2 :-:" V . New Furniture ..''. Carload of high grade goods, the finest ever brought to this city. Sideboards, Dressers, Bullets, elegant line of 1 Rockers end Easy Chairs, Oflice Desks and Chairs, Kitchen Cabinets every housekeeper should see this article of .beauty and utility.' . Dining chairs 05 cts to $4.75. Dining tables beauties. . Undertaking and Embalming ' a Specialty My undertaker H. B. H4ISTEN, will respond promptly to all calls, day or night. - E. ANDROSS HOUSE FURNISHINGS HOUSE RENT la n expense which is relished only bv tbe landlord. Itcertai ly is not a I'lraaure to know that all yon have for yean of re-1 payii g is a bundle of re ceipts. WHY DON'T YOU STOP Paving rent? I f j on h ve or ran get a little money v e - an si ll you house. The .noney you' now pay for rent will go a long way towar I paying oft' the btil lance. Yon" ait as your own laudV lord and pay the m ney to yourself. Don't yoa think you ought to look into such an opportunity? La Grande Investment Company, 1110 Adams Avenue, To Be In The Swim And up-to dale iu our business methods, we will carry a i SIDE LINES ATTRACTIVE LEADERS. Ladie's trimmed bats, cheap jfwe'.ry, b-iby buggies and bailed hay. We will build you .t hou-.e and fur nish you everything that goes into it exoept the wife and babies. We trim our hats on a cross cut saw. The side line system is a sure winner. STODDARD JOHN JAMISON WESTULL ELVA JAMISON We will call for it and bring it home when promised. We guarantee satisfaction and onlv ask for a trial order to demonstrate to you that we un derstand the laundry business. You can stop our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry and your work will be called for at once. We make a specialty of family washing, and can do your washing better aud cheaper than you. A trial order solicited. a a a a a a a a a Q a a Q a a a a Union Steam Laundry PHONE 1981. COMING! Homer Davenport CARTOONIST Subjpct Power of a Car loon. This popular lecturer aiid renowned Cartoonist will lecture Saturday evening iu the1 Opera Home, under the auspices of the Commercial Club. DON'T MISS .THIS Phone 91 Residence Phone 367 1202 Adams Ave La Giande, Oregon LUMBER CO. . 742 FIR STREET. i THE CARTOONIST IN PORTLAND Homer Davenport Receives a Warm Reception in Portland Where He Lectures to an ; Exceptionally Large Audience. Of Homer Davenpotta's lecture in Portland wbtob will be given here . ou the night of the 28cb,the Portland Oregcnian say : "When Homer Davenport was pres ented to his audience at the Marqoam last evening a whole theater full of people spontaneously applauded until it seemed that the leoturer wou ld never be allowed to proceed. It , ' moV) a hearty, sincere ovation tbat the man who prompted it stood mute lor minutea with trembling lipi and tears in bla eyea As fine an audience aa ever welcomed a publio speaker to Portland waa p eent to greet the son of whom HIS DEATH ENDS THE PROSECUTION Editor Harrym3n, Charged With Dinamiting np the Long Creek Ranger Dies of Con sumption, Thus Ending the Prosecution There has hcen a sudden and unex pected termination to the prosecution of O. W. Hiirrymiin ol bong Creek, on tbe cliarpe of liyr.nniiting the office of the Long Creek Ranger. Mr. Har-ry.-n-in h il.m,, a vioti'ii of conaiimp'.i on. Any knowledge which he might have p'ie-iaeil a to guilt or innocence of fiip?ctfH parties in Mowing up tb? Ranger ollico was buried with him for Officers Elected - he follnwii'g o nicer elected Mon dy -nli' far ti3 1'robibition Allunci tif thin city : W A Worftell Prfif. Mm M R Stephenaon Vice Pies J'imPi rk Sec. I)r J L Havif? 