La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 05, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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III 0 Llfll
- i I '
1 :
La Grande, Oregon.
Conducted by tr'leters ol St. Frmici
- - Select Loarding and iaf school lor
Young Ladies
' AptJemle, Preparatory and Kined
gartea courses are oouducwd on (he
same rlnoiplee as those pursued in
our sohools ol Philadelphia.
Music and painting receive spscta
Letters ol inquiry directed to -
do you w.nt a
If so
v"9 can loca'i
claims id i'
h M'Daniel &.
To Efe In The Swim
- And up-to-date in our business methods, we will
carry as
Ladie'e trimmed hats, cheap jewelry, baby buggies
an.l bailed hay. We will build you a house and fur-n-sh
you ev-Tjthlng that goes into it except the wife
and babies. .
We trim our hats on a cross cut so..
The aide Unc'system is a sure winner.
That you have keel laving for
. should" now be bought. Farm land .in
this locality ismpidiy increasing i
value. ' If you delay much lowrir
their price may be beyond your reach.
If you haven't quite eumigh money
to pay all cash. V. e novo several good
jirme both large aud sum. I "Inch can
lie bouftbt on very easy tonus. H e
pliOTS, "e consider much below their
... - ctval present value.
La Grande
1110 Adams Aveuu,
.Vice President
..Asst. Cashier
J. M. Bust..
J. M. Chubch,
F. L. Mbtbbs.
V- LvGrande National, B
, 1 " La Grande, Oregon
' Ladies Skirts, Shirt waists, Muslin, U'YVear
Commencing Monday, May 2, euding Sat., May 7
One week only. You that have seen our prices know
that they are right and now we are slashing them lo
pieces. For instauee: Ladies' round length skirts in
in plain colors and stripes, 12 75 now . ', ........ 12 15
Black and while mixtures (3 now. .. . .'. $2 40
Genuine wool novelties elegantly trimmed 6 50 now 5 40
Mis es skills 2 80 now.... 2 25 ;
Dm't iaii8 (.his opportunity to supply yourself for
Will Exchange
Sirger sewing machines
fur good il riving horses.
- Machines sold upon easy
tuims. Repairs for nil kinns
of machines. . '
Office in Jas. R. Smith's
Jewelry Store.
FOR SALE Secoud hand piano, In
quire of Mrs Ingles, pliono No ITU.
ft !
you on some
llowa County
La Oiande.Oiegon
M. Berry, J. M. Churoh
. B, Cooler, R. Smith
L. C. Stanley
Washington, May 6 Applications
for original pensions and increase
under order 78, making 62 years of
age an eTidenoe ot physical disability
now number 11,500.
Commissioner Ware says it is im-
Cayote Family
H A Watson was in lown Tuesday
from Ahcel where he is snpe intend
ing the culture of the B'igar Compan
les beet fields aud stated that he had
captured family ofvnine cayotes
which he was ireding milk end other
wise endeavoring to develope tq full
sizod cayotes. He already has a.n of
fer from a Udy in Portland of ten dol-
I Isis each for Ave of them.
Big Patch
The SaIi-iii 8tic5n. i;i ii
: it VS Jnhl
vicinity o'
; 1",000 straw-
.( tr'e acre.
Oii.'i 8ucd-
Lyuoh, who lives it- '
ialem, Oregon, Is si" n
berry plants on a i
Most if ibe plant ara
Pasture, Wood, Horns, Houses
Quod feed and smell ptures easily
readied $1.25 for tingle bead per
month, rates less for bnuobes. Best
yellow pine and other wood tn any
length, work, riding and driving
horses for sale. Houses for rent in
the best resideuoe sues in the com
munity. Apply 1101 B st old town.
P O Box 84 1; Phone 1270. 4-6-lf
The World's Fair Route ,
ThosoSanticlpatlng an Eastern trip, or
a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo
sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to
overlook the advantages ottered by the
Missoosi Pacific Railway, which, on
account ot its various routes and gated
ways, has besn appropriately name
'The World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the Northwest take-unj
the Missodbi racirio trains from Den
ver or Pueblo witb the choice of either
going direct through the Kansas City,
via Wichita', Fort Scott and Pleasant
Two trains dally from Denver end
Poeblo to bt. Louis without ' change,
carrying all clashes ol modern equip
ment, Including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ten
daily train., between Kaneae City and
St Louis.
Write, or c.ll on W. O. McUrldo,
General Agent, iff Third st, Portion I
for detailed Infr rmatiun and illustrated
literature. tf.
