La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 27, 1904, Page 1, Image 1

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    1 t"
A Farmer Wants $200,000 for Right of way.
Will get it or Fight to the Bitter end.
Would Have Sold Reasonable.
The Dalle, April 20-H Tffj, a
wealthy Sib wheel owner, now refus
es to nil iba ti ite right of way for
the portage road for less (ban $200,-
Taffe ii one of tbe five individuals
wtiose property the proposed route of
tbe portage road touches and because
Mr Taffe thinks his property has been
belittled and unrBJiiiy condemned
by tbe state board h will now fight
the state to a finish.
At one time he off ered to sell a
right ol way at a very reasonable
figure but since he thinks tbe slate is
purs i'ng n ft- methods ip securing
right of wuy, I e make the board
pay Din lull v iu ul the land that
will be ruined fi.r future me by the
He c!ai ns to have spent 20 years
of his U'e la improving In furtn and
fishing property, ami th i ho lias
emght $200,000 worth of tih Ihere
since he bugtn hi ihe b.idiuei-H.
ThU p'l's a giripiis ohaok oi ibe
r lie ti t .v w-y -rrceetit;ie:- and tbe
bi ii"l 'vill n.-kt' i v.-ry eff.jrt to buy
of Mr T.. tt'.' vithout a suit.
Cemetery Meeting
There "till bo held in Suninif rville
on May 7 for tbe purpose of inoorpor
ii tin? bo asstoialion for tbe purpose
o 'nltine: proper care of the Summer
ville oemelery. All interested should
bs present.
4-26 d&w Dune Woodell
Mississippi on a Rampage
tit Louis, Apiii 2ft The Miss.ssippi
has reached 31 feet. It now threatens
East dt L'.-uis and a repatitio . of tbe
big Hood of a year ago u feared
Thousands of HoreB of wheat lnnd in
the lowlands i now Hootlnd.
Homer Lmvunport, in the Opora House
Saturday nielit.
"Mother" Jones In 'Jail j
Price, Utah April SB "Mother"
Joues broke the quarantine this
morning accompanied by a mob of
women and children and attempted
to break through the line of guards
to the Italians arrested yesterday.
Sbe was arrested and tbrowu in jail
She gave no reaistacoe but stated she
was an are that the olfloers of the law
must be respected.
The New Laundry
An Observer reporter had occasion
yesterday to visit the ABC Steam
Laundry. This was bis first eall since
tbe new laundry has bean in operation
and be was agreeably surprised at tbe
startling obange which baa taken
place there. Tbe new building is
considerably U' ger than the old one
and is muoh more oonvieotly arrang
ed for tbe accomodatien of the een
and womeu who do tbe work. Tbe
work room is well Hunted and tbe ar
rangement is such that tbere is plenty
of good wholesome air. Sixteen peo
ple are employed regularity and when
tbe summer rush arrives more will be
added. Dunn Brothers tbe proprie
tors are tl. roughly conversant with
the business us is evidenced by their
succens here.
Alexieff is Recalled
Berlin, April 26 Die Post announ
ces an imperial decree signed by the
czar this morning, officially reoa'ling
Alexieff from the East.
A Few Prices on MEN'S TROUSERS, commencing April 21 and
lasting until May I. The swellest line of Men's Trousers ever
offered in La Grande, at reduced prices. The following prices go
until May I.
Regular price $8 00 Sale price $S 75
" 6 00 " " 6 00
" " 5 00 " " 4 25
4 50 ' " 4 00
". " 4 00 " 8 50
" " 3 50 " " 3 00
" " 3 00 " " 2 65
" " 2 50 " 2 15
Corduroy Pants go at these prices. Call and see some of the
swellest patterns
MURPHY BRO'S., Prop's.
Spokane Employment
Agency Found Guilty
of Sending Young Girls
to Houses of ill Fame
Spokane April 26 C F Sobering, an
employment agent of this city, who us
ed the United States mells to send
young girls to bouses of illfame, wat
found guilty this morning and will be
sentenced tomorrow.
. This li the first conviction In the
8pokane Press case against the em
ployment agencies.
Six of these infamous agencies have
been closed within the past two weeks
and all of them are to be tried on the
same charge,
We Own It Now
A few days ago the last pensrroke
was mado and the last signacire of
the branch owners of the Panama
dual was u (fixed to tbe deed trane
fering it to to Doited Suites and tbe
property work done, right of way and
every tbing pertainiug thereto became
the property of t h 3 United States for
all the time to come.
