La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 06, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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Tonight Htid Saturday F'r
Cooler t'miebt with lisU
2 ' Wlirraor Saturday,
Russian War Office Says There fos Been
Great Bztt'e Japanese Cut Off
Port Arthur.
jl 8t. Petersburg, May 6 Tbe cifjItrquiDC. Tier" ha been some
has bean wild with rumor to the .'"" engsg-ments. but nothing
.m i, .., . , u.f.i. which could be called a batile. The
: plane ou the Yalu, but the war office
gave it out
that to far
118 they were
tbia morning
Japs it la claimed haw succeeded In
outtihg off Port Arthur from alt com
munication with the Ruasisn base
and have in oilier ay strengthen! d
there bad been no Utile of any coo- 'heir nunitinn.
Notice -
. A sill, all me libera taking prt in
the Lady Ministre rtquested to
mesial tiie Op-ra hnu-e tli evening
, at 7:30 sharp" fliis is important aa
' . , Ltt
'It p a aetiearaal with the orchestra.
; i y.::r
'-Spaetetore pr silive y not admitted
- during reh srsal.
Artesian Well
There will be meeting held at
A!ioel Saturday ar, 2 o'clock for th
purposed di ttiniiely df c'.ding whethti
or not the exoerimental artesian wnl'
propoiiitinn will he aimed to comple
tion. All interested r" requested to
be present, and spread l lie . news
amoog your neigbbnis '
Adjourn Saturday
A Socialist
Pendleton, May 0 The ' aupreme Kir-district attorney n E Courtney.
court listened to three arguments to- well known in this county is making
U .nri will he Ma ti adjourn . bv ' speeches throughout Baker county III
Saturday noon if loeceediog argil
menta aie a brief aa those of today.
Black Will Nominate
Washington, May 6 Former Out.
ernor Black, of New York, ha been
aeleoted to make the Roosevelt nomi
nating tpeeoiie Among the second
ing speeches will be one by Harry
Edwards, of Macon, Ga,,
Election Notices
County olerk Mimnaugh baa leaned
the eleotion notioes and they are now
being poeted in the various precincts
ot tbe county. -
Strike Avered ,
San Franeiaco May 6 The threatened
Htreet ear strike in Baa Franoi'co has
been averted be a compromise.- Mayo
Schmits wae the principal medlato.
Special Meeting
Members ot the Knlglite of Pythian
will take notico that there will he a
special meeting held this evening nt
7 :30. A full attendance is desired.
- Of It
We know we Ve got
This Idea Pleases Us
When We "Show"
we win, and vu win
;.rrT7 . t
when you purchase a suit or skiit, at the price placed on I hem
:4 during this SALE.
" .f5" Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
. ij This Sale is for the purpose of reduciug our immense B'oirk and
Crash Skirts, $1.25 to $6
Walking Skirts. $2.40 to $12
Dress Skirts $3.60 to $28
the Interest of the socialist ticket,
205 tnd 1207 ADAMS AVENUE, lagrande Ore.
MUkPHY BRO'J., Prop's.
i ' r- I
-- - .1 Jul j I
.1 V I
Cu Leni Cre,un is absorbed so quickly thut you'll wouder wln-re it lias .
none. No trace of greuse or sti- kiness retnuius to annoy. Just a dainty,
eluMM odor to tell that it hits ben applied, aud an immediate sense of com.
fort to show that the healing hus beg in. It soothes chapped and roughened
skiu in a magical way, is as harmless as .lew and costs but 25 cents.
Works Progressing
The work on iha Mormon tabernacle
is progressing rapidly. A large force ot
men are s.t work. The atone ia practical
ly all ou the tro ind and at tbe present
rate of prrgrese it is expected that the
basement story will be completed by
the first of June
They Wculd Roar
Would not .the democrats roar at
Judge Bellinger, of tho United States
conrt at Portland, for not eetdlng
Charles Cunningham and his confeder
ates to the penitentiary in addition to
the fine, if he does not happen to be a
democrat, .. .
