- ;fl . I- ' 1 m : 1 V tor .W2 BICYCLES The season it on for bicycles and if you wish to ride in the lead, jet Crescent or Rugby Wheel Step in and we will show you how they are built If your lawn needs sprinkling, we have cotton or rubber hose that will jive you perfect satisfaction. Our ball-bearing lawn mowers lead them all for easy running and durability. MRS. T. N. MURPHY Shovels, Spades, Hardware SNAPS SNAPS In all kinds of second hand goods. We pay cash and sell for caeh. Books 05 and up Cook stores 3 00 and np Bed steads 1 00 and up Bed springs Chairs . Revolvers Bicycles 50 and up 25 and up 1 00 and up 5 00 and up 20 lb eandy scale 2 00 Spray pump $ 7 60 Top buggy, new 50 00 Open buggy 15 00 Spring back 7 60 21 jewel Elgin watch 15 00 $25 suit of clothes 7 00 t 8 set Ebony brushes 1 00 Parlor hanging lamp 2 60 The La Grande Pawnbrokers Corner Fir and Adams W ZSiJlTd,,3.and 5 'Phone 1581 I TURKESTAN H At In AT 17 A aB& a xiit. x a.' The Dry Land Alfalfa grows without irri gation. BROME GRASS Red Clover, Alfa.fa and all kinds'of Garden Seed in bulk Seed Wheat, Baled Barley, Oats, Etc' The only Seed House in Union County. A. V. JEFFERSON AVE. Oliver Phone 1571 HM4IIIIH A FEW OBSERVATIONS BY OUR REPORTERS WmMIIMIMHMMIHIItlH M"M We Offer Good Shoes Hanan Shoes. k-over Shoes. tthat they are good. m $3.50 to $7.50. HINGS. Tbe street tprinkli r was out yesterday for the first time. 8bormaD Ituse ami wife was over from the Cove yesterday, ' Mesdames N. Doleo and Oll'e Hunt of Union are In the city. . W. H. BUakney nl Pendleton was in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. D. Flater who has been vi.it- ing friend in Portland returned Inst uiKlit. Mr. and Mis. Robt. Knowles of Dav ton Ohio, airlvtd last niht on a visit to their ton attorney J. W. Koowles, The last meeting foi the year of the Union County Teachers. Association was held at Suimuarvilla yesterday Yesterdays many visitors from tha Valley Indicated Ibat not a few farmers have about comp eted there spring work Tbe rafetyof tbe Proebstel bridge is loiijdr questioned, but it will be some time before truvel over it will be resumed. Win C. Hanson has been taking au iuforced layoff the past two weeks on account of a severe aitaik of quinsey. DruKKlst A. T. Hill yesterJay pur chased two lots near the High School building and expects to erect a resi dence thereou this summer. Last evening whs sorlil night for the Elks and their wives and it goes with out Buying that all present bad a delight lul time. Go to the Taylor Siuillo for Photo's nh a Photo jowelry reasonable prii'os and courteey and consideration always shown to all who call. O. E. Harper, the creamery man was in tbe city yesterday arid-rented a house on llnrd street and will move his fami ly over from Union this week.. Rav. W. H. llleakney passed throaah Hie city yesterday murning from I'en- llelon enroute to Klgin, where he will preach in the Presbyterian church today ine many friends of Clint Van Fleet the rustling agent for the Spoilsman Review, will be pained to know that he is on the retired Hat this week suffering wiiu a severe atiacK ol grippe. Mis. A. E . lvauhoo returne from Pendli ton last evening where she has been roclviug niodicnl treatment in St. Anuumy Hospital. She is verv much nnproveu in liomili ami expects soon to be quite strong again , CharldS K liure who served three ye .rs in the Union Army during the ml war in the same company with Post l oinmanders I, w. Fauck, was Mustered into Oliver P. Mortan Post of La lirundn yesterday. J. L, Corbett is down from the mines and will return with provisions in a few nays to resume work on the ltoyal. ie stm.es that soverul placer mines will soon start and owing to the boavy snow in the mountains the run this season Will be of grentor duration than during the . proceeding ten years, a. V. Harris was down yeBterday from Prospect