I.' f : .' '1 i -f, 11 if Al kv, ;; f ' ' i ' i . ' ' BICYCLES mmm Tmm IHIIIII III 1 la4 ' ! ... v It Th season it on for bicycles and if you with to rid In th lead, get a ' Crescent or Rugby Wheel Step in and we will show you how they are built If yeur lawn needs sprinkling, we have cotton or rubber hose that will give you perfect satisfaction. Our ' ball-bearing lawn mowers lead them all for easy running and durability. MRS. T.N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware milium A FEW OBSERVATIONS 4 BY OUR REPORTERS tIMIIH hiiiiim SNAPS SNAPS In all kinds of second hand goods, pay cash and soil for cash. We Books , " ' 05 and up Oook stoves 8 00 and up Bed steads 1 00 and up Bed springs 50 and up Chairs , . 25 and up Revolvers 1 00 and up Bioyolts 5 0Q and up 20 lb candy scale" - 2 00 Spray pump t 7 50 Top buggy, new 60 00 Open buggy 15 00' Spring back 7 50 21 jewel Elgin watch 15 00 $25 suit of clotbes 7 00 $ 8 set Ebony brushes 1 00 Parlor hanging lamp 2 50 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams - RemembsrTwe still boy and tell all) kind. 'Phone 1581 i Second feand Goods. ,3 TURKESTAN ALFALFA- The city council meet tonight, John ?Woodi liverman of Walls Wailaia in the city today. . James Masterson one of Elgine pro- mlneDt citizens returned tbis morning from Portland. ; ,.. E W Bartlett waa a Baker City visitor yesterday. '' " Jno Smith one of Coves prominent farmers is In the city today. J f lloll democratic nomlune for re corder la in La Grande today. The democratic car.tr! committee meet this evening oateiieioly for the purpose of atseaaing the candidates' to provide the sinews of war, V J K Romlg general manager of the Banner mines left yesterday for the mines. . Mils Mucbl Tn.ly, a O.iuler young lady o' V) allowable visiting relatives in the oily. - : ' ' Marshall Rabnrn has returned from the Hot Lake greatly improved in health and is again at bis poet of duty. . B Clanin wife and (on arrived from Cottage urove this morning to make tbis their home. . ... , The Ladies Aid socaety of the Metho dist churcb met tbis afternoon and arr. angtd for a series of afternoon teas aud lawn socials during the summer m nths Mrs Susan E McFeely end daughter Miss Alice who have been visiting Mrs W J Bnodgraes fos the paat two weeks left this morning for tbeir home in Marion Indiana. : The Lsdies Aid Soclty of the Presby terian church will give an afternoon tea Thursday afternoon at the residence of Mrs Turner Oiivt-r. Every body are cordially invited. For Rent Modern seven room house In good residence locality. Furnished or unfurnished. Inquire at tnis office 5 4tf. -. Mrs Mary Air) rich is enjoying a visit from her lister Mrs Louisa French and her daughter of Page Holt county Neb They will remain here the balance of this week when they will go to Unebalte Wash, where Mrs French has a son. A M Paul of Sumpter ia in the city visiting bis son L M Paul who is arraog ing to start a cigar factory in this city. Mj Paul for the paet two years has been superintendent of the Imperial gronpe f mines and has been enjoyea in min ing for many yearr. Mr Panl la think ing strongly of locating in tbis city. Hon. J. M. Glaus Prohition Orator will give one of his popular lectures at tde Presby terian Church.Thu.rsday evening May 5th. at eight o'clock. Wedding Breakfast A very pretty widdtng breakfast was given this morning at tbe Hotel Sommer In honor of Mr and . Mrs John Dordao, ' Tbe following sere present. Last evening Mr and Mrs Dordan were at borne to tbeir fiienda at tbeir borne wbsre a amber ot their friends called aud tbey were the reoeioent of many handsome presents Miss Lissie Qoeck, Mias Syble ' El- dridgs Mrs Eldridge Mrs Mathews M; Pbil Loy Mr J J Lally of Peudl.ton Mr J B Knliy of Pendleton . A boat of trieuds vii:ed tbe. boa in the eveoiog. gains favorable legialation Sbd racog nitioD. as a distinet eys'-em of beallng, in over one ball of tbe states; plaeea our stndsoa body ahead of all other schools in combers,, except tbe allo patbio school; Great ne tbs re-ulte they are the aneene of this . onpieea dented growth, our moat potent wea pon with wbiob future battles will be fought aid won Journal of Osteo path -.;.; ; Pr Moore, 8ommer Bliig , La vliande. 