A few days thereafter Congress paBS
ed an act for the control of the right
of way and tbe neutral belt aoross tbe
Kepublio of Puiiamu. Practically now
the neutral belt as a streak of the
United Slates from the Pacific Ocean
to tbe Atlantic.
Gold For French Co
New York, April 26 The banking
interests which will transfer the $40,
000,000 of government money to the
Panama Oaual company of France
state that all arrangements for pay
ment hsve not yet boen oomplettd.
It is believed however, that mm 120,
000.000 to 0,0uO,0u0 gold will be
"hipped to Paris,
Debating Contest
Tbnrsdsy evening at the High
School there will be a debating oon
teat between Ibe Junior and senior
olaaaes oi tbe High school. Tbe sub
ject will be. Resolved that it would be
berter for both Canada and the
United State to be annexed.: Tbe
priee of admission will be 16 cents.
Tbe proceeds will be applied lor the
music for tbe Glee Olub and tbe High
School orchestra. Tbe debate will be
Interesting and you will be entertain
ed. Make your arrangements to be
Base Ball
Tb La Grande Baa Ball . Olub
praotioed last evening and it was dis
covered that the boys were In muob
better form than they bad hoped for.
Tbe boya will be able to put up a good
fast game and tbe La Orands faol
will be able to see some ball which
will be sure to set them climbing up
tba netting The team has ordered
suite which will be just about the
swellest out. lheyare to be dark
green with maroon oaps and stock
ings. Following is tbe personal
ol the team, Al Heisner mana
ger, Williams, Plaster, Scriber, Coc-
ner,, Ohilders, Fairobilds,
Trippeor, Merriok, Oliver and White
man, All these mentioned are ball
players and when the bunob gets
started there will be some new covers
to buy. Tbe team goes to Pendleton
Sunday to meet the Pendleton team
Aeajulta, Salvador, April 20 The
eteamer Colon, from Ben Franc i boo for
Panama, which 8 truck the rock here
two weeks ago, will be a total loss. Her
back appears to be broken.
Constantinople, April 26 Four
American officers of tbe crew navigat
ing the new oruiser Abdul Medijl,
jrom the Cramps yards for Turkey,
have signed contracts to join tbe Tnr
kieh navy.
Captain Buckman was oreated i
Turkish vioc admiral ant given com
mand of the Mediji.
Call Meeting
Notice Is hereby given to W H Boh
nenknnip; G E Fowler; A 8 Gardinier;
J W KenoeJy ; D U Reavis and A L
Richardson, councilmen of the city of
La Urande, Oregon, that thtre will be
a epacial meeting of the council, in the
l'Mre-department building, Thursday
tvening, at tin hour of eight o'clock
April 28th 1004 for tbe purpose of se
lectins plans and specifications for the
construction of the new proposed city
Dated this the 20th day of April, 1004
at La Grande, Oregon.
J E FO Elf
Bombarding Niu Chwang
London, April 26 Tba Tien Tsin
correspondent to Reuters' Wiles of
the Japanese bombardment of the
forte of Niu Ohwang on Monday
President Kruger Not III
Nice, April 26 Rumors that for
mer President Kruger is ill, are dc
nied here.
Order Japanese Crew Ashore Then Proceed to
Sink the Ship. More Fighting Ex--
, pected Soon. , - ; ,
Toklo, April 26 0 P M The orulsers
Rossis anJGromovoi, of tbe Vladivostok
squadron, participated In an attack on
Gensan today. They were acrompanied
by a third cruiser not yet Identified and
by two torpedo-boats. . Latter they en
tered the harbor, ordered the crew of
the Goyo Maru ashore, end then, sank
her. A detachment of marines was
landed, but was recalled, and tho war
ships steamed out of the harbor. "
file Japanese and manyOoreaos fled
when the Russians approached. Late
telegrams say the Russians squadron
remains oB the harbor of Gensan.
It Is thought here that this Russian
naval movement was made in the hope -of
intercepting some unprotected Jap
anese troopships. " " .'!"
National Legislation-Portland to Have Assay
Office. Academy Bill
Passed ,
Washington, A.iril 26 The 'senate
passed the bill dividing Oregon into
two judicial distriots and establishing
n assayer's office at Portland.
Toe mllitaiy aoademy appropria
tion was then taken up. - :
Washington, April 26 On a vote
of lour to three, two absent, the sen'
ate committee on labor decided tO'
postpone further consideration of the
eight-hour bill U'ltil December.
