ANOE MORNING OBSERVE LA VOLUME III LA GRANDE. OREGON. THURSDAY MORNING. APRIL 28. 1904. NUMBER 148 ..r BUILDINGS WRECKED BY ENGIN EXPLOSION Locomotive Explodes While Pulling Train Injures Several Men and Shatters - Buildings and Pittsburg Pa April 27 A Baltimore & Ohio engine exploded thu morning w lie passing- Braddock, fatally Injur ing Engineer Hunter and Fireman Fred Deagle, and seriously Injuring three others. Five bullnings were wrecked and two setaSr. There Is great excite- mei.t unions ruilroad eniloyet, aa they have long regarded the -engine as un saie, and sought to have it '.-onto nned. The condition or tire entrine has been the subject of much icrid eornroverey between empluyes and r-iilroad nilU-UU. Challenge The Senior class of the La Grande High fkhool hereby challenges the Junior class to a public ouitest in de bate and deolamation, the cootestante on each side to lie elected by their re active clat8ea, and the coi.teat to be held in conjunction with the try-out in Oration in the Auditorum of the High School building at S p in on Tuesday the 3rd of May 1904. By order of Sara Kiddle I'res, Pearl Huff Secretary, Mr Collins Dead Mr E Itvar i Collins who for tin past trnyirt H I. s t ail-i, whli hi- fdiuily iu !", iiit J Monday i vi'uin from heart Iron1 )u. Mr Coll ill hal lieenln Commissioners ' Return New York, April 87 The Panama oanal commissioners arrived bom Colon this morning after their in speotion of the oanal ion. Grunsky said the commissioners accomplished the objeot cf their visit and bad noth ing to add to the statemsot made by Parsons last week . Died in Portland The sad news reached this city yes terday that Mrs B P Lewis, of this elty who bad been in Portland the paat sev eral months receiving treatment bad died in that city yesterday oi heart failure. The remains will arrive in this city this morning on the early train. The funeral arrangement! have not yet boen made but they will be announced latter. Delegates The following delegates to tbe State Labor convention whioh meete in Oregon City May S have been elected by the various labor Unions of thin city and wilt attend the convention. poor health for sumo tinm. The funeral . T J Huiihey, Carpenters Union; BR took place iu Stiniriiorvillo Wednesday, under tire auspices of the Knights ol P thais loiitfe, of which he war a mem ber. Mr Collins has) b?ou a resident of this conntv for many ears and wan honored and respected liyuli. Ho leaves a wife ttt.d three cliil ren. Hawortb, Stone Masons Union; John Blumenstoiu, Trades Assembly. Tbe C'eiks Union aa yet have not eleoted any me to represent them. Homer Davenport, in the Opera House Saturday night. THE CHICAGO STORE THE BUSY BIG STORE. A Few Prices on MEN'S TROUSERS, commencing April 21 and lasting until May I. The swellest line of Men's Trousers ever offered in La Grande, at reduced prices. The following prices go until May I. Regular price $8 00 . Sale price $8 75 " 6 00 " " 5 00 " " 5 00 " ' 4 25 4 50 ; " " 4 00 '! " 4 00 ' 8 50 " 3 50 " " 3 00 3 00 " " 2 65 " " 2 00 " 2 15 Corduroy Pants go at these prices. Call swellest patterns and see some of the THE CHICAGO STORE MURPHY BRO'S., Prop's. Defense Against Germs All iiif-ctioua diseases are porm rlifpasep. The germs thrive wherever there is (ltimpiw ss aod de.-ny. The heat tlefVtise Hgaintt then is to make the home so sanitary th it germs cannot get a foot hold. All sinks, drams, cellars, closets, anrl other rliinijer spots must he kept th roughly disinfected. We have all tbe reliable fu n igators and uisiiif);taiitB. Ear-h has its ap propriate use. The quality of everything we supply is the highest eudj the priee i right. Can givo you any sperial iufonuution you need, NEWLIN DRUG CO. JAS. DUNN IS DEAD Young Kady's Victim Passed Away Sur-. rounded by Friends and Relatives. Labor Leader Premier Melbourne, Victoria, April 37 Mr. Wstaon, tha labor leader, baa formed a oabinet with hlnasll as Premier tod Treasurer; Mr Hugea, Minister for Eiteroal Affairs, Mr Higgins, Attor-oey-deneral ; Mr Balohelor, Minister for Home Affairs; Ml Fischer, presi dent of the Board ol Trade; Mr Daw on, Minister of Defense ; Mr Mabon, Postmaster-General, and Mr McGre gor, vloe-preaident ol tbe Executive Counoil. Excepting. Mr Biggins all tbe members ol tbe cabinet belong to the labor party. ." Corvallis Or April. 