1(J Childrens Rally Then will be a Sun lay School rally Sunday afternoon at the J'rrebyterian oburch at 8 o'clock. AU the fnnJay School of the city will take place. A aplenJid len.peramv program has lieen a'rnngtd. . The Vv hist Club v :r Tbe WbM club ' will be ' entertained tomorrow afurnoou at the borne of Mre Ed Thomas, by Mra Thomas assUted by Mrs Geo Henry. u The Dry Land gation. Alfalfa grows without irri- BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk i Seed Wheat, Baled Barley. Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. JEFFERSON AVE Oliver Phone 1571 We Offer Good Shoes Hanan Shoes. Walk-over Shoes, You know that they are good Prices Range From $3.50 to $7-50. Boss & "Andrews, TAILORS AND CENTS FURNISHINGS. SOMMER HOUSE Chgo Portland Chgo - Fore Dodge Iowa BE Jeray City Ohio Baker City R A Bichman U S Dormau J J Conway WJ Allen K M Colder F Day White W 8 QUI A Maaterson J A Wood EE Wlllart '- M B Hatohkiat x O B Horper' W H llinemore O H :Roger Crook McFarland L Lamnel ' Root w Bode w Loyd J W Conley J 1 Lalley B P Wilson J R Kelley i Os-te-opra-thy ; i RESULTS T51it Thousands of ' obroi la) eases bate exhausted the treatnui if warrirg medioal schools witbot.1 ga aess. Tbea bare ewallowed nozloua mixtures fol years in tbe velu qaeat of bealtb . and as a last resort , tbey appeal to osteo-l patby and often nnd full and perma uent relief. To reliese tbese ,hrdeBi typps of ohrooio oases requires tin most persistent, painstaking serried of a skilled osteopath ; be makes aten uoua pbyaioal exertion, often when al ready fatigned, puts himaell in tbej work and gives that whioh is beyond price. Patients, thus relieved, usual ly feel a personal gratitude, au obli gation wbiob money alone oannot r6- pay, oenoe a .arong uodii oi irienasoip U formed between the healer and healed and it proves of lasting value to botb, Tbe osteopath is differently situated from tbe medioal praotition er, who simply lelt the pulee, asked questions, wrote a prescription and failed to tubdue the malady. Every body knows wbat allopathy and home opathy mean but not nearly every body knows wbat osteopathy meant; it ia new and these enthusiastic pa tients, exhilarated with regained health, feel that tbey oao in no way better offset tbeir debt of gratitude to tbeir doctor and perform tbeir fail duty to Buffering humanity tban to spread broadcast the news that there exists a complete and effeotnal system of treating all ourable diseases with out drugs or knife, that it is not Chris tian science, rubbing or soientifio mas ease but genuine osteopathy. This appreciation Irom grateful hearts' works wonders; it bringa new patients; swells tbe profeas on in a decade from one practitioner to thirty Bve hundred I ats Oatfl c4r load or sack; hoi i- . j g eh or choppea. oo.-x j . . . n tr a, l l cJ . V ley xr it? oci i ' Ahd Grain Hav And Tmothy. Our forget Lrioes alwys the loweet; fiuJ out. bat we handle coal aua woon. Do not 1 - . M . nrti a Kt GRANDE RONDt CAM! lumkaim. g Free4Kvery Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail ...I....laaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaeaeeeae.., j . " w ' ' a S :. : - tw V urniturei p Clad of high grade nooda, the finest ever brouRbt o ; j i . n.BOaoia R it f Vat a ajlofrtinf linp nf , . Ji F.bhv Chairs. Office Desks aud Chairs. Kitchen nouaeaeeper suuum mo. mm biwwo ui ftVJjjitility. uming cnairs oo cis vj a.io. iiuiug Jties. Jn and Embalming a Specialty - . I lerH. B. H71STEN, will respond promptly to all calls, day or night. NDROSS jlNlSHINQS ' Phone 9 1 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave Walla Walla Elgin ..Walla Walld : tr -rjrFortland ...;. Elglv . '.