Money Left
Pendl. u u May O-Chaa Cunningham
who wae Uud 300n by Jndge Bellinger
for defrauding the government, will
have no trouble to secure the money as
lie has sold his entire clip of wool to
the Union woolen mills, fur 12U centa
a pound . . ' i :
Sume time aso Job i P Wilbur, su
perintendent of the mills, was in Pend
leton looking over thi wool oncditions,
aud while here cliised I he" deal for the
Cunningham wool at the figure stated
above. There will be about 450 sacks ot
the clip, or about 180,000 pounds, which
will bring to the eheepman !at the price
paid, $22,600. . "
Cyclone Kills Four Chil
dren Father is Cer
tainlv a Victim of
Helena, Mont , May 0 A telegram
is pursuing Peter E ttobinidt, which
will oouvoy to him the nt wi I hat bis
four children, tlnougli hit bouse be
ing struck by ligliliiine, were killed
yesterday in aoyo'one at Co del,Ok'a-
noma. Bchmuit is a uiemher of
Mennonite aooiety for Kansas an J
UkUiioiiih, win) together with another
representative were in Montana
ceuiiv makii'g arrangeinenta mr the
establishment 01 a colony of 1500
Uenuonites at Con Mil, mrth of Great
Falls. Three days ago Sohmidt left
Groat Falls, but hie pr"sent address is
not known. . Last niiiht a telegram
was received contain) g thai anncin-
oemenl of the disaster mentioned.
ponr years ago Schmidt's house was
blown away in a oyclono an I mim
bors of his family wire Injured. Two
years ago his wile fell down tne stairs
of a cellar and wa latally ii j ired. In
yesterdays ajcident, his present wi'e
happened to be in tb - barn a. d escap
ed the lightning stroke.-
Dancing Carnival ;
- Tbe Business Carnival dauoe g'v
en last night by Prof, and Mrs S'mp
s6n prosed as their dances always do
a grand suco-ss. The ball was crowd
ed and many of the business houses ol
tbe eity were represented in costume.
Mias Myrtle Boseiibaurn was awardid
the first prise, representing the Bain
bow store, Miss Ethel Gulling the
second, representing the La Grande
Flouring Mill, , There were many who
really deserve special mention by their
pretty and original characters. Next
Thursday nigut there will be a social
danoe for the members ol tbe danoing
class and their friends.
Rates Again ,
Tbe railroads nave again - made a
homeaeekers rate to this valley from
Utah aod it ia expeoted that it will
result In again bringing many into
tbia valley from bat state during the
Summer and Kail,
Just as we go to press we received a
phtne that Grandma Houston wbo
lives near the little brick school house
had joat died, mother of Frank and
Elmvr Houston. 8 be was quite aged
and had. been sick for sometime
if-; ,l
k It
The Stars and Stripes Now Noat In Central
American Breeze--A Grand --
Panama, May 6 With the boom
ing ot suob guns aa were at command
the singing ot national anthems and
a full display, tbe United States today
formally took possession of tbe Pana
ma canal. All ceremony possible to
tbe occasion bad been arranged by tbe
enthusiastic resii'ente of Panama, both
native and American.
At 7 o'clock this morning the en
tire official force ol tbe new. republic
was on hand, and with great formality
and several addresses - tendered the
canal to the representatives ol the
United 8talea. '-.;-. ; . .-, '
, Second Lieut. Mark Brooke of lbs
engineering corps, will all bis assist'
ants, received the canal on behalf ot
the United States and gravely an
nounced tbe pleasure that be had in
the office. . "'
Upon tbe receipt of ' the canal by
the United States, the stars and strip
es went whipping up, giving tbe sig
nal for aa great a demonstration in
the way ol a cannonade as was pos
sible from thn shipping in the harbor,
Tne celebration attending tbe change
is lasting tba enllio day. i ' 1
Rich Girl
La Grande
In the Portland Evening Journal of
May 6 appears a page writen up of the
Womaoa Clubs of Oregon, in which is
a hall tone nl Mis B C Worstell, pre
sident of the Ladies Neighborhood
Club and Mrs Clara T Lyle, president
ot tbe Lyle Tuesday Musicale. The
following report, of. tbe. work, being
doue by tbe ladies also appears.
