La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, May 02, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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.,H A - r
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at tt 1 1 l l ll I X ;i- ' :.' ifii
N, MOrVjPAY EVENING. M2.:il;lSfe &fy?S ' '
f?,;?-'; rU 1
Vis. - i :.:: iiU' S - .
n Arose Uvcr iettement of Account
.Morton is Now in Jail af :
Pendleton. j . :
'Vvr May 2-OnSnun-11
Wni-. Morton, a sheen.
Atotfand killed tild "AmnlnvAr.
rijbUHlltilvV - Till ufrfm kf fthl.
" nns sa ncn Miuiru.RUU
A , ertb stw knmn of Butter Creek, who
l .Srhaj lived inaoy y,ar near Vioaon, 26
ri in ilea' from pAntliuinn in nmatti.
i y ,y "iwivwiii III uuiaWtW
; ;;eoanty.'
Vi-j Morton-' was arrested taken to Pond
i-gtotaw a"? now awaits of aathorltiea In
r.'s;tiw county Jail. Mr Dougherty wag al
;Pptakn to Pendleton and placed in the
If ikospJtaj. but died as a result ol the
(bullet ill ;the lunge.
Morton been working Dough
erty for eeveral eki On Saturday he
was discharged acdaJiagreement arose
over the sum of moicy due Morton.
Both became angry 'and a flht was
narrowly prevented.
. Dorinn the quarrel Morton waa raid
that he hd money enoiigh ia buy a gun
and that he would get Dougherty. Next
day he returned ai d when the parties
caught siiiht of each lo'her, firing began
on both sides. Morton escaped unhurt
and Dougherty was fatally wounded in
the lungs.
4.Flyii5 Machine i
ajft It''; U up from Elgin at rl
l.V(s that he i) more 'than pleusid
with bis t-xperimenla with bis flying
maohine and will bs ready iu a f w
days to give it a praoiical teat.
Body Found.
Friovllle Hay J Tb body of Creed
Oonn, the Silver Lake nieiubant who
mysteriously disappeared srveial weeks
ago and wbicb waa supposed to bare
been washed dowa 8ilver Greek dui
ing the high water, was found laat
week by Fred Autin, an employe of
one of tbe cattle firms in that vioinity
The body was found In the sage brush
about a mile and a quarter from town
A bullet 'bole in the right temple
showed the manner of bis death. Tbe
body was badly decomposed from its
long exposure to the weather. Ooron
er Harris waa summoned and an in
quest held, the jury returning a ver
diot of self inflicted death
Revolutionary Stock
There are doubtless many men
and women io the Union oouoty
whose ances tore served in tbe Bevola
tionary war.
- If aueb will tend their names and
the nams of their Revolutionary an
cestors the Observer will record the
same in a list and publisn tbe tame
together witb sketches of the service
rendered. Give rank of forebearer
from what 8tate be entered tbe ser
vices what battle and campaign be
participated in any incidents that tb'
tiaditinn of the family may possess
concerning him that illustrates lift
in Revolutionary times.
North Yakima Fruit In
spector Condems 10,
000 Trees Shipped
From Willamette.
North Yakima, Wash May 1-County
Fruit Inspector Beck today condemned
10,000 fruit treat shipped here for Vaki
mtrorohardta by J H Suttlemeyer of
Wpodbnm, Or. They were affected
with crown and root gall and were the
wort lot of trees that have been brought
to Yakima this year.
"XT :
m it
We know we've got
This Idea Pleases Us
Robbers Escaped
Enterprise Or May 2 The Poet office
robbers have escaped again. The three
men who were left by Sheriff Shackel
ford to guard tbe robbers and keep
neiii In the rocks where theyinad taken
relngu eeeined to have gotten weary of
waiting and made a little side trip to
the Imnaha river. When they returned
they found their roblieni missing. When
the SlierllV arrived with his posse he
found neather robbera r due of their
expected address. There Is but two
ways for them to have goue, over the
mountains through the snow, or baok to
town. As two thirty ths afternoon
they had notjegislored at either of tli'j
hotels In Enteririse, but t lioy mny
nive yet this evening.
