La Grande morning observer. (La Grande, Or.) 1901-1904, April 21, 1904, Page 3, Image 3

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    4- MMtnJ4'44i:k
A Golden Opportunity j
For Spring House Cleaning and Re-furnishing.
For a short time ure offering BIG VALUES KOU CASH I
' to make roi ui for our uew goods. For exumplt: A 3 piece
bfd room suit, regular $18.60,' now 114.00. Prices posi-
S lively the lowest in city ou sutne quality of goads.
MATTING Our1iewlinenow ,.di8Plt'y in il,e ;
window, and many more., beautiful J
S. patterns inside. Coma in and look ut llieur. ' '5
i Undertaking and Embalming a Specialty :
My uudertnker H.-B. HISTEN, will rt-sporid 'promptly to I
' . all calls, day or night. , ,' ,-
Phone 91 .
Residence Phone 367
- 1202 Adams jAive
.. V at a, m m m m m mm m m m m mm m m mm m m m m m ataw
i, ., Y" t
Is nnrj to
h ru ii the
llOUSO is
putting tu
Running a House
c :
our own. Yuu oim keep
little improve iii'tlti as ttiuy are neiiled.
Kucli year Build ymi situated iuur
i ODitortably. TiiaVi Tie wiy in liut it
up a home. V l.nvp just what you
. want in e-'a e. lzy Miaul pr p
vrty, improved nn.l ti-i ii,.rov. d - We
always glad tou.lviso i uganliiyreal
tstnto investments.
Call in and see iw. ' ,.
La Grande Investment Company,
,1110 Aditins Avenue, - Lh (ii anfle, Oregoi.
' ' I. a Grande ,
Planing Mill and Lumber Yard
County Court.
The lo'lowlng tills were allowed at
the April term of county court, 1004.
E ( Republican, stationery aa per
bill....?. 17 50
Irwiu-Hodeoii oompany,'tationery
aa r,r bill........... SO 70
Recorder Pnhliehina Co., Btatlon-
ery ai per t 111 -. 14 75
VV A Maxwell,- stationer; and
printing aa per bill.,. ........ 20 00
Union Printerv, stationery na per '
bill ,' ) 00
BuslnuK & Co., stationery as per
bill .....v 12 00
(ilaes and Prudhomme, ttatlnnery
an per bill..'...: 40 IB
La Grande Chronicle, printing aa
per bill....;.... .... 5 65
Robert Blumenatein, commission.
' era fees .......,. !M 50
James A PIluLer, commissioner'
feea 80 00
J R .Oliver, j p leea State vs Mo-.'
Grath 11 SO
Fred Wilson, concta le feea state
vs. McGrath 1 SO
Wm Grant, p foes, State v Smith ' 7 35
L Rsybnrn. con. leea on name.... 81 65
Richard Ryan, witness same..... 1 70
Wm Grant, p fees. State v Lewis 10 40
Win Grant. I. n Iiee. Stnte va
Mullen 7 65
J II McLarhlen, i'oii. on same.... 3 00
A V Andrews: 'witness, same 1 70
i lir W Smith, same-.... 170
j Wm irant, j (tea. State va.
I Nelson 0 55
H C Cottier, cru. fe a on'. . 10 15
; Wu Kultlilt v ItueB same . 1 70
; W P. Noble, saute 1 70
Gen W Leo. amie :. 1 70 1 Notice in hereby (tiveo that I ho
J R 01ivr. j p few! htate va Webb 5 45 pariuer.hip heraolore existing be-
Wm Unm', j p fees, State vs. tween r WbiiinR and C. J'.- Black
u baa this day April 18 1J04. been
J H M-uaehl-D. con. fees, .... 10 ldlfcol?ed by mlltual consent.
rrei jucow, wiiness came o -u . . ... . . . . .. ,nnJ
s Democratic Ticket
Foli'iwinn ia. the complete tide!
nomiuoted at the drmooratio' slate
oourenlion, : :' ' ""
Knpierue Judge, Thomas C'U'y.
Congressman Irom 8icood Distriot,
Rntterl M Veateb, Lne.
Dairy and Food Commissioner, 8
It Douslaa
Prealdeotial electors, John A Jeff-
ray, Marion; T H Crawlord, Union;
W B Dillsr, Columbia, and J H
Smith, OlaUop. ...
Irfglslative Ticket
For Joiut Senaoor Irom Union and
Wallowa, W Q Hunter.
' For Joint Representative) . from
Cuion and Wallowa, Byron Miller
. Jadioial Tioket
Eighth Jadioial Distriot For Dis
trict Attorney Samuel White.
