La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 26, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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.............................. .
i New Furniture
Carload of high grade goods, the 6nesl fver drought
to this city. Sideboards, Dressers, Bullets, line of
RookeiB uud Easy Chairs, Office Desks aud Chairs, Kitchen
Cabiuets every housekeeper should see this article of
beauty and utility. Dining chairs 65 cts to (4.75. Dining
ables beauties.
Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty
My under laker H. B.-H.A1STEN, will respond promptly to
all calls, day or night,".
J, r.'it
Phone 9-1
Residence Phone 367
1202 Adams Ave
Is an expense which IB lelished onlv
bv the landlord. It curtail. ly is not a
i ll aenre 10 know that all yi u haie for
j eirs of rei t payii a la a bi ndle of re
ceipts. .
Paying renl? If you h ve or can net
a little money we a aril you a bmisp.
The jioney you ntv ny f ir rent iviil
a long way townr I lining oft' the
ulluncu. You nit ni lour oivn lai.d
lonl and pay the in i oy to yourself. '
1) ni't you think you oi;!it to lock such an oppuitiinity ? ,
La. Grande
1110 Adnms Avenue,
Ijii tininile, O'pgon
La Grande
Planing Miil and Lumber Yard
We have a new slock of do-r. mid sash .iirct
from the fur-lory, nt pi iocs that ran not lip beaten. Give
us your order for LUMBER mid we will furnish ilirc. t
from the mills at Terry ouy thing you muv require.
We can gel nuy kind of mill work or li tj order
Ccdur shingles in first end second quality or dimension
and fancy butts. Anything we haven't in stock we
can get for yoa on short notice.
Figure with us aud be convinced and satisaed.
We have native pine and tamarack, imputed fir, cedar
spruce ad redwood, gutter pipes, corner and bare
blocks, balusters, brackets, columns, beads, uewells,
spiudles and table legs.
noBoaaonaoaBBaan ?!
. a
We will call for it and bring it
home when promised.
We guarantee satisfaction and only ask for a
trial order to demonstrate to you that we un
derstand the laundry business. You can stop
our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry
and your work will be called for at once. We
make a specialty of family washing, aud call
do your washing better and cheaper than
you. A trial order toliciled.
Union Steam Laundry
When you
you are there.
The Rock Island System
, has an enormous advantage
over other western railroads
in the fact that its Chicago
terminal the La Salle Street
Station is the only railroad
station on the r.levatea loop.
It il locattd in the lira" of Chlcano
1- . fr.,m thr Board of Tradtl
two block from the I'ott mce within
easy walking dirancet of the principal
theatres, noteu anu
Tht mint of all Chicapi'l elevated
rallroada pan K oon ana DU
I 1,1
flrS fl; t
m m
jj y -ir r I ..I IV -m M 111
n.irk .and tora t-niiar. at-4 l-v
I Dcnrct.OmiliaandSt.Paul. - , i la"
Grant Key Is Building a Machine with which
He Expects to Capture the
$100,000 Prize.
Union Co. ia to have a ooropititor
in the flying machine OOP tost which
will take at the St Louis exposi
tion. For several years Mr Grant Ki y
has been , experimenting about
the lines of -aeiial oavigation
and now, firmly believes that
be bas davistd a plan whereby a jour
ney tbrongb tbe oleuds will hereafter
be a matter of eae and comfort. He
baa ordered bis engines aDd la now
engaged in erecting a large eh d on
Orloket flat near Elgin where be will
assemble tbe varions parts of the ma
chine. Those who are acquainted
wl b Mr Key km w him to be do idle
dreamer and tael confident ibat lie
will be able to demonstrate that Un
ion cuunty bas a man that haa at
last solved the problem of aerial na
vigation. Mr Kay expeots to have hie
maobine so complete Ibat be will not
only be able to race for Iba prixe, but
expeots to be able to fly bis machine
from La Grande to tSe fair grounds.
