3- .-it HA S - New Arrivals We received yesterday., direct from the east the latest ' end best ' election of Millinery ever shown in La Grande. ... ' , PLENTY OF SHOE COMFORT Ease to yonr feet isn't all yon get in a pair of Sells Royal Blue shoes; it's a good deal; to 'get but not enough. There's comfort iq the looks of them, and they're even .better thau they look. We have theon, iu ldiea' and men's. A written guarantee with every pair. 2.50 to 3.50 LA GRANDE MORNING OBSERVER CURREY BROS, Editors Proprietors. Entered at tbe Poai Offioe at La Grande, Mall Mattes. r- ; (hcsno, aa Second CUea RAINBOWSTORE'j PuMbhcd Daily except 'sieweby. One Yar in Advenes... tiix Months in Advanoe. j Per Month.. 3.fi0 1 Single Copy. .86 .05 FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 29, 1994- f lliuiw lv q.rnnr t I $-wA - ' 1 g ANi INVITAION TO YOU, 2 V . ... . ...... , , . , .. a wtf THIS 18 A SPECIAL INVITATION TO YOU. : , We are receiving daily, many new designs in Wall Paper and Wall Decorations, and we extend this special invitation to yon and your friends to call and see them. We are anxious to have you see our line and we feel sure yon will be delighted with the visit. Youri Respeotfully, :, Stackland & McLachlen PAINTS.! i0JLiS AND GLAbS The candidates of both parties ure grooming themselves for an immediate active campaign to begin about the fir-t of the month. My Lady's Jewels Certainly add to her attractiveness The pwi whuwro-e 'lint ''Beamy uii-J adorned I ado nod the TOfc" pmhahly t.ad no dollar. He -ertitinly showed ; I'ltlu 8n" And if bis 1 dy love had! s " iHn my displ y 01 . .,. Dainty Broaches 5 HIih wmilri not luivu hejeved him riiw rnatl natural ly loves to adorn .Wwli.' : No one n bhur.e her -ifler h-y vini' my store. Hitch btantifm ""Dkb at ao moderate a cost with never . , Itflf.re, I Here an- tiling ir men 1 mii, Jtiht ouiu in and jue how murh mure I uould have said about them. REPUBLICAN TICKET. State Supreme Judge, F A Moore Food and Dairy Commlukmer, J W Bailey Presidential Elector, JimtiA Fee, J N Hart, G B Demkk. A C Hough Second District Congressman J N Williamson. Union and Wallowa. Joint Senator Peter McDonald. Joint BepreaenUtlve J H Dobbin Eighth Judicial District. Prosecuting Att'y. Lroy Lomu Union County: ' Representative N C McLeod, Clerk Jas B G! ham ShertT-J W Waldon. Assessor Ben Brown. Reoorder D H Prootor Treasurer John Frawley Commissioner J H Selders School Siipt. B A Wilkerson 8 irveyor T R Berry Coroner J C Henry. La Grande Precinct. Justice Peace J E Hough Constable J W Eraser The redisricting of the gt tie into two fedeial jud cial Jis'.ricts may r.snlt in uvt soin good lawyer in eastern O egn a lilY pinion Some of our i property owners are agitating til question of ce ment sidewalks all along Adams avenue and Depot streets. It is only a questiOD of time when this will be done. La Grande will soon be known i the city of trees. Reception to Mr Ellis. A reception was given las', night wbiob was largely attended by the members of tbe oongregation ol the First Baptist oburoh to their depart' log pastor, tbe Rev. George T. Elli During tbe eveiog Mr Ellis was pre sented wltb handsome solid gold watcb valued at 1125 insoripid as follows. Presented to Rev George T. Ellis as an appreciation of fourteen years ser vice. First Baptist Church snd friends, Bsker Oily' Oregon Democrat J. H. Kcare, the Jeweler ; Paper Is Cheaper Than Coal and Looks Better (j. . In other words it your walls are well papered yonr fuel bill will be reduced. We do proper :. , . I.I I I Paper Hanging at drices you can afford to pay. HARRIS & PRICE Painter's, Paper Hangers and Decorators. '-All , i ,, I A. C. HARRIS, Phone 1560, J.M. PRICE, Phone 1491 Hi Ji; . ... .. . , Fresh Chocolates' V 1 Frash Bon1 Bona .i. i . k. Fresh Nougaot . Fresh Carmels 4 Fresh Taffey 1 FreBh Baited Pennuts Fresh Salted Almonds FrebhaPopcorn Fresh Fruit ' PHLLIP LOY 1-SMH .ALWAYS k t ON TIME f f I It hen yon r ider groceries Ut i i are sore to bave tbemjdellvered on time 'VXifiwM "rrSm ii miff iiSmrooeries from us you are sure to fV T'f '1..a vj. w ' ....... 