27 James Dunn, one it tbe viotima of Sunday morning's shooting affray in wliioh youog Keady was killed by sheriff Burnett died at 4 :40 a m today. He suffered intense agony during tbe night and the inevitable end oame as a relief to him and . the sorrowing friends aud relatives who have been in constant atteodauee sinoe he waa shot dawn, lb funeral will occur tomorrow at the Catholic ohurch aud tbe remains will be laid beside tbe grave of nis wife. More Battleships Washington, April 'XT Representa tive Dayton, of West Virginia, announc ed after a conference with the pssldent this morning that despite Hale'a re marks to the contarr, tha administra tion still favors battleships. The presi dent will sign the bill today or tomorrow providing for more of these ships. FIND IT NO PICNIC Germans are Being Whipped by the Here roes o f Southwest Africa. Berlin, April 27 The Lokal Auzeiger reports Berious reverses have been sus tained by the foroe ol Colonel Ulaso napps, operating agaitiBt the rebel Hereros, of German Southwest Africa, near Otjihaena. Kight German otneers and 56 men were killed, and four officers and 18 men were destroyed Two-thirds of the officers and on' third of the men of tbe column have died'of typhoid, rendering Glaseoapp'a force impotent and unable to continue the campaign until reinforcements arrive, It 1b reported that Governor Leut- wen will be suspended on account of the unsuccessful campaign, and General Trotha sent out with a formidable am y to save the situation. RAISING MONEY FOR RUSSIA New York April 26 Negotiations for a new Russian loan by a Pai is financial syndicate are aa gooa as concluded, cables the Paris correspondent of the rimes. The amount is placed at 1 160, 000.000. The syndicate, it is under stood, incluiles the Rueso-Chiueee bank and the llottinger group. Tbe loaajs to be contracted in treaviry bonds at the rate of 88 per cent and is to bear In terest at 5 per cent. The syndicate guarantees 180,000,000, anil in all prob ability there will be a public subscrip tion. The details can uot be officially sonflrmed. A Desperate Negro Oakland Oal April 37-After a battle with a heavy squad uf polite armed with Winchesters and sawed off ,htitgune, beginning at 7:30 last u nlit and lusting until 8:40 this morning, Joe riiuilli, negrn sharp shooter and former mem ber of the 25th Infantry was shot rlenth in Ills home. The officers went to Smith's home lat night to arr.-nt h. in lor duturbl tho peace, Hednvetho officers away with bullets, and hu stationed hiinsel at a window armed with tao revolvers, ANARCHISTS ATTEMPT TO POISON STUDENTS A Mere Accident Averts the Six Hundred Students. : '" . Fiend Suesides. ; Poisoning lhe of ft Sofia, April 27 A mere accident to day averted the poisoning of 600 stu dents of tbe Bulgarian military school when the oook caught a young stu dent of the Sofia University in the act of putting the contents ol a pack age of cyanide of potassium into the food being prepared. The arrested student suicided in his cell. He waa a member of an anarchist sooiety whiob appointed him to do away witti all tbe students of the military school. Supreme Court The Stale tiuoreme Court will opto at Pendleton, oo Monday ot. Obief Justice Mosie, will preside. assisted by assooiate Judges Wolvet ton aud Beau. It is thought the ses sion will be a short one as only a dos en oases are docketed for considera tion. KILL 300 HEAD OF SHEEP Laramie, Wyo., April 27 Cyrus In gclbursen, foreman on tha Stevens A Maxwell eheep ranch 24 mile south of Laramie, reported Lere today, thai 15 masked men raided bis sheep oamp o i the Weavei ranch, six miles from Tie Siding. The foreman and two borders were tied to a feoce, after whioh the raiders killed 300 bead of sheep from a bunub of 8000 breeding ewes ranging on tbs land owned and leased by Steven fc Maxwell. Wag ons containing the food