Notice is hereby given that tbe under
signed Recorder of the city of La
(iramle Union county Oregon will re
ceive sealed Lids for the sale of an is
sue of Tuenty-ilve thousand dollars
additional bonds of the city of La
Moonlight Picnic
Less than two mouths ago Prof Ant
calt master of dancing at South fiend
Iod invented end produced In bta aca
demy, The epei't-culur dnncing phe
n omen a known a.- the Moonlight Picnic
He furnished it to tie mcuiteru of the
Grande Ore-iou until the llth- day of, .National Asfociaiionof dat.cfnK mastors
since then t nun been ivtu in many
of the Inre tmstmi cith's, The mime
will be produced in full fur the henolit
of I'rnfand Mrs Sintpsou'sdanctng cltifs
on Tfiurndriy evening April at Arm
ory Hall. The moon will run) promptly
At 8;.i0 p in dancing to begin at 9:00,
ltu iimou wi'l tet proini tly t 12:(0
when ino irrain and cuke will lie aervid,
Tf.o Intll n i 11 he decorated tocorrespoiid
itlithe eiouic prmlut Lion. 51 r John
Hall linn cli rue of tin u ecluinlcul Htid
tjloctrical working of the all'nir
May A D llK-4 at the hour of tight
o'clock I' M nf eai.l day. Miid bonds U
tu of the di noniii.aliun uf five hundred
doilais e;iclij uutl Lo bu numliered fiom
oii i tu rifiy ini'lusivo and to bear du
the Ut day of July lfhj I uud to bear in-mie.-t
at the rate of live pnr cent pet
annum, piynble bOinl annually on tUt
lritday ot J.inuary ad the
July iu nai'h year, haid bonds, to bt
au (irawn us to t-eeomo due in twent)
it'iit'd from date thuretd, und .redeem
abie after ten yeattt from date tberuol
at the option oi ibe ihy of l.a tirandt
the principal aud interest to be payabk
in U. S, gold toin at Home place to b
uj;rt;ed upuU by H.ti.i city and the pur
chafer ol t-aid boi.da, and tobedeeiguu
t'd therein. Said 'Imuls to be slIiI a
nut less than par and taid city of Li
orantle recerviu; the right tu reject an;
and all hide for the same.
All bids for eaid bonds ehutl be sealed
nil directed lo the undersigned us the
i.tcur or of the city ot JLa uraude, and
a lutl I have pluinly eudortud on some
pnrtuf the outside of the ouvelope the
wuiUs, "Hid for City Halt Bonds."
The procewds of the sale of snid
bom's tu be ued in the ut tion of a
City Hail for said city of La (.ramie
Recorder of the city of La Grande
Union County Oregon.
The World's Fair Route
Those anticipatiugan Eastern trip, oi
av ni to the Louisiana Purchase expo
siti x. at St. Louie, cannot afford tc
ov irlook the advantages offered by the
Mi vai Pacific Railway, which, ou
lie i tni t of its various routes and gate
ways, has been appropriately named
'The World's Fair Route."
Passengers from the Northwest takt
the Missouri pacific trains from Den
ver or Pueblo with the choice of eithei
going direct ibroagb the Kansas City,
via Wichita, Fort Scott aud Pleasant
Two trains daily from Denver and
Pueblo to St. Louis without change,
carrying all classes of modern equip
ment, including electric lighted obser
vation parlor cafe dining cars. Ter
daily trains between Kansas City anu
St Louie.
Write, or call on W. O. McBride,
General Agent, 124 Third st, Portland
for detailed Information and illustrated
literature. tf.
Co L Dance
"Company L, Nprtsunt arms, wa nil
order which the cmnmnndiug oinYer
ootid it wholiy unnecessary to give
Hst night- All hands weie ready foi
luty and so were the arm of the ruldier
ooye, whirh encircled the ''military
girls' iu tiio m.i,v( no- was there any
dauber of a retreat so long as the or
chestra Reeved as a bugle calt.
Every soldier did his duty, each one
semiring to feel that the success of the
party depended upon his seeing that
ever von e else had a good time, and In
(joQfpquonce nil who attended Bay to
day that the La Grand t militia never
save a more enjoyable party.
In the drill that preceded the dance
the company looked fine and stepped
with the precision of a company that
had long drilled together. The company
ia to be congratulated upon the show
ing made, as well us the pleasure they
afforded thtlr guests.
Mock Initiation
Crystal Rebekab lodge ' No 60 of
this city has made arrangements
with the Daughter of Hilario Jooundi
lo put on their 11 lor work known as
the Mock Initiation in Aroory ball
Friday evening April 29 this U an en
tertainment lor all those wbo desire a
hearty laugh.
Tbe work consists of putting a con
fiding candidate through tbe degree
of thrift-loyalty-grii-frugality and
After tbe Mock initiatiou Miss Lil
ian MoCall will lavor the audience
ilh a seleot reading, followed by the
Shamrook quartette.
