La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 04, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    . VOLUME II!
ft is Now Known
Wallowa Robhrr
; BarKley and Gale, two
Noted Criminals.
The robbers who escaped from the
Wallowa county posse are nvw thought
to be Dick Barkley and Wm Gale, two
desperate cliaractera whose former
crimee are well known in tbia and adjoin
Dg counties.
Officier J H MuLachlen yesterday, re
ceived information from the depnty
sheriff of Wallowa conaty that they were
sure that the men who robbedfee lm-)of
nana post office a few days ago ere the
above named parties and think they are
: . also the men who robbed tbe Flora store
a short tune ago.
' In 1894 Barkley and Gale were of tbe
- trio who attempted to bold up the train
".:vat the tunnel below Talcas t Engineer
i : A E Stephens of this oity was pu'Ilng
Of It
when you purchase a suit or
during this SALE.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.
This Sale is for tbe purpose of reducing our immense slock
1 1 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ou Lem Cream is absorbed so quickly that you'll wonder where it has
gone. No trace of grease or stickiness remains to annny. Just a dainty,
elusive odor to tell that it has been applied, and an immediate sense of com
fort to show that the healing has beg in. It soothes chapped and roughened
akin in a magical nay, is as harmless as dew and cost but 15 cents.
the train. For this they weie finally
captured alter a long chan were con
fide 1 t Union tud were sentenced to
the penitentiary lor fifteen years, About
eighteen months ago thsy were pardon
ed by the governor and returned to this
section of the safe' A number of rob
beries have been eommitted in the Con
ner creek district and In Wallowa
county which the officers oredit them
with being the oper .tors.
They are known to be desperate men j
ana tneir recent penitentiary expedience
will In no wise make their capture easy.
Gale is the most hardened in crime and
a uoted desperado and the officers do
not expect to capture him alive.
Five Thousand Men Out
Topeka Kant Msy 3 Approximately
6000 men out on tun the Banla Ko sys
tem is ihe strike situatiou today, as
claimed by President O'Conuell, of the
International Association of Machinists.
This statement is based on reports re
ceived this morning. Of the 6000, about
1200 are boilermakers, blacksmiths,
i opperworkers, hellters and semiskilled
labor of the Allied Mental Mechanics
Tbe reports say that 21 shops aud
roundhouses are affected, all shops west
UGanl, Coli totlie' Pa(:inc Coast !
being completely tied up.
Graff. Renominated
Peoria, 111 May 4 Congressman Jos
eph V Graff was renomiua'ed today by
the Republican of the Sixteei th dis
trict. .
We know we've got
This Idea Pleases Us
Wheu We "Show"
we win, and you win
skiit, at the price placed
on them
Crash Skirts, $1.25 to $6
Walking Skirts. $2.40 to $12
Dress'Skirts $3.60 to $28
205 fr,d 1207 ADAMS AVENUE, Lajrande Ore.
MURPHY BRO'S., Prop's.
Seniors Win First Place
in Oratory and Juniors
First in Debate Last
Tbe High School Or itorioai contest
last evening recalled in a viotory for
tbe Senior olass as regards tbe ora
tion and also for tbe deelama
lion. Tbe centsetants for these plaees
of honor were Earl Kilpatriok, re
presenting tbe Seniors and Ben Grout
reprerenting tbe Jnniors for oration.
Hiss Hssel Uorbett representing the
Seniors and Miss Edna MoOall repre-
senting the Juniors on declamation.
The question tot debate in wbioh the
Juniors captured tbe honors over tbe
Seniors was "Revolved that tbe an-oi-xation
of Canada by tbe United
Sts es would be beneficial to both
nation." Tbe Juniors had tbe nega-
ii 1 1 1 1
tve -irte. After the debate osme me
ilialupiis io .which Herman Clark ai d
Earl Kilpetrlck recited tbe triaU and
troubha ol a politician Id a saanner
to greatly amuse the gathered patrons
of tbe eohool The High Sobool ot
chcrtra furnibhed music throughout
the evening. Tbe High Sohool is to
be congratulated upon having suob
splendid orchestra, as it ia certainly
oredit nut nn'v to tbe schools but also
to the town. U Grande baa reatooa
to feel proud ol us pubiio school. Tbe
bowing made lart tvening wsa sucb
as to reflect greet oredit upon tbe
teachers and students. This conk si
was really a try out for the purpose
Ol determining v. ho would repre
sent tbe Higb Sobool in tbe Inter-
bigb school Oratorical contest to be
held here Hay 88. Tbe school will be
represented by Earl Kilpatriok who
captured the honor on tbe merit of
bis oratiob last evening. Tbe school
(eels be will also be successful in tbe
contest then, '
The vrai trio by Hisses Hertie
aldricb, Uessie Worstell and Hary
Tail was greatly enjoyed by all. Tbe
al tendance was good, tbe auditorium
beiug completed filled. The net pro
ceeds of the entertainment amounted
witbin a few cents of twenty dollars.