Washington, D 0 April S!6 The
supreme oourt deoidod in the case
brought to test the constitutionality
of tbe Virginia eleotiou laws aimed
at Ibe trauohi e as a right of negroes
(restraining the board of oauvassers
from canvassing returns) that pro
ceedings desired to prohibit had al
ready been brought and nothing could
be done. Tbe cases were therefore
dismissed. The frauchise law stands
Wualiinaton April 26-The Senate com
mittee on public lands today,, by a tie,
vole, put the finishing touches upon tho
prospect of securing reforms In the land
laws at this session. The bill to repeal.
tne desert land ' act and the commuta
lion elause ol the homestead' act was do
eatud by a vow of H-ivan to seven, Sen
ator Fullon voting against the rspeul.
He contends thoBelaws are not condu
cive to fraud, but on the contrary, if
properly enforced, will work to tbe
benefit of bona fide settlers, i;
Today's vote kills , tliia 'bill for
next session, as welt as tbe prosent
. . Washington, Apill 20 During the:
consideration of. the naual, appropria
tions bill, Senator Hale, chairman of
the committee on the naval affairs of
the senate, declared that In the light of
recent events in the Far East, it is not
advisable, to contract any more battle
ships. Senator Gosinan hojied this ex
perlcucc would bring rongrons back to
a more careful smiting of naval appro
priations. 1 !k
Servian Strike at an End
Buda Pest, April 211 The railway
strike has ended and the trains are now
Do not furoiiet the dunce uoxt. Friday ,
evening at the ID S ounroh. Tho
music will be furnished by the. Thomas.
Orchestra. Tickets will bo fifty cents j,
per couple. 1 , v i
Good Out Lock.
J. L. Overton, who iB interested in
one of leadiDg planing mills n Elgin
spent Sunday in La Grande and in
speaking of the lumber Indue! j In
the nortb end, Baid that tbe ,u)lls
would cut between 18, 000, 000 and
20, 000, 000 of feet lumhr this year.
All inf-etious diseases are crm dUeate. Tlie germs thrive wherever
there is ilampiii B8 and der-ay. The V.est defence against thera is lo muke
the home so sanitary that norms u.imiot gel a foot hold. All sinks, drains,
cellars, closets, and other dunger spots must he kept th iroughly disinfected.
We liave all the reliable I'u nigaiors ami liisiiifectants. Eunh has its ';ap
propriate rise. The quality of everything we supply is the highest andj the
price is right. Can give you any spe inl information you need,
lasaaaaassaaaaa. J LI . . . a aa.a.-j
Elgin Dry Town.
Tho city council of Elgin at ite !at
regular nietin pHil itn ordinate
cloaing all bueioeBs hotidea on Suud-i'.
Thpy Are ftflo c Dudrriog an ordin
ance t reguUto liouru (juring week
Tliftt alight ti?f tng'Tiirtitrj rtlnrg tbe
spine are the ra! rauf of (linpaff, os
teupattiv ia demonstriting a I moil
daily. N t, npcn-fl4rily a d apiucfld
hone but any tinnue of the body
oh if fly htincri, tntimjlen, hsamcntu and
fend on, HVrttin Ilea the main (infer
ence between osteopathy and other
chof'lcjit ha revealed thl the main
causes of die1 hps havrt been overlook'
ed and dependent Uon the removal of
the cause is tbe cure.
Sample Line of Ladie's ..Street .flats
At Wholesale Prices.
A short time a?o we purchased a beautiful Hue of LADIE'S STREET HATS the
most beautiful bats we have shown this season at 75 cents on the dollar. We will give
you all the advantage of our BARGAIN, and place them on sale at the regular .
New Ladie's Skirts
Yesterday brought us another large
shipment of ladie's skirts, cuiieisUug of
Cotton sad Wool Voile, Brilliantrie,
and many others in tbe popular Sum
mer materials.
Pnci 8 are exceedingly low.
$1.50 to $7.50
LOST cut of worlif A beehive betweeu
the Post olllco and Tom Ormotids.
Return to this office '
The Newest in Waistings "PERFECTLY LO'c,t
That's the way Borne of our lady friends, who wore on band, deser V K.'
took them we mean the waist ings, of course out of tbe case jesfenr , ,!"',
terials with tbe daintiest of figures and plain while, just -he tly.' ' , - ,
"It- f ll,.m ' T i
sua. vuuie iu sue boo wioi". ' Jp
Rev. W. L. Van Nnys spent yeatenlay
n Hk tiy sitliiitli his farmer par
Is'ionrrs as be wa returning to Pendl
ton from a meeting of tlif Ea.tern Or
gon Presbytery at Baiter City.
1 j
jr m i, to x w man
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