-.Union t . :8 F Baker Portland Oregon Oily Bt Louis SB1 Seattle Pendleton Union i Pendleton Pictures Presented Latt evenlnii the Ladies Clubs of this city presented our public schools wtin three hansomly framed pictures 01 ars, The one for the High school Choosing the Casket". Two were presented to the little brick, "Stella and 'Swift" and " The Child, Handel". The ladies also presented the Oommerlial Club with the "Chariot Race". These works of art and It was only through the effort and public spirit of the Ladies Clubs of this city that these master pleiea are now here. "Local Option" The subject of the next Neighborhood Club meeting will be "Local Option" Aa this question in now wfore the voters of this stale and it is for them to ssy whether or not It shall becomd a law. tbe subject they have selected will be Interesting.. As tbis is meir iat liter ary;meeting prior to their summer vaca t!on they are preparing for auuneuaily Interesting program. ADVERTISED Liat of unclaimed letter! remaining in tbe La Grande, Or., Poat offioe for tbe week ending May 1, 1904. Davla Mrs 8usie Tate dray Mrs Wm Harper Mrs A L . , Lawrenoe Mra Young A J i Grao John Qriggi Miss Ella Jones Flele Rlcreat Mr The above will be held 14 days and then sent to the dead lotler oflloe wben oalled for pln.ae say advertised Nay J, 1004. JO Ardiey, P M GREAT B v At Closin , Of my stock d 40o Royal Granite Coffee 20o " '- " Hande) sauce 860 " . " Tea Kettles . . 6O0 Copper Bottom Tea Kettle. . $1.25 " - " No. 8 Wash pans 15c 65o 42o Boiler. ..... .98c 15o Retinned Coffee Pot. 10o tin and Knives, this This stock includes all kinds of granite, wooden ware, orockery, lamps and glassware. forkes, spoons, etc. In fact every new article in the store during sale goes at wholesale cost to you. SECOND HAND GOODS. I have a large stock aud these are olio red at very low figures. Bicycles. I have several fine wheels at $7.50 and up. WANTED: Second hand goods. I will pay high est cash prices. F. D. HAISTEN, At C & M Nobles old stand, 1115 Adams Avr. How Can I Cure My iIGESTION? S A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN p TIME"AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS - hous&nds and tens of thousands of people is but one way to do tbis; namely, relieve naeh of its nervous strain rest it; and ime time Assist tbe Stomach and Diges- ' rgaua in Digesting and Assiniulating nt Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support- Organs Involeed. There' is but one that will do this, and that remedy is L DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to more about Kodol, come in and WILL TELL YOU A. TV HILL. rescriplion Druggist La Grande, Ore . : - Dry Chain & 16-inch Slab Wood All orders given prompt attention. Yards on Greenwood st. and 3rd aud Palmer st. Orders left at either yard promptly delivered. Price Reduced to three dollars. Phone 571 X)s)sx)s?s))tt H. W. NIBLEY TTTT irtttMOMlMtal First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER f a rTTTTTTTTT'.TTTT Ladies' Tailored Suits I at less than Manufacturer's Prices. We have left of our Spring stock in this line some FIFTEEN SUITS and in order to make a complete clean-up have decided to offer these at sacrifice ' Black Ktamine snir, Eton Jacket trimmed with black ailk around neik and down Iront, atoln effect. Three narrow Bilk bandit down front and lok Regular price 12.60 sale piice 1U00 Ca8imere auit, Eton or Norfolk Jacket with capp, military eff. ot, blun and gray mixed Neat looking and enrvicahln Sfgular price 12 50 aale price 10 00 NoVdltV Mll't. Eton .faxbat nl ' light grt-y auiting piped with Royal-! uiuh, small nruua hnttona 00 ahoul--' dera, iroot and aleevea. ekirt trim med same. Regular 12.60 aale $1C ' ' Finer and irore elaporately trimme.1 suits in Novelties, Cheviots.-, Vi I Voiles, eio. ''?- ! 116 suits IIS. Ilfi 60 suit, fl'l 20. 17 60 suits U. 21 aUl 119$' ! i.uo 01 isaies- aummer skirts Juat noeived. Crash 'W Priceel.5to5 00. ' linen, Duck, Voile, Nove'ty, etc Golden Rule Comp'y I I308-13IO-I312 ADAMS AVENUE, k4 t - , 1 i 1 - 0 I 4 a 5 T 1 Kit A '' it it: I: w I. mfM Wtnt FIRST-LASS JOB WORK call at the OBStRVER nuniiH H .1-'