'.. LA EVENING VOLUME III LAGRANDC. OREGON, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 5. IWi OBSqwl;....- .v.j. '? u- - 4 ----- , - - - - GRANDE 5 I- Si 4 v? REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COUNCIL 1 he Town Fathers Audit Bills, Pass New Ordi nances and Accc pt Recorder Miller's Resignation. i The cityrouncll met last evening with every member in his teat and everyone was there for buslnee. There wan not an idle moment from the time . they .; comnieiicail ui.til tl.ey adjourned a few 1 ..moments past uinlninlit, then they did j ..not gi't throii;h r ii will meet again 'Friday evening. . . ; : : Tbe Ways and Meana committee were (Empowered to advertise for bide for the'. construction of the foundation for the! city hall. The council officially accepted the ! site for the city hall on the 0 R& N .; propeitron the'hill. .. - . Liquor llscenses were planted for six , !rnonthe to Earnest Tlior,on and 0 C Rockwell. . .: A toinmitlee from tl e Couiiinircinl club waa present and asked that m na Have You Thought Of It 'I jj we win, and you win y wheu you purchase a suit or ekiit, at the price placed on them' v; during this SALE. ' .. ' ' Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. mm -This Sale is for tba purpose of reducing our immense Block TO MAKE A CUSTOMER OF YOU j L: H44"l' I fT1tt-M,,H,lT,J'tJ''?' I Cti L" m CreHtn i nhsorbed so quickly that, you'll wonder whore it 1ib gone. No trace of grease nr stickiness remains to annoy. Just a dainty, elusive odor to tell that it has ben applied, and an immediate sense of coin; Inrt to show that tlie healing has beg lii. It soothes chapped and oughened skin in a magical way, is as harcnleso as dew and costs but 25 cents. , NEWLIN DRUG CO. mtruh-s the club wm not intended as a money making institution and that Its rooms were always open to s'raugers au'l of ten the meetliir place of coin. mlttees and gailier'uiga of a public nat lira that the? tiiuugiit th.y ww e entitled to tre wer. I'ne council iimucdi itoly ru.ingmswi tlio jtxtne.-a o( Hi r petition uml granted it. , - ? Tuu ui.liea Kst oom was ulflj given" lira eater:' .... ; ' Mayor roluy returned the ordinance nuking tht. salary of I lie Recorder $50 per moath m full lor all service rend nrod,-on the grounds that the neworder of ad.-muioiiaiion now threw thacollec. uoti of the water rents to tho recorder an.l that tula year the floating of the bondi and tlie extra work in the build. ing uf city hall would make extra work We know we've got "TO SHOW" YOU This Idea Pleases Us When We "Show" i Crash Skirts, $1.25 to $6 Walking Skirts, $2.40 to $12 Dress Skirts $3.60 to $28 THE CHICAGO STORE "205 tr.d 1207 ADAMS AVENUE, Lagrande Ore. MUkPHY BRO'S., Prop's. Bigius : leamig millllMHHvMIMMmMMHIMIIIMIMIMIIIIMim for the Recorder and tha 30 was not aoffltientoompensatiou. ..The ordinance waa then pnt on ite flnal piseage result ing In Sve members voting tor the ordi nance, over the mayors veto. . . Without any diacnaalon at this time Reccnior Milter banded in bia resign tlon to take effect Hay 7th and the name aa accepted. Later on the subject of a new recorder was manifest and then it waa discussed to a limited ex tent. The council realized the efficient work Mr Miller was performing and re grated vary much bla action, Mr Miller then made the coinc.il this proposition. "That be would preform the duties of the recorder and keep the work in pro per sbape for the balance of bla. term -without pay, provided the city would allow him to keep all monlea received from the water tents in- excess of the total amount received by the city last year." The matter waa deferred to the Friday evenings meeting. - ' Tlie following billa were allowed: Pivjntj Fund Job Woode, Pound and Feed...... M 16 00 Road Fukd - . K. Synborst, 8i. Hupt... ..... 60 CO E. Jooei, 8t, Hupt. SSdtys...... 6.00 r Pound Fund . Rcoeipts,......,. ....... ..... 30.00 r oenkbal Fund .: Joe Jones, careing for boae.. 6.0u W U Buhuenkamp Mdse... ... 9.(15 W H Wenham, 8p. police ... , fi.70 i H MoLachleu, Maiauai 0 days .," ' ttnd 15 651 J T Uihbart, labor on street. , . 8.00 Peter Nelson. .. . . . ... .... . . . IS 00 Warrant Book 81.00 B S Oowen, repairing oounoil ionm.. . ....... ....... .i.. H W dtunar, rnonipg grader. Lignw for April,... .......... Win Miller beoonier lea. ... .. B r War1 24 da. depty Mar. . . k 8 Lallager 2.) days on St.... Oba Leak 88 ... Jf Wood 8J " ... H Belmer 14 " ' ... A J Weaver 6 ". ... M, W Deal 4. " ' " ... Qeo Ceal 22 ""... PeUr Selaon Ug " ' ; . . Phone. ......... Oregonian Ad Bond Bid . . . . . Suiddard Lumber Co. ....... . L hayburn 21 da salary , . .. W H Bobnenkamp MdBe..... W EYenglinger labor....... d Spencer . L A Boot ' ' " BraT-K ..uoby Md I ft Warn.taff 46vda wood.,, H 0 Oilman w lei Supt...... . 