I manufacture every xlyle nn any
oiooutn.K l ac ti ii 1 lork
i.f PhiIh, Ink-, R I , R tei
Tvpe, etc hri., A:, Trade
0 lock', Vuor PlHtes, Pial Scales.
Write me what you w nt I can
please you by return mail, Ev ti
stamp requirement supplied.
A great opportunity for you
to breed to one of tho best at a
very low prico. I will make
tbis season witb my imported
fmtouB Hojkney stn'lion
Witb return privi'"ge $3 pay
able in ailvance. No other
tertna. Can give good referen
ce as to his colt".
Wm.O. Uati8eo.
the summer. Come early and get your choice
Ladies' Sue muslin pants, tucked and hemstitched,
20n to 36c. Just think of it! CORSET COVERS,
Night Gowns and Skirts, long aud short One fifth off.
Ladies' Summer Shirt Wafcts.
Pluinj white lawn ... . . .$.85
paiMilile to approximate the number
of xppliontiooa that result Irom this
oidor. Many veteran" ou . learning
(mm Ware the particulars of the order
decline to avail themselves on : the
ground that it is a "pauper's pension"
Fair Rotes
The O B & N Co will toll round trip
tickets to St lxniiB anil return from this
city, with stop over-privileges both
ways for 8u0.TIekots only will be on sale
three day b of each month only as foI
Ions, May 11, 12 and Id, June 16, 17
and 18, July 1, 2 and 3, August 8, D and
10, Sept 5, 0 and 7, Out 3, 4 and 6.
Dissolution Notice"
Notics is hereby uiven that I
partnership heretofore existing I
tween E D. Whiting and O. J; Black
iss this day. April 18 1J04. been
ilts-olved by mutual ooosent. - '
Dated this the 18 day 'of April 1904
it La G aude Oregon.
O. J. Blaok.
E.D. Whiting. .
April 17-May 17.
Local Markets.;
Eggs, fresh valley lfwts
Butter, creamery 65c and flrstolae.
dairy 60c per roll.
Potatoes 05ots per saok.
Apple 8,75o. to 80ots, per eox.
Cabbage, 3Jct. per lb.
Turkies, 10 ots. lb. live weight.:
! Wheat 74o to80o per bu.
, Oata 1.10 per cental . ,
. Barley 80o per cental
Portland Markets. ,.
The steady deoline to Eastern and
' foreign markets bu taken the life out
1 of the local wheat market, Biwers
,flliera an ,rtl)er .partthao ever
and business is at atandillH, with
the tone deoidedly weak.
WHEAT Walla Walla, 76o;
blue stem, 82c; Valley, 81.
BARLEY Feed, ?23 par ton, brew-
ing,$24; rolled f'-'6.
FLOUR Vlle , $S 90 and S.05 per
barri'l; hard wheal sirirghts, 13 60 and
3.70; olimr, ;i.8.r) m l 4.00; h .r.l whst
patents, $1.00 and 4.IH; rHk:.ta hard
wheal, (6 40 :iml$rlO ; ur;iain, ft.90
w'lole wbont, fj; rye-11 jur, $4,S0 aud
' OA Tfl No. 1 white, 1.17J; gray
(1.10 par centr.l.
MIL-8TUFF3 Bran, $18 per ton;
middling, -f 24; nitons, $20; obop, U.
8. mills, $10; linseed, dairy lood $19
II A Y Timothy, $16 pvr ton; cloy
er, iii; uti, ti; cni'.it, $13.
Potatoe. 00 to 76 rents per s ok.
OmcciB 80 reut to $1 00 per ,ack
Bugs-Orogon, 16.JQ17 cts, Extern
2H(iJ 22o ' '
flutter Creamery, 26 rd 80c
Daiiy, 17isud 20c, store 08?10clb.
Poultry Chickens, mixed lOo per
pound, spring, 10o and hens,
JOo , turkovs live, 17 and IB
lb dressed IS and 20o lb-, ducks, $6
and 7 er doz. geese, 8o lb.
Cattle Best steers $4.26 and $4.00,
mediom, 4.00; cows $3.26 and $4.00
Hogs Best large, fat $5.26; medium
arge fat 4.75
Sheet Best weather? 13.60; mited
sheep $3.
FOR BENT Housekeeping rooms at
Mrs Sheerer,.
and keep cool.
Classified Ads
. We have Just received a new lot ot
paper back novels. In addition to these
we have added 300 cloth bound books to
our oxebfnge library.
" nowiin in-ug i;o.
