HIHllllH Pasture A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS Anyone having cows 'oput In a pas ture call on Louis Barnard Old Town Oats Oats SASH a DOORS or phone G W Hilke J'274. Terms 11 75 in advance. ' 4 10 21 HIHMMti I fa a complete stock of sash and doors, urcen doors and window screens. Also a nice assortment oMocks and other builder's hardware and building paper, v MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware TURKESTAN ALFALFAc : : The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri :, gatiOD. .... '. . '.. BROME GRASS '' Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat Baled Barley, Oats, Etc The only Seed House in Union County. A. "V. Oliver JEFFERSON AVE. Phone 1571 Bargains!; Bargains!! Everything ia our lino. ' We have the largest and most complete stock of Second Hand Goods in Union County and can furnish you anything you want in the liue of . - FURNITURE", HARDWARE, TINWARE, BED QUILTS, CROOKERY, JEWELRY, . ! WAGONS, BUGGIES, AND HARNE83. We buy cheap and sell cheap. Money loaned on all, classes of securities. The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams Remember-we etUI buy and sell alfj kind. 'Phone 1581 oi Second Hana Moaam . . We have a New Line of Wilson Shirts and Khaki Suits for Fishing and Outing Trips. ROSS & ANDREWS TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. i,nttt oeeeeeeeeeeo immmmmmmi mmm Dry Chain & 16-inch Slab Wood . . Ml orders given prompt attention. Yards on Omnwood st.and 8rd and Palmer st. Orders left at either yard promptly delivered. ... Price Reduced to three dollars. Phone 571 H. W. NIBLEY minimi Ed Adoock ia having addition built to hit hoDw. : . F D McCully returned from Portland thia morning. '.- . Homar Clark tba well known printer expect to return to Portland tonight. Mra J O Henry and Beatie are now In California and expect to arrive home about Jane let... ! I Company L will school tbelr non. commission officers tonight In Armory hall. .. .. " . . Jobn Mummy who haa been In Wal- returned to La Grande. . Now that the council baa officially decided upon the lite (or '.be now eity hall. That matter ia settled definitely. It ia expoctod at the meeting of the city council tonight a recorder and street cuiniuisioner will be elected.. The rapid increase In the subscription lirt of the Evening Observer Is certainly very gratifying to toe publishers Kelts Bros have the contract for the fonndation of S F Richardson's new bonas on the corner oi Adams A ve and second streets. .. .... , Mr and Mra 8 F Stanley who have been the guests of Mr and Mra J M Berry will return to Portland thia evening. .v. . . Dr R L Lincoln leaves, for Portland touigbt where ho goes to attend a meet ing of the stale dental board. He ex pecta to return Monday night. Mrs Mackoy of Chicago who lias be mi visiting her brother W 11 llu card left this morning to visit relatives in Al bany. -r . ; O F Coolidge has completed the re papering and painting of the Hotel Foley dining room and meals were served their last evening. David Hiedenreich ia preparing for an extended outing thia summer and his family will spend several weeka in the Yellowstone Park. Lester Coy who for the past two years baa been In Spokane Wash Is in the city visiting his parents Mr and Mrs E 8 Coy. Our dealers are now selling fishing tackle and the demand is unusually good. A number of good catches have been reported. , Chas U Bunto has moved bis house and barn fioui the property (n the river to property on Birch street an i is making aorae additions thereto. L Rosenbaum, of the Rainbow Store Yesterday recieved a large jewerlra safe 'his sale will be Inrge enouKli to con tain his jewelry stock, and bia books. It is one of the largest safes in the city. Register E W' Davis returned this morning from Portland when be appear. ed as a witness before the district c mrt In the fraudulent land ckbos wherein Cunningham and others were convicted Prof J H Hockeuberry will relieve , 50000 ycu.'S, rainbow trout in a few days from the government nsh com misioa and will plaoe them in the river above tho