When We "Show"
wo win, fliirl you win
rAjttif Uifeti votl nurchaae a suit or otit ( ,i. .1 1
j--vX linno, this SALE.
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and .Saturday.
trhis Sale is for the purpose of reducing our immense slock and
"... . -Vl the
tram own-."
nvaied tnwe"."sp.
Crash Skirts, $1.25 to $6
Walking Skirts. $2.40 to $!2
Dress Skirts $3.60 to $28
1205 jrd I2G7 ACMS AVENUE, Lagrande Ore.
MUkPHY BRO'J., Prop's.
Ut I I 1 (t.HWTfW4ttTtTTWTt
... this day . v
' .i,.,lted ly "i"
l, .i .1 this '"1
tV wherever
.1 to m nve
f ' n Biiyoo
.1. ill"
L,Gftiineti .jfv.l 10 mVe
Reported That the Rus
sians Were Victorious-
Japs 70,000 Strong
Crossing River.
ElecUcn Sbpliei;ln
Uounty Clerk Hiataaugb rtoeivad
the eleotlon rapplia the JTaiwalite.
tion tbit morninj.froMBe Beerrtary
nlUr.l. Tk. I.a .iwiKu .lud '
lvd aU ot tt:aokaaiWv lk a
asKry toMdaot tb' latimr wen
fneludw in tbe conliagsna, .Tbey
will bv..Y"""u"a naong lb varioos
eleotlon Wra by tbe iberiff in due
time befom? o pollt open. V
fill- a n n tit ri t
J "i
- Obat. W Koyei TrSttKned tbit morn
Ing from Uilgard where oamadt ar
rangements to take o niplete anaaaftr
meot of J D Oatey't taw mill, wblob
will be in operation In a lew days,
ThUmill will cot 3,000,000 bet , of
lumber tbit season. Mr Noyee la 'a
practical ml.lmeo bavlnn bad many
jreart o! eiperiener in tbit lint, .
Kennedy In tbit oity Monday
morning at two o'olook Mra H P Ken
nedy wife of Mr H P Kennedy of
heart failure caused hy dlptheretio
pnitooii g Mr K.nntd has suffered
from an attaok of diptberia but bad
apparently n covered from the diseaie
proper, but her constitution ' was so
weakened that her heart simply onuld
noi perform its work. The funerai
will not he publio Mra Kennedy is a
daughter of Mr and Mra vj VV ' Allen
of this oity. " .
Tomorrow Night
The entertainment to be given tomor
row at the central school ' building; by
the. 10th and 11th grades of the high
school promises to bs uf more than Ordi
nary luturost. The fact that It it a cou
lusl for supremacy between the .two
clauses will increase the zeal of the con
testants to the higbcBt point. The so
lc tlon liy the new High' Bohool band
n illbewouth more than the price of
ailmission. Whatever money is taken
iu will be devoted to purchasing music
foi t he orchestra and Glee club and for
rending a representative to Whitman for
the declamation contest. i, .v '
-:?:;;ne; Should Kn6w4.
Hr Ue D Goodhue, who it one of the
meet ezperleneed eraamery" men to the
Northwest It in the city and haa bean
In tlx valley for several dava on . in.
ol InveatlgaUon and emphatically eav
rimmn at nit opinion that Grande
Bonde valley will In a verr few
be one of the greatest dairy and oream
ery aeetlont In the Northweit. -S- :
Three years ago Mr Goodhue sum. .
few daye on the BandHdee talkin
dairying,' but at that tlma u no
thought possible, to grow JHl(a r ln
fact anything hot -wbeatf Darlnc -. j
present visit he notk-ed -many fielda of
alfaila that will produce from 3 to 6 ions
to the acre and will furnish an exeelleot
paa'ore the balance of the year. ,,' '
Allalfa is an Ideal cow and hog' feed
and either In Its green or cured rtnte Is
one of the most complete dairy mtion. ;
. The dairy bualnesa haa . made rapid
strides during the paat , iew years 'from
tor tb farmer W tnaie dalli f,i v "f.
