' ; t. '.;. Hi? , - - c V ' ' .. " r -''A. i .1 4l0!t a m : will (siifor ftnd bring it v We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a 1-trM4r itfilnnonHrateioyoa that we nn jenUnd the lanndry business. Yon can stop v" tar wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and. yoot work will b called for at once..-We " maf specialty, oframily washing, and can .. WjM washing better and- Cheaper than yo.l A trial cider solicited. . ' ,;..' .. - ;- ffriv ' - '- ' yvw t. i I r-- ' . yni i f -.v --'--.: ; Union Steam Laundry I .V - H j.. . .... , , ; . PHONE 1081. ' 4 742 TIE STREET. AN -INV1TAIQN TO YOU. :j - THIS IS A BPEOIAL INVITATION TO YOU. ' , i. ,rl at N.ffr.tnt .-.fill.. - . 1. i 'i,:--wv:-M (' We are receiving dairy many new desighs in Wall Paper'iad Wall Decorationsi and we extend thia erjecial ) IflTitatiob to yon and your ifiendi to- call and see them.: j) J5 '.' We are aazioua to have y on eee onr line and we feel V mm van m k AMahtnA with tfia iait . . W) V V - i i f . . 11 . Stackland &; McLachlen .ems and;i glass PAWT&. '- rr-r-i r : e-r . ' a . . " "My Lady's Jewels " ' Oerttlnly add to her attraotlreneBS The pop t wtm wro'e i hat "Beauty mi julorned 1 adomed the moat" pmbabii had no dol iura. " He rertuinly ehownil little g-nm And il ble lady love li i! i,in mydiiphy of ' J i , Dainty Broaches ! :-flh evaiiild nnt hflvn KttllnvnH him. Fth w mau Dalnrally loves to adorn1 hfra-t)f. Mn mm t; n tilnrr-.A lir if l-r shi-v vi.ik mv itore. Kuch baiitifui' M I liinuB at no moderate a coat were never peen wh if. 'i nere ant tniDfffi tor men loo, J tut i ome io and see bow m a-li' . more I could have aaid about tbem. LA GRANDE EVENING1 OBSERVER ::i CUWltV dilOS, Editors and Proprietors. Bateted ! ' ,:v, . at lb port Office ai La Oraoda. IiUU Mattel. ererrm, M Baoond OUaa Pub)Mw Dai r Sunday, rhie Ytar in Adranoe. . . Hii Xontha in Adanoe. $6ffl Per Month.. gS.60 1 Single Copy. TUESDAY EVENING, MAY 3. 1904. H. Feared the Jeweler Paper If Cheaper Than Coal and Looks Better In othr word if your walls are well papered your fuel bill will be reduced. ! We do proper Paper Hanging at drices you jban afferd to pay. HARRIS & PRICE ' "PainWe, Paper Hangere and Decorators." A. 0i HARRls'.Phoneieee',4 iM. PRICE, Phone 1491 REPUBLICAN TICKET. . State Supreme Judje, F A Moore Food and Dairy CommittloneT, : . J W Bailey ., Preiidtntlal Electors, Jamei A Fee, J N Hart, G B Dtmick, A C Houjh Second District Congressman J N Williamson. ' Union and Wallowa. Joint Senator Peter McDonald. Joint Representative J H Dobbin Eighth Judicial District. Prosecuting Att'y.fjeroy Lomax ' Union County. Representative N 0 MuLeod. Clerk Jas B Gi ham Sherff-J W Waldon. Asaessor Ben Brown. Reoorder D H Prootor Treasurer John Frawley Commisaiooer J M Selders School Supt.-R A Wilkerson Surveyor T R Berry Coroner J C Uenry. La Grande Precinct. Justice Peace J K Hough Constable J W Kiaser 'do it to suit their own pleasure cr intent and the school runs down, the children of . the ne glectful ciiizens suffer. ' The same is true of. the city, county, state and nation. : Public affairs will go on and if those whe should guide and direct tbem for the general well fare, fail to do so, others will, and dire.it the forces th th ' agrandizeuent of tbe few at tie jfxpnne of the neglectful many. Alter schools have run down, cities coutroled by the slums, counties taxed uunecessarily, tbe state so douducted that cap ital flees from it and home- eeekers puss it by as they would tbe poisonous sbudow of tbe upas tree; and national policies have closed factories, discour aged agricultural enterprises and turned labor from its hum ble homes iuto tbe streets and from their home tables to soup houses, it is too late. The work of neglegence has accomplish) d Us fearful results.