The evenince entertainment to con
clude witb the laughable-farce ''Not a
man in the house," witb Mrs Simp
son in trading role. Admission
25 cents.
Mr. John H. Oullum, Editor o' tbi
(jnrlaiid, Texas, Nrwp, has written s
la turi'8 congtatulatioiirt to t w ruanu
lettpi ol of Chamberlain's Cough
Kmpity. as follow: "riixfen your,
ago alien our first ohiM was
a baby he mt.j-rt to crimpy
-pel's and wc w- old In Vf ry uu--y
atuiut him. Wc higau ounii Chr.m-j
Ijerlain'r Ciingh Ktmnly in lbt7, am' 1
i i it nidi r i ! . ! prmiW for'
cold ard cr.'Jj), we liavu in-ver Itun;
ffith.iut it in lite hiniFt nince ihal
time. We have rbildrpr and
hate given i' ' ' ' ; h
g nxi reult-." r t i y ail -I r lic
it I'-- i
PtWlft It th
io to mil
Witt's Witc
Htm ! belt for whoa
biir Wtct Hull Salve,
'itch Hazel Salr Ii the
0T,ptr,ii end only femilne, ) fid
Diwttciu the or. It Witch Kuel Sal
that It made Iron the wiedulterateo1
All othen r counterfeit aWMlmt
tatloni. chiaiB frd vnrlhlesi avtra
dTi-mtii, UoWitCt Witch HuelSalv
it a tyecnic tot rue; Dims, uiewinf,
Itchl.iftn-lProtrU'linrPUea. AltoCtn.
Bum j, Bruei, Spnlr., Lcrtton,
CcntJilcna. B-olla. Cerburclaa. Bcima.
Tetter. Salt Rbetva. and tit other Ski
rniciaiD r
E.C. DeVVlit 4 Co., Chic...
I'.ir .S.i:c I v ml Druggists
Classified Ads
We have Just received new lot ol
paper back novels. In addition to thee
we have added SOP cloth bound hooka to
our exchange library.
Nawlln Drag l a.
FOR KENT Office rooms for rent.
Inquire at Lewis Pilntery. 4 30tf
FOR SALE A yearling heifer, hall
Juney and half Durham. Inquire at
tbls office or phone 160S.
FOR SALE 1 Single Disc Beet Plows
. for aale cheap. Also 8 aaddle ponies
one half Shetland. S goctl single
driving horses. J. E. Reynolds.
All the fixtures ol the Cove Creamery
Including one eight horse power engine
and ten horse power boiler, churn and
butter works, and a large cheese-press
vata etc. "
Mr Matt Mitchell
' S-3-tf - Cove, Oregon.
Two acre tract. East ol tbe La Grande
Flouring mill, one half In good bearing
orchard. , Small cottage, and good barn.
Willjsell for cash or will; trade for good
work hones. L O Grout
T F La Grande, Ore.
FOR SALE Large two story house,
good barn, about 7 acrea of land
with orobard for sale, will take part
payment either in city property
or farm land. Sightly located in
i Id tuwn.. For particulars inquire at
this office or of E Damon ' 4-1 1(.
FOR PALE IliO sacks of fine early rose
t-teil potatoes. mile east of L Olden
burg's farm. " .
4-0 tt J S Chandler
Having disposed of my grocery bus
nnss, I would like all tbosa who are In.
debted tome, to.please rail and settle,
either by cash or note. My books are
at C L Thorn'a grocery store on Fir
street, where settlement can be made.
NOTICE Dressmakiug and Plain Sew
ing. Next door to Mrs. Sneak's resi
dence. North of the Railroad shops.
4-8-11 . Mrs. Aon Boo aits.
LOST Between La Grande and Deal
Canyon, a S3 Smith and Wesson re
volver. Finder please leave at this
office and receive rewaid.
CW Martin -
WANTED Cream at La Grande Drug
Co. 4 12 10. .
A great opportunity for. you
to breed to one of tbe beet at a
very low price. I ' will . wake
this season with my imported
f tnaous Uojkuey stallion
With return privilege 18 pay
able' in " advance. "No other
terms. Can give good referen
ces as to bis colts...' : ,-'
Win. 0. Hansen.
, WANTED , , ,,
. Two girls to learn tbemllHnery trade
at once. Inquire of Mrs J R Forrest,
. Doors and Sash :
Send your orders to Stodda.-da wars
hoasfl for doors and sasb . Tbey were
bought in large quantities direct fom
the faotory.. Tbey are handled obeap
and at prices to defy ooui petition.