'font :?9fat our store ,Sv ID MEATS . j-v.'o: '.nil vvf u knovSiR THING Nearly all of the saw mills in ill is county have commenced on heir seasons run and from this time on the mountains will be filled witbloggers and in tbe northern portion ol tbe oounty the d mind for teams will ex ceed the demands of any prev ious season. Our lumber indus try furnishes labor for hundreds of men. It really begins to look now that the demoorats will be com. polled to resort to the use of the want ad department in their lending papers in the hope of finding a suitable eandidate to head their ticket Hearst poss ibly hud this in view prior to the establishing of several of his recent papers. Mr. Bryan did not do a thing to the New York platform adopt ed by the democrats. As it was merely a jungle of words with no definite policy on any national issue, a great majority of tbe party whether they say so or not are with Mr. Bryan for once. Frank Baker, chairman of the state republican committee ex pects Oregon to send .the first republican victory 'preparatory to the national campaign to the tuue of 20,000 majority! at the coining eleotion. i, . j President Roosevelt in-hls of fice in the white bouse.will touch I lie electric button that will set the wheels iu motion at the opening of tliebt. Louis fair Saturday. Hilgard Items Mrs IP K"l'y nf Pnirv w in Hilgard on business Monday J.I'. ( hi; ai.d wiedrov to L 9 i rin We.l-ny (Vii-y an) ro'ur-iii-hinj; fc'iei' H -i !, I'll ! Slip'" 4-1 I oil. Vf .s Burnn rc vi-iung friends at b Bi z s.w null. Burn to h- wl' of C a Hiwr a noyandgir. The m nn-r and twini ar doing nicely, Mr Merri I of Silt L ke is vieitin j Hilgaid in tbe interest o( bis com. pany. Miss Satab Youog tbe waiter at the Casey House intends resigning her positian in (he near future. Lewis Switsel of Mesoham relieved Mr Lew Well as seotion foreman at this plaoe. Mr Well mny friends re gret his departur' Mr D. H. MoWaters our road supervisor Is kept busy repairing washouts made by recent fresbet. Dissolution Notice Nolioe is hereby given tbat tbe partnership heretofore existing be tween E. D. Wbiiing and O. J. Black has this day. April 18. 1904. been dissolved by mutual consent. Dated this tbe 18 day of April 1904 at La G -ande Oregon . O. J. Blaok. E.D.Wbiting. April IT May 17. LOST cut of world A beehive between tlis Post office and Tom Ormonde. Return to this olllce .IhfAk V, Ysis.- Bsker county a few years ago was more heavily in debt than Union county. To day she is only 150,000 in debt according to the report of the experts whn have just completed their work. "ttW OBStRVk Labor lor tbe beet fields wiU oon be the ory again. There are few counties in the state whose diversified interests are as great and we certaiuly have a bright, year ahead vf Uf, ? NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : Notice is hereby given that the under signed Recorder of the city of La Grande Union county Oregon will re ceive sealed Lids for the sale nf an is sue of Twenty-five thousand dollars additional bonds of the city of La Grande Oregon until tbe Uth day of May A D 11104 at tbe hour of eight o'clock P M of saiJ day. Said Imnds to be of the denomination of Kive hundred dollars each, and to be nuinlH'red fiotn one to flfly inclusive snd to hear date the 1st day ol July 11HM and to lienr in terest at the rate of live per cent per annum, psvahle semi annually ou I ho lsliiay nf January ami the 1st 'ilayif July In each year. Maid bondsto.hr o drawn aa to beoome due In twenty years from date thereof and redeem able alter ten years from date thereof at the option of ihe city of Iji orande, the principal and interest to be payab'e in V. S, gold coin at some plsce to be agreed Oion by said city and the pur chaser of said bonds, and to he designa ted therein. Said bonds to be sold at not less than par and said city of La oraude reserving the right to reject any and all bids for the same. All I lids for said bonds shsll be senled and directed to the undersigned as the Recorder of the eity of La urande,- and aball have plainly endorsed on some part of the outside blthe envelope- tbe words, "Bid forOlty IU1I Bonds." ' . The proceeds of the sale of said hour's to he nwd In Hie cenftructlon ots City Hall for said city of La oramle Oreg-m, ' , Vv ,; WM MltAB-, .'