v, K .T 'n, ..i i r-v-X'- LADIES' SKIRTS, SHI RT WAISTS MUSLIN .UNDERWEAR -4 LK Geddes Bros. Why are Uediles Bros, kept to baay? Why dj they ecll the best foods at the lowest prices . referred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 50c Prelerred Stock Corn S for 50c Preferred Stork Siilmon 3 for 50c Preferred Stodk Peas 3 (of ride Preferred Stoek Meant 3 for 50c Don't pay other icrcera 20 centa a can tor any of these gooda. Standard tomatoes, corn, beane peas, etc., 2 (or 2i cents. They have the best butter made 111 the vaMey, and their creamery batter has iio equal here. Try tt and see. Dill picklea, Heinze'a mince meat, Swift's pickle pig feet, premium hams, loose olives. Everything tasty, nice and cheap Telephon 4HI Gcddes Bros. WCq Bz In The Swim And up-to-dute in our business methods, we . will carry as . SIDE LINES AND ATTRACTIVE Sadie's triininea-hats, cheap jewelry, bby buggies and bailed hay. We will nish you everything that and babies. We trim our hats on a ! .: The side line systems STODDARD 7 THAT f ARM T'iat you have heea favinn for -"should now be bought. Farm lnnd ,tn this locality is rapidly iiicroasiim iu teilue- If you delay much InnKcr Athelr price may be beyond yonr roach. no'matter " rf Von haven't qnito enough m.inoy to p&y all cash. e have several good . "r". i.,.. una sinai I which can bo boneht on very easy terms, prices, "-e consider much below actval present value. . . . o ThA their La. Grande U 10 Adams Avenue, Investment f i OFFICERS: President R. 8MIIH yioe President 1. M. BBUVr..- J. M. CHOBCH, -F.L. Mbtkbs. -rl ' Caahier Asst. Caahier 3655 s a GrJande La Grande. Oregon CAPITAL AND Ladies' Skirts, Shirt waists, Muslin, J'Wear Commencing Monday, May 2, ending Sat., May 7 OueSveek only. You that have seen our prices know that they are right and now we are slashing them to pieces. For iustance: . Ladies' round length skirts in iu plain colors and stripes, $2 75 now ......... .$2 15 Black and while mixtures $3 now. . . , .(2 40 Genuine wool novelties elegantly- trimmed 6 50 now 5 40 Misses skirls 2 80 now. ... . .......... .2 25 l)m)t mi his' opportunity to supply yourself for CRRN r SACKED HEART ACADEMY .' La Granoe, Oregon. CDuouo'id by Eistere ol St. Franci " t elect boarding and day arhool lor ' Young Ladiea i AoaJemio, Preparatory and Kined garten ooursea are oouducted on tbi aame principles aa those pursued in our souools ol Philadelphia. Music and painting receive spoon attention Let ters of inquiry directed tc. 8ISTEB BUPERIOB WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. I manufacture every etyle on any mounting and carry a complete (look of Pade, Ink, Backs, Caters, Rubber Type, etc Seals, Stencils, Trade Outck -, Door Plates, Poetal Scales. Write me what you wane. I can please you by return .mail. Ewiy atamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Biker qty. FOR SALE Second hand Diniio, In quire of Mrs Insles, phone No 1727. LEADERS. build you a nouse ana nir- goes iuto it except cross cut sa v. a.surc winner. the wife LUMBER CO. Company, La Giande, Oregon DIRECTORB ; i. M. Berry, J. M. Church i.B. Conley, R. Smith L. C. Stanley National B NK SURPLUS. $72,000.00 UOJB BU" BO,,D " DE M D0NT LOOK GOOD Mr. Lusk Returns from a Tour of Inspection on Deschutes River, T,W. Lusk bae just returned from tbe Bend country on the JJesebutes river wbiuh at tbe present time is being boomed, and many are peing at tracted there. : Mr Lusk states there was rever a oountry more over rated than this