FOB 'SENT Office rooms tor reut
Inquire at Lewis P. lntery. 4 20tf
FOR SALE i Single Disc Beet Plows
. for gale cheap. Also 3 ssddle ponies
one half Shetland. S (rood single
driving horses, J. E. Reynolds.
FOR RALE Good gentle work horse
' weight 4100. Inquire at this offlee or
address La Urande P O box 016 4 25tf.
Two acre tract, the La Grande
Flouring, mill, on Jvalf in good bearing
orchard. Small cottage, and good barn.
Will sell for caeh or will; trade for good
work horses. LO Grout i
TF , ! La Grande. Ore.
FOR SALE Large two story house,'
good barn, about 7 acres of land
with orchard for sale, will take part
payment either in city property
. or farm land. Sightly located in
eld town.- For particulars inquire at
this office or of E Damon . - . 4-1 tf.
FOR BALE Two aere.block with new
S room house, barn, out houses, well
' improved f 1600, time given on part.
This will bear investigation situated
onlN Cherry and N street. -
4-2 tf Fred waring. '
FOR SALE 6 lota,1 with good dwell
ing house and bara ou out skirts ot
City. For father particulars see G W
Thomas at iBuck, andr Thomas Meat
Market. 3 !B U, .
FOR RENT A block of ground with
bearing orchard, garden, small house
and barn. Inquire at the office of f
8 Ivanhoe. ,
A furnished four room cottage. In
qnlie of Mrs Zuber. tf
KOTIOE Dressmaking and Plain Sew.
ing. Next door to Mrs. Sneak's rest'
dence. North of the Railroad shops.
4-il-ll Mrs. Aona Roqiaa.
LOS 1' cut of world A beehive between
the Post office and Tom Orinonds.
Return to this nlli.w
Found o tiie road between La urande
and Island City a blaok furcollaertte
Owner may have same by calling at
KlrUuv's Livury Stable. 2 4tt ''
FOR 8 U.E 400 cordo. 10 ir oh, jellow
pine and l.r - vouJ at a ImriiHin. For
per tii i.Ui sra ' b K Haworth,
4 i'tf Prttn La iiruude S oirge Co,
LOST E f. Ilu tey Uta Lines cover
ing that protitUi the burr which holds
the wheel n his now buss. The tinder
will plonso rut urn the same,
FOR KKNf A live mom furniahed
house f r rent, (or particulaia phone
771 or S oi inquire u( Mis (3 W
Henry. 4-1
FOlt RENT A i loom- luuse for rent
cheap, uear uediU-a Bros store. In- at Uedilcs Bros, . 6 Itf
For Rent Modern sevn room bouse In
good rosldencs locality. Furnished
or unfurnished. Inquire at tnis olfice
FOR RENT Bright sunny rooms with
or without ixaril, gentlemen pre
ferred. Also ro-uis for light houi-e-
keeping. 2202 Kirch St 6 4 17.
FOR SALE t our room luuse and lot
will go cheap upon easy teiins if a,ld
at once. Pr.jierty located at 1A20
Monroe Avenue. Inquire at the
above number. - , 'idi i
WANTED To rent a light wagon and
camping outfit for three mouths. For
. particulars Inquire of David Heideu'
riob. Phone No 830.
Black lawn... V.. w.... ....I........... ...1 15
; White with black flake. ........ .i. . ..... 1 25
An elegant line of luce, embroidery' and drawn worJ jS
front from $150 to 4.
Summer has come at last and you need ibeese goods
po get in and buy while the snap is on.
If you intend wearing your u ool waists aJlw.aummer-tj.
buy a fan. If not, call on THE LA GKAIJDE .MER-vj,...
CANTILE OO. and get . a handsome summer waist V
WASTED-OreamatL. Gr.d, Drag
Doors and Sash
Send your orders to Stoddards ware .
bouse for doors and sash.- Tbey vera.
bought in large quantities direot front
the factory. They are handled cheap
y and at prices to defy competition.
Anyonehaviug cows to put in a pas
ture call on Louis Barnard Old Town
orphoueG W Silks 127 I. Tormi tl 7f
in advance, : ' 4 10 22
Much more abundant than last year,
and open for all kind of Block during
April, Small pastures for stock needed
at ahort notice etc. Apply to 1110. U.