8.50 , 4.00 .11900 . 18.00 .48.00 . 40.00 . 48.U0 , &.00 . 49.88 . 21.00 . 8.00 .44.00 , 80.88 . 2.50 . 8.50 . 1008 .64 15 . 17.96 . 6.011 . 600 6.00 '. 2.75 .100.00 . 65.00 GEN.CONF. EETS President Sends Mes sage-Thousands arrive -New Bishops to be Elected. Los Ai gelcs May 4 Hie iirnnd oon ferencc ol the MHtiodipt Episcopal church, in point ol numbers and aignlS cance the reati-st eccltsiastical boil) ever assembled on the American contl nent, convened in Los Angeles thb nsorniog; 1 j . , The number of bishops elected will de pend upon the number ol those already in that office who may be too eld lor effective work, and the requirements ol the foreign fields. Tiro have died slner the last general conference and another (BUbop 'Ihoburii) was disabled, perms nintly la feared, on the way from Jap an to this ei-ason. . The negroe conftr enoea of which there are several in the United States, have long been demand ing their own uishop9. - Los AngelitB, Gal May 4 President Roosevelt i ent the foil' vlng greelingr to the Methodist conference this morn -Peimllme to extend greetings t the assembled iithbnii.ia. It Is i in no alhln for any students ol the social anil religious growth of our people to (ail to uudorstand the tremendous Influence of Methodism in shaping this growth aright and I therefor on this occasion congratulate not merely you but all our country on what you have , dune. 1 wish I could lii with vod in person aa I am in spirit." The First Gun. So far as known the II rat polit.cul bat tery will be fired at WooUburn in Mar ion county next Saturday. There will he a grand rally of Republicans with banners flying, bands playing, artillery roaring, women au-glnj and orators de claiming. ' ' - . ' 1 Farmers Attention AH t howl intercut d in the "Kort Boom" AJm.c.Hltoii are KqueHed to be present at a ' houne warmuiK" which will ti.k place S.ilutday May 14 io the new KeM Ror ni li oated in tbe Hawonh building (mniei y occupltr1 ly thu Kind'. rgirtcn . Tht luilinH will feive rclrcshmentr lioih ii'.iirn -rp n ni -'!. ing prngrdm will be pUniiirl uul nil iarmtia and wivis nun l uiand'f people are eari - eetly reqnp.fi d to be prcsi nt. Mineral Wealth T late renort of Mineral Resource of the Oniler1 stales shows that In the year 1902 the commercial value of va rious minerals taken from tbe mines in the United States were of trie valne of $1,260,639,415 an increase of $174,004, 414 over the out put of 1001, or 10 2 per cent, .. .. Of pig iroi there was produced 17,921, 307 tons, exceeding the output of 1001 by 12 per cent. Of gold there waa min ed a total ol 3,870,000 ounces . ol the coin age value ol $80,000,000. Of silver thee waa mined a total ol 65,600,000 ounces, tie coinage value ol 71,757,676, but only ol tbe commercial value of $21,415 000. Surprise Party Oo last evening Mrs Grant Key waa vary pleasantly sui prised by a large number of ibe mem be re ol tba Degree ol Honor, wbo gathered In and took poateaspo of ber borne foi the even ing. Mrs Key la Obiel ol Honor and the party waa io recognition ol ber worth at presiding offioer and an ev- deooe ol tba love and esteem in whtah aha la held by the members of the or der.. Tbe evening waa spent in play ing various game sooial oooTemtioo, mualo, etc. ' Those present were Meedamet MeLaahlen, Andereon Qardinler, Hash, Oorbett, Lilley, Dll- lengar, Oowen, Haworth, Nellie Mo Laoblen, May Noyes, Bernyoa Ells worth, Dora Jett, Gusle Fisher, Norma Oroeo, Sidney Hain , Oaaa- dana Koy, Doiotby Hawortb, and Fred Jacob) and Ueorge Jctt. Different Now The demoemts had the oily captured ast night. Committeemen nni candid ates from a l aria ol the cuuutty were present. Several of them called at the Observer office and stated that every thing had been fixed r.nd that knowing aa they did the utter uaeleasnesa ol any attempt on the part of the republicans to touch the bottom anywhere, they ad vised all the republicans to withdraw. They aa a matter of loct have been hav Ing things In this republican county very ihuob to suit them in the pnut but Ihev lail to realize that for once the republi cans have no actional difference at this time and are going to support the entire ticket, which means that it will be eleet ed. Washington's Position Strong "Washington t ow holds the strongest position in its history on committees in congresa. Without suitable committee strength, a delegation In congress is helpless. It can do practically nothing. Until the present lime Oregon bus al ways led Washington; now the tables are turned. . . "With numerous desirable committee ntsignmeot to our credit, the Inviting ol attention to a lew willauffice to