section, that not more than one in twenty who go. remain and in vest. A company has been organised wiilob controls about 27, 000 aorea ol and whiob they offir lor sale at prices ranging from $5 to $14. and tor an addtional $1.00 per aore it cm be irrigated. This sounds all rihtsays Mr Luk but the character ol the In ti d is anon mm i' will not produce auyttiing wlun it id watered and in many pUi'ds mim w rr strikes the lava formation and absolutely sink" altogether Mr l.tifk ha beei a close obwrrer of lands throughout Easts. n Oregon and Washington lot many years and therr. are many peop le in ibis vioimty v ( nave bad an eye or, this preposition lor Some time who should talk With Mr Luak before visiting that seotion. a ; ' The World's Fair Route Thoaejanticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot afford to overlook the advantages offered by the Missouri Pacific Railway, which, on account of its various routes and gated ways, haa inrai appropriately name 'The World's Fair Route." Passengers from the Northwest take the MiBSocm pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo, with the choice of either going direct throngh the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott aud Pleasant Hill. Two trains daily Irom Denver and Pueblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, including electric lighted obser vation parlor cafe dining care. Ten daily trains between Kansas City and St Louis. Write, or call on W. C. McBrlde, General Agent, 124 Third et, Portland for detailed Information and illustrated literature. tl. ' Central Church of Christ Opposite Sommer House. OPEN EVERY DAY - Pastor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Reading Kooiu open from noon until 9 p in. Men aud boys invited. Bible school f'ltidity 10 a m Preacliinu tiiii,iin 11 am aud 7:30 p tu. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p. m Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby giveo that the paitnercbip hen'olore existing be tween E. I). Wbiiing and O. J. Black baa tbta day. April 18 1H)4. been dissolved by mutual consent. Dattd tbie tbe 18 day ol April 1904 at La G -ande Oregon . O. .1. Black. E.D. Whiting. April 17 Mv 17. LOST Gold I nwed apei'tailes between Odd Kellowe Mall and Bull's Room ing house, on evcnlna of Tuesday A pril 2U. - Mrs George Ball (-S-4 the summer. Come early and get Tonr choice. MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Ladies' Sne muslin pants, tuoked and hemstitched, . 20c to 36c. Just think of it! CORSET COVERS, Night Gowns and Skirts, long aud short One fifth oftY Ladies' Summer Shirt Waists. Plain white lawn $.85 E RCH NTILG Cornucopia ' ' It is learned irom good authority that all olaim against tut) Cornuco pia mints will be paid t-ff on the first ol Ha) and t tat work will be resumed on tbe i.. .tl and the plana carried ont aa proposed when tbe work w inaugurated there last tall. Tbil iaa "onusummatloD devoutly to be wish ed" and will came rejecting throngh on' tbe Panhandle aud give a impetus t all kinds ol business it this part of the country. The Eagle Valley News Wallowa County . O T MoDaniel tbe well known real estate rust'er ol Wallowa oounty is in the city and states that like Union Wallowa has the brigbest proapeois lor all kinds of crops. The wool from their 300,000 head Of sheep will bring in tbe usual amount ol the circulating medium.' Many new settlers ace mak ing homes among them and Charley not only says things are prosperous but the peculiar accent to his