Classified jAds I
FOR SALE J SiugleDiso Beet Plows
: for aal dm p. Also 3 eaddle .ponks
one half Shetland. 8 pxd alogie
driving hone. . J . E. Reynold.
FOR SALE A yearling beifer, ball
Joraey and Ball Durham. Inquire at
v . tbla offlca or pboue 160. ;
Treasurer's Call for City Warrants
Notice la hereby given that there are
now lundi on handa to pay all ont
standing warrants issued . on General
Fund of La Grande City, op to anJ in.
eluding, No 3060 endorsed A prli 30 1901.
: Interest on all warrant on General
Fund from No 3508 to No:lfl50 inclusive,
oeaeea from this date.
La Grande, Oregon, April 18 1904.
E J Waleh
. City Trensurer.
Dissolution Notice
Notice is hereby given that
We have a i)"W stork of do and sn1:'! oirinH
from the falory, at r i -o-s thitt ciiniio! lie Give
us your order "or LUMPE!! :i".d we will rnifh iliiwt
from the milia t Perry oiiyihnig you ruuv n quirti.
We cun get any kind of mill -ork n'r fi.iish t'j older
Cedar shingles in first and second tiudit-y or diiucusi'in
and fancy butt. A'lyihinj; wu liaveu't ii stock we
can get for ym on -h irt notice
Figure wiilt ui uikI be convinced and s ilUSed.
We have native .pin'" and !tttntir-ii:k.'iinp'irLed fir, cedar
spruce a:i i redwoi d,. gutter pipes, oor'ier and base
blockf, lialuslers, hrauketa, col invii, bruds, uowidls,
spindlfS and table le,"e.
Allen Webb, B;ime..
K B Moreloi-k, j p ties, ttate vs.
Nelson .'.
W M Morelock, constable same. .
II 12 Davis, ' .witueaa . .. . .,
William Pae, sanie
Klmer Christiua, same
Carl HHllaitli
J C Chiliau8en, snme
C'liur'iM Ilnllfrlh, cane
Jt-sie Thompson, same
J It Oliver, j p fees statu va
Fred WiIboj, p6rial con. Stnte
vs Ptirkin-oii '..
J 'A Wooilc) juror June term cir
cuit court .1990.-
10 SO
6 20
1 70
1 7'J
1 70
1 70
1 50
1 DO
1 70
5 45
2 20
9 40
at La G ande Oregou .
O. 3 ', it' irk.
' E. D. 'tilting.
Apiil 17 May 17.
(( ontitiued tomorrow)
J K-T'!.e ice is now in motion. Phone
. your nn'er to l'.'Ofl and Iho xanoo will
j call promptly. . ; y'iO 519
..... . FOB SALE , ., , .
Indian Banner Dusk eggs, thor
ough bred Imported stock, nly a Uni
ted number. W. N. Monroe, La-
Graode. v W-Sdia.
All the fixtures of the Cove Creamery
inclodlng one eight hone) power engine
and ten -hone power boiler, churn 'and
bntter work, and )' huge' checsc-prea
vaUatc. . -
: i Mr UaU Mitenell
a-8-tl , - -.' Coa,Oragon.
,', FOR 8AL ! . : ' .,
Two acre tract, East of the La Grand
Flooring mill, one half, in good bearing
orchard. Small cottage, Hind good barn.
Wlllell for cash or will; trad for ' good
work bone. L O Grout
T F ' UGrnd,'Ora.
Having dlspoaed of my grocery bin
ness, I would like all tboae who r in
dabted lorn, to please, rail and ettle,
either by cash or note. - My hooks are
at O L Thoiu'a grocery store fa Fir
treat, where settlement can be niaile.
NuTlCE Hrevsiiiakiugaud PJaht Sew
ing. Next door to Mrs. Shoak's rcU
dence. North of the pallrosd shops.
4-3-11 ' Mrs. Adna Rooaa.
LOST Between La Grande and Deal
, Canyon, a 3Sr3u7i"tti nd Wesou re
volver. Finder, please leave at this
office and receive reward.
OW "Martin-'"""
WANTED Cream at La Ura.ide Drug;
Co. ' i 13-1!.
Dawut kta aaM tears far wsr'
I w .tea nmm m
Haul sa la rha
SCS's siaSr 'w'K !aMi
that la auaa ha taa iisiiii
. DaWRI'sWadi HaBlSOta
u a laociiu far pumi aaaa, iirttm,
ItesawsaaPriaraitisFWas. AtaaCiaa,
i 6oliarcitarlii. .una.
E.C. DeWitt t C..Chka
Two girl lo'lutrn the millinery trade I
at onoa. Inquire of Mr J R .rYrrstt.