ranch. Mr. Harris states that he had expected to stay the re .nainder of tbe summer and contiue with his partner Jack Sheoks bearding a bu.cli of sheep which had been intriuM ed to thoir-enro, but Dually concluded that there wns ton much company on the runge and had resigned his position aud would devote the rest of tbe warm season prospecting for tbe giittering gold. John Wright had a severe attack of heart trouble Sunday morning. Mr. Wright was alone in tbe drug store when tbe pnin caught him and was not discovered for sometime and whb un able to help himself. Medical aid wns summoned as quickly as possible and by careful atlontion the patient was reliev ed. Mr- Wright's many friends sre pleased to learn that the attack wns not worse. Seoul . Dissolution Notice Notice is hereby given that tbe partnership heretofore existing be tween B. IX Whiting and O. J. Black has this day April 18.1404. been dispolved by mutual consent. D.tid this tbe It day of April 1901 at La O -ande Oregon . O.J. Black. ' E. D. Whiting. April 17 May 17. WHEN YOU WANT RUBBER STAMPS REMEMBER ME. I manufacture every etyln on any mounting snd tarry a complete stock of Psil, Ink', fi cks, J'atere, Rubber Type, etc. Seal, ri ncti. Trade Check', Door PJatee, IVsml Scales. Write me what yon w nt I can please you by return mail. Eveiy stamp requirement supplied. WESLEY ANDREWS, Baker City. of La Grande School Auic OpioHti Soinmer lioiw. One of the beet musiottl iuntilutione in the mUIc Four rooms used (or nuoioftl inm ruction. 15 guides of fiiinoc thiiht. Pepurtment 1, 2 roome iicJ r the 3 tirft grades. Children nt the ttgp ol o And older como one hour evrry day. Department 2, 2 room 8 fnr grades 4 to 16 for pupils ol nil Agfa. The latest course best prao ticnl mufical inslruoiiou. Musical oon tost for medals every few wetks. E. Porter Day, Principal. Mrs. Day, Assistant SACRED HEART ACADEMY La Grande, Oregon. Conducted by rasters ol St. Francl Select boarding and day school for Young Ladles Academic, Preparatory and Kined garten coarses are conducted on the same principles as those pursued our lohools ol Philadelphia. Music and paiuting receive spocta attention Letters ol inquiry directed to Pasture Anyone having cows to pot in a pas ture call on Louis Barnard Old Town or phone O W Silke 1274. Terms )1 76 in advance. 4 16 22 FOR RENT A furnished four ruom cottage. lo ot Mrs Zuher. U TO RENT Barn centrally located. Jack chillis. See WANTED A 3, 4, or 2 room cottage furnished or unfurnished or rooms fcr light housekeeking No children. For particulars apply to J. II. Alexander at the O. S. Land Office. 4 21-ii WilfEXchaige. Singer Bowing machines for gocd driving horees. Maubir.es sold npon easy terms. Keprirs .'or all kiuds of machines. A. II. Stone. Oll'iie in .'as. R. Smiths Jewelry storo Central Church of Christ Opposite Souinier House. OPEN EVERY DAY Pastor's Office Hours 1 to 2:30 l'ree Reading Room oi en from noou until 9 p in. Men and boys invited. Bible school S'liiduy 10 a m Preach i i' g Sui.ilay 11 am and 7:30 pro, Prayer M eiipg Wednesday at 7:30 p. in. 8 WOOD WOOD OA The be i in .the ciiy, ' we v. t. The World's Fair Route Those anticipating an Eastern trip, or a visit to the Louisiana Purchase expo sition at St. Louis, cannot a I lord to overlook the advantages ottered by the Mimui'ki Pacific Railway, which, on acsoart of its various routes and gate ways, has beqn appropriately named 'The World's Fair Route." Paseengers from the Northwest take the MlBSooal pacific trains from Den ver or Pueblo with the choice of either going direct through the Kansas City, via Wichita, Fort Scott and Pleasant Hill. Two trains dally from Denver and Pueblo to St. Louis without change, carrying all classes of modern equip ment, including electrio lighted obser vation parlor cafe' dining cars. Ten daily trains' between Kansas City aud St Louis. Write, or call on W. (J. McBrhle, General Agent, 124 Third at, Portland for detailed information and illustrated literature. tf. LOST A ladies black macintosh cape Yellowish brown color lined with red white and blue cbck. Was lost some where between La Grande and Ladd Canyon school house. Finder please leave at this office. 