'The La Grande Neighborhood olub
Mrs B O Worstell president, Is small
but imrveloualy potent. Besides gel
ting enlightenment ou a host of sub
jects placing pictures in their publlo
school, an oHioer writes: "Step over
and tee us, and we'll escort you to
our oily park, our public iesv room,
our club rooms aud drink your health
at tbe new publio lounlaln. all secur
ed by the L Grande women " ',
Salt Lake City. Utab, M iv (J
Louise Grace Emery, daughter of the
"Silver Queeu" of Utah, .Mrs Busana
Bradsloid Emery-Holmes with llie
arrival of her eighteenth' birthday
came into possession ot an estate ' val
ued at 1(4,000,000
Childrens Rally
J? Os-tie-op-a-thy
The grand old mej of medicine are .
not generous 'fivers 61 -drugs. ' Tbe
fresh graduate is the one wpo booms
trade for : the apotbeoary. - Whieh
olasa knows the ofteota of this drag
proposition bestr
It js a propitious sign of the times mnsL mnalitiea nhvalfliana of
' Th,ere wil1 1,6 Bony u ;0ther now saying a good'
DiiuuKy nivuruuuu ui mi reouj triiiu
Murderers Garroted
Santiago De Cuba May .1 Four ban
dils, I'Oilvii'.ted of inunler, were garrot
ed to lay. ft was the llrtt legal execu
tion since the Spanish -eglme. ,
church at :) o'clock. All the Sunday
Schools ol the city will take piace. A
splendid temperance program bus hoeu
Walla Walln May 0-Jiunea Chainpoux,
was hanged in this city this morning at
0 o'clock fur the murder of his wife in
Seattle several moot In ago. The con
demned man Horn up hnively ami his
neck was buikon anil il n h followed
immediately. This is the Unit execution
under the now l.w providing (or all
hangings to tako plii'u at the state
p.-niieutlary. . 1
Turner Oliver is in I'ondloton on busi
ness. - - .-. (-.' ,-;( v
word fur Osteopathy.. aqdV, are v(teoom
mending its trial to sonaof tlroir dis
couraged patients..' , Y ,-4.
0 E Fayne
John Berry
O M Kisser
D MeKarlane -
D buuiuer''
E Hager '
O J Miller -
Lnura D Uolton r ,
W 8awyer , - ....
J colllns . "'" .
M S Conden
J H Alexnnderv A
(ieo A Thomas
T V Bay lis ... .
Urace ' llartmeta '
J J tlaruld
W J illitlur ' ,
W L Davis
J C JdlCO ".''
J J Lrlly ... ,
; Elgin "
. Portland
,'do y ,
. Portland
O K N Co
,.. Wallowa
a f
do '
. ., Helena
The following pro. ram will be ren
dered at t'ie M E t b roll Sil. day
evaning In tbe place of the regular
Reading of Scripture Lesson
Dialogue.. .. ..Missionary Pennies,
Card Ouirny a ,d Oei Kedhesd
Reo.tali'.n ...... Helen (Jurrey
'What will you do". ..Ten girls
Recitation ..Marie Bo. ion
The Great Missioj Fields. .. .Six girls
Song Lit He Girls
Recitation. "Fjr Love's Lake"
Jeanne Marris
Penny Missionary exercise. .Six boys
MORE .v.;
New Street Hats
Beautiful Hand-Tailored Hats in the shapes which have
proven themselves the most popular. : ? Pleasing color -combinations
and a grat variety of the most beautiful
fancy braids. The prices we have made so low that these
beautiful hats are easily within reach of all. " ' - ?
McBride Lost
Walla Walla, May C ?ove nor M -
Bride oanuot be nominaud by the
late oonvntinn wh ci m w at
Taenia next Wednesday if the re
turns from oounty conv 'ntioos are to
be trusted. He cannot secure votes
enough by nearly 100, unless b
I brisks into delegations solidly against
is popular with uhrewd buyers because il is
right (lowii'to-the luiiiuiein every depariinetit
Vnrl SAVES Y)U. MONEY. -.-Men's
Suits, $5.00 to $25.00
Men's Shirts, . ,.45 to . 3,00 .
Men's Hats, ' $.25 to V 4.50 '
Men's Underwear, 30c to $2,25 a Garment. -
Don't mips tlit BIO SliOE SALE THIS "
WEEK -wry pair' iti the liome at reduced
prireB. .. v-- .- "... .! ':. 1
biru. '
t A,: " a M -A. w-l .i.
"iFff JT-Wi wn'
.A - -