For Sale by all DiuggiBts
'. -4.
'- Plaaaant room and good board fori
gaatlamen. Inqnlr at 601 T street
known aa th Bogb house. 8 4 - ti
i Much more abondast than last year,
and open for all kinds of stock during
April. ' Small pastures for stock needed
at short notice etc. Apply to 1110. B
Bt Old town. P. O. Box 14. Tele
phneU76. ' 11 .....
FOR SALE Large two storyi. house,
good barn, about 7 aciea of land
with for sale, will take Dart
payment either In. city property M FN Xhe Er. Ltebig stall, only
or farm land. Bightly located in ' apacialtiatt- lor
tldtowu. For particulars inquire at
c or v k
The undersigned has purchased 1
the busin si koowtt'asthS Harris . . J .
this offlce or of E Damon ' 4-1 tl.
FOR SALE- 150 sacks of fine early roso
r-f el potatees. mile east of L Olden
burg's farm. -4-0
tf . J S Chandler
FOR BALE Tooie block with new
6 room lioutc, barn, out houses, ell
improve 1 fill 0, limo given on part.
This will boar investigation situated
on N Cherry and N street. ' '
. 4-8 tf Fred waring '
Cash Meat Market and will here
after conduct the same. ,
men. ooo- v we wisu to iaioru tue puunc
tinue tooure all ohronio. private and .j,,,, w- Drenal.0ii to furnish
nervous ailments, ol importance, akin I ..... . ,
diaeaaes, ihematism, eatarrab, etc. ail Kiuas OI 'meats, game ana
Dr. A. C. Btoddard, fb lor nou trv at the verv lowoat nrinaa
coriaistaut with first-clas articles
yeara medical direotor. 71 sixth HI.,
Portland, Or. Ill Yeeler Way, Seat-
le, Waab. Call nr write;
A great opportunity for you
to breed to one of the best at . a
verv low price. I will make
tuis.sea80n with my imported
fm5ous Uo-kney stftllion
Willi return privilege $8 pay
able iu advance. No o:her
terms. Can give good refern-
ces as to uis cutis,
iVm. C. Hanson .
LUMBER The Stoddard Lumbe r o
has secured the lumber from.1 the
mills lI the Grande Ronde Lumber
Co to tuppl) the retail market in the
- city of La Grande. r
FOR SALE 5 lota, with' good dwell
ing house end barn on out aklrtaof
' City. For father particulars ae G W
Thomas at Bock and Thomai Meat
Market 823tf.
Wc will call for it and bring it
home when promised.
We gu.-ranlee satisfaction and only ask for a
trial order to demonstrate to you that we un
derstand the laundry business. You con stop
our wagon at any time or phone the Laundry
and your work will be called for at once. We
make a specialty of family washing, and can
do your washing better and cheaper than
you. A trial order toliciled.
Union Steam Laundry
PHONE 1931. ' 742 Fill STHEET.
iri;ajai'SiaJW0'wwww -
t ' i
Local Markets.
Eggs, fresh valley 15ots '
Butter, oreaimry' 65o and flrstelas
dairy 60c per roll.
Potatoes 65nts per saok.
Applts,75o. to SOcts. per box.
Cabbage, SJnt. ier lb. : -
Turkies, 10 ots. lb. live weight. 7-
Wheat 74o 10SO0 per bu.
Oats 1.10 pel cental
Barlej 80o per cental
Portland Markets.
The steady decline in Eastern and
foreign markets has taken the life out
of tbe local wheat markot. Bayers
and sellers are farther apart than ever
and business is at a standi till, with
the tone deeidedly weak.
WHEAT Walla Wall, 76c;
blue stem, 82c; Valley, 81.
BARLEY Feed, 2? per ton, brew
ittp,$24; rolled ?26.
FLOUR Valley, If 3 90 ami 3.95 per
I am I; hard whi'stelrniKhti, 3 60 and
3 70; clear-, !fH.85 ami 400; h ird what
pntpntn, fl.H0 and 4.10; Dak 'la hard
wheat, (5.40 and $6.00; graham, 13.90
whole wheat, f 4; rye flour,' 84.50 knd
1 OATS No. 1 white, fl.17; gray
11.10 per cental.
. MILL8TUFF8--Bran, f 18 per ton)
middling, $24; shorts, $20; ohop, U.