St Old town. Y. O. Box 14. Tele
phone l'i7S v tf
All Kinds or Work '
Wesley Davis does all kinds of icav
enger work, such as cleaning wellB, cess
polls, etc. Give bim a call. 4 24 tf
Mr. .Tnlin H. nullum. Krtllir of the
n..l.Mj T u. .... . .1, . '
lectures congratulations to tue msnu-
letter of of Chamberlain's Coitgb
Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen years
ago when our nrst obiid was
a baby be was subjeot to oronpy
pells and we wc uld be very uneasy
about him. We began using Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy in 1887, and
Hading it tuub a reliable remedy, for
colds and croup, wo have -never been
without it in the house since that
time. ' We have five children and
have given it to all of them witb
good results." For Sate by all drag-
La Grande School
Music . '
.Opposite Sommer house.
Oue of the best musical institutions
in the stale, s Four .rocms used. .for.
musical instiuoltnn. IK 1 giades ol
musio tkUght, Department 1, 2 rooms
used lor she 8 first grades, Children
af the age of 6 and older come one
hpur every day. Department 2, 2
rooms for grades 4 to 16 for pupils ol
all ages. The latest conrse best prac
tical musioal u instruction. Musioal
oonteits for medals every few weeks.
E. Porter Day, Prinipal.
Mr. Day, Assistant
trnwur'V V
I)PABt Time hrrlul
NO. 3 - NO i.
: Fortland, tlsllM. Tea-
- snl, Wails WHlls, tan
j M01, IMylon, Homero'l V...
m ". Mowow.Mpo- , m
, . ku. iv annut . m m
I , . th via Mpo .
i leans. '
I fort.lHiid, l)alli, Ven
: NOA (Holon OiiiatlllM Wal- Mn SI
lulu, Uwlaum.l.'uiras
MowHfw, WullacvWar . ttMO tm
ftlSpm doer, nnnkiine anil "
Olt.Dr Hlllt HHHt suit
...... north vis Hwkane. '
NiKIMIIy ,.nd city. Allrel, ,
enlt imblsr, snd Kliln Tt
Hunilay ainiiertlnni at hlua iaopm
ftlA a m with hihk for polnls
In Wallowa county. t
Ooean Steamera between Portland and
San Francisco every five dayi
E. 0. MOORE, Agent
. V,'
phurch of Chrit
Opposite Sommer House.
Pastor's Office Hours t to 2:30
Free Reading Room open from
noon uutil.9 p'in.' jjen and ?
boys invited.
Bible school gjuuday 10 a m v,
I'reaohmg Sunday jll'a ra and
7.30 p m. ' ;
Prayef Meeting Wednesday at
K - 7:30 p. to. 1
' " t- ' " " . ' .""
Delightful Route, Daylight Ride,
.. Dizzy(Grag8, jDeB0:anou8. ;
A ' Golden Opportunity-Se
nature In all ; her - glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork, vThe.fiVat ie
found '. along the ibne. of the
Denver & Rjo Grande Railroad
and tlin latter at the St. Louit
World's Fain v'j Your trip will be
one of pleasure make the moat
of it. For information and illui
trated literature write , ; '.
W 0. Mo BRIDE, .Gen. Agt. r
, .Portland, Oiregon
Geddes Bros.
Why are Oeddes Bros.' kept so."
buy7 Why do they eell the best
3 goods at. the lowest prices. j
Prelerred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 60c
- Preferred Stock Corn 8 for Soc
Preferred Stack Salman 3 for 60c
Prelerred Htodk l'eas : 3 fof 60c
Praferred Stock tinaiis 3 for 60u
Don't pay other grnccra '20 cents
a can for any of these goods.
Standard tomatoea. corn, beana
peas, etc., 3 for 26 rente.
They have the beat butter made
In the va'lev, and their creamery .
butter has no equal here. Try
It and see.
...Dill piokles, Heinle's - mince
meat. Swift s pickle pig feet,
premium hems, loose olives.
Everything tasty, nlco and cheap
lelephon 481
Geddes Bros.
Early Risers
' f...un.i...tT.......
...... , ...... ,y 'V-V.ti.'1
Pot qulok relief from BHIeusneah
Slok Headache, Torpid Liver, Jaun
dioe, Dlulnaat, and all rreoWewVta
Ing from an Inactive or eluggUh llvas,
DeWltt'a Uti la Early Rlasrl are tas
quailed. ....."J, .. ., .: i.
Thsy act promptly and never grip..
They are so dalmy that I tla a pleaauns
to uk twm. One to twe act aa
mik) lajwllva; two' er tour act aa a
pleasant and Iteollve oathartlo. Thay
ars pursly vegeubl. and absolutely
harmlaa. They tonlo the Hvn.
i r.......t, "
1 C..awWtti ,.f phlsatK
I iiA?,tel
. For Sale by all DugrglaU