supplies of the oaanp were burned, HEART PIERCED BUT HE LIVES Philadelphia, April 27 Thomas Emerson a negro, whose heart was pierced by a pen knife nearly tw.t months ago, has recovered after under going tbe operation ol having the wound stitched and baa been dis charged from Jefferson nospital. The operation was a delicate one and is the third suouesslul oaas ol the kind ever performed ii this country. JAPANESE CROSS ' THE RIVER YALU Two Hundred Japanese Spies Enter Manchuria. AttemptvMade to Blow up Russian . Battle Ship Paris, Apiil 27 The St Petersburg correspondent of the Matin soys; "1 learn from a sure source that Vlad ivostok squadron yesterday sauk four Japanese transporla which were - con veying 1000 men." .... - .i . 8t Petersburg, April 27 Officials intimate that the attempt of tue Jaij inese to cross the Yalu at six or seven points resulted iu the failure of all hut one that was accomplished , only at severe loss. There is no oonnrmHion of the bombardment of Wonsana. ' OFF FOR THE FRONT " St Petersburg, April 27 Admiral Skridleff left for tbe front today. An immense orowd witnessed his depar ture. Japanese spies , 8t Fetersdurg, April 27 Siberian papers state that 200 Japanese bave reaobed Manoburia in disguise for the purpose of drstroying railroad pio- -perty. .. Chinamen . when discoveitd tampering with the rails are banged. SAFE FROM ATTACK . ... i... ... ,.( .... Loodon, April 27 The St James Gaiette correspondent wiroa that sev eral v ssels believed, 'Uj be Russians were agalp sighted off ,Gensan ' today. , Th. o rresponilent nlso reports that the minister oi mariun has abo lihed . the atrategibal sone in Kti obannel, whiob leads from tbe Paoilio to, the Inland sea. It is presumed the min es are removed, as the southern coast of Japan is now regard d as safe. TRIED TO BLOW A BATTLESHIP I Krotistadt April'; 27 If ii stated that-an unknown man attempted to destroy tbe battleship Alexander III by placing a bomb in the engineer's room aud that -be committed suioide when discovered. ,." , i-i 1 3 I Another Residence Register ol the Lnud ofhoe, E W Davis bae purohased property on the corner of irst nl VI tin street and trobitjot Thornton is now preparing plana for a modern up-to-lnte two story resideuoe to be built immediate ly. . Warship Wrecked ' Shanghai,' April 27 The uhiuese war ship tlautien, ashore on Elliot rocks, is a total wreck. , All nbo:ird wore srved. -, ,,. ; ;.;.,.: - - : 1 : ;:. , L03T DOQ Black and white pointer, answers to name o! Bruce. ' Reward for his return. j-E Jones 4 37tf raawniaiiaiawgwir Sample Line of Ladies Streetats At Wholesale Prices: r A short time ag;o we purohased a beautiful liue . of LADIE'S STREET HATS the most beautiful bats we have sbowo this season at 75 cents on the dollhrT '-'We will give you all tbe advantage of our BARGAIN, and place them on sale at the regular " " ' ; WHOLESALE PRICES NEW PLANS 10 GET CRUISERS 81 Pftershurg April 27 On account of the refusal to deliver the Argentine cruisers before tlm urouey is psiil, it is said a company is biiirg organiied in Paais to arrange for the sale of the vessels through Charles I) Flint of New York. - Presidents , From 1789 when Gen Washington was inagnrated as first prealdent of the United 8tatf a until 1860 wbefl New Ladie's Skirts Yesterday brought us another lurge shipment of ladie's skirts, consisting of Cotton and Wool Voile, Brilliantitie, and many others in the popular Sum mer materials. . Prices are exceedingly low. $1.50 to $7.50 The Newest in Waistings "PERFECTLY IK That's tbe wav some of our liidy friends, who wore on band, tlesA;;; -i :t.. took them we mean the waisfings, of course out of tbe fuse yeevl.7vp;r terials with tbe daintiest of figures aud plain white, just tbe rl.vvLi i silk. Come iu and see them. .. r thp&hiM'M''!?. ' ;--.ff mm mm - ' rt :: 31 ' - hi ' v. . r . as, a.;- " : . ta i air?:ss :s, KxsarJBa iv-... ' .. - '-'it-.-, . . ., t - K'w;'ir Abrabatu Lloooin took nu seat m t1. lttb president a period of 71 -i men from Virginia hsld Ibo rHj for 31 yiars. V . . i V IHIIimHIIIIIM Illllllll umimui a - -i :