'lVu . Prof HockiMiherty Cnapla n Hodeie Woruteli M-irehnl Tlie next meeting ol the alliunc will he held at !) Iioiiih of Mr Ti mil son oor of H nd Fourth st Monday night May 16 President Will Join. New York, April 27-Fifty members of the Mystio Orderof Veiled Prophets of the Enchanted Realm, a branch of i ha Masouio order, will go to Wash ington today for the purpose of con stituting a new grotto, wbicb, it it understood, will inolude among ifa charter members President Theodore Roosevelt. The chief executive beoarae a Mason at bis home in Oystei Bay two 01 tbree yt are after. Change of Management. Tlio undersigned bas purchased the busin Be known as tbe Harris Cash Meat Market and will here after conduct the same. We wish to inform the public that we are prepared to furnish all kinds of meats, game and poultry at the very lowest prices consistent with first-clus articles We have our own delivery and make two trips daily to the Old Town. Highest market price puid for all cuttle, hogs and sheep. We solicit n share of your patronage ninl guarantee the very best outisfjetiou. Plume orders receive prutnpt aiid careful ii'.tentiMi. ll trrii 'ni-et it"! ke! (vt'ios ti e track, I'lii. lie I (inl. TURNER & WALTER f T JL t U DWlrt ! th r.vr to Mk fcr hea M L CO buy Vv'ltch Hil St:. xWiti's Wlich H-l Ul ! lh OflclnaJ tni onlr f mj1n). la ftd DWitfllithorU7W!tc Hull Rttlv Ihit is mud (ran la VMdijllsVfttaf) Vitch-Hazel All Mhart ar mmlmrlittbtm InW bttant, chei) cM worthtaM UnftfWH. OfWltt't Witch HtulSkhw U tpoclfrc (or Plla; BHnd. BVtMdlnf, Itchinf ndPronjdlr.fPlbt. AlfaoCul. Burns. BnHtwa, SpKlna. Uhtsntlona, ContuBtana. Bolla. trtmel. tamrm, Tnar, St RtMira. fend ttit alaM BkM DlwafMt, SALVE raavaasa ar E.C. DeWIHCo.,Okage For Bale by ail Druggist Oregou la to justly proud. Dave--port's speech will never be printed in tbeiobool boota or rtorc- duoed on a graphapbon record. , It 'a too original and requires the man's personality too moob to to into the piokie barrel of fame. He baa avoided ttie dust of tbe beateo path whloh lb bmeau leoturera bave traveled si no Wendell. Phillip.. He baa out 'erwa Iota and waded through the freak her bage of greener paatures.but be baa ar rived beyond a oavil. The Davenport Irotuie if at refreshing as tbe woods in June. It has pioturetqueness and pitb and poiot. It it altogether worth while, . 1 lc made no atateraont before be died. Mr. Harryman waa editor of the Long Creek Light and was out under $500 bonds ta appear helore tbo judge of the cirottit eountt of Graut county ur.t iiiuuiii inn answer to tne ouarge of dynamiting tlio Ranger oSioe. Just what evidence there was against Har ryman is not known as It was collect ed by Detective Salvage of Portland. Central Church of Christ Opposite Sointnor House. OPEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Oflice Hours 1 to 2:30 Free Rending Room open from noon until 9 p m. Men and boys invited. Bible school Sunday 10 a m Preachiug Sunday 11am and 7:30 p m. Prayer Meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p m. Local Markets. Eggs, fresh valley louts Butter, creamery 65a and. firatolast dairy 60o per roll. Potatoes S5cta per sack. Applei,76o. to fiOcta. per oox. Cabbage, 3Jot. per lb. Turkies, 10 ots. lb. live weight. CEBKALa Wheat 74o toSOo per bu. Oats 1.10 pet cental Barley 80c per oental Portland Markets, The steady deoline in Eastern and foreign markets baa taki u tlie life out of tbe local wheat market, Buvers and eellera are farther apart than