La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 30, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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After Two Days Hard Fighting the Yalu Men
Cross the Yalu River. Russians
Spirits Revived.
Menacing Port Arthur
Fort Arthur. April 29 Japanese
torpedo boats were eigbtd this mon -ine
protected by a equadinti. A few
im fl dual ehote were fired, and the
shlpa disappeared.
Vladivostok, April 20 A Japanese
Meet was eigbted cd ibis port this
Shanghai April 29 2 p in It ia report
ed that the Russians have suffered a
disastrous repulse alter to days' fight
ing on the Yalu river. The Japanese
forces crossed the river and the Russians
were routed,, j. .
St Petersburg April 29 1 .05 a m The
operations of the Vladivostok squadron
hove revived the spiriti of the people of
Bt Petersburg. The (act that the navy
is doing something of an offensive char
acter appeals to the popular mind,
which has been unable to appreciate the
roason for the Inactivity of the tine ships
of the VlBdivostok squadron.
Hence the news h welcomed that
Russian torpedo hoatB belonging to the
Vladivostok squadron Bank a Japanese
military transport, the Kiuililu Marn,
of 40;K) tons, during the night of April
2a, with all on hoard, with tbe excep
tion cf 17 oil), ere, 20 soldiers, U5o( the
crew and 85rooli camaa. ll i-now
belsived that '200 others, who refused to
surrender' were sent back to the bottom
with the ship.
It is generally recognize 1 that Rear
Admiral Yessen can not do m re than
frighten the Japanese and com.iel them
to exercise greater ciuition in their mili
tary movements, us the sinking of a few
trrnsporl? or even cruisers can have no
pflKgjuent efl'ei-ton the result of the
.1 jTZflMll' i. i i I ' by his in
struction? fot ri9k n,a ''ip unduly,
the intentiug l!0? ', kr them mte
for an attack?110 tlle Uallll! fl8et whe"
it arrives in tff Vcifl
,.....,. i. k. .n. r...l a n ..;.i,,lkur C1'y 5'esl2i
Postoffice Robbed
Enterprise, April 29 Ben Davis ar
rived in town Wednesday morning and
announced that J A Denny, postmaster
at Imoaha was held np and robied in
hie store Tuesday night by masked men.
They secured about $90 from the store
and something over a hundred from the
post office. Sheriff Shackelford started
immediately for the scene of tbe rob
bery and will endeavor to capture them.
They have almost a d'y'e ,tart and it
will be hard to folios' , (n(j overtake
The Mock Iniation give. Bvann.
by the ladies oChrystal Wbee Iodge
N 60 under the directio.f p , .
Mra Simpson was jut atT . . , ,
affair that ever happen . .
not.a man in the . .
"Plll"?,Sf!!r mlrtl.fnlln.. Tl,
pieeiniaiice waBjmore than was expected
and there waaj.ot a dis atifflod per. on In
the andhince.
A Few Prices on MEN'S TROUSERS, conmencing April 21 and
lasting until May I. The swellest line cf Men's Trc users ever
offered in La Grande, at reduced prices. The following prices go
until May I.
Regulur priee $8 00 Sale price $6 75
6 00 " " 6 00
" 5 00 " " 4 25
" 4 50 " " 4 00
' 4 00 " " 3 50
. " " 3 50 " " 3 00
""" ' "" 3 00 , " " 2 65
" 2 DO " " 2 15
Corduroy Pants go at these prices. Call and see some of the
swellest patterns
MURPHY BRO'J., Prop's.
Comrade R. W. Cross
Entertains a Number
of G. A. R. Men
Quito a number of G A R meu met at
the residence of comrade R W Croea in
this city yesterday afternoon, to con
uramlttte him upon his 72nd birthday,
and partake of a splendid dinner pre
pared by his amable wife. While the
the table was being arranged Mrs Cor
delia Crosier, the daughter of a genuine
Union man and favored soldier, read in
a moat excellent manner the famous
poem ecloglstic of the sturdy U S soldier
afl'ectionately known as "Pap Thomas.
When conversation began to lag. sunney
faced little Miss Gertnde Crandal, gran
daughter of comrade Cross and wife,
entertained the guests by singing the
grit ml song, "The Bobolink' in a moat
pleaut mar.ner.
C inrade J W Cowen tlieo read the
folio winjr stanzas as composed by him
self for the occasion, which are here
given to show how n veterau 7(J oarf
old thinks and feels.
Brave comrade when the traitors hand
was raised to strike the blow
To crush our nations Liberty and lay
old glory low
You heard the cry and like a patriot
true and brave
To the front yu niched your country
and tier liberty to ve.
fnd there amid wars bloody strife you
faced (ho traitors loe,
rofliiii-hiiig bout the b.ittlu on nud laid
the i rait or low.