state iients thoroughly convinced ns that he nieaut it. There is no question but what Wallowa has a bright future. Os-te-op-a-thy Ten years ago there was but one Osteopath at work teaobing bis first class ol disci les. Today there are more than 3,000 practitioners, and about thirty stat legislatures have voted upon legalizing the soieoce. t here must be some merit in a thiug that takes such bold on tbe people, Classified Ads TO THE READING PUBLIC We have Just received a new lot ol paper back novels. In addition lo these we have added SOP cloth bound books to our exchange library. Newlin Drug Co, FOR RENT Ollice rooms for rent. Inquire at Lewis Piintery. "42011 FOR SALE i Single Disc Beet Plowe for sale cheap. Also 3 Buddie ponies one hall Shetland. 3 goi.il single driving horses. J. E. Reynolds. FOR HALE Good gentle work horBe weight 11(10. Inquire, at this ollhe or addreSB La Grandi P 0 box G15 4 2otl, FOR SALE Two acre tract. East of the La Grande Flouring mill, one hull in good bearing orchard. Small otmg, aud (rood ham. Will sell for cash or will trade for iiood work horses. - , C Grout TF La Oraude, Ore, FOR SALE Large two ttory house, good barn, about 7 actea of land m. 11 wiuuniu iui ..if, mil uiko umi payment either in citv nroiiertv .i.i. .i...i ..- 1.. ..in ...1.. . or farm land. Sightly located in lid town. For particulars inquire at .!.(. fr. ... ... 1.. ri . . . . iui. uuiun in ui a inuiuu l I, , FOR PALE Two acre block with new 5 room house, hnrn, out houses, ell niinove th'itlO, liiiie uiven on part. Thisnill tear inve-iigatmn situated on N Cherry and N street 4-2 tf Fred war inn. FOR SALE n lots, with good dwell iiiK liouao and barn 011 out skirts of City, l-'or fullierrMrllculara ace G W Thomas at Bock and Thomai Meat Market.- - fl 22 If. FOR RENT A block ol ground with bearing orchard, garden, small house and barn. Inquire at the office ol F 8 Ivanhoe. FOR RENT A lurnisbed lunr room cottage. In quiie ol Mrs Zuber. O NOTICE Dreasniakingand Plain Sew ing. Next door to Mrs. Sbeak'a resi dence. North ol the Railroad simps. 4 3-11 Mrs. Ann a Koosna. FOR S4.LE 400 eordo, 16 Inob, yellow pine and fir - wood at a bargain. for particulars see 8 R Haworth, ,t 4-27tf : Pre La Grande Storrge Co. LOST cut of world A beehive between the Post office and Tom Ormonde, i Return to tills office - j . LOST E L Bussey lost a hraas cover ing that protects the burr which holds the wheel on bla new busa. The Under will please return the aatnei FOR RENT A five 'room' Inrnlabed house lor rent. For particulars phone 771 or 1938 or inquire of -Mrs O W Henry. ... . i :f .. 4VV WANTED Cream at La Grande Drag Co. . t''flH,'.: All Kinds of Work , Wesley Davis does all kinds ol scav enger work, snch as cleaning wells, ceai polls, etc. Give him" call. 4 24 tl MISCCLANEOU&, Doors and Sash . )l ' il 'r it 1 . 1! -11 -s Send your orders to 8todda.ds ware hoase lor doors and sash . They rare bought In large quantities direct from he faotory. Tbey are handled -aheap ly and at prices to defy oompetitlrtn.l Pasture; Aiiyonejhaving cows to put in a pas ture call on Louie Barnard OU Town or phone 3 W Sllke 1474. Terras' II 75 in advance. ! ! . n v a)ie w FOR SALE Four room house and lot will go cheap Upon easy tar ills' 1f Wold at oaaa'r I'mitorty ' located 'at '1510 Monroe 1 Avenue. Iii(ilr" at'" the above number.1 ' "'4 '85 5 2 - WANTED To rent a light wagon ' and camping outfit foftbree months." 