ever and business it at a standstill, with the tcoe decidedly wtk. WHEAT Walla Walla, 76o; blue stem, 82c; Valley, 81. BARLEY Feed, 2; per ton, hrew ing,$24; rolled $26. FLOUR Valley, $3 90 and 3.95 per rarrcl; bard wlieatst-Highte, 3 60 and 3.70; clears, $3.85 an.l 4 IX); li-uil what patents, 14.00 and 4.10; Dakota hard wheat, 45.40 and $6.0 l; graham, $3.90 whole wheat, $4; rye flour, $4.50 aud 4.76 OA ra No. I white, $1,174.; gray f 1.10 per centr.l. MlLi.8TUFKS--Bran,$18 per ton; niidillniK', Hi; shurta, $i0; chop, U. . mil, , 16; lint.. el, dairy ui $19 Y i I r, , . . r r y, i 6 p.-, I,,-,; olOV e , ?1J; piAln, 1; ..-lient, $l:t. I'm I CLK Puliiini B, fill to 75 coins per sack. Oniciia 8 ' .em- to $1 0U per eack. F.ugf On y m, 16(tt l7 cts, Eistern 2'iia 22c ilnlter (Ireaini ry, 25 a ill 30i: Dairy, 17J and 20c, sti.rc ODftlOclb, Hi.ultrj Chickens, mucd 10c per pound, spring, l(o and hens, lOo , turkeys liv, 17 and 18,! lb ilrwsed 18 and 20o lb-, ducks, $6 and 7 ,er doi. geeae, 8u lb. . UVXSTOCX Cattle Best steers $4.28 and $4.00, medium, 4.WJ; oowo 13.25, and .$4.00 HosprBeatrae.tal $.26 medium lane fat 4.76 '. : -' 1 Sheep .Best weatherv $8.60) mired sheep $8. ' S ' V ' r'OR KENT Housekeeping' rooms at Mrs Shearer, , Classified Ads TO THE READING PUBLIC ; 1 We bare Just received a new lot ot paper back novels. In addition to these we bave added 800 cloth bound books to out exchange library. . Newliu Drug Co. , . r FOB RENT Office rooms for! nut Inquire at Lewis Pilntery. ,' 4 ttt(. FOR SALE 1 Single Disc Beet Plows tor sale cheap. Also 3 saddle ponies one bait Shetland, 8 ' gotd ' single driving horsea. ' J . B. Reynolds. FOR SALE Good gentle work hone weight 1100. Inquire at this office pr address La Grande P O box 616 4 ilStf. FOB SALE CHEAP : , All tbe fixtures of the Cove. Creamery Including one eight horse power engine and ten bora power boiler, ebnrri and butter works, ana a large cheese-press fata ate. ' ' '' 1 Mrs Matt Mitchell S-8-tf ' Cove, Oregon. FOB SALS Two acre tract, East nt the La Grande Flouring mill, one half In good bearing orchard. Sinall roUage, end good barn. Willee for cash or will:' trade for good work horses. L O Grout TP , ' La Grande, Or. ' FOR 8 ALE Large two story house, good barn, about 7 aciea of land with orchard for sain, will ' take part payment either in city property or farm land. Sightly located in lid town. For particulars inquire at this office or of E Damon 4-1 tf. FOR PALE 150 sacks of fine early rose teed potatoes. utile east of L Olden burg'a farm. 4-0 U J S Chandler FOR fi ALE Two acre block with new 5 room house, barn, nut houses well improve I (1500, time given on part. This will hear investigation situated on N Cherry and N street. 4-2 tf Fred waring. FOR SALE 5 lots, with good dwell ing house and barn ou out aklrts of City. For futher particulars see G W Thomas at Bock and Thomat Meat Market, 8 23 tf. FOR SALE 6 acre fruit farm, all bear ing, good house and barn, well im proved, well watered also Jersey milch cow, black menorca chickens, : house hold goods, and etc. Apply to 4-14tf.dw. J W Uelmr, May Park FOR RENT A block of ground with bearing orchard, garden, small house and barn. Inquire at tba office of F 8 Ivanhoe FOR RENT A five room furnished bouse for rent. For particulars phone 771 or 1938 or inquire of Mrs Q W Henry. . 