Until the nations shout went forth o'er i
hilllop, land and nei ;
(ilury be to the brao boy a in blue, our J
country s'.iSI is fro , j
Now hrtivo com ratio we have met with
you hero today j
l'. elehtate with von sour eeventy
At-cond aula! day
Huping life'e pure joys remain with you
w litU on this shore
UK and happy veara to celebrate your
Ualal o'er anil o'er.
Cutil the great commander from tin
realms on high
Says come Hort.iy veteran tis time to
lay earths trials by ;
Come to the bright land, to meet with
comrade gone before,
Whore nil is peace. Sorrows, pains and
death are known no more.
The after dinner talks were lad off
by comrade Good broad, of Union who
came to attend the gathering, who whb
followed by a dozen or more. When the
time for separation came, alt left feeling
that the afteruoon had been most
pleasantly tpent.
All inf'elious disease!' arc ucrin disease'. The germs thrive wberever
there is flompn'f and de:ny. The best defen-e fainfct thera is to make
the home o sanitary th it Kenji cannot got a foot hold. All sinks, draniB,
cell- ra, c'osrtx, and other danger spots must h - kej.t th'irouchly di-infeeted.
We hiive nil the reli'iln rn uinatori and uisiuftf'.taiits. Each has its ap
propriate ivi9.-The.janliU- Dfevorythini? wu supply is the highest nd the
priee ia righC Cari give you any fpo.ial inforrai.tion you Deed,
v -i m tintitti m
The following program will be ren
dered by tbe senior and junior olasaea
in tbe High 8cbool Auditorium Tues
day evening, May 8, promptly at 8
o'olook. Admission 16 oeDtt.
Music .......High School Orchestra
Oration BeaoODi
Ben, Grout
Oration Wanted Han
Earl Kilpatriok High Bohool Orchestra
Keoitatioo Haul Oorbett
Recitation.... Uinitter'a Black Nance
Edna HoOall
Vocal Trio, Misses Tait, Aldrioh and
Debate ReaoWnd that tbe annexa
tion ot Canada to tbe United States
would be (or tbe best interests ol both
these governments.
Beiij F Zurbriok, Addie Hunter,
Sira Riddle.
Stella Oliver, Ulanobe MoMurray
V Budnejr 8mith.
Dialogue Tbe rival politioiaus, Earl
Kilpatriok aod Herman Clark.
Decision ol jndg9S.
Homer Davenport Entertains a lare Crowd
at Pendleton and Pleased all
Homer Davenport has come, baa
made tbe oitiiena to laugh with bim,
and bae gone: but be baa left behind
him an impress on tbe minds of
those who saw and beard him that
will remain and be remembered.
The over-crowded house last night
found out what some few knew und
all were glad to learn that the Ore
gon boy did not leoiure, be just talk
ed. There was no fight ol oratory no
prearranged gesture, no art' no, no
calculation in what ne (aid, no striv'
log after effeot. Toe man wbo ban
made himself famous with his pencil
stood before the people (part of tbe
time with bis hands in his pocket,)
took them to Ins heart and into his
copfidrnoe and told them- of the
things that bad happened ' to nim,
the men be bad seen, and - bis expei
ienoes in getting tbe pioturee whiou
have made bim so well known ami
so dear to the people of tbf nation ia
general and this state in particular.'
One minuiH he would have the au
dience holding its sides at his drollory
the Drxt it mourned with bim in bis
pathos. His stories were simply told
and were dainty, or strong as be wish'
jd. From alt points' bis entertain
ment was a turpi many, and nu
agreeable one at that. The eketolius
tie made were also a surprise , for th) y
were to easily and rapidly done.
East Oregonian ....
This Will Interest You
On Saturday Apiil 30, we will place
(in sale the finest, lie web t and most
complete line of millinery ever shown
in La Grando, will make Bpocial prices
and with every dress hat will give free
the latest hat fastners shown it dues
away with hat pins and is much bet
ter, let us show it to you.
And with every pair of Sell Royal
Blve shoes will give free a bottle of
bizbys shoe polieb, written guarantee
with every pair. All goods at lowest
The Rainbow Store
Too Busy
Salem, Or, April 20 In answer to
an inquiry from the management of th
S1 LoniH Exposition Governor Chamber
inn wired today that cannot bo p.escnt
at the opening exercises.
Senator Fuiton, Representative Hermon go is
St. Louis, Senator Mitchell to Ohio.
Re. Williamson not Quite Ihrouh.