Now Knows All About
How the Japs Crossed
the Yalu The General
8t Petersburg, Msy 4 (Noon) The
Emperor has r oeived an official die-
patob itom General Kuropatkin lor'
warding a dinpntor- from General
Zassulitch commanding the Russian
forties wbioh have been engaged with
the Japanese advance from Yalu. It
is dated uoon Hunday and deaorlhee,
bow he ordered tbe Russian foroea at
Antung and Kulien Cheng to fall
baok along tbe main road oward
Foog Wang Obong. This movement
will protected from the fbreutened
flank attaek by men and gun station
ed at Petitsensky one mile north of
Kulien Obeng and Uhin Foil, village
on tbe Lilzavela R-ver.
Here the fighting . was piotraoted
and severe. The Russians lost artil
lery and horses being obliged to aban
don, aooording to the teat, a "few"
guns. General Zassulitoh saya:
Althongh we were unable to bold
our positions bere, we inflloted heavy
losses an the enemy."
Good Report
J M Beldei, of the Cure and repub
lican nominee for oouoty commission
er was a La Grande visitor today. Mr
Selders state the fruit prospects id
bis section were never bette. and that
i saying a good deal lor Mr Selders
has been a resident of the Gove msny
years and during all of which time be
baa been inters ted in horticulture.
He also stated the strawberry acreage
was larger tbau it has been for pre
vicos yesrs
Memorial Day
The Woman Reliel Corps and tbe
G A R are making prepaMtione to ob
serve Memorial Day at La Gra-ide
Tbe committee appointed at tbe last
post meeting will have a meeting in
tlia edi'orial rooms ol the O irerver to
morrow evening : 7:3 I p m to mak?
arrangements lull attendance i re
A Splendid Addition
The Lan'i Connty addition of the
Euitone Morning Reci ter resetted this
olllco yesterday. It is an addition uf
sixty four paer Biileiididly Illustrated
and containing much valuabl" Informs
tion regarding l.aiie county. It reflects
great credit upon Ha publishers and no
on the citizens yf f.ane county. For
without the asietanre and ro-opera'iun
and support of th iliom the publishers
would be una hie to inane such H com
plete and comprehensive addition.'
Oldest Printer is Dead
Mill ed Ma s May 4 James C Cook,
known ss the ol.Uit practical printer in
the United Sta es, if not in the world,
died here today, aged 87 years.
Two Very Pretty Home
Weddings Took Place
in This City at High
Noon Today.
Vohpillat ItoKcivoiif In this
oity at tbe home of tbe brides onole
and aunt Mr and Mrs J at Berry, Mr
Charles Antbony Vurpillal and Hiss
Harvie Luoy MuKenoon, at blgh noon
Hay 4 1904 she Bev Father Whyle of-
Boiiiting. -: '' - : " .'.
The wedding was a very quite one
only tbe family and a few out of town
guests being present, Tbe rooms
were handsomely decorated with feroi
apple blossoms and Oregon grape. Tbe
happy couple were married under a
canopy of flowers and ferns from tbe
oenter of whiob bung a green wreath
psndant in wbioh was a white dove.
The bouse was darkened and wax can
dles furnished the elluminaiinn, mak
ing a very beantilui and dainty effaet
Tbe maid of honor was Fannie Mo-
Keonon and tbe best man was Mr
Chandler MoKennon, tbe ribbon bear
ers were Cornelia Stanley and : Mil
dred Reavia. : From 1 to 6 tbe bride
and groom vera at home to their
friends who oal led by the the so re to
pay tbeir tribute and offer congratu
lations. At sis o'clock was tbe wed
ding supper at which were tbe family
aud tbe out of towc guests. Follow
ing were tbe dinner guests. Mr and
Mrs F 8 Stanley, of Portland ; Mr and
Mrs F 8 Murphy of Perry, Mr and
M. and Mrs E A U Holmes of Wal
lowa; Mr and Mrs Frank Berry of
Baker City; Mr and Mrs O H Clark of
Cove; Mrs H H French of Cove; Hon.
J M Church, Dr N K Hull and W J
Churob of this oity , and Miss Porter
ol Baker Oity.
Mr and Mrs Vurpillal will leave
this evening for Mr Vurpillat's home
in Winnamao, Indiana, where they
will visit tbe next two month. -.
10 bappy couple carry with them
the very best wishes of a targe circle
of friends wbo join with tbe Observer
in offering congratulations.
' Lewis-Smith
At High noon today Mr Preston
Lewis Jr acid Miss Ethel Adelene Smith
New Street Hats
were married at tbe home ol the brldea
parent Ur and Mrs W D Smith in tbia
city, by Rev, W L. Van Nays pastor of
the Prebytrian church of PemHolon
Tbe wedding march was played by Miss
Edith LafFerty one of Mendelssohn.
