ir ! -Wf" .fffl3K.M DIIIIIIIIIMttUII SOMMER HOUSE A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS BICYCLES Oats 1 3 I" I N - The soma is oh for. bicycles and if you wish to rid in the lead, jet Crescent or Rugby Wheel Step in and we will show you how they are built. If your lawn needs sprinkling, we have cotton or rubber hose that will give you perfect satisfaction. Our ball-bearing lawn mowers lad them all for easy running and durability. MRS. T.N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware SNAPS SNAPS la ell kinds of second band goods, pay cash and sell for cash. We Booki Cook stores Bed steads Bed springs Chairs Be vol vera Bioyclss 05 and up 3 00 and up 1 00 and up 60 and up 25 and up 1 00 and up 5 00 and up 20 lb oandy scale 2 00 Spray pump $ 7 50 Top buggy, new 50 00 Open buggy 16 00 Spring back 7 60 21 jewel Elgin watch 15 00 125 suit of clothes 7 00 t 8 set Ebony brushes 1 00 Parlor hanging lamp 2 50 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Ada ma HEP. TURKESTAN ALFALFA- The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and ail kinds of Garden Seed in bulk a Seed Wheat, Baled Barley. Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A.. V. JEFFERSON AVE. Oliver Phone 1571 We Offer Good Shoes 'ilV Hanan Shoes. Ik-over Shoes. v. . , . -iV ' At ' A' At t 71 khC maVney are ooa. 7 1 I Taw. rews, M. . . ... , V2SNKHINGS. Tue big new safe recently purcbaaed by the city baa arrived. Rol.t. Smith came up from Portland yesterday, L H Rub ell la in the city f torn the anger minea. F 8 Brainwell visited Echo yaaterday in the Interests of the augar factory . N C MaLeod, Republican nominee (or Repreaeotative caine in from Elgin last night on bia way to Dnlon. J W Rhodes and J W Maxterton of Elgin are in the city. Mr. anh Mrs. R E Smith and Mr. and Mrs A W Niihula drove overlroiu Union and returned In tl i evening. At the present arate Grande Ronde Lumber Co eipecta to complete their log drive in about two aeoka. Homer lJavenpnrt, the man whoso pictures have m ule the whole world laugh will lecture in the Open House Saturday night. The OK saloon was closed yester day on an attachment filed by brewery man Ott ol Bummervilie for the aum oi 1U9. Bruce Borden the boy who was hurt airciwoi ny:ueing rtruck with a, 2 pound shot was able to be at achool yesterday but naturally felt the effects of Mb jolt. M r. w 1 Uroas passed through the eily yesterday afternoon with 31 cars ol cattle lor fry and Uruen meat Co. of Seattle. Alma kvaleen Hlieet who baa bean visiting relatives and Iriei.da in tills city (or the past two months baa re turned to her home in Joseph. Will Earlea left yestercay on a buisnes trip in YValloaa county in the interest of the La Grande marble works, Mr. Lleiirnece of the Cove was a La Grande visitor Tuesday reporting the usual bright prospects for that thrifty section ol the coui.ty. Mrs Ctias Diaqiia who has been very sick for the past week waB reported much better yesterday. MrMayville has moved his cigar fac lory inlc the building on the corner of Adams and Greenwood streeta, what is known as the Laud office building. Mr and Mrs U W Steward of Perry left lust night for their new home nea Vancouver, Wash, where they have pur- chasod a farm. The Salvation Army of Baker City was robbed of 300 yesterday. The uiouey whb r'esporited'ln the coal bin instead ol the bank, or this would never have orcured l)r D L Reavieis nursing a .badly out hand tins week, tun result of an at tempt to throw a broken dish over the fence. The electric storm last evening was not of very long duration but It was active while it lusted. U'UK KkNT Housekeeping rooms at Aire Sheerer. Marshall Rayburn, who has been on the down giade fur several weeks left lant night for the Hot Lake to remuin (or a week or ten days. J 11 MoLack- en will bo on duty diuiug the day shift until hia return. Mr and Mrs AI Stevens and daughter Miss Alhe desire to thank their many frieuda who so kindly rendnred sueh valuable aHsistatice and made It possible to save