-f1 I, i ill ..- 1 , - '- , V V : '' ft:' -V V ': 't. ':' - i ; : r- V ! - ;-' '. 1 V '4 t t . fVy Th season is on for bicycles and if you wish to ridt in the lead, ct a -;'"' .:.V Crescent or Rugby Wheel - : Step in and we will show you how they are built. If your lawn needs sprinkling, we have cotton or rubber hose that will give you perfect satisfaction. Our ball-bearing lawn mowers lead them all for easy running and durability. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades,Hardware 1 ATEWOBf BY IRVATIONS- iUR REPORTERS SNAPS SNAPS la all kinds of second band goods. pay cash and sell for cash. We Books 05 and up Cook atoei 8 00 and up Bed steads 1 00 and up Bed springs 50 and up Chairs 25 and up Revolvers -1 00 and up Bicycles 5 00 and up 20 lb candy scale 2 00 Spray pump $ 7 50 Top boggy, new 50 00 Open buggy 15 00 Spring hack 7 60 21 jewel Elgin watch 15 00 $25 suit of clothes 7 00 $ 8 set Ebony brushes 1 00 Parlor hanging lamp 2 50 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams RiMabi still bay nd tt all kind 'Phone 1581 TURKESTAN ALFALFA. The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri -gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. JEFFERSON AVE. Olive i? Phone 1571 We Offer Good Shoes Hanan Shoes. Walk-over Shoes. You know that they are good Prices Range From $3.50 to $7-50. "Hoss & Andrews, TAILORS AND GENTS FURNISHINGS. i v ? , ,, . .J tatt at the OBStRVER Wml'attoDof Elgin la In tha city. P A Cliarlton baa moved to this city from Pendleton. County court meeta Wednesday of thla week. Cwhler J B Dioraon of Elgin apent aunday in the city. Dont. forget the orotorlcal conleat at the High acheol tomorrow nlybt. ' B A Mfyera returned this morning from a aix montha tojoarn In California J M Hiltz la arranging tb-apenda month at the St L juia fair and expects to atart on the 11th. Mrs N S Kelley who has been In Port and for several montha la exported to return in a few day a to again make thia her home, J 8 Tucker a ncent arrived from the east baa relieved bia household goods and will make this bia home. Busiuess waa astir toi'ay and indicatea a continuance from now until anow flies again, Judge D B Beavia of Wallowa oouoty ia in theoity visiting bia sons Dra J L and L D Beavia Special agent Alexander lolt on de layed No 1 this afternoon for Pendleton and Weston on official business. W E Heudricks has taken posesslon of the photograph property west of the Foley bouse wbicb be recently purcbae ed. N N Mason baa just reuieved a sacven ger pnmp and will be ready lor busi nese in a few days. Bee hlB ad. Isaac B Hill a former resident of tbis city now employed on the Hazelwood farm near Spokane wntea that the light uing a few days ago struck their barn and killed two horses, Master uiachanic J D Matheson upon being asked relative to the new engines that se eral papers in this vicirity bad mentioned about to arrive and be re plied tbat if tbe company bad any in tention of placing new engines on tbe O. R. & N be had not been so inform-d, Hon and Mrs F S Stanley, of Port. land are in tbe city guests of Mr and Mrs J M Berry. Wilson Berry, of Hinesville Arkansas, is expected to arrive in tbe city this evening. He is a Brutber of Mr W W Berry of this city and will remain here a short lime getting acquinted agaiu. It baa been nine yeara since the brother have met. Mrs Fred Hilbish of Elgin who has been in the city the gueBt of Mrs Ellis Crandail returned to her home this morning. Mra W liiswell of Baker City arrived in the city this morning and will be tbe guest of Mra Ellis Crandail. Mrs Ed Murphys many frienda will be pleased to learn that she is much better. MrsMurphy has been quite sick. Quite a change ia being made in the front of the state saloon. Tbe preeent front will be set in about fifteen feet and thiB will be need aa a'cigar store. Mr Ueo Handfioks and family ol Bmitli Center KanBas arrived tbia morning with the intention of mak ing his home here. He is a piano tuner and expecta to engage in busi ness here. He is a brother