8. mills, $16; linseed, dairy tood $19
- HAY Timothy, $16 pel ton; 0I07
er,$12;gralD,$12; eheat, $13. ,
; Potatoes, 80' to 70 cents perl ok.i
Onicna 80 cnta to $1.00 pr sackt;
1 Eggs Oregon, 164917 oU; Eastern
SD iio
Batter Creamery,' 25 nd 80o
Dairy, 17, and 20c, ator 0810o lb
Poultry Chickens, mixed lOo par
pound. ' spring, lOo and bens,
)0o , turkeys live, 17 ' and " 18o
lb dressed 18 and 20o lb-, ducks, $6
and 7 t er doi. geese, 80 lb.
Cattle Best steers $4.25 and $4,00,
medium, 4.00; cow; $3.25 and $4.00
Hogs Beet large, lat $5.25; medium
lariie tat 4.76
Shcpi Brst weathers $3.60-, nnred
shepp $3.
tl n ant rr sprvw n f7t IfTfaWl PJff T
"'f--'--' ' Li 'i.aatf .11 f
When the Kidneys fail to p-rfcrm their functions properly by not straining out the poison
ous waste matter from the blood as it passes through them, the poisons are earned by tiie
circulation to every part of the body, deranging the different organs. This causes heart
trouble stomich trouble, slavish liver and a host of other ills, all due to deranged Kidneys.
ac'i r.trO laUr.'A XT fAJSf S.J r' .1
pi m
1 i i X
3 iiialaii 4SiW &1
corrects irrc-ularitics anJ cures Kidney and Bladder diseases in every form, tones up the
corrects ine0uiaiu whole system, and the diseases that have
cubed CF BniCHT'S ossEftSE. rMuiltid fmm disordered Kidnevs disaoDear,
,idhl to rsll( VP mvDH.uri. ,,.
Mr. Robert Q. Bn
It I had to e-t up frtiiTt H to 10 times en
r tr.ij
wllh dror,y
tcroii trie r
was ura4ri t
mence taking FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE
i . . A cv-sr ifriKIRV CURB. On" slVcr-nt Dot lie . l lUa vm -v Hln rraf Trx nrf fiela
v a Incriil to IfV rui-i.i . a u aa tvril ail I I I r 111 T I. aillll Ul uailULli J llllb IIOBk
naving urignt s .wiacaac ui wiauci.c.
v cyrFiprit
In fact. I lift-
had (tone, well ii
u vu. .L., -,( aa !tiw
h-m-.h-w--- Two S!zes 60 Cent9 and $1.00.
A. T. Bill, Prescription Druggist
FOR SALE 6 acre Iruit farm, all bear
ing, good bouse and barn,' well im
proved, well wa'ered also Jersey milch
cow, black menorca ch!6kens, " house
hold goods, and etc.1 Apply to "
4-14tt.dw. ' J W Helm'r; May Jark
FOB RENT A block ot ground with
bearing Orchard, garden, smalt- house
and barn.' Inquire at the office ol F
' S IVanhoe "'
. . . , FOR RENT , '
A furnished four room cottage. In-
of Mr Zuber. U ..
LOST Between 1409 Adams Avenue
, and fee rest . Bra. - Hardware . aqd
Second Hsna 6tore, on dark red
leather bill book; containing, deposit
certificates on I a .Grand National
Bank to the amount ol three, hundred
, twenty five dollars ($326). Certificates
lor Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Henderson'.
Finder' please "leave 'same' at La
Grande National Bank and receive
' iward. "Paper's ot no vain except' t!o
owners. - - '" 3-22-tf
FOR RENT A 6ve room furnished
house lor rent, ii For parttcoleiai phone
771orl93S or inquire ol Mr G W
Henry. '4-1 r
We have Jnst received a1 h lot ol
paper back hovels. Ia1 sddltlon to-the
we have added SO? cloth tound books to
our exchange library.' - "
Newlln Drag Co.
From $500.00 to
000.00 a ; "
month can be made by parties who
oan invest from $600 to $1600. One
eastern investor made $66,000 in
1003, call or write lor particulars
Tbe Wm.R White Co., six fine rit
Portland, Oregon. - . .. -
We have . our own delivery ;
and make two trips daily to the
Old r Town: '; HicUeBt uiarkeft
price paid for all cattle, hogs aitrt
sheep. We solicit a sharo ol .
your - pntrpiia'ge and " guaraute'e V
the very best satisfn'etiou,- :
-' a-.v?.;.--.