bo many articles also the fire do' partnieut for their quick response and ellectual work. W L Alldidgeof Laild Canyon was io the city Tuesday to aeotire Location blanks. lie has discovered good prospects at the mouth of the canyon and will ascertain whttheror not there is sufficient gold to warrant working and believes it will. Mra llattie Patterson who has been sick ever since the reunion of the Illuo Mountain University students was able for thelirst time yesterday to be out in the yard a low minutes Mr Patterson is hen thoy will return to their home t Comliu as soon as alio is able to travel. Mr Ki.hfi., father of Fred C Fisher of the High school arrlvad from Michigan Inst evening and will remain until bcIioo Is out when they will return home vai I'aliroriila'niid ill visit the St Louis fair, A call is Issued In this issue by mayor Foley for a apeclal meeting of the city council Thurskay night for the purpose of seclectlug plans for the new city hall Remember the Missiouery tea which will be given at the home of Mrs A C Huntington noit Thursday afternoon.' All are Invited A charge of ten centa' will lie made. Ed Jennings of Joseph passed through the city last evening for Neb raska. Mr Jenoinga has sold bis WaUowa county farm It is aald the eonsideration was twenty thousand dollars. Fr. Whyte said mass in Union last Sunday at 11:10 a m in the new Catholic Church which has been late ly bought there, tn the afternoon ol the same day another service was held at fi o'clock. Roth services were well attend I. The Catholio people ol Union are proud of their new ohuroh ADVERTISED List of unclaimed letter! remaining D tba Ca Grande, Or., Post offioe lor the week ending April 26 1901. Biggs D H Joboaon Everett Watob 8 W Craig Jobn M . Simmons Mra J D Edmunds T J Miller Mrs A A Elliot Sain Ray Fred afoOormick JH Balloek A Wills Mra Hanson Harry Walker Mra The above will be held 14 daya and tben sent to the dead letter offioe when called for please aay advertised April 251904 JO Ardrey P M Rev, J. E. Blair of Enterprise, Rev. J, K, liucbanan of Wallowa. Rey. A. J. Adams of Milton. R. J. Diven aud J. M. uornellson. of Pendleton passed down the line from Baker city yesterday morning enroute home from a meeting of the Eastern Uregon Presbytery, John Wright had a severe attack of heart (rouble Sunday morning. Mr. Wright was alone in the drug store when the pain caught him and was not Jittovered for sometime and was un able to help himself Medical aid was summoned as quickly as possible and by careful attention the patient we reliev ed. Mr- Wrlghl'a many Iriends are pleased to learn th tt the attack was not worse. Scout A R Grant Portland W A Urant ' do . A Come do C Lewis do T R Bydle , do Fred Roth do NB;Maklken do R Kunc r ' do R t Oakes and wife . do . C O X wlnkler " do F Truant El: n BE Smith ' ' Unu.n A Nichols and wife do C Schlurer Boi'e F D Jennings Spoke e C Smyth 8F DCamp Louisv ! L D Jonea Port) .d A Marlow do A Brum do F Everts do DB Wilson Denver ilo E E French N Y Jamea Miller Chh'igo JA Sherman The D let L Weatherby do E Harris Philadelphia M M Kllin Oakesdate W ash There yet remaliiB a large area of land in tha valley covered with water but reports from the various sections mattain that as yet little or no damage has been sustained and that the iucreas- a ' hay crop will more than oir set the ! 1 isa of the overflowtd li- at lands. Car load or sack Rol l ed or chopped. Bar ley the same. ;Wild, ' And Grain Hay And Timothy. The Musicale The Lyle Musicale was under the direction, yesterday afternoon, of AIImh Bessie WorBtell. The program was a delightful and instructive one and re flected great credit upon Miss Worstell and those alio assisted her. Piano Solo , Elaa'a Dream, " Lohengrin, Warner Mrs Lyle Vocal Solo Miss Worstell Guitar Solo 'Serenata dcMosz kowakl" Mra A L Richardson Vocal Solo Mrs J J Can Reading "A Shaker Romance" Miss Liliam McCall Piano Duet "William" ..Rossini MisscB Caroline Quimby & Stella Oliver Uniform Rank Team W. 0. W. All members