Pleasant rooms and good board tor
gentlemen. Inquire at S01 T street
known as the Hughes house. 3 4 tf
Change of
. PASTURE . . -Much
more abundant than last' year,
and open for all kinds of stock during
April. Small pastures for stock needed
at abort notice etc Apply to 1110. U.
8t. Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tele
phone 1276. tt
MFN Tbe Er- L,ebi8 sUll 0Dl?
i'L.ll anecialtista for men. con
tinue to oure all ehronio. private and
nervous ailments, ol importance, skin
diseaaes, ihemattsin, catarrab, etc
Dr. A. C. Stoddard. I'll u.. lor 2i
years medical dinotnr. 74 sixth St.,
Portland, Or. Ill Yeelor Way, Seat
le, Wash. Call or write.
IMFCTADC lf"" H1.0U to
HIT sj ivij u IMIO.OO a
FOR RALE Two acte block with new
6 room house, barn, out houses, well
linprovel $1100, lime given on part. " " "
This will tear investigation situated Oregon.
on N Cherry and N street.
4-2tf Fred waring.
month can be muds by names who
oan invest from $5llU to $l00. One
eastern investor made $UD,UUU in
11)03. cull or write for paniculate
The Wni.U White Co., 312 Pine Si
Indian Runner Duck eggs, thor
ough bred imported stock, inly a Uni
ted cumber. W. N. Monroe, La
Grande. 99-2 d 4 w.
FOR SALE-ft lota, with good dwell
mit house and barn on out skirts of
City. For (uther particulars see G W
Thomas at Bock and Thomas Meat
Market 3 23 tf .
I FOR SALE 5 acre fruit 'arm, all bear
ing, good bouse and barn, well im
proved, well watered also Jersey milch
cow, black menorca chickens, house
hold goods, and etc. Apply to
4-14lf.dw. J W Helm-, May Park
FOR RENT A block of ground with
bearing orchard, garden, small house
and barn. Inquire at the office of F
6 Ivanhoe
FOR RENT A five room furnished
house for rent. For particulate phone
771 or 19113 or Inquire of Mrs G W
Henry. 4-1
A furnished four ruora cottage. In
ofMrsZuber. U
WANTED A 3, 4, or 2 room cottage
furnished or unfurnished or rooms for
light housekeeking No children. For
particulars apply to J. U. Alexander at
tho U. S. Land Office. 4-22-25
All Kinds of Work
Wesley Davis does all kinds of scav
enger work, such as cleaning wells, cess
polls, etc. Give him a call. 4 24 tf
Fair Rotes
The O R & N Co alll soil round trip
tickets to St Louis and return from this
city, with stop over-privileges both
ways for SCO Tickets oi ly ill I on sale
three days of ench month only aa fol-1
lows, May 11, I'J and 1:1, June 10, 17
aud is, du'y 1, 2 and 3, August X, 0 and
10, Kept ii, li and 7, Oct 3, 4 and 5.
Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses
Good teed and small pastures easily
readied f 1.26 lor single bead per
month, rates less for buncbea. Beat
yellow pine and otber wood in any
length, work, riding and driyiug
borse. for sale. Houses for rent ii
the best residence sites in the com'
munity. Apply 1101 B at old town
P O Bo 841 . Phone 1276. . . 4-6-tf
Tho undersigned has , purchased .,
tbe busin sa known us tbe Harris
Cash Meat Market itnd will here
after conduct the 8ome.:i:- v
We wish to inform the public
that we are prepared to furnish
all kinds of meats, came and
poultry at the very lowest prirtes
consistniit with first-clas articles
We have our own delivery
uud uidke two trips daily to ihe
Old Town.'' ''Highest, market
price pu'id for allcttUlehoga'and
sliet p. ; We solicit a : Bharu.. of
your patronage and guarantee
the very best satisfaction.
Phone orders receive prompt
and careful attention. 1 v
Hurris tneal" iriarket ttcrbss the
truck. Phone 160J.;. ' '
turner & Walter -
Anyone having cows o put In a pus
ture call on Louis Barnard Old Town
or phone G W Silke 1274. Terms tl 76
in advance. 4 10 22
Geddes Bros.
Why are Ued'lcs flrna. kept so
bnsyT Why do they sell the best
goods at the lowest prices.