4-1 FOR RENT A furnished four room cottage. In quire of Mra Zulier. j U ' WANTED ; Two girls to learn the mlllinary trade at onoe. Inquire ot Mra J B Forrest. Congratulations. . Mr. John H. .Cullnm,, Editor of the Garland, Texas, fiewfbesj Jvritten a factnres congratulation tp tsa asanu letter of : of ... Chamberlain's) Cougb Remedy, as : follpws t,, "Sllteen, years ago . whan . oar . first child was a baby be was subject, tq cronpy spells and we wi uld be , . very uneasy about him. We began using Gham berlaiu'a Cough Remedy in ; ,1887, ami finding it tucb a reliable remedy for oolds and croup, we have? never been without it in the house sjuoe tbat time. We have five children and bave given It to all of them with good results." For Sale by all drug gists. La Grande School Mu.ic of Opponti ontni r I ousr. One of the N'H n iirictl institutions in the atai' . F'.-ur rnr-na used for miifiral in- Mjcinn, 15 giadea of music uui LI. i, i. ilmcnt 1, 2 rooms ii'e-1 lor i H ti nt g adea. Children at the af of 5 tt older come one hour ev day D priment 2, 2 rooms '. r K'aiJ n 4 lu 15 mi pupils of all a . T'ir latest course best prac- tic.i ui.i-kmI iii.iiuciion, Musical cuntem lor m. H.ls every lew wkl. t. Porter Day, Principal, Mrs. Day, Assistant i OFFICERS! R. Ham I .President J. M. Baattr Vice President J. M.Ciiuacil J Cashier F. L. Mktkbs Asst. Cashier 355 ' LaOranpe NaTOnal,13 ,' , La Craa4a. Oiegoo - CAPITAL j AND SURPLUSf , - Transactt a general banking business. Buss"""' all parte of (be worlil. . I.... ,,. . . KOTtCB , ; Having disposed of my grocery bus ocas, I would like all those who are in debted to me, to. please ;call and settle, either by rash or note. , My hooks are at OL Thorn's grocery store on Fir street, when settlement can be made. Tf OE FOWLER NOTICE Dressmaking and Plain Sew. ing. Next door to Mrs. Sheak's reel deuce. North of the Railroad ebops. 4-3.11 ' , Mrs. Adna Roa ana. WANTED Cream at La Grande Drag Co. , ; ; w-i9. , PASTURE Much more abundant than last year", and open for all kinds of stock during April, hx M pastures for stork needed at short notice etc Apply to 1110. B. St Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tel pbonel378 v- ... If ,f All Kinds of Work -iM Wesley Davis does all kinds of aravX anger work, such as cleaning wells, ceas polls, etc Give him a call. A 24 tf - . MISCeiANEOUS. Doors and Sash Send your orders to gtorda.-ds ware house, for doors and saab. , They were bought in large quantities direct from the faotory. fbey are hand'ed oheap ly and at prion to defy competition. BOARD AND ROOM ' Pleasant rooms and good board for gentlemen. Inquire at 601 T street known as tbe Hnghes house. 8 -4 -If Pasture Anyone having cows 'o put in a pas ture call on Louis Barnard Old Town or phoue O W Bilke ViU. Terms $1 75 in advance. 4 10 22 TO RENT Bum centially locntcd. Sue Jack chilila. FOR SALE Four room house anil lot will go cheap upon easy tviuia if sold at once. Property located at 1520 Monroe Avenue. Inquire at the ' above number. 4 25 5 2 Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses Good feed and small pastures easily reached $1.25 for single bead per month, rat s less for bunches. Bent yellow pine and other wood in any length, work, riding and driving horses for sale. Houses for runt in the beat residence sites in the com munity. Apply 1101 B st old town . PO Box 841, Phone 1276 . 4-6-tf Fair Rotes The O B A N Co will sell round trip tickets to St Louis and return from this city, with stop over-privileges both ways for auo Tickets only will be on sale tbree daya of each month only as fol lows. May 11, 12 and 13, June 16. 