. Recorder of the'efty ot La Grande OnloaCoMty.Orrbo.., . Twelve Thousand to Han Before Sept. 1 The hauging wi i be done iu Union oounty by experienced hangman in a manner to please all con cerned. In fact co in pie e satisfaction is guaranteed, or ynur raoimy back. What is to be hung? Why 12,000 rolls of the very latest designs of this season's WALL PAPER ,. We have a largur stock of wall paiier than we have ever before altem;ied to tarry, and iu order to ensure its pee.iy sale we have made tbe pri'ie below the usuhI margin. We will the t fully furnish esti mates and will be pie .hh, tn show you what we have to ofler. PAINTS, OIM, 'il.ASS, builddr'i ma'.erial of all kinds. Pnone di. 0. P. C00LIDGE e. eseae.es assssa : NCW AARKE ar. csgr; ajrig gtavg Adams Avenue. LA GRANDE, OREGON j We Do Not Qaim I That wo cii pli-iwe nil f thi people all of the time, but I j WE DO CLAIM j J That m- ii'ifit Ii m heen undei the sau e in iiMgemeut for I nearly TUN VEAU5 I Tl.nl durin; th'e time our aim has been 1 please as J near y all, at all timed as good work aud courteous treat j Ti ul we will do our heit to please you if you will favor J us with you- ptttrouage S That Packages l.-fi at Anderson fe Myers or Kirtley's I barlier sli(it.s will reoeivn the bauie prompt attention that they would if left, at the laundry. ! A B C LAUNDRY j PHONE j i85i A- i IA PRIVET. ANDE NURSERIA CALIFORI LA Gi Makes a beau'il'i foliage is so dense as evergreen und cau be hardy and grows ou a lots. Fruit, shade at ttc. Let us know yoi Write box 637 or fence or trreen for ciiy lots. Its o bhut nut all wind. It is an jut to any shape or form, It is ny noil. Also 6ue for cemetery d weeping trees, shrubs, roses, r wants we do ike rest, phone 1161. E 1 Hi QUEEN CITY GREEN HOIISR H1 DO YOU WANT A CHOICE TIMBER CLAIM? If so e can locate yon ou some fine claims in Wallowa Oounty I M'Daniel 6c M' Don aid I WALLOWA, - - OREGON Farmers' and Traders' National Bank. LAGRANDE, OREGON a a is Capital Stock fully paid . f 60,000 Surplus fund - . . 13.000 Liability of Shareholders - 60,000 Responsibility - : . 133,000 We do a general banking and exchange business. Drafts bought and sold on esrtern and foreign banks. JOSEPH PALMER, President J. W. SCRIBER, Cashier StUIWEll 'IT j Vandprmtilen Wish to-unnoiiuce tbat on Saturday February 27 they' will open a first class J Meat Market iu the old S Stand "THE BOSS" Corner Railroad fc Fir St, We will always keep on hai.d a good stock of fresh ami fiunk'-d meats, sau- sf , lii-li and poultiy, e S anil vtill he glad to meet e S nil my "Id patrons and a J as many u-w ones. AH J onii'M will receive our J inni)it iiliention. J e Phone 4jl - J a Wll A Two Lii lit Electrolier Hmpire style iniplete with etched glass v shades and fc l attachments put np iv 1. yc ar residenci for $ oo See samples iti onr window. La Grande Lipt & PowenCo 5 Four of a kintl ia a pretty good hand at ranis. But at the biiu her's its the kind that emmta, not the four. We keep only one kind of meat, the kind that's frash , healthy, tender and uiey. Buy your eteaki an i chops here, and they'll always he right. Our stock Is well-fed and piopcrly eared for. Conse quently our meat has a delicious flavor. Bock 8c Thomas ii IS tH J tuf t Tllf FAMOUS LITTLE PILLS. Hsr 'ulck relief from BlMousrass, Sil. riirtdach, Torpid Liver. Jaun dice Dizziness, and ail troubles aris ing from an inactive or sluggish liver. DaWllt'a Lltllo Early Risers are un equalled. They act promptly and never p rips. They are so dainty that Ills e pleasure to take inem. One to two act aa a mild luatlvs; two or four act aa a pleasant and effective cathartic The are sui.hr vegetable and absolutely kanalese. The- tonio the liver. - raarAsae eats' sv B. C. OaWitt Co., Chleeafn Koi' Sale by all Difuggists Will Exchange Singer sewing machines fur good driving horses. Machines sold upon easy terms. Repairs for all kinns of machines. A. H. STONE. OHice in Jas. R. Smith's Jewelry Store. m If " a Comet I 1 i 1 w 'n t18 SrtY cornea 4 m tho star of healtb famous remedy does for the stom ach thai which tt Is unable to do for Itself, even If but Slightly disordered or overburdened. . to the weak and i weary despon dent dyspeptic. ,curinr all iitomion i troubles and . digestive . disorders. supolles Ihe natural luices ofdisTestiori anA 1 does the work of the I stomach, reiaxlne the I nervous tension. wMi 1 the Inflamed mu?li.t 1 and membranes of that orrjsn sre allowed to rest and heal. It cures Indleestlon. fl palpitation of the heart. nervous dyspepsia and all Stomach !raitMa kM cle.nsinr.ourifvlnr.nl strenjthenlne the alanda. I membranes of the atom- ' i' mo cu (estiva organs. . 3,V. . ..... .:-y..vc.v. .