Washington, April 29 Senator
Fulton and Representative Hermann
left for Ht Louis this altcrnoon to he
present at the pining nf the Exposi
tion on Saluiduy. Senator Ful on
says he has denied up departmental
work in Washington and exneots tn go
directly uiune from Ht Louis, Mrs
fulMn au(l;Mra lermarn haver al
ready gone to St Lonls.y- rL' .
' Senator. Mitchell- will, j visit Ins
daughter, in Ohio (nr a" few rlajs. in
fore . going ' ho;ne, liepres'iutaliio
Williamson will rcainiu. here . a d -v
dayu oltannt; up depurlmcut-al ma
teis. .... .. -. ,f . .
The iocialiat of this county met Fri
day la Lunar Hall and perfect -ei
organization by thr election f W F
Grttler rhairmnn end Hird F Lewi a
secretary. After tlm apointment of the
of the usual ronitnlilfts Die conventli n
ftdjourned until 2 oWck when the re
ports were rend, platfurm ad pled.
AdrcBBeB were mado by a vt-ral incltid
irJK Mr Courtney hdI Ht rill of liaker
City and Or Barnes of North Powder.
At the following ReBHion the following
ticket was nominated.
Representative-Jus Uilkinflon N Powder
Clerk Bird F Lewis
HherilV C H Ilarn.-ll
Aaoi'flf or I'eier Kuhn
TreHfcurei KU lJuvia
Cotiiinitoner W Ftirlder
JtUi'Ordei A S Mavil!e
The cei.iral toiniiiiitt o vai empiwer
ed to (ill th" otl'ii'C' of school eupurii
t'iidin', Hiirveyor ai d v. imior.
We know that we have one ol the best assorted and most popular-priced stock of -Shoes
in La Grande in fact as complete and as large a stock as the average exclusive stock
you find in the country. WE KNOW THIS, but we want YOU to know it, and commenc- ;
ing MONDAY MORNING, MAY 2, we offer every pair of our Men's,, ladies' and Children's '
Shoes at REDUCED PRICES, for one week ending Saturday Night, May 7. ' Every- pair-of i
them warranted to be the best shoe on, or o'f the earth for the money.
Mark's Suit
At the Fair Store can lie seen a cur
loon Irotn t;io pen of lirover Me'ville
vhieli iw c?ninlVrt plover pii't-e ol work.
It is a pii'tnro ol Homer Davenport, tin'
famous cartoonist who will lerturu at
the 0ra i llojeo tonight. Sir Davon
purt made hb repfitat(on as a furtooiil.l
liy ilrawlni! Mara llanna ilreaoed In a
unit ol i lothes ''eeoratvd all over n itli
dollar tigm. Voun Melville noit lur
Davenport repmaentwl a enrln lha
same suit, heArniK tlif ihprription, '4The
Ult llavenporl once drew for Marlci
fliinnaiiow fits h in-nlf." M.-hllln Is,
certainll pjawpsi-d -f reuiBikablo taleut,
and will ,' rtidouiiied'yilevi'loi o into a
certoooiHui no le'S lamu Shan Divoi
jxirt biujself. , -.'. "
UK mtu
Tli" tn n wlio wants a
nice hjn :i really nice
shop, iniml j-'iii will fiud
li in I UK A I. in I'KTEK'S
It is ii;dly h line product
'I lie IcHllii r ia the softest,
the slyle th - li t st ami the
(inisli the hrst. It ia au
ideal titling shoe Made by
the Go idyear welt proct-ss,
h8a pulverized coik (111
ii:g hetwi-cu the inner and
outer soles, which makes
the sole nearly water proof
and a most comfortable
shoe to wear. All at reduc
ed price for one week.
prices. i-v
Bring this- list with you..
Every shoe in our stock is
marked iu plain figures und
will he sold exactly ns priced
$5 00 shoes. .
4 50 " ..
4 00 " . .
3 50 "
3 25 " . .
3 00 '
2 75 " ..
2 50 "
2 25 ' ..
2 00 "
1 90 " . .
175 " ..
1 C5 "
1 60 "
1 40 "
1 35 "
1 25 " . ,
115 "
1 00 "
1)0 " ..
....... .;4 25
3 95
3 45
2 95
2 85
2 00
2 45
2 10
1 05
1 80
1 (15
1 C-'i
1 45
i :i.'
.-fll O';
. - . jA' --i?rifi'iH-:.i.S. i.
. i.;
Notice tins shoovoV
serve the stylo ot I
tasty stitching, gi
curve of the ontli
swell all i o of th
Its one of tl
style in ourJit'-
i j.ii-"-:-. ;.
' t .t. -
' kJ Ewr " JCr m art
1 f"""'-V-4i. .. ' &m'. ""t' . 'V" - ' ' f i'