Pasture, Wood, Horses, Houses and
- Good feed and small pastures easily
reaobed $1.26 lor single1 bead per track. Phone 1601.
month, rates lees lor bunches. Best
yellow pine and other , wood in any
length, work, riding and driviDg
horses lor sale. Houses for rent in
tbe best resideoce sites in the com
munity. Apply 1101 B st old town
PO Box 841. Phone 1276. - ; 4-6-tl
Phone orders receive prompt ' ' ,
,nd careful attentifcn'. ' 1 " , 1 , , S " '
. Harris meat market across the
Express and Delivery
- Adna Rogers, Phone 1497. Air-call. Delightful Eoute, Daylight Ride,, '
receive prompt attention. , Geneia.
express and delivery business, - ' tl
;. ;V ' ':' ";-v 9
NOTICE Is hereb given' that I" have
riven mv son ' William Wllkla his
time and Irom this dste 1 will not be '
responsible lor any debts contracted
by bim, or any contracts he may make
March 21, 1004.
3-22-tf AiiKUfte Rothlage. -
Geddes Bros.
Why areGcililee Bros.- kept so
bnayt Why do they sell the beet
foods at tbe looeet prices .
'referred Bt'k Tomatoes 3 (or 50c
Preferred Stock Corn 3 for SOc
Prplerred Stock Salmon 8 (or 60c
Preferred H tod It Peas
Preferred Btook Beans
8 (of We
3 for 60a
Dizzy Crags, Peep Ctuious.
a i.ijjideri upportuntty ae ( ' S
nature .iJn" all ' her v-r stloriouav ?;'-..,;,v----;i-'v'-.';: '!. Utfrn
beauty, and then the acme of
man's handiwork.' Theirs'. it-J
found along the line of - the
Denver & Rio Grande Railroad ',".
and the' latter at the Si, Louis ' '
World's Fair. Your trip will bo Q
one of pleasure rmake the most' s.:.
ot it. For information and illus ; ' ;
trated literatnre write .
W, 0. MoBRIDB, Gen.'Agt. ;
' 1 ;- ? Portland, Oregon "p
DonH pay other grocers 20 cents
a oan for any of these goods.
Standard tomatoes, corn, beans
peas, etc., 2 for 25 rants.
They have the best butter made
in the valley, and their creamery
butter has no equal here, Try
it and see.
Dill pickles, Helnze's mince
meat, Swift's pickle pig feet,
premium hams, loose olives.
Everything tasty, nice and cheap
Telephon 461 . .
Geddes Bros.
ic.j-V .- '-W
NO. 2
8:60 p. ills
NO. 0.
8:110 a. m.
Bait Lftke. DetiTer Ft
Worth, Oinahft, KinrW"
('.ttv, Ht. Lou li, CbLoaKO
mm nut.
I can furnish you with the best hurdy loses -one
yeiir r-i.l at 25o each, or two years old at 45o.
Also ull kimU of placts, such as Pansies, Anters,
Petunias, Daivies, Candytuft, elf,-' I muko a
specinlty ot all outsido woik, priming, grafting,
landscape work, gardening, lawn mowing, etc.,
at very reusoiiable la'es. Give me a trial,! will
guarantee to give euti-faction. All k'.nda of tret s,
shrub, small fruits, cabbage, celery and tomato
pliutl'c Opeu Suudays from 8 to 12 a. m .
.Phone ii6i Greenhouse
0:16 pm
- Time achertal
Vorrland, nalIon, Peu-
ureuiri. aam walla.
llnvloli. lo rnm J
Colfax, MoAcow,Bpo'
KHUC Ulllll.
: U . .tU VU 8p0.
t'ortland, Dulli, VkixA
melon u mm 1 1 in iiri
Ullu, LewlRloii.Oolfas
M)MIW, Vu!la-.'. War
iIiit, MiKi,Aim e.iil
mljcr point ;n4l.:inJ
nm In VI:-. Hpiikiifi-'.
,N'.T.,l)illlV'.,itr. CUV.
XI-(lIt ll...t:l. Vlli.
Huuiluy .,,..ccllfn ui Msln
-f!5 a TO' Willi pliiiif forp-lnts
r . i in vn;ww couau
NO. 1. , a. m;
t0:ltu p. in
R. MyiTH
I. M. Bkrht..
J. M.CiiL-acii
F. L. Mktkss.
..President '
..Vice President '
. . .Asst. Cashier
' -
J. M. Barry, J. M. Church .
A.B.Conley, R. Smith j'rl 10
U O. Stanley j )
3655 .
La Grande Nation a l-Sz""
" La Granils. Oregon - f 0
vnriinh nnu suarLUS, rr
TrmnsacU a general banking business. Buys af'
all narta of tha m,M. (VllMioa CaJ
sen furi U 1-r:;'.'
r: l?VrV'','i,,'.';':.i.'
2. 'il .
rj--i ,.',,jR-u't
r -.?WSW:LS. 'v . I
f lfv-:
Pifn FranWs. o overy Ave dsW
.' i C. JlOOW'
V ' N,,