nermit. i1iii-iiiii' ? .- 5- . :i ';
t.- unwary, mny fwa 'f: frs
or three time each week aed allow thl? ; S:
farmer to feed the tklmmed "miltf to bli
oalyea or.bogt ilhile tweet. .j:;3; X
j Another grettt advantage U ilie j&a
business that the patrons
have it, that there I. a cenaUnftinoWhS
Is, ooome-during eaoh, monliaol lhi-i
yetr.. ::yvj'oll':;;'Vr'.ii
; Mr GorirJIiuVreajlwa the 'ttaturih'feV-K
oenbal position that La Grande Ociipiej feSw-."
Jw.the tifpport; aqd :nialnUiina&.olf;
"hU'gaatii:reamery in Eastrn Whr;"
the GrandeRoiide? OreW
ly aaupted to f hU-jine ot - baiineeVi
will 'ora tU. lnil.tlm;mMt-8auibM s
stetfom4 .renthn.lsttictbeS.S: n
At St Louis Fair :
;'..'ftv .:..-. ,;.-,..v;,.i. ...''.,' ''v.?-.-Tbe
world'e Fair at St Ixniur .: opened
oh Saturday with much oratory, parades
and blare of trumiiets and shouts of peo
pie In every langnae ' spoken by man.
Preaident Booievelt touched a tititlnn in
Washington, City at.' noon which ; sal
an Infliiate nuinlior of wheels to revolv
ing in St, Louis. That' put in operation
machines ofevety kind used on earth,
There were . people there ; from every
conntry on earth end the product from
every cllaeand every art practiced any
whereon the planet; .. c , v
Tbe Fair is an. epitome ot the big
world concentrated upon 1240 acres lot
(liens man In thia city""' v :v'
land. ; One hundred iind; 4oSd'
Routed applano when th8jr1esttvff'ife;
tonclroii the l)ttincuol to oii'uliua f : '
on a statcli -bhlldiag the das of "i
nation" and, above ajl -l the atari unu; " ji,.
stripes, ?i.!;-y;i'!;,'-J,- ,;fivi' ' '
A rotory'tt'ViendK''''Atii(J.lK'
said to osh 20.0W p.urtqf ski!n-tllf 'vj
daily 'ja" mannUcVurrag eubstniej for -j?
ivory; oelluloid, hard'rrjb.ber t elf, ,TB v'iijii
milk it not affected by either, fire t dr; j;
water, and U used ''ior.vfaittuii'AatlikrH'
paper; knives, knitV-:l(tJin'tpi:'4
holders 'tJloiaV-'-''
London, Mny 2 A newt agency dis-
patob from Liaoyang, dated Friday,
announoes that there has been further
fighting on the Yalv, that the Japan
ese met with severe reverses while at
tempting 1 1 cro the i iver on Friday
and the Russians securad a brilliant
victory. No di tail are Riven.
Newohwang, May 2 It is reported
bere, but as yet unconfirmed that
there hat been severe fighting for two
daya along tbe Yalu river. Japanese
forona 7,u00 a'roug oiot sed tbe river
nto Manoburian territory and wete
V.rongly resisted by a large Russian
Tbe Russians finally retired lo the
direotion of Feng Wyang Cheng, in
acoordanoe with tbeir plan ot cam
paign Tbit meeting of hostile arm
ies it teverest that hat yet occurred
and while tbeir it no int as to oasual
iet, it marks the sctual opening ol
tbe campaign on land It Is reported
but also unconfirmed that tbe Japan
ese have landed in force near Chin-
The main Russian forts it laid to
be concentrated at Tieling to tbe
north of Mukden. There being no
intention ol holding the banks of the
Yalu the Russian troops it la explain
ed here are falling baok from the liver
upon Feng Wyang Cheng.