of Mr W 8 Hendrioks who has interested himsell o tbe photograph business. Transport Thomas Sails San Franoisno, May 2 The trans port Thomas sailed today for Manila via Honolulu. Sbe carried 221 re- ouita for tbe army in tbe Philippines, and to batteries of artillery, whicb are to be stationed at Honolulu, Her treasure vault contained $1,000,000 in ilver ooin for toe Philippines, and tbe baa a full cargo of army supplies. Heavy Damages Cbicago, May 2 For tbe loss of bis right fcot while he was helping a tiain orew ai. a turn table, Willi in Chartrea 11 yeara old, baa been awarded $14,000 damagee In Judge Monore'a conrt In August 190B while at play near the i urn-table oi the Bel r ilway, the boy was called by an engine orew to help turn the table. him that b baa gained fifteen Zls in weight aluce tbe beginning travels. Hep;it atveral daya f r t A l..in. t hard. h u rrauoucir, pi'u iivw -" - o Los Aiiillcs where be met old Eaotein Oregon fiends and be pleasure ot vismug several whom be bd not met lor rver years. His vi.i. a rnotn-i, ai. its most inttrtatiog though be Hie weather rather tropical as. curv regicteiea luz in tue t.s uats Vandenrj -L announce mi: rdav February ft. Fruit Picker O P Goodall baa an ingenious de vice known ae a fruit pioker wbicb be ia thinking of introducing in thia county. By tbis device applea, peara and plums can be gathered from tbe ground do.ng away with Udders. It looks very practical andoertainly will prove a good seller. otor was very mucb i npreas- tbe beauties and natural ad- ;of Lob Angeles. He saya "I rei.oB Aneeleb the muet deair- uii euiili in which to live, Pr4one ha sufficient weallh.h-.ii I at,nd ibat'loi the m n who ban, make his foituur, tie Q'Hude valley ia ttie O' ly tpot O" Hw." Toe Dr. tn.it w.iU an ""Miiiie ij tortluid whereby bo his ankle a.id ii compell ed ima This CJmes very """ h cn i Iks is he Brat (ime I h'.s sixty years ol bis 'xis- enue Ibe n mi h dioippd He iy back lu La Graude lor kei j, 1 1 thouroughiy recov ered tbwin res'ime active prac tice ani tne balance of bis ("aye here Ct-4 - 7 yfi- X' Lilt r r.hnn 3 e d . i VAS ?: m . 1 JP i t V f a ca m CI. Vv " W 2 Grain Othy. Hayj And V Otii wayB the lowest; find forgdwe haudle coal and wool. out. Do not Temperance Lecture J M UlaBB.the temperance orator who is now touring this valley spoke to very large, aucllento in Central church Sunday night. He is rapid fluent and logical speaker. He takes the view that the liquor buisneBB will in time be abolished in this country and that its retirement will be the results of the demands of buisneBB interests. He at this time is working for the local option and direct primary laws that will be vot ed on in June. Ha stated that our pro posed lotal option law was identical with the Texas law whicb had just been declared constitutionab by the supreme court. Mr Ulaes speaks to night in Cove. Samuel Dying Ossioing, N Y May 2 Samuel Parks, the former walkibg delegate of the structural ironworkers' union in New York, is dying at tbe hospital at 8ing Sing. He is sufTeriog from con sumption. Born In this city May 1 to Mr and Mrs W N Monroe a lO'-j pound daughter. SOMMER HOUSE H Hubbard J B Thorn n ii Bodr W D Allard L II iiinbaiich Connor Mra W D Foreman U A'Weldon It A Kuner K E Wellard M E notches Wm Penile O I. Benten M b Krause K Ifoger I W l.eaton I A Alexander t Baker A 11 W Ibim Portland Elgin do Portland do Elgin do Baker do Portland Elgin do Hntlngti n Seattle Portland Denver Eugene Portland do Announcement Mr and Mrs W D Smith desire to announce to tboee holding invitations tbal in following tbe wirbes of tbe late Mrs Lewis, the marriage of their daughter Miss Ethel and Mr Press Lewis will take place at High noon Wednesday May 4th as originally ar ranged but tbeie will be no reception in tbe evening. However frienda of tbe family who may call ia tho after noon will be welcome. 