'For particulars Inquire of David HaldelaV rich. I hone No 830.'"" ' -"J ' ' PASTURE . ." ,. i-v' Much more abumlant than last year, and open tor all kinds of stock during April. Small pastures lor stock needed at short notice etc i Apply to 1110. U. St, Old town. P. O. Boa 14. Tale phone l'i7B ' tf Change or Managenient. Tbo undersigned bus purchased the busih So known as the Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the samp. 1 We wish to inform the public that wa ure prepared to furnisb ill kindj of meats, ganie' and poultry at 'lie very lowest prices ctinsistani with firt-i laa articles We have our own delivery , , . ,. . i ftnd make " trip, dally to the Old Town. Highest market nrice nnid for nil entile, bntraand I l I wo i . .., , DiiDop. vt cr o'iuvi n Dual a ui your puiroiiags biiJ guarantee tbe very best siitiBfHCliou. Phone 1 rders receive prompt and careful a'.ienlicn Harris ineiit initi kot across the track I'bone 1601. TURNER & WALTER STALLION NONCE , A great opportunity . for' you to breed to one of tbe best at very low price. I will make this season with my Importer! fmious Hojkney stallion ' 8TUNTNEYT4SSO With return privilege $3 pay able in advance, No other terms. Can give good referen cas as to his colts. ffm. O. Hansen Blaok lawn......... ...i. .......!..'.'..' 16 r White with blaok flake , '.1 25 .i ' An elegant line of lace", embroidery and drawn work fronU'from tl 50 to 44. ' , , , Summer has cnme at last and you need tbeese good , to get'in and buy while the snap is on.'1 ' ' : "' ' " ' If you intend weaving your wool waists ail summer buy a fan. If not, call on THE LA GRANDE MER CANTILE CO. and got a handsome summer, waist f. and keep cool. ' " . "l ' . ? -V-'" COM RAN-Y- Local Markets. Eggs, Ireah valley 15ut " Butter creamtry 65o and firetolafs dairy 60o per roll. Potatoes 85cta per sack. Applss,75o. to 80ots. per box, : ' , Cabbage, 3Jot. per lb. '. - . i Turkles, 10 ots. lb. live weight. . ... '! ' CEREALS , ! Wheat 74o toSOo per bu. ; Oata 1.10 pet cental V ' :; Barley 80o per oental - Portland Markets, ! The steady decline io Eastern and loreign markets haa taken the life out ol tbe local wheat market. Buyers nd sellers are farther apart than ever and business is at a standstill, with the tone decidedly weak. , ' P WHEAT Walla Walla, 76c; blue stem, 82c; Valley, 81. 1 ' BARLEY Feed, (28 per ton, brew- lng,$24! rolled ?25. i FLOUR Valley, 13.90 and 8.05 per barrel; bard wbeatatraights, t8 60 and .70; dears, $3.85 ami 4.00; hard what patents, $4.00 and 4.10; Dakota hard heat, 6.40 and $6.0 1; graham, $3.90 whole wheat, f l; rye flour, $4.50 aud .76 OAfS No. 1 white, $1,171; gray $1.10 per cental. . HILLSTUFFS-Bran, $18 per ton; middlings, $24; shorts, $20; ohop, D. S; mills, $10; linseed, dairy tood $19 kAY Timothy, $10 per ton; clov er, $UI; grain, $12; client, $13. ' :1b- PlliiBUCB Potatoes, 60 to 76 cents Mr sack. . -Oiiicns 80 cents to $1 00 per sack. Egga Oregon, 101(317 cts, Eastern t)a Mo' 1 - ' - Batter Creamery, 26 and 80t pairy, 17 uod 20c, store 08 10c lb. Poultry Cbiokens, miied lOo pei pound, spring, lOo and bens lOo . turkeys live, 17 and lb dressed 18 and 20o lb-, duoka, $6 and 7 . er doa. geese, 80 lb. UVK8TOCK Cattle Best steers $4.26 and $4.0(1, ineduim,'4.(i(); cowi' $3.26 and ' $4.