4-lOtf It's in Mio ronkuiir tin' initkr most Of llH iliflVr. II- IrtAM' It vno 'I. "ll ami a po-'r nnr. The 1-t-t-t food will l ppoik'il hy por coo' i We lire to pni-,U-nt to uiih!6 tf"oil vYtmilB by p or cookl1 i. TIm p:itri'ii- of our rta'flnr ml t hth very pm tlu ar pi ip!o, f our ili--liop were not propc Iv ' 'iok'Ml c voulJ Ihrc 1 the t( mil' a lul l Ik ir pati-i'-nBKO hp uell I S( you always b.- si.ro of.i (irt r!aP3 int-'l liere. We anuot iVnl U oerve any oi l.er f inn. MODEL RESTAURANT J. A. AHBUCKLE, Prop. OPES;i)AY AND NIGHT We fell weekly Meal ff . Tickets, Cofli $4-50 Closing Out Sale My entire line of NEW GOODS. For the next 30 days am offering every article of new goods at net wholesale nost in order to dispose of tbe stock whioh includes gfanile waie, tin ware wooden wari, willow goods, orockery, glass ware, brooms, cooking stoves, buggy wbips eto SECOND HAND GOODS I have, a large asaortmeut of furniture, stoves, carpenters' tools, harness, jewelry, watches and ninny other useful articles in good condition, many good as new on which I will make very close prices. Free delivery to any part of town. WANTED. AU kinds of Second lluml Goods. Highest prices pnid. F. D. HA1STEN, - I45 Adams Successor to ('. and M. Nrhle. WE ARE IT! For Shoes. Other sluree mav bci us selling liu pans aud dry goods but they can't touoh us on sb'ies We've been eat ing, drinking , breathing and living sboes for so many years that we cto'l belp beat tbe business C. W. PRESTON, Shoe Specialist, DEPOT STREET I Handsome Men j Should protest their beauty by feeing that J they have only j COMPETENT BARBERS j J To slmve them. Wo J i will prfctect your Ince J Evans & Fitzgerald COAL fins lumf: Xn) thing in the HAY and GRAIN line." Call nt our store Sinter building, or phone 1801. GRANDE RONDECASil COAPANY. : : Free delivery 'Phone Main 1801 Wholesale and Retail tggijaax.nr.Ta'u-aiSvKsngrJa 1 iiej winr v I1. We have just received a sh'pim i'i 'i. , .t, , best shoes on the market and con lit you peifectly. Wo cau nive you the best pair of sh . for least money that yon can buy at-y vlnrr. i.d Come in. and buy one of sui's, n Kri petulorf Dili ui . bidt and t o happy. r Inittt lui.m shr.e, mi i.p-! inai'e -iii.te We are receiving new ur line ec mplcie. dad , !ii.'l) niiiket La Grande Mercantile Co, " Plione 19'U LA GRANDE, - - . ORCGON ssm'ssasassiEfssf; INDIGES t 4 -. I- ). How Can I Cure AVy 1 i N? THIS IS A QUESTION THA I' II Air! Is KEN ASKED T1ME"AND AGAIN BY HUNDREDS yes, thousands and tens of thousands of people There is but one way lo do this; namely, relieve the Stomach of its nervous strain rest it; and at the same time As.ist the Stomach and Diges tive Organs in Digesting and Assimulatiug Sufficient Food to Rebuild the Tissues Support ing the Organs Iuvoleed. There is but one remedy that will do this, and (hat remedy is KODOL DYSPEPSIA CURE. If you want to know more about Kodol, come in and WE WILL TELL YOU A. Te HILL, Prescription Druggist La Grande, Ore , Dry Chain Wood and 16-inch Slab Wood All otders given prompt atienlim.. Greenwood stand 3rd und l'iilnn r left at either yard pn mptly ilelivtn Yard:; on t. Ord-.rs Phone 571 H. W. NIBuEY First-Class JOB WORK at the OBSERVER iHiMiH-4Mt We Have Not Said Much About It, But We Have Ladies Trimmed Hats Too The Very Latest Direct From New York, The City That Sets the Pace in Fashions. THE GOLDEN RULE COMPANY 1308 1310 . 1312, ADAMS AVENUE. LA GHANDtiv-.. ' , : 'h .. . : - montinimiiitMniinitiiii)inmmHMttmininMMiitiniiimi nMttHiiiit I i 1 vfS'VERj SISTER SUPEBIOB i