dam. Mrs A E Stephens whosa hamlB were Beverly injured during their recent fire is doing nicely, and she now entertainB no fears hot what she will have full use of her fingers. - - A number of the members of the K of P are arranging to visit the Elgin Lodge Tuesday to witness the Initiaory work in the third rank. - Ar rangements' are now being made' foe a special train to go down in the eve ning. F S Bramwell is one of the most pleased men you could meet any where these days. The beet crop are prao tlcaly all in the early seeding all up showing an excellent ttand and these refreshing showers is just what is need ed. J B Stoddard Is in Sumpter packing his household goods and will move bis family to this city. They have secured the J E Reynolds residence on Adnms Ave. Later they expect to buy and Notke to Contractors Sealed bids for excavating, and ba tid ing fonndation for the new La Grande eity hall will be received at the stole of W H Bohneukamp chairman of the ways and means committee, op to six o'clock p in Saturday May 14tb 1004. Thia work to be done according to plant and specifications wbluli can be seen at the office ol city recorder, J L Slater, Architect, or at W H Bohoen kamp's store, The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. W li Bohnenkamp, A I, Richardson L I) Reavis, ways aud means com mittee. '. ; '' i ' ..... . . ; Dissolution - Moiioe is hereby , given that the partnership heretofore existing' be tween E. 1. Whiting and O. J. Black baa thia day April 18.1J04. been dissolved by mutual consent.. Dated thia the 18 day of April 1904 at La O -ande Oregon '. 0. J. Black. " E.D. Wniting. April 17 May 17. : - ' - FOR RENT Office room ,. for rent. Inquire at Lewis Ptlntery. 4 20tf The World's Fair Route ' Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Iulf, cannot afford to overlook tho advantages offered by tl r MiBBOi Bi Pacirio Railway, which, i.' account of its vaiious routes aud gated ways, haa oxen appropriately name 'The World's Fair Route." Paa'engers from the Northwest take tho MiaaouBi'PACiFio trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct through the,' Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. - I.'- Two trains' daily from Denver and Pueblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all claBscs of modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten daily trains between Kansas City and St Louis. Write, or call on W. O. McBrlde, General Agent, 124 Third st, Portland for detailed information and illustrated literature. . tf. READY FOR YOU We are now ready for bus iness and are prepared to furnish ibe Very Bost Meil ever . offered in Li Gran.le for 25 cents. Of course is you want to puy in re we can fix you up extra dishes at hither prices. Meals a', nil hm rs. : 'J he best meal The best service. Try one meal jubt for hide. SVEA CAFE J. P- Johnson Depot St. La Grande.Or Car load or sack; Roll ed or chopped. Bar ley the same. Wild, And Grain Hay And Timothy. Our prices always the lowea"; find out. forget that we handle coal una wood. Do not Handsome Men V aiting for the Waiter. j Ih something that Dover happens in onr restaurant. We know that prompt Bervice conduces to good temper, and good temper Ino eases the rpprecintion of the viands. We Want You To enjoy what you eat in our place The e is nothing we will not do to make your enjoyment perfeot. It's plain busjni'es with us. For where you have enjoyed a meal so much you, will certainly ooine again. Come and see how much we wilt do to make your first visit enjoyable. MODEL RESTAURANT ' J. A. ARBUOKLB, Prop. OPEN;iAY .AND NIGHT We tell weekly Meal . - Tickets, Cash...... $4-50 Should protect their beauty by seeing that they have only : COMPETENT BARBERS j J To shave, them. We J will protect your face. Evans & Fitzgerald Central Church of Christ Opposite Souirner House. OPEN EVERY DAY PaBtor's Office .Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Room open from noon until 9 p m. Men and boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10 a m Preachi ug Sunday 11am and 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m. GOOD LEATHER and GOOD SHOE MAKING ere essettial lo 'he miking . of good shoes. All included . in the J. E, TILT hand sewed shoes. G. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, DEPOT STREET ! GRANDE RONDE GASH COMPANY. Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail ... New Furniture : Carload of high grade pood-, llir finest 1 vr l r uul't lo this city. Sidehmirds, Dkssm-, Hull'eis, h guilt line of Riickers uud Esy Chair3, Oltice Dffks aul Chair?, Kitchen C.iliiuels eveiy limiscke. per 'in n'd see lliis nr icle ol liesuty nti'l utility. Dini.i.g idmi li.'i els 10 $'1.75. Dining abler beauties. I I 1 I.. I II 11 uiiuci idMii diiu Liiiuiiiiun a oueuany My undettaker M. B. H1STKN, will nxpond promptly to all culls, day or night R ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS Phone 9-1 Residence Phone 367 i 1202 Adinua Ave now Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED T1MEJJAND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS ; yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people -C- There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time Astist tLo Slomach and Diges tive Uigous in Digesting and Assimulating Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing Hie Organs Involeed. There 'is but one remedy that will do tlii, and Unit remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If yon want to know more about Kodol, com... in and WE WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande. D ' , ,.444 t,, 44 Hi build. Lost Some where on the streets o La Grande, a gentlemans watch charm eoulaiiiinv. ladies picture end monogram A I. M. Finder please return toSouimer iicUBe and receive reward, For 8ale Ply moth Rock epgs for setting 60 rents lor fiiteon Mrs R U Bauard' rhone 605 6-fi-ia. Born Ahlen In this city Thursdsy May 6 a daughter 10 Mr and Mrs Frank Al. Jen. The Proper Shoe Wlmn von bnv a nair of shoes you need'nt worry about the shapes uf Ihcm : if you buy of a fl st clau dealer he will have only the proper shapes, What von need to consider is, am the shoes eomlortable? and will they wear? Next thing price. About the lv ks . on nn Indira when vou tee them, abont the comfort, you can Judge when you pnttbem on: about the wearing, see that the name Bell is on thein. The name Bel a on shoes means the Hiiie as sterling on silver. Try a pair satifaction guaranteed. RAINBOW STORE GREAT BARGAINS At Closing Out Sale Ol my stock of new goods 40c Royal Granite Coffee and Tea Pots 29c 20c " Handel sauce pans 16c 85c " " Tea Kettles 65c COo Copper Bottom Tea Kettle 42o $1.26 ' " No. 8 Wash Boiler 98o 15c Rotiuned Coffee Pot 10c This stock includes all kinds of gninite, tin and wooden ware, crockery, lamps and glassware. Knives, forkrs, spoons, etc. In fact eveiy ntw aiticle in the store during lb s sale goes at whole a.tle cost to you. SECOND HAND GOODS. . I have a large stock and these are offered at very low figures. Bicycles. I have several fine wheels at $7.50 and up. WANTED: Second hand goods. I will pay high est cash prices. i F. D. HAISTEN, At C A M Nobles old stand, 1415 Adams Ave. ! Ladies' Tailored Suits at less than Manufacturer's Prices. We have left of our Spring ilock in this line som FIFTEEN SUITS and in oidcr to make a complete clean-up have d'eided to olfer these at sacrifice . tia.iiine suif, Eton Jscket inmimd with black -ilk around nuk anil dnwo Iront, Mole effect Three imrro- silk band down front n 'wlL R"1,l," Price 12-50 sale puce IU00 CWmpresuit, Kton or Nnr'oik Jket with cap, military efT.ct. blu and grsv mixed Nest looking and sxivicaUe it-gnU, ptic,. 12 6u hsIi' pnee IU00 N. v,!!v it, En Jncket, of liBl.1 py smiin,, ,,.,, wh R , b 'i- m .ll br. I.i,tl(0n ,hoJ, dus -riMil hi,o ,!,() Klcirt trim '..! enme. K,.K,,iar 12.50 ,e $10 Fine, ,ld el.lpr.lfllj tnmm(H) . jn Nvc;. . c Vol'., p'o. ,.' $15 suits $12. 16 50e.,its 1 i 20. 17 50 .ui-s li Hi T ' T" ml tul'f tM. $21 mi's $19.80 Large line ol ladies- ,mm, ,kir , '..en..)uck.Voi,e,N0,,y,elo ?ricis $1 95 10 ! 00 Golclcn Rule CompV i! 1308 1310 1312 ADAMS avfni.p J 11