(N Hogf Best Urge, lat $3.26; mediui' erve tal4.7 " Bheei biet weal Uer ti).60; murei iheep $3. If OR RENT Housekeeping rooms at Mrs Shearer. . . ' i . ., ! Notice ol Final Settlement ' Noll e Is borehy nlven that the tin- tlerslgned has fllod in the County Court of Union County, 8tatn of Oregon, hit anal account m nis administration ol theeatate of William Steward, deceased ohd that said court has by nrder tliere al fliied Tueaday, June 7th, 1U04, at one o cioci p m. oi sam uay as tue tune for hearing snid account and any objections that may he made thereto, actne court notiae at union in-aam Union County, and that at i-ald timt and place any person interested in aald estate may appear auu make any ob jections that he may have to saad ac count. . Kit El) J A CO IIS, I - txecutor of Said Estate. RAMSEY A OLIVER, Attorneys lor Estate. 4-3 Notice of Settlement Notice Is hereby itlvon to all concern. ed that Mnry K. ( bllilers, udmlnistra' tr sol the cauiln ol Kolierl 1, tjhl ilers. drtaaed, has lllcd her dual account aa aunn ailmli.iBtinliix, ami tint Umiit) Court nf Union t'ortntv, Onyon, haa sei I nesday, me in uuy ui Jim. A. II.. HUH. at two o'clock n. in foe the hear ing of the same. HAKVE. CIIII.DKKH, AdiiiiniHtratrlz. SERIOUS STOMACH TROUBLE ! TV:. . CURED. , I was trouMod with a distress in my atiimach, sour atumach and vomitin spellri, and cm truthfully aay tbal CLamburlaln'e Stomach and . Liver Tablets cured me.-'-Mnj). T. V. Wilx iamb, Lalngaburii, Ml.:h, -For sale by All Diujujlita, .. La Grande School of - ? Muiic Opposite Sonimer house. . .' One ol tbe best muelcal iqatitutiona in the atate." Four rooms nsed for mnsical instrsotion, 15 giades , of muslo twught. Department 1, 8 roonw utej lor the 3 first grades. . Children at the age of 6 and older como . oue bour evry day. Department 2, ' .$ rooms for grades 4 W 15 for pupils ol all ages. The latest oouree best prac tical musical instruction.! Musical jjnteitu for medals every few weeks. EfPortcr Day, Principal. Mrs. Day, Assistant Delightful Route, DaypgnVRide,: - Dizzy Oragsi JDeeft OftUQWU-i ' A Golden Opportunity See nature in . all ; her glorious ' beauty, and then tbo, acme of man's handiwork. ;The first w : found along the line of the v Den ve r & R io G rande Rail road and thn latter at the- 8t; Loui . World's Fair. Your trip will be ";. oue of piouaure make the most of it. For information and illns . tratcd literature write W. 0. McBRIDE, Gen. Agt. J ' ,"5 - ; s Portland, Oregon;; OREGON- .aClK.onPACIFIt XA OKAS UK, Nil. 11 B:00 lum. no. a. B:H0 a. in. Hull I.Hku. Ucnvur Ft. no. i. :: ft.50 fc, m. - NO . Worth. Otuahft. Kunnum i(:itv, Ht. iiiia, oliioaani ia mil . . 10:-.M p. ID . 1'orilHUit, DalleH, Pen- tlloUtn, walla Walla, Duvluu. Pom tiro i. NO 1 ': ! B.0S R (1. S:S0n m Col fin, Moscow, Bpo-I nlilauilW .1 . .1 . - tb la HpO Kans. NOS- Uiiinuu. iJnurmt x stum aieum uniatnia wm NO t4 itua, LftwiHion, uom 'mow, Wallace War 9:1ft pm diicr, Hpokaae and otlmr point ennWnd nor ih v la8 poka ue. 'xland City. Alice), Bundny iinnier. anu f.ikiii nnntiftniintii at Ka J-.iOp 0:15 m:wUu hihko for point I id waiiowa oounty m Oooau Steamers between Portland a0- Ban Francisco every five daya f ' E. C. MOORE, Agent ; ' Early llisor TBE FAMOUS UTTLK FILLS. Per qulok relief from BIHouenaes, Sick Haadadhe, Torpid Uvar, Jaua dloa, Dlulnssa, and all troubles arux Inf from an Inactive or Sluggish Overt DaWltl'e Utile Early Rlaara er aa quailed. Thty aot promptly and never grtpa, Thay are so dainty that 1 1 la a plaaaura ta take tham. Ont to two act aa a witld laxative I twe or four aot aa a plaaaant and etfaetlvS cathartic. Thr' are purely vegatabla and abtetsaY karmleaa. Thef toolo th ttvai. rasMasa wlv Tt ' l-B. O. DaWItt tt Csv C' ; For Saie:bj.sl D" V. i J l;: is 4 .1;;. -1 rc, - ' ij -Jj..