih lull. Imr'a iia the kiml iluit. counts, nut the fotm We keep only 0110 kind of input, tho Mull that's (rush, healthy, temler mid ti i-y. Buy your ateaki an 1 chiips horo, and they'll ulvv.iya lie riht. Our stock is wll-ftil and (tiojmrly eared for. Cotise. quently our meat luia n iljlii'.oiis flavor.- Bock & Thomas DeWitt D.wm is tha an, to In for whts foil eo t bu Wiles Hull bin. DaWltt'l Wllch Hiul SUTS Is-lha Oftclnal and only temSns. hi hot DaWltt'ili ths onlr Wltck Hani Srs that la suds (ran Um wadalUnM Witch-Hazel All otkara ars cnuterfetta baas fmt tatlona. chaap and worthlatt m dmirou. DaWltt a Witch HaulSalr la a inclfk for Plloi; Blind, BkMdlnt, Tttor. Salt Rani, and all etbsc Ska SALVE E.CDeWitl Co.,Chl,. For Sale by ail Druggists Rill Like a Comet . V, " 1 f 1 & ,he ky comas m ,he slar ' hesLl to Ihe weak and weary despon asniayspepuo. ourinj sll a t o m aa a troubles and digestive otsoruara. famOUA rmr1u doeafarfhAatnn. ch thai which II IS Unah A lA Ar.tr. Itself. ..n If k... lightly disordered or overburdened. Kodol supplies the natural! Ill r.f.n ..... . I dnna thm i. .... at t ,M I v... ,ciuin; tne 1 narvmia "... 1 .. T ""i"on. wnue arirf D"trnei musclM snowed to 1 IndlgMtion, (,Uen(., r- KM.non oi tne heart. .it ., ""Pf KodolDjspepsiaCuiiJ It DMln Caa Lk. 4 or s,ie byaUDroggi.u