6-2-4 ni GME R0NDE CASH COMPANY. yery Pleasant 'tre. Tables are i especially,. nse. Their favorite dishes artj inst to their liking. Courteoni,ttrll,;ve waiters receive and till tlu.o At tUe Restaurant. everyone I, linmB. Iho varktjie of fare permits of a pleasiii,.e ,! ,, f,Hl, the cooking, tli), B1)1 the l.ri es give perfect satii,,, MbEL lAUKANT A. AuKLE, Prop. OPE AND NIUHT $4-50 PhorlttainlSOl Wholesale and Retail A FOB BENT Five room house. Inquire of A 0 Huntington. LOST Gold lowed spectacles between Odd Fellows Hall and Ball's Room ing House, on evening ol Tuesday A pril 20. Mrs George Ball 6-2-4 LOST Ladies large gray purse. Lost between Ramsey and Oliver's office and Post office. Finder leave at this office. DR. BIGGERS RETURNS HOME Dr G. W . Biggers, who left this city March 24. for a trip through South ern California and Arizona, relurned Sunday morning. He reports having had a most enjoyable trip and returns mucb improved in health and spirits In faot tbe climate bas ao well agreed We tell w Meal . l ll'Kei. t Nkv Emwture j CakdofhigD(.yegood3, the lineBi mi to tbis cid SideboarWUiMsets, maeu, ..-g.., Rotters a Kaw ChirsAoBice Dk9 and Cbin, KiwUen Cabiuets-lery houUlt4f shuU,(l 6ee tWs' beauty anility. P'ni ebairs 65 eta n 4."5 tables belies. I Undertc My uinlcr! m : 3 aviicio ui Dhnng WE RE IT!;i Poihoes. 1 if. t E. NpROSS nd Efobalmmg !. HlSlKS.wiU f 11 calif, ill y or inn' a Specialty. : ,,,. (vrunnay : Phone 91 Ris't'cncc Fhone 367 1 -2ii-2 A-Sani Ave ft ' Tow Can 1 Cu e -i Otheratores maist us selling tin pans and dry; goothjt; -theyJiOiu t touob ub on shoes, yve been eat ing, drinking , breaig and living sboes for so many yfcibat we can't help beat the buBiiiG C. W. PRiTON, Shoe Specialist, Dot street 'IGES QUESTION 'J Tl!" il"S J k ? - GREAT BARGAIN At Closing Out Sale Of my stock of new goods 40o Royal Granite Coffee and Tea Pots 2t 20e " " Handel sauce pans 16 85c " " Tea Kettles 65i 60o Copper Bottom Tea Kettle 42t $1.26 " " No. 8 Wash Boiler 98e 15c Retinned Coffee Pot 10c irk'b TlMR"4n A ;.e9tlious6nds and tens of ttioushtids of people ffirli9 but one way to do tliis; namely, relieve S mach of its nervous s&aiu rest it; aud fiheame time Astist the Strniacb and Diges- irgaus in Digesting and Assiinulatiug . ftSont Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support i tis Organs Iuvoleed. There is but o n e e tbat will do this, and that reiuedy is IdI DYSPEPSIA CURE, j If you waDt to liwlore about Kodol, come irj aud vfe WILL TELL YOU A. T. HILL, iplion Druggist Grande, Ore 44rvv 44 I-!-"! ' 4 This stock includes all kinds ot granite, tin ant wooden ware, crockery, lamps and glassware. Knives,' forkes, spoons, etc. Iu fact every new article iu tbe sto-e during this sale goes at wholesale cost to you. SECOND HAND GOODS. I have a large stock and these are olTtred at very low figures. Bicycles. 1 have several Cue wheels at $7.50 and up. WANTED: Secon.l hand goods. I will pav high est cash prices. F. D. HAISTEN, At C & M Nobles old stand, 1415 Adams Ave. taa "' Dry Chain & 16-inch Slab Wood All orders given prompt nttenliot. Yards on Greenwood stand 3rd and Palmer t. Orders left at either yard promptly delivered. Price Reduced to three dollars. Phnne 7i H. W. NIBLEY 3 i Ii m i hi ii 1! ia 4, i I yf X i Lacks Tauorco Suits at Is than Mantfacturcrl Prices. We have leltlol our Spring itod this line some AfTEf.N SUITS and dcr to make Itomplc'e clean-up hvt decided to ulk these at sactidce Kick Utitiuine It.:, Elon Jacket tjintitii with ' buck iilk ft rim ml "Uiui down Imni, -lole i' fleet. Tk nairii'v sit tuiuli il iwu Iront rilnck lguliir price 12.60 sale P"JIU1)U Cmimerc suit, I5i.'in Or Norfolk W with enpe, rirliNr iff.ot, "''ml grny mixed Sunt luckiiiK "viral.l!! SfEii',rr price 12 5U ir-e 10 00 . , . . . I V-lv suit.' Eton iirket. of First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER ''y suitinfr rtiprd ir'l..Royjt'-' ) i V"'U '' biitri'nj.u'a thuuH-": ' 'A "''i hit ami Blr-Bnn s'tjrK triir? -i ""p. Ki KiilarMWkl? 'Jt Finer and mjt elapotwelj '"Hi f lo suits $12 I 1 N i i aft '6 : v i u t f J liDen, Cock.Voil, H,J1 ' rwulv.d., v,ra. ..,2 Golden Riikcp-! - V:". I .' .