17 ai d 18, Ju'y 1, 2 and 3, August 8, 9 and 10, Sept 5, U and 7, Oct 8, 4 and 6. UCKI The L'r. Ltebig staff, only f'lL.11 epecialtiata for men, con tinue to cure all chronic, private and nervous silments, of importance, skin diseases, ibematisui, catarrab, etc. Dr.1 A . C. Stoddard,. Ph. 0,. for 27 yeara medical direotor, 71 eixtb St., Portland, Or. Ill Yeeler Way, Seat le, Wash. Call or write. .. INVESTORS froSbK00'0 month can be made by parties who can invest from $500 to $1500. One eastern investor made $66,000 in 1903, call or write for reticulars Tbe Wm. B. White Co., oil Pine St Portland, Oregon. . WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. I manufacture every style on any mounting and carry a complete stock of Pads, Inks, Racks, Daters, Rubber Type, etc Seals, Btencils, Trade Checks, Door Plates, Postal Scales. . Write me what you want. I can please you by return mail. Eveiy stamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Biker City. STALLION NOTICE A great opportuuity for you to breed to one of the best at a very low price. I will make this season with my imported fmaous Ho.kncy stallion 8TUNTNEY T4SSO With return privilege $3 pay- uble in advance. No other termg gjve go0( roferr,n cas as to his colls. vVm. O Hanson. DIRECTORS I J, M. Berry, J. M. Churuh A . B. Conley, R. Smith U C. Istsnli isy v r - :; - !::'"i - i Uoiieei Geddes Brosi . f T Why are Uedilef Bros, kept so bnsy? Why do they sell the bust goods at the lowest prices . ' Preferred St'k Tomatoes 3 for 50u Preferred Stock Corn 8 for 50c Preferred Block Salmon 3 for 50c ' Preferred Stodk Peas n 8 fof 50a Preferred Stock Beans 3 for 50a Don't pay other grocers 20 cents " a can for any of theae goods. Standard tomatoes, corn, beans .peas, etc., 2 for 25 cents. s- -They have tbe best butter made In the va'lev, aud their creamery butter has no equal here. Try it and see. .Dill pickles, ; Helnie's mines meat, Swift's pickle pig feet, ' premium., hanist loose olives. Everything tasty, nice and cheap ' Telephoa 461 Geddes Bros. SACRED HEART ACADEMY . ( La Grande, Oregon. Conduct) d by Hittrrs of Kt Kranol : Sulett boarding and day ei-lii.ol for . Young Ladies - Acvlt-mio, 1'ri'parutiirj and :K:neil gartcu coursen are ctuultioU-d oil the aamo principles us those pursued In our aohflols f Philadelphia. , . M iisio and puiDtiiig,' receive sp'cia atteutmn . . Letters of inquiry directed to ' SISTER SUPERIOR Delighlful Route, Daylight Ride, Di.zy Crags,- Deep-. Cuntius. A Golden Opportuuity Sc nature , in all her-- glorious1 beauty, and then the acme of man's ,fraudiwork. The first is found along tlio line , of the Denver &. Rio Orando Ruilroad and the' lalle'r'at the St. Louia World's Fair. Your trip will be one of pleasure make the most ot it. For information and illus trated literature write Ik . W. 0. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt. " Portland, Oregon Oregon .o UNION PACJfJf Ttma Hnhadul V"' uqiusdii. no. a 8:60 p. in. NO. S. 1:110 a. m. Ball Lake. Ilenvor Ft. NO. L 6.50 a. m, MO a Worth. Omaha. KBimaH City, St. Ixrnla, ChlcMol 10;:u p.m Portland, IHIIm. PenH NOl. fi:S0a m uiuuiii, wana wana llavlon. Pu mcroi (lolfiix, Mosoow,Hio khneantits . - . Ui via Spo-I HIM1W, . . i-uniiiuii, IJHHOM, I'etl-f ttlolou UmuUllR Wi,. . IB p m Hiiuduy ...icounecfluus at-Uvu, Il:IS a m Willi -l ik- loi ix.liit I, In wiuiowit pfmul Ocean Strainers latw.en M':- San Francis, o every llvet' K. C. MOOtf-., - .' - ' lata, u.wiHirai.Ciiiri.x ;. Hu f at! V.. . Mimpow, Wallace W.,r. Va0 itt'Yti-'-iliu.r, npubuiic an-l! ' 'f fiiA uihi-r doIiiI,-.,-i.i,;I; j tfypt V .iiortli rl,isi..,l.;., S jrhMjfflia "u.y. ;:?ia.-v-1 i4 . rmg -fr-- 4W tf .