We know that we have one ol the best assorted and moit popular-priced stock of
Shoes in La GrandeIn (act as complete and as large a stock as the average exclusive stock'
you find in the country. WE KNOW THIS, but we want YOU to know. It and corrrr-
in MONDAY MORNING, MAY 2, we ofler every pair of our Men's, .1 adiesVChlfai
Shoes at REDUCED PRICES, lor on week endind Saturday Niaht. Mav 7. .Ceverv nair nf''
. --- -- j "a;"' ' "j .r.t, 'TTi -'
them warranted to be the best shoe on, or o'f the earth for the money. :
' tunc fO Ut -1 .i j 1 .
Suar Increase
Messrs. ' il'e'. 4 O'sy, .ngar sta
tisticians ol Nfw York, import that
the amount of beet uirar pruduord in
the United States in 1903 wis 208,135
long toos, comptred w th 195,6C3
tons the prevluus year. The amount
of augir consumed in tbe United
States is increasing t the rate ol
about 50,000 tons a year.
e war
Lakevtew lo tlie Or-
A special froiu
'Maskerl men went to r sheep rautj
)r - v'M tinaa hike, in tlie northern
,.- r-con nty, Thursday niulit,
Tlie m ii who wants.?
nioo sbnt. u really nice
shoe, in i nrl ''you will find
his IDKAL iu PETER'8
It is gninlly a fine product
Tlie li'mlier is the eofteuf,
th style the la tost, and the
finish the best. It is an
ideal fitting shoe Made by
the Ooxlyear welt process,
has a pulverized cork fill
iug between the inner and
outer soles, which makes
the sole nearly water proof
and a most comfortable
shoe to wear. All at reduc
ed price for one week -
, ; " prices, v
Bring this list with' you. ;
Every shoe in our stock is
marked in piaiu figures and
will be sold exactly as priced
here. ' ' ' '
15 00 shoes.
4 50 " i
4 00 "' .
3 60 . )' .
3 25 .
3 00 " . .
275. ; .
2 50 " ,
2 25 "'-;;
2 00 " .
1 90 " ,
' 1 75 " .
165 .-.-;
1 50 " .
1 40 ."
1 85 " .
1 25 . " .
1 15, " .
' 1 00 " ; .
. 00 " .
. 85 " .
,..4 25
. . 3 95
, 3 45
, .: 2 95
.. .2 85
2 00
. 2 45
. . 2 10
. . 1 95
,;. 1 80
1 05
1 55
,.. 1.45.
... 1 35
... 1'26
1 15
... 110
. . . 98
... 88
MAiatf fob ya j
I 'BY " '- , t 1
anut vm ; "-kl
tjw -."IKK, -at-J'Ty 1
Nolioe this 8hoe.ji! ii Aif
serve the style of ' .itf- thi-'i fl'l-
taaiy Btitcniue, piaceiui ' . i
curve yv, iu tiuuniw, -vwo.
swell slittpe Ot tUrt tofS."
' - -' Its one of tlie.nhiTi)y-
, styles in our large noe
r - I'ETERS Silo
. You can't -.W
of ao idea froni a picture
of a eboe, y - ne'sd'- to
come id-'. and?;feql' j the':''
' siy - ; 'p'ftiieaii;'o( the
leather, sue btiielofCftot .$'-;
fit and trim look it- gtsi 'i
", to youp fool'; :T&y;;ii vol' -
equal to any f p.yi;hr v
5 miide,: and. m7vt
,'prove it Id joitj;: v-j. ' '.
... 70
'4 .....C,V.55
. '. 89"
Stic Jaivj
WlU Cure
, ' "Sirjlor ami nent Into
., ;, -; .r; lianii of awtii
'S U ,irCI TO
cine snee.i ue
AOrube, O B
f county threp-