-"- ' ' NOT A POLITICIAN, Judge Parker is surely en titled to a Carnegie hero medal. The man who can keep silent while straddling Bix different nags going in 'steen different ways and never emit a groan, is a hero, oi there aren't any to be found. Boise News. ' , 1IM) VifiVl Pieeh Cheeolales , Fresh Bon Bona Fresh Nougaot r . Fresh Carmele i Fresh Taffey t;;-cFresh Salted Peanuts ' j Fresh Salted Almonds Fresh Popcorn Fruit PHLLIP LOY OW l.iMti t . .. ... Wheayoa ordr troeeries lire ttjio re sure to have hemdeUvered on lime ANOTHER THING ' When you order grocerlea from us you are sure to vet the wvlbest to be had. JWe keep onlyjthe beet The next time yeu are Jat our store ff ask to see our apeoial lineof v BREAKFAST BACON L & POTTED MEATS o. ralLston NEBRASKA GRQCERY STORE " ' - Cor. Fir and Jefferson Sta. A great many citizenp, in a boustful tone, declare that they "are not politicians." If by this tbey mean that they have no special interest iu who holds thepublio offices and pockets the salaries aud emoluments thereof, some excuse may te framed for their indifference to public matters. But if a broad er significance is given to the word politician and by it is meant that their have no care and feel no individual responsi bility as to what policy the of ficials persue who are entrusted with tbe control of the school districts in which they live, the town in which they abide, or their county or state or nation, their boast of iueifference thereto has nothing to commend it, and much to lie eensured. In a free country like the United States, where all policies are adopted, and laws to effect' uate them, by the consent and co-operation of each ', individual citizen, the man who from in difference! fails to consider the policy when proposed or the law to give it force, sirnpiy, so far as he is concerned, abdicates government and refuses to par. form bis duty as a citizen, and by so doing becomes a selfish Sardamapolis, who will not dis turb the luxury of ideal enso by troubling himself about the wellfare of the realm he claims to be the ruler of or at leust one of the rulers. So inseparably connected are the inteiesto of tvery iitizen iu) hia familv with the policy I " - that the school district, citj, 'county, state or n3tion adopts to guide, shape, aud limit its operations by, that whether tbe individual performs bis part in determining that policy or not, he csnnot oscspe the effects o! that policy whether it be good or had. " ; , If, b' cause a great many citi zens in a school district will i ot lake time to attend to their du- Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses Cuid feed nun vm-tll pitiurer easily rmontii fl.26 !or vi'..'ti head irr .it. mill, ml s it?" Itir huiicln1. Be.l yellow pine si iS 'otl.rr wood in hi. 'enfct'i, wo:k, riilii' soil lriviii(i horse h'l sale. Houses (or itot in i he best residence sues in the com munity. Aply HOi B st old town, f O Box 341, Phone 1276. 4-6-11 FairRdtes The O R & N Co will sell round trip tickets to St louis and return iroin thie aitv. with stoo over-privilegea doio ways Cor auO Tlekets only will i on saie three days oi each month only as fol Iowa, May 11, li and 13, June 16, 17 and 18, Ju!y 1, 2 and S, Auguat 8, 9 and 10, Sept 0, 6 and 7, Oct 3, 4 ano a. Congratulations. Mr. John H. Oullom, Editor of tbe Garland, Texas, News, has written a factures congratulations to the msnu letter oi- of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, as follows : "Sixteen years ago when our Brat obild was a baby he was eubject to oroupy spells and we w uld be very uneasy about him. We began using Cham berlain'i Cough Remedy in 1887, and finding it suob a reliable remedy for colds and oroup, we have never been without it in the house siuce that time. We have five children and have given it to all of tbem with good results." For Sale by all drag, gists. j Handsome Men - Should protect their beauty by seeing that they have ouly COMPETENT BARBERS To shave them. We will protect your face. Evans & Fitzgerald T - alT T'W O f SPICES, o COFFEE,TEA, BAKING POWDER. FLAVORING EXTRACTS! AefslurtPurify, firxssl Flavor. (Jmrtsr Sfrenjlh, Ptawfvibk Prlc. CLOSSETftDEYERS MSRTLAND. ORtflOM. Four Thousiiiidwe -To arrive tliisSk ': ...... i ' ' '. Making 16,000 to be hung before Sep 4 an ing is progressing rapidly in the bands of ang men. This last sbipmeut consists ot so. the. Latest Styles in Wail Pa In Union county. Call and see our sttfore purchasing elsewhere. We have tbe greaUiiety the ueweit designs, the best best and ' tlgest stock in the cily. Let ns figure with you 'our painting and pap-r h iligicg. Our workmeOtle best and we guarmee satisfaction. - Paintc, Oil.