of Uniform Rank are requested to appear in uniform for dreas parade at the ball Wednesday evening at eight o'olock. Tbia oall is urgent and it is hoped that the team will turn out to a man. By order of Capt TO THE READING PDBLIC We have just received a new lot ol paper back novels. In addition to these we have added 300 cloth bound books to oar exchange library. Newlln Drug Co. Closing Out Sale My entile line of NEW GOOD8. For the next 30 days am offering every artiole of new gooda at net wholesale oost io order to dispose of the stock whioh inoludes granite ware, tin ware wooden wars, willow goods, crockery, glass ware, brooms, cooking stoves, buggy whips eto It is Very Pleasant For ladies here. Tables are set aside especially lor their u-.e. Their fuvurite dishes are cocked just to their liking. C'ourte ons und st't. ntive uniierB reeeivi and riil their ordra. At the Model Restaurant. everyone feels at home. The variety of tiie bill of fare Permits Ol a pleasing (lioico and too rood, the cooking, tile servire ami the prices give penei t BaiiKiacuon. MODEL, . RESTAURANT J. A. AKBUUKLE, Prop. open;day and night We sell weekly Meal . . -Tickets, Cash $4-50 WE ARE IT! For Shoes. SECOND HAND GOODS I have a large assortment of furniture, stoves, carpenters' tools, harness, jewelry, watches and ninny other useful articles in good condition, many good as new on which I will moke very close prices. Free delivery to any part of town. WANTED-!; Other atores may beat us sellin ; tin pans and dry gooda bat tbey oan't toueh ua on shoea. We've been eas ing, drinking , breathing and living shoes for ao many yeara that we can't help beat the business. C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist. DEPOT STREET Our price, always the lowest; find out. Do not forget that we haodle coal and wood. GRANDE RONDE CASH COMPANY, h ... 3 Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail THE LAPIK'S STORK I: We have just received n tliipincnt of ibe liice.-t ud beat shoes on the market and can tit yon perfectly. " Wo can give you tlm Im st pnir of for the least money Ihut you can l uy ar.ywhcre. Come in and buy one of on suits, a-Krippeiidorf Dit'm in belt and be happy. r laiett shoe, mi tailor made up-tn-dtife We are receiving new our line complete. ; ods duily, which makes La Grande Mercantile Co., Phom- 11101 LA GRANDE, OREGON ' How Can I Cure My INDIGESTION? THIS IS A QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ! ASKED TIME AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, Ihous&ndsand tens of thousands of people ' There is but one way to do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and ; at the same time Assist tl;e Stomach and Diges tive Orgaus in Digesting and Aasimulutiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissuos Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and that remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU A. Ta HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore ,,, .ttftttt ttt Mt4 4 All kinds of Second Hand Goods. Highest prices paid. :. D. HAISTEN, - 1415 Adams Successor to 0. and M. Noble. Handsome Men - Should protect their beauty by seeing that they have only COMPETENT BARBERS To shave them. We will protect your lace. Evans & Fitzgerald 1 Dry Chain Wood and 16-inch Slab Wood All orders given prompt atlentioi.. Yards on Greenwood st. and 3rd and Palmer st. Orders left at either yard promptly delivered. Phone 571 IT. W. NIBlEY First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER f.-l-M-.H- j, We Have Not-Said Much About It, But Wc Have Ladies' Trimmed Hats Too The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the Pace in Fashions. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308-1310-1312, A MS AVENUE, LA GRANDE. t i and they deserve much credit for do "ST!5StRVER ing so tnuoh hard work in so short a time VJll mC llv - ' ,TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTvrrrTTTTTTT?TTTftttT ' - - f . T . J - w -ii ii-nm in.r-ai .- ... p ,.. ..- - .uf - :J