Preferred 8t'k Tomatoes 3 (or SOu
Prelerrod Stock Corn 3 for 50o
Preferred Stock Salmon 3 for 50c
Preferred Btodk Peas 3 fof 50c
Preferred Stock Beans 3 for 50c
Don't pay other grocers 20 cents
a can for any of these goods.
Standard tomatoes, corn, beans
peaa, etc., 2 for 26 rents.
They have the best butter made
In the valley, aud their croamery
butter haa no equal here, Try
tt and see.
Dill pickles, Helnie'e mince
meat, Swift's pickle pig feet,
premium hems, loose olives.
Everything tasty, nice and cheap
Telephon 401
Geddes Bros.
- rv fi, ii'iwi'.';' -
Delightful Route, Daylight Kide,
Dizzy Crags,. Deep Canons.
A Golden Opportunity See
nature In all' ; , her glorious
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork. The first ia
found along the line of the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad
and the lutler at the St. Louis
World's Fair. Your trip will be
one of pleasure make the most
of it. For information and lllus
trnted literature write
W. 0. MoBRIDE, Gen. Agt.
Portland, Oregon
ACADEMY La Grande School of
La Grande, Oregon.
Cjih ucttd by Blhtcrs of St. Franci
r elect toarding and day school lor
Young adies
Aoademio, Preparatory and K ned
garten courses arc conducted on the
same principles as those pursued in
our schools ol Philadelphia.
Muaic and painting receive spi
Letters of inquiry directed to
jar. ann in i a i. ii. i-iiiiiu rajeci aoj
leave for the 8t, Ixiuit fair about the !
first ol the month,. -
Opposite Hcnimer I onfe.
One ol th.' Iit musical'-lnstitutions
in the et a t. Four rooms ued for
musical instruction, 15 gtades of
music thiiglit. Department 1, 2 rooms
une l for the 3 flrn grades. Children
at the age of 5 and older como one
hour etery day. Department 2, 2
rooms for grades 4 lo 15 for pupils of
all age. The latest course beat prac
tical musical instruction. Musical
eonlMli fnr medal, every few wetks.
E. Porter Day, Principal.
Mrs. Day, Assistant
I cun furnish you with the best hunly loses
one yeiir old at 25o each, or two yeiirs old at 45c.
Also all kinds of plui.ts, such as l'i.ii:-icn, Anters,
Petunias, D-iisitu, Candytuft, et't. I mako a
siecially of all outside woik, pruning, grading,
landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc.,
at very reasonable ra'es. Give mn a trial, I will
guarantee to give satitfaciion. All kinds nt trees,
shrubs, small fruits, cabbage, celery and tomato
plants. Open Sundays from 8 to 12 a. in .
Phone ti6i Greenhouse
Union Pacific
UKI-ABT Tim. HeWul 0J
' LA UUANtia. : v
NO. t - N.
8:60 p.m. Hah UN, Battel Fl,
Nil a. Worth, Omaha, K.imaa
-3l . m !H, Ht. IUU, Chlo.lte S. JJO
'sa m- anil W. 10::1 p.m
Portland, t'allen, f-JjSa. . -M(,
i itleUm, Wulla Walla, Mn '
. I'uyloii, l'lunorflx , ."V 4
" CkiaoMurW,,i1"'- MP
. 4 , lb via B
. t'ortland. Dullra, I'm
NO& cllotuit L'lHiilllla W'ul- NO hi
lti)a,lAwi.loii,t.'olrux f
, Moeuw, WutliK-eWfir g;3i.Iiilii
B:l5pm diifcr, MiMiltsas ami . r $
other polnla iwmt noil .
- nut 111 Via Hl-ei-r:;
Ni:nallyt-Cl,uij" nty, Alloel, " ff
ex.-tlt iimhier, tmf fk'n . J?-r?
Kuietny ;,nmW le at W kJOtSr -
this a mlwltli Hue forriNU afT";;:'
I In Wiillo" lailillty sj.
R. Smith President
J. M. BaaitT Vice President
J. M.CnuaCH Cashier
F.L. Mktkis Asst. Cashier
J. M. Berry, J. M. Church
i. B. Conley, R. Smith
L. Ctatanley
San I
imera between PortlaSS, ' i. iU'JKrf?'
o every live days -f.gSZ
E. C. MOO KB, f'"X:h&fM '
La Orande NaTicinal B;
ind aells
La Craode. Oi.Koa
Transaete a general banking business. Bays 1
all parte of the world. Collections 1
i. a' I