-, Gl .fs, Wall Paper aud Biildila te.iils. - 0. ,F. COOLIDGE Ada is Avenue, LA GRANDE, OON ill. 1- j ' . -iT-.r NEW MARK stmwei. I vanunn EjF mien . 'r'v Wish to annouuie that on - , Pantrdiiy February 27. they will open a first clat"?. Meat Market in the old S , Stand I , ! "THE BOSS" J , ; Corner Railrond & Fir St, I ! We will always keep on ; I hnv.d a good stork of fresh , I and amokwl nwalB, aau- ; : sage , lieh and V' I "h. 'mi k..i., to meet unu win "B'" 1 t 11 my old patrons and ; aamany new ones. AU . 5 orders will receive our I I prompt attention. . . J l'lionogl " We Do Not Claim i That wo can please all of the people all of the ti&slt j WE DO CLAIN i fl irea'. ill iivoi That onr plant has been under tbe same manage or : near v TEN YEARS That du Tine: this time our aim has beea to! near'y all, at all timed as good work and cou 2 '.'"'- That we will do our heit to pleaae you if you us with your patronage That Paokages left at Anderann & Myers barber sliot,s will receive the same prompt atteion that they would 11 leu at tlie laundry. 1 I A B C LAUNDRY PHONED i85i girtley's , Four oi a kind-is a ptetl7 good hand atcarda. But at iho but. her'a Its the .v,l counts, hot the lour. We keep only one kind ot mem, "" " (resh, healthy, tonucr on., iu : guy your steaKi an ciih. nno, they'll always be right. Our slook is w 11-led an" P'oV" " "- quenlly our meat has a iiciicioub nuvur. : Bock & Thomas jBrXjaaa"" I CALIFORNIA PRIVET. I LA GRANDE NURSERIA Mukes a beaul ii'ul fence or screen for city-lots. Its rjjj foliagells so dense as to bhut out all wind. It is an 1 evergreen and can be cut to any shape or form, It is l hardy and grows on any soil. Also fine for cemetery In lots. ""'Fruit, shade and weeping trees, shrubs, roses, Igj tto. ' Let us know your wants we do the rest. Write box 637 or phone 1161. tUEEN CITY GREENHOUSE "all BeWitt wsr ftiuHi'."". DO YOU WANT A I CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? DeWItt II Ihi B rou 10 la wr . DeWltt'l Witch Vlh H., S.ITI. Hul Siln M lbs ortftntl sad onlr Minilns. hfel DeWIH'iU lh onlr Vllck HtMl 8il lh.1 li mads Iron U swluluraM Wiich-Hazel Allolhtr ar mlffoltf-biaw 1ml- tatlon, cheap and iorthlBj r diieroua. DeWltt'allch HulSalr la a specific fcr Plies; Blind Bleeding, Itchliii at.d PrUnidint Hiss. AlaoCuti, fiuma, Bnitaaa, Sprati, tteanUona, Contualona, Bolls. CarbncJei, EeaerM, .; Tetter, Sail Rheun. ad all other SUi . Dtsaaiaa. SALVE raxriaiosr E.C. DeWitl 4(o., Chicks !MiBiaaaaaaaaiBiaaeasBsaaia For Sale by alJD, legist -4- If so e can locate yon on some claims in Wallowa. County fine M'Daniel WALLOWA, M'Donald - - OREGON DBDDDODDDIHBflD 01 1 1 0 I Farmers' and Traders' National Batik. n LAGRANDE, OREGON Mm Capital Slock fully paid 8; rn'.uB fund Liubility of Shareholders . f 60,000 9 Responsibility ... 0133,000 M We do a general banking and exohaiee b'miriess. Drafta bought and sold on eartern aud foreign tanks. 5 JOSEPH PALMER, Presifal J J. W. SGRlBER, Cishier Will Exclarige Singer sewingj machines fur good driving I jrses. ' -.v Machines sold pon easy terms. Repairs fi all kinns of machines. . : A. H. STONE. . Office in Jas. Jewelry Store.' $ Smith's A Two Light Electrolier; Empire style complete with etched !asj shades and all attachments put op yc ur residence for $5.00 h See samples in our window. . This famniia rsmxtu docs for (hs stom ach that which U la unaht tn Antm Itself, even If but Sllphtlv Hlnr.J or overburdened Kofiol suppllos the natural ft worn ot IhS .iuin.cn, reining l hi norvous tension, whlf the Inllamed musclJ v. in "(ii are allowed .... ... .. - .imnni, ilea InalffA.tlAH BAnll.H. -1 .1-- 1. T rr vi ins nett, , ".it itouDiejiiy cleanlne,purlfyiricid 6umiuK me gia rnBRlhranaM aL.- a.i ohanddlgesUvo orine. Like va qmet In thajilty oomea me sir or healllt to l weak and wery aespon. aoiayspopuo. lrinv ali t 0 m a o h rouble and digestive disorders. lhllUlW.T . aV it. 4 ft ami rjermita few men to V v : : s flldaS. t.a.W f or Sal J all Drafffiatr