illus trate. ; We have a . place In the senate house committees that handle the river nd harbor bills and the lighthouse bills. We have the chairmanship ol the geological : committee ol the senate which places us In touch with the gto. logical survey under which our irrlga tion projects are developed, and we have representations besides . on the senate committee on irrigation, forest reserves, and agriculture. In the house on interstate and foreign commerce and merchant marine." - The above is a statement ol Senator Foster of Washington in an Interview on May Sid. New Street Hats ARRIVED THIS WEEK. RECORDER GIVES HIS; REASQ His Duties were Increased He Does Not ; . t-KK, Flat Ao Observer representative called upon Mr Miller thin morning relative to the aotion taken by the oounoil last night and he stated that In bis opin ion waa not treated witb proper cour tesy by the coonoil in passing the vetoed oidioance over the mayor, pro- reoeived from this souioe last year. Mr i viding lor a , flat salary of 50 ' perl Miller slates be is not opposed to,, the month..; ! Inasmuch , aa the cout.oil i office being placed on a salary baaia. neither as a body or as r a coniruiitee, but. favors it; but believe that in' as mod e no effort whatever to inform j mnch HS-ths duties ol 4be office have themselves as to the amount of labor been Inmeased and will be atill mun necessary to the proper fulfillment oli sc in the floating of the bonds and the reo rdera duties. They never oon- j other extia work incidental so the.' ferred v.ttb him regarding the mattsr i.oonstructioq of the new city ball that itbougb they were aware that io cane ! the ealaiy should be some.bing iioar the ordinanoe passed he would renign. Last year the recorder received i 855 and bad nothing to do with the 0j1 leotion ol the water re its. ' vl Last year lully one hall of the time ol the water superintendent was con sumed In the oolleotion ol the water rents. This duty the superintendent baa been relieved of and placed in the Imnaha Robbers Enterprise May 5 Word jeached here this morning that the Irunami post office robbers had been seen by a sheep herder on sheep Creek mid bad' given themselves up to him. His- story . is that they came to; Ills camp and ...thai were followed by a bunch of range horses which they mistook for a sheriff and his poste .They gave themselves np to the man and surrendered their g ins, but when they dUcoverel that the sup posed pcBse was only a . bind ol loose horses they doina i'le.l ami ree lived "i their guns and wcut' on their - way; The Sheriff and n p is-e is now on their track and expects t i ovurtdka them to morrow some time. ; ? " ' FOR RENT Office rooms for rent. Inquire at Lewis Piintery. 4 20ll Beautiful Hand-Tailored H;tsin the shapes which have proven themselves the most popular. - Pleasing color combinations and a gr-at varlvty of the most1 beautiful fancy braids. The prices we have made so low that these . beaut'ful hats are easily within reach of all. , OUR MEN'S SHOB: is popular with shrewd buyere because it is right down-tO'the minute in every department and SAVES YOU MONEY. Men's Suits, $5.00 to $25.00 -Men's Shirts, .45 to 3,00 Men's Hats, . .25 to" 4-50 1 Men's Underwear, 30c to $2.25 a Garment. Don't miss thfl 'Bia SHOE SALE THIS WEEK every pair in the house at reduced prices. ' , She WILLED i and His Pay Red.:; Object to the Salary,, ; hand ol the recorder a eoving "c lil- 60 per month equal to 5IO per jmt.-s ' There are 888 water patrons who' If properly looked after -would in ' Mr Miller's opinion bring In at least. $1- nnn .... . l f. . ,uv uiurv ruvuaue IV lue Qltj wmu wi . the valued the work executed . Owing to the' ffos - of the" hansom vote be reoeived at the last election he : regretafary much that things ' have taken this course and1 believe it -would nil have been averted bad' the oouucil made any attempt to investi gate the dutixa and labor ' connected with the office. i Cunningham Convicted i Portland, May 6 The: UniWi States . (Srnnd Jury to day returned 1a verdict Iti Uio ouse of Cunningham the Umittaila lend swibiller' finding hlro guilty, na -oharged and the Judge Imposed a fine ' v5000" , " y Locomotives' for Japan Tacoma, vVanh,1 May 6 Seven s large ra,ilwy, l iajtmntivcs are .being loaded on tbe steamship- Tremont at this port dt)tinidl to Japan. It ' to said tbe engines are for use w tba new railroad in Ooiea . v, Young Trappers Olarenoe and Ethel ' Redhead who live just smith of the oity are . becou Ing expeit trupoers During tb month ol April they oaughc 122 squirrels, S gopher inJ one bidgeh --i The; lather J W Bedhead pys thorn so muoh psr eoalp lor thefr roui'ts in depopulating -the pests. '""'' v 1 m " i ' it I v V