Miss Hattie Short was maid og Honor
dressed in white Persian lawn earring a
boquet of pink carnations. ' The bride's
maids were Miss Cora Harding and
Mies Lena Coy dressed in Moua-cllne
De Sole carying pink caratlona. Mr
Earnest Lewis was (groomsman, The
bride was dressed in white Ore pe De
cbine trimmed in white lace earying a
boquet of white carnations. .
They were met under a arob of bios
soma by Rev Van Nuye wbo married
them by tbe Presbyterian ring cere.
mony, after which tbe party assembled
aroanp a bounteous dinner ftabler Mr
and Mrs will be at horns after May ISth
corner of 3rd and D streets. It was tnelr
intention to leave this evening for Ohio-
go, at Louis and Florida, but Mrs
Lewis' deatb 'postponed their trip un
til fall. "
Tbe popular yonnr people were the
receiplent of many presents and tbeir
friends who are legion extend hearty
Greeted with a Sneer
A Portland paper in announcing the
arrival of sixteen railway coaches with
400 Immigrants, from near Boston,
beads the news with a most uncalled
for and impolite sneer. In large type
thus "Bean Enters Seeks Homes Here.'
The press of Oregon has been boasting
ol tbe glad hand which onr people stand
ready to give to new comers, and now
when a guodly number of respectable
people do oome and find their coming
thus heralded witb n derisive sneer iu
the largest city In thn state and by one
of the largest dailies therein they will
justly feel Indignant, and regret that
they have come across th continent to
secure such a boorish reception, The
news Items is as following
Sixteen coaches, drawn by two .loco
motives, rolled into the Union depot at
11 :50 last night, ' loaded with over 400
immigrant from the Atlantio Coast
The majority of these Immigrant are
from Massachusetts in the vicinity of
Boston. .The-e are many . families in
the paity, and all are looking for farms
iu various portions of Oregon, '
Bound Over
A part of the tlmi of Judge Grants
court was occupied yesterday afternoon
witli tbe case where Obarles Wilson,
tourist of tbe Hobo variety was charged
with stealing two boxes of cigars from
the State 6a oon. Wilson could give ao
good ex usefcr having the c'gars in his
possession and was bono 1 over to ap
pear before the circrit ourt in the sum
of G0. In default of wblrh he was
rent to Union th a morning by officer
Wilde.-,,-.. ., :
Beautiful Hand-Tailored Hi
prover themselves the most
combinations and a groat
fancy braids. The prices we
beaut'ful hats are easily within reach of all.
is popular with shrewd buyers because it is
right down-to -the minuteiti every department
Men's Suits, $5.00 to $25.00
Men's Shirts," .45 to 3,00
Men' Hats, ; .25 to 4 50 r ,
Men's Underwear, 30c to $2 25 a Garment.
Don't miss the BIG SHOE SALE THIS
WEEK every pair in the house at reduoed
puis liMAus
Henry Smith 1 Dies at
Salem The Man who
r Attempted Suicide in
This City. , ,
Suleoi, Hay 4 Henry Smith died
in this city yesterday. Smith baa not
been in good bealtb for many months
some veeksago he made an umbo- .
oeaful attempt to .commit suicide at
hi brother home at La Grande. He
as taken to tbe Pendleton - hospital
bere ne recovered from his woands
tori was soon after adjudged insane
nd was brought to tbia oity where he -
died yesterday.
Land Laws
The Observer reoelved this morning
from W A Richards commissioner of
tbe General Land office, the circular -.
rom ibe General Land office of lhe
Ouited State (bowing the manner of -
proceeding to oblai a title . to,, pubiio
lands under tbe he m stead desert
land aud other laws.
Tbeoircular ia dated Jan. 35. 1904 :.
and contains 839 pagea bound.
The Observer requested")! copy , of r. .
this oiroulsr from tbe eOmmlesiosM;
fcopnatle it la . ' answer aafaiv: SlmA
many inquire it receives from persopfW
Will lUU Ul .11.1 A U B o.uid
that brought Ibe eiroulat Irom Wa8',
ington alto brought an inquiry from -a
homesteader wishing Id kbosr "'hpw -long
from making entry on a borne- -stead
he had io which to make final -proof
and on pagen14 of said circular 'f
we find an applicants to make Birkl !
proof on bomesttads should begin to
make tbeir. proofs in eufBoient time i
to complete aod file them in Ibe local
offiofl witbin tbe sutuory period of
seven years frortr date of entry -f : ,.
" Plenty of Work S :
; Fred Jacobs, ssys Ms employment '
sgenoy is doing a land office business
this week. Hal finding work for
.bout six men per day. To' be more .
(lorrrnr. hm ij flndinir six mm whn will '
woikeacbday; There i plenty of
work lor all. , ' r
Is in the shapes which have
popular. Pleasing color
variety of the most - beautiful
have made so low that these .
i i -7 V